1,569 research outputs found

    Streamflow disaggregation: a nonlinear deterministic approach

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    International audienceThis study introduces a nonlinear deterministic approach for streamflow disaggregation. According to this approach, the streamflow transformation process from one scale to another is treated as a nonlinear deterministic process, rather than a stochastic process as generally assumed. The approach follows two important steps: (1) reconstruction of the scalar (streamflow) series in a multi-dimensional phase-space for representing the transformation dynamics; and (2) use of a local approximation (nearest neighbor) method for disaggregation. The approach is employed for streamflow disaggregation in the Mississippi River basin, USA. Data of successively doubled resolutions between daily and 16 days (i.e. daily, 2-day, 4-day, 8-day, and 16-day) are studied, and disaggregations are attempted only between successive resolutions (i.e. 2-day to daily, 4-day to 2-day, 8-day to 4-day, and 16-day to 8-day). Comparisons between the disaggregated values and the actual values reveal excellent agreements for all the cases studied, indicating the suitability of the approach for streamflow disaggregation. A further insight into the results reveals that the best results are, in general, achieved for low embedding dimensions (2 or 3) and small number of neighbors (less than 50), suggesting possible presence of nonlinear determinism in the underlying transformation process. A decrease in accuracy with increasing disaggregation scale is also observed, a possible implication of the existence of a scaling regime in streamflow

    The Central Charge of the Warped AdS^3 Black Hole

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    The AdS/CFT conjecture offers the possibility of a quantum description for a black hole in terms of a CFT. This has led to the study of general AdS^3 type black holes with a view to constructing an explicit toy quantum black hole model. Such a CFT description would be characterized by its central charge and the dimensions of its primary fields. Recently the expression for the central charges (C_L, C_R) of the CFT dual to the warped AdS^3 have been determined using asymptotic symmetry arguments. The central charges depend, as expected, on the warping factor. We show that topological arguments, used by Witten to constrain central charges for the BTZ black hole, can be generalized to deal with the warped AdS^3 case. Topology constrains the warped factor to be rational numbers while quasinormal modes are conjectured to give the dimensions of primary fields. We find that in the limit when warping is large or when it takes special rational values the system tends to Witten's conjectured unique CFT's with central charges that are multiples of 24.Comment: 6 pages, Latex fil


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    The title compound, a bis-5,5′-triazole, C38H28N6O4, was observed as a side-product from the Sharpless–Meldal click reaction of the corresponding coumarin alkyne and benzyl­azide. Although the compound was present as a minor component, it crystallized in preference to the major product. The two triazole rings are almost orthogonal to each other [dihedral angle = 83.8 (1)°]. However the 4 and 4′ coumarin systems are close to coplanar with their respective triazole rings [23.6 (1) and 15.1 (1)°]. Each of the benzene rings packs approximately face-to-face with the opposing coumarin ring systems, with inter­planar angles of 7.7 (1) and 25.3 (1)° and distances of 3.567 (2) and 3.929 (2) Å between the respective centroids of the opposing rings

    Entanglement of bosonic modes of nonplanar molecules

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    Entanglement of bosonic modes of material oscillators is studied in the context of two bilinearly coupled, nonlinear oscillators. These oscillators are realizable in the vibrational-cum-bending motions of C-H bonds in dihalomethanes. The bilinear coupling gives rise to invariant subspaces in the Hilbert space of the two oscillators. The number of separable states in any invariant subspace is one more than the dimension of the space. The dynamics of the oscillators when the initial state belongs to an invariant subspace is studied. In particular, the dynamics of the system when the initial state is such that the total energy is concentrated in one of the modes is studied and compared with the evolution of the system when the initial state is such wherein the modes share the total energy. The dynamics of quantities such as entropy, mean of number of quanta in the two modes and variances in the quadratures of the two modes are studied. Possibility of generating maximally entangled states is indicated.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    Nonlinear Jaynes-Cummings model of atom-field interaction

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    Interaction of a two-level atom with a single mode of electromagnetic field including Kerr nonlinearity for the field and intensity-dependent atom-field coupling is discussed. The Hamiltonian for the atom-field system is written in terms of the elements of a closed algebra, which has SU(1,1) and Heisenberg-Weyl algebras as limiting cases. Eigenstates and eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian are constructed. With the field being in a coherent state initially, the dynamical behaviour of atomic-inversion, field-statistics and uncertainties in the field quadratures are studied. The appearance of nonclassical features during the evolution of the field is shown. Further, we explore the overlap of initial and time-evolved field states.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures is PS forma

    Assisted Shortest Path Planning for a Convoy through a Repairable Network

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    In this article, we consider a multi-agent path planning problem in a partially impeded environment. The impeded environment is represented by a graph with select road segments (edges) in disrepair impeding vehicular movement in the road network. A convoy wishes to travel from a starting location to a destination while minimizing some accumulated cost. The convoy may traverse an impeded edge for an additional cost (associated with repairing the edge) than if it were unimpeded. A second vehicle, referred to as a service vehicle, is simultaneously deployed with the convoy. The service vehicle assists the convoy by repairing an edge, reducing the cost for the convoy to traverse that edge. The convoy is permitted to wait at any vertex to allow the service vehicle to complete repairing an edge. The service vehicle is permitted to terminate its path at any vertex. The goal is then to find a pair of paths so the convoy reaches its destination while minimizing the total time (cost) the two vehicles are active, including any time the convoy waits. We refer to this problem as the Assisted Shortest Path Problem (ASPP). We present a generalized permanent labeling algorithm to find an optimal solution for the ASPP. We also introduce additional modifications to the labeling algorithm to significantly improve the computation time and refer to the modified labeling algorithm as GPLAGPLA^*. Computational results are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of GPLAGPLA^* in solving the ASPP. We then give concluding remarks and briefly discuss potential variants of the ASPP for future work

    Modelling electric vehicles use : a survey on the methods

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    In the literature electric vehicle use is modelled using of a variety of approaches in power systems, energy and environmental analyses as well as in travel demand analysis. This paper provides a systematic review of these diverse approaches using a twofold classification of electric vehicle use representation, based on the time scale and on substantive differences in the modelling techniques. For time of day analysis of demand we identify activity-based modelling (ABM) as the most attractive because it provides a framework amenable for integrated cross-sector analyses, required for the emerging integration of the transport and electricity network. However, we find that the current examples of implementation of AMB simulation tools for EV-grid interaction analyses have substantial limitations. Amongst the most critical there is the lack of realism how charging behaviour is represented

    Geometric Finiteness, Holography and Quasinormal Modes for the Warped AdS_3 Black Hole

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    We show that there exists a precise kinematical notion of holography for the Euclidean warped AdS3AdS_3 black hole. This follows from the fact that the Euclidean warped AdS3AdS_3 black hole spacetime is a geometrically finite hyperbolic manifold. For such manifolds a theorem of Sullivan provides a one-to-one correspondence between the hyperbolic structure in the bulk and the conformal structure of its boundary. Using this theorem we obtain the holographic quasinormal modes for the warped AdS3AdS_3 black hole.Comment: Latex file, 7 pages. Journal versio