192 research outputs found

    Coating characterization of TiN & TiAIN on burr formation in drilling pragmatic investigation

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    Burrs are source of dimensional errors, jamming and misalignment in the assembly process. They may cause short circuits in electrical components and may reduce the fatigue life of the part. Furthermore, burrs can be a safety hazard to personnel because they are usually sharp. This scientific research investigates the characterization of 8 mm diameter, 120° point angle of coated drill tool in burr formation. The exit burrs were investigated using two different types of popular coatings, namely TiN and TiAlN. The effect of cutting speed and feed rate of the tool in burr formation onto the workpiece are discussed. In this study, the exit burr height was measured using optical microscope. Moderately harder material, 304L series stainless steel was used in the evaluation of the super coatings. The experiments were conducted using CNC HAAS Milling Machine. These experiments can be classified as hard drilling based on the experimental values and machining conditions

    Comparative quality investigation of rolled and flat carbon steel plates in drilling

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    Comparative investigation of machining quality of rolled steel plate and flat plate are studied, where, the effects of cutting speed, feed rate and numbers of holes drilled are taken into account. For this purpose, AISI 1045 carbon steel was drilled in dry machining conditions using CNC HAAS milling machine. Drilling process was carried out with lOmm diameter twist drill tool with 118 ° point angle. Ranges of the feed rate and cutting speed recommended by the tool manufacturer were tested to investigate the surface quality drilled holes. The SurfTest SJ-301 has been used to measure the micro defects on drilled holes. In the experiments, surface roughness found to be increased in pattern with the holes drilled. The results also discusses about the influences of cutting speed and feed in determining the surface finish of holes produced

    Performance Evaluation of Reworked Weld Joints

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    This study presents the performance evaluation of reworked welded joint that have weld imperfections which may result the strength of the structures. Tensile, bending and shear tests have been performed to evaluate the performance and reliability of reworked joint. Their effects on the quality and performance of the reworked welded joint are depend on the requirements of the structure in use. This study is providing detailed examination of the mechanical properties of the carbon steel reworked welded joint by using shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) techniques

    Comparison between Taguchi Method and Response Surface Methodology (RSM) in modelling CO2 laser machining

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    The applications of Taguchi method and RSM to modelling the laser parameters when machining industrial PVC foams is presented. The influence of cutting speed, laser power, frequency, duty cycle, and gas pressure on kerf width has been considered in this investigation according to Taguchi method using a standard orthogonal array L27 and RSM using a central composite design. Taguchi technique as well as 3D surface plot of RSM revealed that the cutting speed is the most significant factor in minimizing kerf width followed by laser power and etc. A predictive mathematical model was then developed through a regression analysis in both analytical tools to study the response. Though both the techniques predicted near values of average error, the RSM technique seems to be more promising in predicting the response via mathematical modelling over the Taguchi technique

    Design and Development of Automatic Tyre Pressure Controller

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    Automobile tyre pressure seldom considered as important aspect in ensuring user safety, economical driving and maintenance cost reduction. The research shows that properly inflated tyres can safe tyre life up to 20% which is nine months more of its life span. It can also save fuel from 4% to 10%, increase braking efficiency up to 20%, lightens steering system and ease self steer. Therefore, Automatic Tyre Pressure Controller (ATPC) has been idealized and invented to ensure correct pressure is inflated into the tyre regardless of the setting on the pressure source: e.g. kiosk, compressor, foot inflator, etc. The device will alert the user upon reaching the appropriate pressure by a hissing sound. This product has won few medals at international invention and innovative competitions for its novelty and practicality


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    Response surface methodology (RSM) is a collection of data that used mathematical and statistical technique to model and analyze problem in which the response (output) are influenced by several factors (parameters). In this study, a mathematical model was developed using RSM to predict the bending strength of aluminium alloys 6064 weldment. Data analysis is performed using Design Expert 7.03. The adequacy of the models has been attempted by using analysis-ofvariance (ANOVA) technique. Experimental results showed that model has 90% confidence level and the model can be use to predict the bending strength of Aluminium alloys 6064 weldments within the range of parameter considered in this investigation

    Critical Review of Electro-Mechanical Door Locking System and Proposal towards Development of Innovative Super Energy Saving Door Locking System

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    This article presents a critical review of electromechanical door locking system. Electromagnetic lock is currently widely used in the market. But it has common disadvantages such as low break-in force, and requires continuous power supply in order to maintain the locked state, higher power consumption and limited life of the back-up battery. Power supply failure may drain the back-up battery due to the necessity of providing continuous supply of electrical energy to maintain the locked state of the door. Hence the electromechanical takes the role as a competitor. To challenge the magnetic type lock, solenoid now become preferable instrument for automatic door locking as they can save energy up to 50 percent or more. Market demand shows that the fail secure and fail safe modes are now priorities. Fail safe mode of a lock describes a mode wherein the door can be opened by the lock doorknob when power to the lock is turned off or malfunction. Conversely, the fail secure mode describes a mode wherein the door cannot be opened by the doorknob when power to the lock is off or malfunction. Ten types of electromechanical door lock with recent development were analyzed and revealed here. On top of that, a new innovative solution is proposed to be the best of all above in term of power saving, performance, quality and efficiency

    Temperature effects on urea granules process to produce paddy fertilizer using top spray fluidized bed granulator

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    Temperature is often used in the convergence process chamber to control the level of humidity and the mass of granulated urea formation. However, the use of the expression of absolute temperature rarely investigated in urea granulation process but is limited in previous studies are often expressed as general reading. Therefore, this study was undertaken to determine an absolute temperature readings and its impact on urea granule. Features derived of urea granule diameter consist of 2 mm to 6 mm and hardness between 2.0 kg/grains to 4.0 kg/details. Experiments were conducted with the aid of experimental design, the One -Factor -At- A-Time (OFAT) as the initial method to determine the absolute temperature readings associated with the production of urea granule at optimum moisture and hardness. Granulation process was done experimentally using top spray fluidized bed granulator with fluidizing air profile and concentration of appropriate mechanisms commensurate with the size and hardness of the target. The information and data may be useful to study the optimization of the parameters as an inspection process and compare it with other variables to determine the optimal parameter used in the urea granulation process using Top Spray Fluidized Bedgranulator ( TSFBG )
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