116 research outputs found

    Metabolic Syndrome During Perinatal Period in Sows and the Link With Gut Microbiota and Metabolites

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    In humans, the metabolic and immune changes occurring during perinatal period also describe metabolic syndrome. Gut microbiota can cause symptoms of metabolic syndrome in pregnant women. Increased gut permeability is also involved in metabolic disorders in non-pregnant hosts. However, longitudinal studies investigating the changes in metabolic characteristics, gut microbiota, and gut permeability of sows throughout pregnancy and lactation are lacking. The correlation between gut microbiota and metabolic status of sows is also poorly known. The present study was conducted to investigate the temporal variations in sow metabolic characteristics, gut microbiota, gut permeability, and gut inflammation at days 30 (G30) and 109 (G109) of gestation and days 3 (L3) and 14 (L14) of lactation. Results showed that insulin sensitivity was decreased in L3. Circulating concentrations of pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-6 increased in G109 and L3. 16S rRNA gene sequencing of the V3-V4 region showed that gut microbiota changed dramatically across different reproductive stages. The bacterial abundance and alpha diversity in L3 were the lowest. The phyla Proteobacteria and Fusobacteria exhibited the highest relative abundance in L3. Among the genera, Bacteroides, Escherichia_Shigella, and Fusobacterium were highest, but Oscillospira the lowest, in relative abundance in L3. The fecal levels of acetate and total short-chain fatty acids were increased in G109, but fecal butyrate concentrations were markedly decreased in L3. The plasma zonulin concentrations, a biomarker for gut permeability, were increased in G109 and L3. The plasma endotoxin concentrations were increased in L3. Furthermore, levels of fecal lipocalin-2 and pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and TNF-α were increased in G109 and L3. In contrast, fecal levels of anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 were significantly decreased in G109 and L3. Additionally, the increased relative abundances of Fusobacterium in L3 were positively correlated with plasma zonulin and fecal endotoxin but negatively correlated with fecal IL-10. These findings indicate that the mother sow exhibits a metabolic syndrome and dramatical changes in gut microbiota during perinatal period, especially in early lactation. Besides, increased gut permeability and plasma endotoxin concentrations caused by negative microbial changes would possibly be the potential mechanisms under which sow’s metabolic disorders and inflammatory status were exacerbated during early lactation

    Absorption-based algorithm for satellite estimating the particulate organic carbon concentration in the global surface ocean

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    Particulate organic carbon (POC) in the surface ocean contributes to understanding the global ocean carbon cycle system. The surface POC concentration can be effectively detected using satellites. In open oceans, the blue-to-green band ratio (BG) algorithm is often used to obtain global surface ocean POC concentrations. However, POC concentrations are underestimated in waters with complex optical environments. To generate a more accurate global POC mapping in the surface ocean, we developed a new ocean color algorithm using a mixed global-scale in situ POC dataset with the concentration ranging from 11.10 to 4389.28 mg/m3. The new algorithm (a-POC) was established to retrieve the POC concentration using the strong relationship between the absorption coefficient at 490 nm (a(490)) and POC, in which a(490) was from the Ocean Color Climate Change Initiative (OC-CCI) v5.0 suite. Afterward, the a-POC algorithm was applied to OC-CCI v5.0 data for special regions and the global ocean. The performances of the a-POC algorithm and the BG algorithm were compared by combining the match-ups of satellite data and in situ dataset. The results showed that the statistical parameters of the a-POC algorithm were similar to those of the BG algorithm in the Atlantic oligotrophic gyre regions, with a median absolute percentage deviation (MAPD) value of 22.04%. In the eastern coastal waters of the United States and the Chesapeake Bay, the POC concentration retrieved by the a-POC algorithm was highly consistent with the match-ups, and MAPD values were 33.06% and 26.11%. The a-POC algorithm was also applied to the Ocean and Land Color Instrument (OLCI) data pre-processed with different atmospheric correction algorithms to evaluate the universality. The result showed that the a-POC algorithm was robust and less sensitive to atmospheric correction than the BG algorithm

    Expression pattern and polymorphism of three microsatellite markers in the porcine CA3 gene

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    Carbonic anhydrase III (CA3) is an abundant muscle protein characteristic of adult type-1, slow-twitch, muscle fibres. In order to further understand the functions of the porcine CA3 protein in muscle, the temporal and spatial distributions of its gene product were analysed and the association between the presence of specific polymorphisms and carcass traits in the pig was also examined. Real-time PCR revealed that the CA3 mRNA expression showed no differences with age in skeletal muscles from Yorkshire pigs at postnatal day-1, month-2, and month-4. We provide the first evidence that CA3 is differentially expressed in the skeletal muscle of Yorkshire and Meishan pig breeds. In addition, the whole pig genomic DNA sequence of CA3 was investigated and shown to contain seven exons and six introns. Comparative sequencing of the gene from three pig breeds revealed the existence of microsatellite SJ160 in intron 5 and microsatellite SJ158 and a novel microsatellite marker that includes a tandem repeat of (TC)n in intron 4. We also determined the allele number and frequencies of the three loci in seven pig breeds and found that they are low polymorphic microsatellite markers. Statistical analysis showed that the CA3 microsatellite polymorphism was associated with dressing percentage, internal fat rate, carcass length, rib number and backfat thickness in the pig

    Sunlight-Activated Propidium Monoazide Pretreatment for Differentiation of Viable and Dead Bacteria by Quantitative Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction

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    Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based methods have been developed and increasingly used for rapid and sensitive detection of pathogens in water samples to better protect public health. A propidium monoazide (PMA) pretreatment can help to differentiate between viable and dead cells, but the photoactivation of PMA normally requires the use of an energy-consuming halogen light, which is not suitable for off-the-grid applications. Herein, we investigate sunlight as an alternative light source. Our results suggest that sunlight can successfully activate PMA, and the sunlight-activated PMA pretreatment can effectively reduce the amplification of DNA derived from dead cells in PCR assays. Potentially, a sunlight-activated PMA pretreatment unit can be integrated into a lab-on-a-chip PCR device for off-the-grid microbial detection and quantification

    Microarray-Based Approach Identifies Differentially Expressed MicroRNAs in Porcine Sexually Immature and Mature Testes

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short non-coding RNA molecules which are proved to be involved in mammalian spermatogenesis. Their expression and function in the porcine germ cells are not fully understood.We employed a miRNA microarray containing 1260 unique miRNA probes to evaluate the miRNA expression patterns between sexually immature (60-day) and mature (180-day) pig testes. One hundred and twenty nine miRNAs representing 164 reporter miRNAs were expressed differently (p<0.1). Fifty one miRNAs were significantly up-regulated and 78 miRNAs were down-regulated in mature testes. Nine of these differentially expressed miRNAs were validated using quantitative RT-PCR assay. Totally 15,919 putative miRNA-target sites were detected by using RNA22 method to align 445 NCBI pig cDNA sequences with these 129 differentially expressed miRNAs, and seven putative target genes involved in spermatogenesis including DAZL, RNF4 gene were simply confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR.Overall, the results of this study indicated specific miRNAs expression in porcine testes and suggested that miRNAs had a role in regulating spermatogenesis

    Microarray profiling for differential gene expression in PMSG-hCG stimulated preovulatory ovarian follicles of Chinese Taihu and Large White sows

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Chinese Taihu is one of the most prolific pig breeds in the world, which farrows at least five more piglets per litter than Western pig breeds partly due to a greater ovulation rate. Variation of ovulation rate maybe associated with the differences in the transcriptome of Chinese Taihu and Large White ovaries. In order to understand the molecular basis of the greater ovulation rate of Chinese Taihu sows, expression profiling experiments were conducted to identify differentially expressed genes in ovarian follicles at the preovulatory stage of a PMSG-hCG stimulated estrous cycle from 3 Chinese Taihu and 3 Large White cycling sows by using the Affymetrix Porcine Genechip™.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>One hundred and thirty-three differentially expressed genes were identified between Chinese Taihu and Large White sows by using Affymetrix porcine GeneChip (<it>p </it>≤ 0.05, Fold change ≥ 2 or ≤ 0.5). Gene Ontology (GO) analysis revealed that these genes belonged to the class of genes that participated in regulation of cellular process, regulation of biological process, biological regulation, developmental process, cell communication and signal transduction and so on. Significant differential expression of 6 genes including <it>WNT10B </it>and <it>DKK2 </it>in the WNT signaling pathway was detected. Real-time RT-PCR confirmed the expression pattern in seven of eight selected genes. A search of chromosomal location revealed that 92 differentially expressed transcripts located to the intervals of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for reproduction traits. Furthermore, SNPs of two differentially expressed genes- <it>BAX </it>and <it>BMPR1B </it>were showed to be associated with litter size traits in Large White pigs and Chinese DIV line pigs (<it>p </it>≤ 0.1 or <it>p </it>≤ 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study detected many genes that showed differential expression between ovary follicles of two divergent breeds of pigs. Genes involved with regulation of cellular process, regulation of biological process, in addition to several genes not previously associated with ovarian physiology or with unknown function, were differentially expressed between two breeds. The suggestive or significant associations of <it>BAX </it>and <it>BMPR1B </it>gene with litter size indicated these genetic markers had the potentials to be used in pig industry after further validation of their genetic effects. Taken together, this study reveals many potential avenues of investigation for seeking new insights into ovarian physiology and the genetic control of reproduction.</p

    Discovery of Potential piRNAs from Next Generation Sequences of the Sexually Mature Porcine Testes

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    Piwi- interacting RNAs (piRNAs), a new class of small RNAs discovered from mammalian testes, are involved in transcriptional silencing of retrotransposons and other genetic elements in germ line cells. In order to identify a full transcriptome set of piRNAs expressed in the sexually mature porcine testes, small RNA fractions were extracted and were subjected to a Solexa deep sequencing. We cloned 6,913,561 clean reads of Sus Scrofa small RNAs (18–30 nt) and performed functional characterization. Sus Scrofa small RNAs showed a bimodal length distribution with two peaks at 21 nt and 29 nt. Then from 938,328 deep-sequenced small RNAs (26–30 nt), 375,195 piRNAs were identified by a k-mer scheme and 326 piRNAs were identified by homology searches. All piRNAs predicted by the k-mer scheme were then mapped to swine genome by Short Oligonucleotide Analysis Package (SOAP), and 81.61% of all uniquely mapping piRNAs (197,673) were located to 1124 defined genomic regions (5.85 Mb). Within these regions, 536 and 501 piRNA clusters generally distributed across only minus or plus genomic strand, 48 piRNA clusters distributed on two strands but in a divergent manner, and 39 piRNA clusters distributed on two strands in an overlapping manner. Furthermore, expression pattern of 7 piRNAs identified by homology searches showed 5 piRNAs displayed a ubiquitous expression pattern, although 2 piRNAs were specifically expressed in the testes. Overall, our results provide new information of porcine piRNAs and their specific expression pattern in porcine testes suggests that piRNAs have a role in regulating spermatogenesis