4 research outputs found

    Strukturni pokazatelji grozda i bobice klonova sorte Burgundac crni i njihov uticaj na hemijske karakteristike vina

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    Research were carried out in the vineyard of Experimental field “Radmilovac” at Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade and included 3 Pinot Noir clones: R4, 115 and 667. For the purpose of research the structural indicators of grape and berries by are selected ten vines of each clone. Wine of the clones was prepared by procedure microvinification. Of all the tested clones, clone R4 had the best relationship structure of the bunch (bunch stem - 3.91%, and berries - 96.09%) and the highest concentration of total phenolic compounds. A strong correlation between the skin in the berries and the total phenolic compounds in all wine was founded.Istraživanja su obavljena na OD “Radmilovac” Poljoprivrednog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu i obuhvatila su tri klona sorte Burgundac crni: R4, 115 i 667. Za ispitivanja strukturnih pokazatelja grozda i bobice odabrano je po 10 čokota svakog klona. Vino od klonova je spravljeno postupkom mikrovinifikacije. Od svih ispitivanih klonova, klon R4 je imao najpovoljniji odnos strukture grozda (ogrozdina - 3,91%; bobice - 96,09%), kao i najveću koncentraciju ukupnih fenolnih jedinjenja u vinu. Kod ispitivanih klonova je utvrđena jaka korelaciona zavisnost između udela pokožice u bobici i količine ukupnih fenolnih jedinjenja u vinu


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    This research was focused on the antioxidant properties of grape variety Pinot Noir in the period from 2009-2011 in Vojvodina (location Vršac - 45o 8' 40,80" N; 21º 24' 7,97" E, 199 m a. s. l.). Pinot Noir variety was grown on Berlandieri x Riparia Kober 5BB rootstock, at a distance of 3 x 0.8 m. Mechanical properties of bunch and berry, quality and chemical properties of grapes were analyzed. The contents of monomeric and polymeric anthocyanins in grape berry skin were 11.68 and 94.67 mg of malvidin-3-glucoside/g. Correlative relationship between phenolic content and antioxidant activity of berry skin was r = 0.754, n = 18, p <0.0005. Quality and antioxidant activity of Pinot Noir grape variety was determined to be high under the agroecological conditions of Vršac in Serbia


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    This paper describes some important properties of five new grapevine genotypes (8533, 7912, 15212, 13283 and 14558) created for red wine production. Yield, mechanical properties of bunch and berry, and quality properties of grapes were analyzed. Genotype 7912 had a high yield (2.75 kg vine-1). The high contents of anthocyanins in grape berry skin were found in the genotypes 8533, 13283 and 15212 (10.65; 10.36; 10.07 mg/sample). Quality of grape of examined genotypes were determined to be high under the agroecological conditions of Belgrade grape growing region in Serbia. Genotype 13283 appeared to be the most promising for yield and grape quality. All the investigated genotypes have been proposed to the Committee on new varieties in Serbia

    Strukturni pokazatelji grozda i bobice klonova sorte Burgundac crni i njihov uticaj na hemijske karakteristike vina

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    Research were carried out in the vineyard of Experimental field “Radmilovac” at Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade and included 3 Pinot Noir clones: R4, 115 and 667. For the purpose of research the structural indicators of grape and berries by are selected ten vines of each clone. Wine of the clones was prepared by procedure microvinification. Of all the tested clones, clone R4 had the best relationship structure of the bunch (bunch stem - 3.91%, and berries - 96.09%) and the highest concentration of total phenolic compounds. A strong correlation between the skin in the berries and the total phenolic compounds in all wine was founded.Istraživanja su obavljena na OD “Radmilovac” Poljoprivrednog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu i obuhvatila su tri klona sorte Burgundac crni: R4, 115 i 667. Za ispitivanja strukturnih pokazatelja grozda i bobice odabrano je po 10 čokota svakog klona. Vino od klonova je spravljeno postupkom mikrovinifikacije. Od svih ispitivanih klonova, klon R4 je imao najpovoljniji odnos strukture grozda (ogrozdina - 3,91%; bobice - 96,09%), kao i najveću koncentraciju ukupnih fenolnih jedinjenja u vinu. Kod ispitivanih klonova je utvrđena jaka korelaciona zavisnost između udela pokožice u bobici i količine ukupnih fenolnih jedinjenja u vinu