27 research outputs found

    A combined evaluation of established and new approaches for speech recognition in varied reverberation conditions

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    International audienceRobustness to reverberation is a key concern for distant-microphone ASR. Various approaches have been proposed, including single-channel or multichannel dereverberation, robust feature extraction, alternative acoustic models, and acoustic model adaptation. However, to the best of our knowledge, a detailed study of these techniques in varied reverberation conditions is still missing in the literature. In this paper, we conduct a series of experiments to assess the impact of various dereverberation and acoustic model adaptation approaches on the ASR performance in the range of reverberation conditions found in real domestic environments. We consider both established approaches such as WPE and newer approaches such as learning hidden unit contribution (LHUC) adaptations, whose performance has not been reported before in this context, and we employ them in combination. Our results indicate that performing weighted prediction error (WPE) dereverberation on a reverberated test speech utterance and decoding using an deep neural network (DNN) acoustic model trained with multi-condition reverberated speech with feature-space maximum likelihood linear regression (fMLLR) transformed features, outperforms more recent approaches and helps significantly reduce the word error rate (WER)

    Explaining deep learning models for speech enhancement

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    International audienceWe consider the problem of explaining the robustness of neural networks used to compute time-frequency masks for speech enhancement to mismatched noise conditions. We employ the Deep SHapley Additive exPlanations (DeepSHAP) feature attribution method to quantify the contribution of every timefrequency bin in the input noisy speech signal to every timefrequency bin in the output time-frequency mask. We define an objective metric-referred to as the speech relevance scorethat summarizes the obtained SHAP values and show that it correlates with the enhancement performance, as measured by the word error rate on the CHiME-4 real evaluation dataset. We use the speech relevance score to explain the generalization ability of three speech enhancement models trained using synthetically generated speech-shaped noise, noise from a professional sound effects library, or real CHiME-4 noise. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study on neural network explainability in the context of speech enhancement

    An extended experimental investigation of DNN uncertainty propagation for noise robust ASR

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    International audienceAutomatic speech recognition (ASR) in noisy environments remains a challenging goal. Recently, the idea of estimating the uncertainty about the features obtained after speech enhancement and propagating it to dynamically adapt deep neural network (DNN) based acoustic models has raised some interest. However, the results in the literature were reported on simulated noisy datasets for a limited variety of uncertainty estimators. We found that they vary significantly in different conditions. Hence, the main contribution of this work is to assess DNN uncertainty decoding performance for different data conditions and different uncertainty estimation/propagation techniques. In addition, we propose a neural network based uncertainty estima-tor and compare it with other uncertainty estimators. We report detailed ASR results on the CHiME-2 and CHiME-3 datasets. We find that, on average, uncertainty propagation provides similar relative improvement on real and simulated data and that the proposed uncertainty estimator performs significantly better than the one in [1]. We also find that the improvement is consistent, but it depends on the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the noise environment

    Phone Merging for Code-switched Speech Recognition

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    International audienceSpeakers in multilingual communities often switch between or mix multiple languages in the same conversation. Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) of code-switched speech faces many challenges including the influence of phones of different languages on each other. This paper shows evidence that phone sharing between languages improves the Acoustic Model performance for Hindi-English code-switched speech. We compare base-line system built with separate phones for Hindi and English with systems where the phones were manually merged based on linguistic knowledge. Encouraged by the improved ASR performance after manually merging the phones, we further investigate multiple data-driven methods to identify phones to be merged across the languages. We show detailed analysis of automatic phone merging in this language pair and the impact it has on individual phone accuracies and WER. Though the best performance gain of 1.2% WER was observed with manually merged phones, we show experimentally that the manual phone merge is not optimal

    Speech separation with large-scale self-supervised learning

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    Self-supervised learning (SSL) methods such as WavLM have shown promising speech separation (SS) results in small-scale simulation-based experiments. In this work, we extend the exploration of the SSL-based SS by massively scaling up both the pre-training data (more than 300K hours) and fine-tuning data (10K hours). We also investigate various techniques to efficiently integrate the pre-trained model with the SS network under a limited computation budget, including a low frame rate SSL model training setup and a fine-tuning scheme using only the part of the pre-trained model. Compared with a supervised baseline and the WavLM-based SS model using feature embeddings obtained with the previously released 94K hours trained WavLM, our proposed model obtains 15.9% and 11.2% of relative word error rate (WER) reductions, respectively, for a simulated far-field speech mixture test set. For conversation transcription on real meeting recordings using continuous speech separation, the proposed model achieves 6.8% and 10.6% of relative WER reductions over the purely supervised baseline on AMI and ICSI evaluation sets, respectively, while reducing the computational cost by 38%

    Robust ASR using neural network based speech enhancement and feature simulation

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    Submitted to ICASSP 2020International audienceWe consider the problem of robust automatic speech recognition (ASR) in the context of the CHiME-3 Challenge. The proposed system combines three contributions. First, we propose a deep neural network (DNN) based multichannel speech enhancement technique, where the speech and noise spectra are estimated using a DNN based regressor and the spatial parameters are derived in an expectation-maximization (EM) like fashion. Second, a conditional restricted Boltz-mann machine (CRBM) model is trained using the obtained enhanced speech and used to generate simulated training and development datasets. The goal is to increase the similarity between simulated and real data, so as to increase the benefit of multicondition training. Finally, we make some changes to the ASR backend. Our system ranked 4th among 25 entrie

    The Speed Submission to DIHARD II: Contributions & Lessons Learned

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    This paper describes the speaker diarization systems developed for the Second DIHARD Speech Diarization Challenge (DIHARD II) by the Speed team. Besides describing the system, which considerably outperformed the challenge baselines, we also focus on the lessons learned from numerous approaches that we tried for single and multi-channel systems. We present several components of our diarization system, including categorization of domains, speech enhancement, speech activity detection, speaker embeddings, clustering methods, resegmentation, and system fusion. We analyze and discuss the effect of each such component on the overall diarization performance within the realistic settings of the challenge

    Asteroid: the PyTorch-based audio source separation toolkit for researchers

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    Fully Virtual ConferenceInternational audienceThis paper describes Asteroid, the PyTorch-based audio source separation toolkit for researchers. Inspired by the most successful neural source separation systems, it provides all neu-ral building blocks required to build such a system. To improve reproducibility, Kaldi-style recipes on common audio source separation datasets are also provided. This paper describes the software architecture of Asteroid and its most important features. By showing experimental results obtained with Asteroid's recipes, we show that our implementations are at least on par with most results reported in reference papers. The toolkit is publicly available at github.com/mpariente/asteroid