237 research outputs found


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    Appropriated figuring guarantees the flexible development of enlisting associations in a pay even more similarly as costs arise way. It awards clients to feasibly scale their structure and get a decent arrangement on the general expense of activity. At any rate Cloud association responsibilities can flourish if clients are content with association execution. There are two or three consumption plan cautious calculations to pass on reasonable work measures on IaaS Cloud stages, where clients can demand Virtual Machines (VMs) of various sorts, each with unequivocal expense and speed limits. We utilize a sensible application/stage model with stochastic undertaking weights, and VMs going on through a specialist farm Permitting rapid access and flexible scaling while at the same time keeping up the association leaves and offering real costs addresses a fundamental test to Cloud planning suppliers. Additionally, associations will stay accessible over the long haul if this business makes a steady income source. To address these difficulties, we present novel system based help attestation control models that target boosting the spending pay of Cloud suppliers while contemplating informative shortcoming with respect to asset necessities. The proposed assessment named Dynamic Budget Pricing Policy based Work Flow scheduling(DBPP) will improve all things considered compensation in least check time for cloud labourer farms


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    The high speed advancement of force frameworks requires keen networks to encourage constant control and checking with bidirectional correspondence and power streams. Future brilliant networks are required to have dependable, proficient, made sure about and savvy power the board with the usage of dispersed engineering. To zero in on these prerequisites, to give a complete study on various distributed computing applications for the savvy matrix design, in three distinct zones energy the board, data the executives, and security. In these zones, the utility of distributed computing applications is examined, while giving headings on future chances for the improvement of the savvy matrix. Likewise feature various difficulties existing in the customary shrewd lattice (without cloud application) that can be beaten utilizing cloud. In this study, to present a blended diagram of the present status of exploration on savvy lattice advancement. In additionally distinguish the ebb and flow research issues in the zones of cloud-based energy the board, data the executives, and security in savvy network

    Anesthesia and electroconvulsive therapy

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    BACKGROUND: Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a common mental health illness, characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, diminished interests, guilt, low-self esteem, and disturbances in sleep and appetite. A significant percentage of patients with MDD are treatment resistant. Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) is a biological procedure utilized for treatment resistant illnesses. Diagnosis and clinical conditions primarily dictate when ECT is the appropriate treatment modality for an individual. Circumstances requiring rapid clinical response, risks affiliated with alternative treatments, resistance to pharmacotherapy, and medical history are all factors that designate ECT as the treatment of choice. METHODS: The objective of this systematic review was to examine how different anesthetics or combinations of agents affect ECT’s therapeutic efficacy in depressed, adult patients. Electroencephalography (EEG) and motor seizure durations and Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) scores were used as primary measures of clinical outcomes. Two rounds of literature searches were conducted in the PubMed, Web of Science, and Google Scholar databases to identify randomized controlled trials and crossover trials that examined the effects of different intravenous sedatives and hypnotic agents on ECT. Two reviewers independently evaluated the internal validity and quality of studies, extracted data, and analyzed statistics. Utilizing all relevant data, standardized mean differences (SMD) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs), and heterogeneity measures were calculated. Ten studies with 373 participants were included. RESULTS: Thiopental only anesthesia was associated with longer EEG seizure duration when compared to propofol only treatment. The pooled effect size from studies with propofol anesthesia also suggests that this agent is associated with shorter seizure durations. If assessed individually with thiopental, the combination of ketamine and thiopental is correlated with increased motor as well as EEG seizure durations. When pooled; however, studies with patient groups assigned to anesthesia consisting of ketamine and another primary agent do not show significant differences either in EEG or motor seizure durations. Additionally, no difference exists in HDRS score reductions between propofol and methohexital. Of note; however, ketamine combined with either propofol or thiopental had significantly greater decreases in HDRS scores. CONCLUSION: Choice of anesthetic should be determined based on anticipated clinical outcome, adverse effect profile, reemergence, and patient preference. If long seizures are preferred, thiopental may be a reasonable option. However, if significantly larger decreases in depression score are preferred, then the combinations of ketamine and propofol or ketamine and thiopental appear to be the therapies of choice. Small sample sizes and insufficient clinical data limit the interpretations of these variables that determine therapeutic efficacy. Larger randomized control trials and crossover trials would provide greater insight into the optimal use of intravenous anesthetic agents with minimal adverse effects

    The relationship between transparency, board performance and marketing practices on effectiveness of non-profit organization in Malaysia

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    Over the past decade, there was an issue of dissatisfaction of funders with the performances of NPOs in which many parties have taken into account the importance of measuring the effectiveness and transparency of charities. This study focuses on investigation of NPOs effectiveness in Malaysia; hence the aim of this study is to investigate what would be the factors influencing the NPOs effectiveness in Malaysia. This study extends to a limited scope of the investigation of the NPOs effectiveness in Malaysia based on the study of a set of indicators of the effectiveness of NPOs such as; board performance, transparency and marketing practices. There are many contributions of this study to the funders and to the non-profit organizations itself. The sources of information for this study were gathered from both primary and secondary data. Research population selected for this study are the non-profit organizations registered under the Registry of Society (ROS) from the year 2013 to 2015 in Malaysia. Research findings supported the hypotheses positive relationship between transparency and non-profit organization effectiveness and positive relationship between broad performance and non-profit organization effectiveness with significant. While the hypothesis positive relationship between marketing practices and non-profit organization effectiveness was found with insignificant result


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    Load balancing is one of the vital role in distributed computing environment . The Cloud computing environment is one of the best platforms that give storage of data and service at very minimum cost and is accessible all the time over the internet. cloud computing has turned into a very interesting and important study. Cloud load balancing load balancing aims at high user satisfaction and usage of resource ratio by guarantying a proficient and reasonable allocation of each computing resource. There are numerous difficulties in load balancing techniques such as security fault tolerance at which prevalent in modern cloud computing environment. Many researches enhance load balancing and this paper too portrays on overview on load balancing schemes in cloud environments and analysis of different types of Load balancing algorithm techniques


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    The strategy for dispersed figuring, data owners are animated to re-proper their many-sided data the board structures from neighborhood purposes to exchange public cloud for mind blowing flexibility and money related speculation reserves. In any case, for making sure about data assurance, sensitive data should be encoded before reconsidering, which obsoletes standard data utilize reliant on plaintext expression search. Thus, engaging an encoded cloud data search organization is of principal essentialness. Considering the colossal number of data customers and files in cloud, it is critical for the pursuit organization to allow multi-watchword request and give result likeness situating to meet the amazing data recuperation need. Related works on open encryption community on single expression search or Boolean watchword search, and on occasion separate the question things. In this endeavor, out of the blue, to portray and tackle the troublesome issue of insurance saving multi-expression situated inquiry over encoded cloud data, and develop a lot of serious assurance essentials for an especially secure cloud data use structure to transform into a reality. Among unique multi-watchword semantics, to pick the compelling rule of "encourage organizing", i.e., anyway numerous matches as could be permitted, to snare the likeness between search request and data documents, and further use "internal thing closeness" to quantitatively formalize such principle for similarity assessment. To first propose a central MRSE scheme using secure inward thing count, and a while later basically improve it to meet particular assurance requirements in two levels of peril models. Comprehensive assessment investigating insurance and profitability affirmations of proposed plans is given, and tests on this current reality dataset further show future plots clearly present low overhead on plan and email


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    The Cloud Computing is a dynamic term, which gives question free information rethinking office which keep the client from weights of nearby stockpiling issues. Presently a-days, distributed computing demonstrated its significance where it is being utilized by little and large associations. The significance of distributed computing is because of the different administrations gave by the cloud. One of these administrations is capacity as an administration (SaaS) which permits clients to store their information in the cloud information bases. The disadvantage of this administration is the security challenge since an outsider deals with the information. The clients need to have a sense of security to store their information in the cloud. Thus, we need for models that will upgrade the information security. The picture steganography is an approach to shield information from unapproved access. Picture steganography permits clients to hide mystery information in a cover picture.&nbsp


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    Appropriated stock is maybe the best famous explanation in the PC humankind nowadays. It awards hold association that combines programming, stage and structure by procedure for virtualization. Virtualization is the middle movement following cloud asset sharing. This environment attempts to be energetic, solid, and versatile with a guaranteed singularity of association. Security is as a far and wide amount of an issue in the cloud as it is wherever else. Divergent individuals share arranged perspective on appropriated figuring. An amount of trust it is risky to use cloud. Cloud merchants place forward an uncommon exertion to make certain wellbeing. This paper examines scarcely a few huge security worries with scattered enlisting and the current counter measures to those safe-haven challenges in the circle of scattered figuring. Cut-off as-a-Service available by cloud expert networks is a paid ability that encourages relationship to re-legitimate their sharp measurements to be locked in worry of on bob manual specialist. In this show-stopper, we propose a cloud-based limit readiness that permits the information proprietor to development from the working environments available by the CSP and encourage circumlocutory standard trust among them. The projected course of action has four enormous clarification: (I) it approve the owner to distribute delicate insights to a CSP, and do involved dampen age overwhelming methodology on the rethought measurements, i.e., block adjust, option, renunciation, and add, (ii) it guarantees that approved clients accomplish the to a great extent best in class classification of the re-evaluated measurements, (iii) it draws in voyaging estranged trust among the proprietor and the CSP, and (iv) it endure the holder to allow or repudiate commencement to the re-appropriated insight


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    The dangers to data security are expanding at quickly. The best and general way to deal with counter such dangers is encryption. In Traditional encryption procedures replacement and rendering is utilized. In Substitution procedures plaintext is planned into figure text. In all conventional replacement methods plaintext characters, numbers and extraordinary images are subbed with another characters, numbers and uncommon images. In this new strategy an imaginative cryptographic replacement is proposed to produce a more grounded figure than the current replacement calculations. This technique centre around the replacement of characters, numbers and extraordinary images with shading blocks. This calculation of replacement depends on Play Color Cipher. This is an even framework which is executed by encryption of text by changing over it into colors. Each character of the plaintext is scrambled into a square of shading. Each character will be subbed by an alternate shading block. A tale strong content encryption strategy by utilizing Armstrong number, shading code, prime number and ASCII codes by utilizing replacement and stage procedure. In this encryption procedure 512-cycle size key is utilized for encryption. In replacement strategy message is changes into ASCII codes .In the proposed procedure irregular Armstrong number, prime number, shading code are created and key is scrambled by base-64 encoding for greater security. In the change cycle increase, expansion is performed on the information for encryption. The proposed approach deals with the symmetric encryption. The proposed method is then contrasted and the standard IDEA calculation. Result shows that the proposed method is hearty, quick and secur


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    We consider the communitarian information distributing issue for anonym punch evenly apportioned information at different information suppliers. We consider another kind of "insider assault" by conniving information suppliers who may utilize their own information records (a subset of the general information) notwithstanding the outer foundation information to gather the information records contributed by other information suppliers. The paper tends to this new danger and makes a few commitments. To start with, we present the thought of m-security, which ensures that the anonymized information fulfills a given protection requirement against any gathering of up to m intriguing information suppliers. Second, we present heuristic calculations abusing the proportionality bunch monotonicity of protection imperatives and versatile requesting methods for effectively checking m-security given a bunch of records. At long last, we present an information supplier mindful anonymization calculation with versatile m-protection checking systems to guarantee high utility and m-security of anonymized information with effectiveness
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