3 research outputs found

    Grafika Mengabdi dan Menginspirasi: Pelatihan Kalkulasi Biaya Produksi Cetak di SMKN 7 Jakarta: Service and Inspiring Graphics: Print Production Cost Calculation Training at SMKN 7 Jakarta

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    One of the essential resources in management is human resources. The importance of human resources needs to be realized by all levels of management. Schools as a unified education system are expected to provide learning experiences for all students to master competencies by the level of education and the unique mission it carries. However, the lack of human resources allows this service movement to fill the existing problems. The training carried out is the calculation of print production costs. In implementing this community service activity, several methods are used, including observation, interviews, discussions, questionnaires, theory, and practice calculating the cost of print production and ending with an evaluation. There was an increase in students' knowledge from 10% to 83.33% after the training. Suppose the school has difficulty finding teachers/HR according to their competence in teaching print cost calculation subjects. In that case, the school should often provide training from higher education institutions and industry to reduce HR competencies gaps

    Peningkatan Pengetahuan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) bagi Siswa SMKN 7 Jurusan Produksi Grafika, Jakarta

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    Safety culture is the key in the preventing of accidents and occupational diseases in the work environment and industry. Safety  culture must be trained since school, especially vocational high school. The results of the literature state that OHS training taught during formal schools has an effect on decreasing working injury incidence (WIs) when they work in industry. Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) training for Vocational High School students majoring in Graphic Production has never been carried out and even there is no  subject. Therefore, the OHS training is expected to become a routine training as a provision and familiarize the safety culture in the schools. The aim of this training is to improve the competence of students in SMKN 7 Jakarta majoring in Graphic Production. The method in this training is carried out online using the media zoom meeting for 3 hours with two meetings. This training begins with a general OSH behavior assessment and then the results of the assessment are used as the basis for developing training materials. The training materials were given to students of SMKN 7 majoring in graphic production for class XI. Prior to the implementation of learning, a pre-test of OHS material and post-test was given to determine if there was a change in knowledge after being given OSH training online. Based on the results, online OHS training activities can increase the knowledge of the Graphic Production Department Vocational High School students. It is hoped that the increase in knowledge will become an attitude and behavior so that safety will become a culture in schoolsBudaya keselamatan merupakan kunci dalam pencegahan kecelakaan dan penyakit akibat kerja di lingkungan kerja dan industri. Budaya keselamatan harus dilatih sejak sekolah, khususnya sekolah menengah kejuruan. Hasil literatur menyatakan bahwa pelatihan K3 yang diajarkan di sekolah formal berpengaruh terhadap penurunan kejadian kecelakaan kerja (WK) ketika mereka bekerja di industri. Pelatihan Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) bagi siswa SMK jurusan Produksi Grafis belum pernah dilaksanakan bahkan tidak ada mata pelajarannya. Oleh karena itu, pelatihan K3 diharapkan dapat menjadi pelatihan rutin sebagai bekal dan sosialisasi budaya keselamatan di sekolah. Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi siswa SMKN 7 Jakarta jurusan Produksi Grafis. Metode dalam pelatihan ini dilakukan secara online dengan menggunakan media zoom meeting selama 3 jam dengan dua kali pertemuan. Pelatihan ini diawali dengan penilaian perilaku K3 secara umum dan kemudian hasil penilaian tersebut dijadikan dasar untuk mengembangkan materi pelatihan. Materi pelatihan diberikan kepada siswa SMKN 7 jurusan produksi grafis kelas XI. Sebelum pelaksanaan pembelajaran diberikan pre-test materi K3 dan post-test untuk mengetahui apakah ada perubahan pengetahuan setelah diberikan pelatihan K3 secara online. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, kegiatan pelatihan K3 secara online dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa SMK Jurusan Produksi Grafis. Peningkatan pengetahuan diharapkan menjadi sikap dan perilaku sehingga keselamatan menjadi budaya di sekolah