25 research outputs found

    Sredstva za zaštitu bilja u organskoj proizvodnji grožđa

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    Pests and grapevine diseases in organic production are suppressed by preventive measures with a view to reducing the impact of the attack. Allowed substances acting on patogenous fungi, insects, mites and other harmful organisms are used, if appropriate. Insecticides of plant origin are used in the organic production of grapevine, as well as vegetable oils, powders and insecticidal soaps that are selective, with a narrow range of effects and of lower toxicity, as well as biological products. As a rule, such plant protection products require a more frequent application. Copper-based and sulphur-based fungicides are still leading products in suppressing grapevine diseases. Researches are directed to decrease the quantity of application and to find their replacement by also efficient fungicides. A special emphasis is put on researching the efficient fungicides for suppressing Botrytis bunch rot and factors causing grapevine wood diseases (Esca and Eutypa) in organic production. Along with copper and sulphur, different substances such as bicarbonates, plant extracts and oils, biological products being parasites, patogenous or diseases agent antagonists, and natural products such as milk and whey are applied in the organic production of grapevine.Oblast organske proizvodnje je regulisana odgovarajućim zakonom i podzakonskim aktima kao proizvodnja koja se zasniva na prirodnim procesima i upotrebi prirodnih materija. U pojedinim slučajevima sredstva koja su na raspolaganju nisu dovoljna za održivu proizvodnju. Zakonom se dozvoljavaju izuzeci i ta sredstva sintetičko-hemijskog porekla su na posebnim listama dozvoljenih sredstava. Veliki broj takvih izuzetaka se odnosi na sredstva za zaštitu bilja jer još uvek nemaju alternativu. Štetočine i bolesti vinove loze u organskoj proizvodnji suzbijaju se preventivnim merama koje imaju zadatak da umanje jačinu napada, a ako postoji potreba onda se primenjuju dozvoljene supstance sa delovanjem na patogene gljive, insekte, grinje i ostale štetne organizme. U organskoj proizvodnji vinove loze se koriste insekticidi biljnog porekla koji imaju široki spektar delovanja na štetne insekte, zatim biljna ulja, prašiva, insekticidni sapuni koji su selektivni, uskog spektra delovanja i niže toksičnosti, kao i biološki preparati. Ovakvi preparati po pravilu zahtevaju češću primenu. U suzbijanju bolesti vinove loze još uvek su vodeći fungicidi na bazi bakra i sumpora. Istraživanja idu u pravcu smanjivanja količina primene i iznalaženja njihove zamene isto toliko efikasnim sredstvima. Poseban naglasak je na istraživanjima efikasnih sredstava za suzbijanje sive truleži (Botryotinia fuckeliana) i prouzrokovača bolesti drveta (Esca i Eutypa) vinove loze u organskoj proizvodnji. Osim bakra i sumpora kod vinove loze se primenjuju i različite supstance kao što su bikarbonati, biljni ekstrakti i ulja, biološki preparati, zatim prirodni proizvodi (mleko i surutka) i druge

    Organsko vinogradarstvo zasnovano na prirodnim procesima i upotrebi prirodnih materija

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    During recent years organic viticulture has been developing in the leading viticulture countries worldwide. The organic viticulture has been defined as the application of procedures of organic agriculture in view of increasing the production of top quality grape and wine. All the aspects of the organic viticulture such as cultivating and maintaining the soil, ground cover plants and weed control, balanced nutrition of grapevine, growing systems, disease and pest control are carried out in view of increasing the quality and health safety of wine and table varieties. When making a choice of a cultivar, there are two key factors: an economic indicator-market perspective and characteristics of a cultivar. Traditional varieties are in advantage in comparison to newly created ones, new preparations, improved computerised forecast models contribute to the efficient protection from disease and pests. New I.C./PIWI varieties must show tolerance to low winter temperatures and/or spring frosts, real commercial value through the quality of fruit, wine, juice or table grapes, tolerance to diseases and pests, balanced relationship between fruit and wood ripening. The aim of this paper is to present organic viticulture through integral agroecosystem and traditionally applied procedures in viticulture.Organsko vinogradarstvo je u porastu poslednjih godina u vodećim vinogradarskim zemljama u svetu. Organsko vinogradarstvo definiše se kao primena postupaka organske poljoprivrede u cilju povećanja proizvodnje grožđa i vina najboljeg mogućeg kvaliteta. Svi aspekti u organskom vinogradarstvu kao što su obrada i održavanje zemljišta, pokrovne vrste u vinogradu i kontrola korova, izbalansirana ishrana vinove loze, sistemi gajenja i kontrola bolesti i štetočina se sprovode u cilju povećanja kvaliteta i zdravstvene bezbednosti vinskih i stonih sorti. Pri izboru sorti, ključna su dva faktora: ekonomski pokazatelj - perspektiva na tržištu i karakteristike sorti. Tradicionalne sorte su u prednosti u poređenju sa novostvorenim, nova sredstva za zaštitu, poboljšani modeli za prognozu doprinose efikasnijoj zaštiti od bolesti i štetočina. Nove I.C./PIWI sorte moraju da ispolje tolerantnost na niske zimske temperature i/ili prolećne mrazeve, realnu komercijalnu vrednost kroz kvalitet ploda, vina, soka ili stonog grožđa, tolerantnost na bolesti i štetočine, skladan odnos između sazrevanja plodova i drveta. Cilj ovog rada je da organsko vinogradarstvo prikaže kroz integralni agroekosistem i tradicionalne postupke u vinogradu

    Fenologija crvenoglavog buvača (Psylliodes chrysocephala L.) u uljanoj repici

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    The cabbage stem flea beetle (Psylliodeschrysocephala (L.) is an important pest of winter oilseed rape in Serbia. Beetles colonize oilseed rape in early October and are active in the field until first frost and wintertime. In autumn, adults can be seen laying eggs in the soil around plants. Larvae of P. chrysocephala developed intensively on leaf petioles in November, reaching their highest numbers at the end of the month. No infested plants were found in a conventional field, while 14.5% of all dissected leaf petioles were infested on an integrated field. On unprotected plants in an organic field, 76.0% of the plants were infested with larvae at the growth-stage BBCH 18-19, with 31.1% infested leaves on average. As a results, the number of plants was reduced by 51%, i.e. from 43.0/m2 recorded in the autumn to 22.0/m2 in the following spring. A new generation of P. chrysocephala beetles emerged from the soil in the first half of June and rapidly escaped the fields from almost dry plants. Our results showed that a part of the population stayed in aestivation and emerged in the following crop during the next season. On the following 5 March, 0.5 beetles/m2 were found in emergence cages in the organic field, while 0.81 beetles/m2 were found in the former trap crop.Crvenoglavi buvač (Psylliodes chrysocephala (L.) je važna štetočina ozime uljane repice u Srbiji. Naseljava uljanu repicu početkom oktobra i aktivan je u polju sve do pojave mraza i zime. Tokom jeseni adulti se mogu videti kako polažu jaja u zemljište u blizini biljaka. Larve P. chrysocephala se tokom novembra intenzivno razvijaju u lisnim peteljkama i najviše ih ima krajem ovog meseca. Na netretiranim biljkama disekcijom je utvrdjeno 76.0 % napadnutih biljaka sa u proseku 31.1 % napadnutih listova u razvojnom stadijumu BBCH 18-19. Rezultat ovolikog napada je bilo smanjenje broja biljaka za 51%, od 43,0/m2 koliko ih je bilo u jesen na 22,0/m2 u proleće naredne godine. Nova generacija adulta P. chrysocephala izleće iz zemljišta tokom prve polovine juna i brzo napušta polje sa skoro suvim biljkama uljane repice. Naši rezultati su pokazali da deo populacije ostaje u dijapauzi i eklodira u narednom usevu tokom proleća naredne godine. Mi smo u fotoeklektor kavezima, koji su ostavljeni u polju i tokom naredne godine, 5. marta 2012. u organskom polju registrovali 0.5 imaga/m2, dok je u lovnom pojasu zabeleženo 0.81 imaga/m2

    Suzbijanje kukuruzove zlatice Diabrotica virgifera virgifera

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    Western corn rootworm (WCR) was registered for the first time in Europe near the Surčin international airport in Serbia in 1992. The spread of WCR on the territory of Serbia and its population density increased fast. The Serbian territory was entirely populated in the following few years, while major damages occurred on corn grown for two or more years in the same field. Data on damages caused to over 140,000 ha under corn until 1999 were collected by organized monitoring. After 2000 and 2003, population abundance of D.v. virgifera, as well as the number of damaged corn fields, significantly decreased due to drought and application of crop rotation. Corn rootworm has one generation per year. It overwinters in the egg stage. Under the climatic conditions of Serbia larvae hatching starts around May 15th. The highest number of larvae on root is observed around June 20th when feeding is most intensive and plants become lodged as they lose roots. First adults emerge by the end of June. Their abundance increases during July and reaches maximum by the end of the month. From the second decade of August the abundance decreases. Adults are present in the field until the first frosts. Larvae are much more harmful and significant than adults. Larvae feed on roots or into roots by boring. Roots can be entirely destroyed under heavy attack and the host plants lodged already at the end of June. Under our climatic and agrotechnical conditions, adults are sporadic pests. Adults are a threat only when sowing is done after the optimal sowing date or in case of stubble corn sowing. Crop rotation is an efficient and most widespread means of WCR control. No damage on corn grown in crop rotation has been registered in Serbia for now. In the first year of production corn does not require protection from Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte larvae. Several insecticides have performed high efficacy by application at sowing and have been registered for commercial use. On the other hand, soil insecticides have never been applied on a significant area in Serbia.Kukuruzova zlatica je prvi put registrovana 1992. godine pored međunarodnog aerodroma Surčin. Širenje zlatice po teritoriji Srbije i porast gustine njene populacije je bilo brzo. Celokupna teritorija Srbije je naseljena u narednih nekoliko godina, pri čemu su se značajne štete javile na kukuruzu u ponovljenoj setvi. Sakupljeni su podaci o štetama na preko 140.000 ha kukuruza u periodu do 1999. godine. Posle 2000. i 2003. godine brojnost popualcije D.v. virgifera kao i broj oštećenih kukuruzovih polja je značajno smanjen zbog suše i masovne primene plodoreda. Kukuruzova zlatica ima jednu generaciju godišnje. Prezimljava u stadijumu jajeta. U klimatskim uslovima Srbije piljenje larvi počinje oko 15. maja. Najveći broj larvi se nalazi na korenu kukuruza oko 20. juna kada je ishrana larvi najintenzivnija. Zbog gubitka korena dolazi do poleganja biljaka. Odrasli insekti se javljaju krajem juna. Njihova brojnost raste tokom jula i dostiže maksimum krajem tog meseca. Od druge dekade avgusta brojnost imaga opada. Odrasli insekti se mogu naći u polju sve do prvih mrazeva. Larve se hrane na korenu ili se ubušuju u njega. U slučaju velikog napada koren može biti potpuno uništen i takve biljke već krajem juna poležu. U našim klimatskim i agrotehničkim uslovima odrasli insekti su sporadične štetočine. Oni mogu biti štetni u slučajevima kasnije setve ili postrne setve. Plodored je efikasan i najrasprostranjeniji način suzbijanja kukuruzove zlatice. Do sada se u Srbiji nisu javile štete na kukuruzu u plodoredu. Stoga se u kukuruzu u plodoredu ne primenjuju zaštitne mere. Više insekticida pokazuje dobre rezultate u suzbijanju kukuruzove zlatice kada se primenjuju sa setvom i imaju dozvolu za primenu u Srbiji. Međutim, zemljišni insekticidi nisu nikada do sada primenjeni na većim površinama za suzbijanje kukuruzove zlatice

    Fenologija i suzbijanje stablovnih rilaša (Ceutorhynchus napi gyllenhal i Ceutorhynchus pallidactylus Marsham) u uljanoj repici na severu Srbije

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    Stem weevils (Ceutorhynchus pallidactylus and Ceutorhynchus napi) are significant pests of oilseed rape that farmers regularly suppress by insecticide treatments intended against Brassicogethes aeneus. Recent studies have shown that in some regions of northern Serbia C. napi is dominant, while C. pallidactylus prevails in others. Increased damage from stem weevils has elicited an exploration of the situation and a study of their phenology and effects of insecticides in three differently managed fields: conventional, organic and integrated. New findings regarding the phenology of stem weevils show that both species were sporadically present in our experimental oilseed rape fields as early as during autumn (from the end of October 2010, BBCH 17-18). The main period of stem weevil settlement is the end of winter and early spring. Maximum flight of both weevil species was recorded on March 23 at the beginning of oilseed rape (OSR) stem elongation (BBCH 22-25), and one week later in the organic field. There were no significant differences in the number of settled weevils among the three differently managed fields. The insecticide treatment against C. napi was applied two weeks earlier than the usual treatment against B. aeneus and C. pallidactylus. Thus, it is clear that insecticide treatment directed against B. aeneus and C. pallidactylus is not effective against C. napi. In this way, such a practice can contribute to an increase in OSR damage, and density of the next generation of C. napi. A new generation of C. pallidactylus emerged from OSR fields in June 2011, while the majority of C. napi emerged in March of the following year.Ceutorhynchus pallidactylus i Ceutorhynchus napi su značajne štetočine uljane repice koje farmeri redovnu suzbijaju insekticidnim tretmanom protiv Brassicogethes aeneus. Nedavne studije su pokazale da u nekim regionima na severu Srbije dominira C. napi, a u drugim regionima C. pallidactylus. Povećane štete od stablovih rilaša ukazale su na potrebu praćenja njihove fenologije, efekata insekticida i uticaj agrotehnike. Utvrđeno je po prvi put da je pojava ovih insekata (C. napi i C. pallidactylus) na poljima uljane repice već tokom jeseni, od kraja oktobra 2010 (BBCH 17-18). Glavni period kada oni naseljavaju uljanu repicu je tokom kraja zime i na početku proleća. Maksimalni let je zabeležen 23. marta, u vreme izduživanja stabla uljane repice (BBCH 22-25). U odnosu na primenjenu agrotehniku nije bilo značajnih razlika u broju insekata koji su doletali. Registrovan broj doletelih imaga C. napi bio je 2,7 puta veći nego C. pallidactylus. U skladu sa tim, insekticidni tretman je bio 25. marta 2011. Posledica dominacije C. napi je potreba za primenom insekticida oko 2 nedelje ranije u odnosu na termin kada se suzbijaju B. aeneus i C. pallidactilus. Stoga je jasno da konvencionalna jednokratna primena insekticida za suzbijanje B. aeneus nije efikasna protiv C. napi i da takva praksa doprinosi tako velikim razlikama u brojnosti ova dva rilaša. Nova generacija C. pallidactylus izleće već tokom juna meseca iz zemljišta sa uljanom repicom (BCH 76-88) dok glavnina imaga C. napi izleće naredne godine u martu mesecu

    Effectiveness of different trap design in mass trapping of Bothynoderes punctiventris Germar

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    The discovery of an aggregation attractant for Bothynoderes punctiventris Germ. raised several questions for possible improvements of IPM of Bothynoderes punctiventris in sugar beet. First results on exploration of possibilities for its use for monitoring purposes as well as for mass trapping of adults of the pest are described in this paper. Trap design effectiveness was evaluated in the overwintering fields of sugar beet weevil for two years in localities in Serbia and Hungary. Among trap designs tested it was proved that baited CSALOMON® TAL trap design was optimal

    Delovanje insekticida namenjenih suzbijanju Ceutorhynchus napi Gill. u usevu uljane repice na karabide

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    The effects of insecticides that are commonly used for conventional and integrated oilseed rape (OSR) management on ground beetles were studied. Monitoring of harmful species showed that only insecticides intended against Ceutorhynchus napi should be applied. There were no differences in beetle numbers and phenology of settling of C. napi in the OSR fields that received different management practices. The type of OSR management has a primary and significant impact on ground beetles abundance. Early in the spring, ground beetles settled more massively on the non-tilled OSR field with abundant weed cover and mulch on soil surface. However, there were no significant differences in species richness between the OSR fields managed differently. A total of 22 species were recorded. Early in the spring, the granivorous ground beetles Amara aenea (47.3%) and Harpalus distinguendus (32.5%) were dominant. When insecticides were applied, immigration of ground beetles began, so that their adverse effect was minimal. In both management systems the number of ground beetles and their diversity increased after spraying. In conclusion, no significant harmful effects of the insecticides on ground beetles were detected in OSR fields managed in two different ways.Ispitivan je efekat insekticida u konvencionalnoj i integralnoj proizvodnji i zaštiti uljane repice. Monitoring štetnih vrsta je pokazao da se insekticidi moraju primeniti samo u suzbijanju Ceutorhynchus napi. Brojnost imaga i fenologija naseljavanja C. napi se nije razlikovala na različitim poljima uljane repice. Pokazalo se da način gajenja uljane repice ima primarni uticaj na brojnost karabida jer su se one u značajno različitom broju naselile na različito gajenim poljima uljane repice. Rano u proleće, karabide su u najvećem broju naselile neorano polje pokriveno korovima i malčom od slame. Međutim, nije bilo značajnih razlika u bogatstvu vrsta koje su naselile ova dva polja uljane repice. Ukupno je registrovano 22 vrste karabida. U rano proleće dominantne su granivorne vrste Amara aenea (47.3%) i Harpalus distinguendus (32.5%). U vreme kada su primenjeni insekticidi, počinjala je imigracija karabida tako da je njihova brojnost bila mala a stoga je i štetni efekat insekticida bio minimalan. Posle prskanja je došlo do porasta broja karabida i njihovog diverziteta na oba polja sa različitim načinom gajenja. Na osnovu toga se može zaključiti da nema značajnog štetnog delovanja insekticida na karabide kada se suzbija C. napi u poljima uljane repice u konvencionalnoj i integralnoj proizvodnji

    Štetnost i suzbijanje kukuruzove zlatice

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    It's been over 20 years since Diabrotica virgifera virgifera was introduced in Serbia. Its expansion and colonization of the territory was quickly, over a few years. D. v. virgifera is present in all's territories where corn is grown in Serbia. Damage to corn in the rotation have occurred during the period of its territorial expansion and population build up. In recent years, losses are small and occur on maize in monoculture. The main control measures in D.v. virgifera is crop rotation. The mass use of crop rotation in the cultivation of maize has led to a reduction in damages.Prošlo je više od 20 godina od kako je kukuruzova zlatica, D. v. virgifera, uneta u Srbiju. Njeno širenje i naseljavanje teritorije je bilo brzo, tokom svega nekoliko godina, pa je sada prisutna na svim teritorijama gde se gaji kukuruz u Srbiji. Štete na kukuruzu u plodoredu su se javljale u periodu njenog teritorijalnog širenja i umnožavanja brojnosti populacije. Zadnjih godina štete su male i javljaju se na kukuruzu u monokulturi. Glavna mera suzbijanja D. v. virgifera je plodored. Masovna primena plodoreda u gajenju kukuruza je dovela do smanjenja šteta

    Ground Beetle Diversity (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in Winter Oilseed Rape and Winter Wheat Fields in North-Western Croatia

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    During a two-year period of research on the ground beetle fauna (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in winter oilseed rape and winter wheat agroecosystems in North-Western Croatia, 14072 carabid specimens were collected. A total of 72 species from 31 genera and 6 subfaimilies were identified. The high epigeic activity was recorded for B. crepitans, B. explodens, A. similata and H. distinguendes. Th e endogeic activity was recorded for the species A. meridianus and A. interstitialis also for Brachinus species, A. familiaris, A. similata, A. aenea and H. distinguendus. One species was recorded for the first time in Croatia: Harpalus akinini Tschitscherine 1895

    New data on spider fauna from Northern Serbia

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    During two years of research on the epigeic fauna in agroecosystems of northern Serbia, which was conducted as a part of SEE-ERA NET PLUS project no. 51, 5488 spider specimens were collected at three fields with oilseed rape (Brassica napus var. oleifera), turnip rape (Brassica rapa x chinensis) and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) as subsequent crop at Stari Žednik (Vojvodina). A total of 62 species from 15 families were identified. Pardosa agrestis and Xysticus kochi were the dominant species in the studied fields. Spider families with significant presence were Lycosidae, Linyphiidae, Thomisidae, Gnaphosidae, Theridiidae and Philodromidae. Seven species are new to the spider fauna of Serbia