23 research outputs found


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    Executive Summary: NM Highlights: NM case count. Navajo Nation case update. Largest COVID-19 surge in Taos. ABQ BioPark to reopen. NM public schools reopening plan. NM unemployment claims. Rise in domestic and sexual abuse. US Highlights: Protests inspire fear of surge. Trump withdraws from WHO. Last aid bill. No new NY patients. ICE detainees sick. International Highlights: South Korea schools close. Undercounting in Russia. South African overburdened health care system. Economics, Workforce, Supply Chain, PPE: Reusable protection system. Protective household products. Longterm economic challenges. Epidemiology Highlights: Estimate virus reproduction numbers. Hypertension & cardiovascular disease impact on mortality. Gastrointestinal manifestations. Healthcare Policy Recommendations: Immunity passports are bad idea. Evaluation of hand WHO-recommended products. Opioid use-related challenges of COVID-19 management. Practice Guidelines: NICE guidelines on COVID-19 and acute kidney injury. Example of rapid conversion of an outpatient psychiatric hospital to a virtual telepsychiatry clinic. JAMA recommendations on conducting and reporting COVID-19 clinical research. Testing: Comparison of 4 antigen tests. Validation of antibody assays. Drugs, Vaccines, Therapies, Clinical Trials: Encouraging results of Ruxolitinib phase II RCT. Benefits of adjunctive herbal medicine. Potential inhibitors of viral protease screened. Anticoagulation alone is unlikely to protect from COVID-19 related morbidity and mortality. Open access database Covid19db for COVID-19 drugs. 49 new trials registered. Other Science: COVID-19 collateral damage. Telomere length and COVID-19 outcomes. Wastewater RNA early warning. Neurologic manifestation review. MRI reveals predominant anosmia cases. Self-quarantine weight gain. Immunosuppression vs. cytokine storm. Combatting misinformation


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    Executive Summary: NM Highlights: Navajo Nation to end weekend curfew. NM case count. Navajo Nation case updates. Food distribution by PepsiCo. APS to get funding. US Highlights: 5 vaccine candidates. Arizona’s increased cases. Some states postpone primaries. Pork plant infections. Economics, Workforce, Supply Chain, PPE: Impact on global supply chains. Residency selection process disrupted. Facemask filtration efficiency. Resources for underserved countries. Epidemiology Highlights: Morbidity and mortality in Africa. Healthcare Policy Recommendations: Need for social distancing. Psychological support guide. Return to work guidelines. Practice Guidelines: Anesthesia recommendations for ECT. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation outcomes. Testing: Roche Elecsys IL-6 test is authorized by FDA to identify severe inflammatory response. Drugs, Vaccines, Therapies, Clinical Trials: HCQ RCT does not show disease prevention. Lancet HCQ study retraction. Adjunctive convalescent plasma did not show clinical improvement. Mixed remdesivir results. Virtual drug screening. Heparin improved survival. Moderna phase 3. Skin science for vaccine development. ECMO therapy. 48 new clinical trials. Other Science: Androgens and poor male outcomes. Trust in science enhances prevention compliance. High VTE prevalence in critically ill


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    Executive Summary: NM Highlights: Balloon Fiesta postponed. Robot to sanitize ABQ International Sunport. NMSU plan for fall 2020. NM public schools reopening plan. Fewer hospitalizations for COVID-19. NM case update. US Highlights: Visa restrictions. International Highlights: Second wave in South Korea. Epidemiology: Lockdown can suppress COVID-19. Case fatality rate associated with incidence. Predictors of ICU care and ventilators. Anxiety and depression from COVID-19. Asymptomatic patients as source of infection. Heterogeneous populations affect herd immunity. Healthcare Policy Recommendations: New FDA guidance on clinical trials conduct. Practice Guidelines: The guidelines are provided on COVID-19 diagnostics (Infectious Diseases Society of America), respiratory support for COVID-19 patients and optimizing mental care delivery during COVID-19 pandemic. Drugs, Vaccines, Therapies, Clinical Trials: Antithrombotic therapy systematic review. Drug repurposing. 58 new trials. Other Science: Safety of antihypertensives (ACEs and ARBs). Low testosterone linked to escalation of care. Neurological findings and hypercoagulability


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    Executive Summary: NM Highlights: 12 positive cases at NMSU. Short-term rentals restrictions. Dine-in reopening. US Highlights: Models to forecast COVID-19 deaths. Places of worship reopening. Contact tracing at University of Alabama. International Highlights: More deaths among poor. Mortality data in Italy. High death toll in Brazil. Global vaccines fall behind. Italy cases drop. Vaccines to go through India. Epidemiology Highlights: Children not pandemic drivers. Healthcare Policy Recommendations: Burnout of HCWs. NYC surgeons’ response. Foggy glasses tips. Practice Guidelines: Recommendations are provided on surgical strategies during COVID-19, management of hypertension, anesthesia practice, avoiding drug-induced cardiovascular impairments, arrhythmia management, elective surgery reboot, nutritional management, stroke care, neurointerventional surgery, blood management. Testing: Unregulated tests identified. Interpreting test results. Drugs, Vaccines, Therapies, Clinical Trials: Vaccine trials results. Vaccine moves to trials. Monoclonal antibody identified. Hydroxychloroquine no benefit. Adjuvant corticosteroid therapy. Old drugs may benefit. Vaccines inducing antibodies. Other Science: Mortality and CKD/liver disease. Transmission in pregnancy. Pathophysiology insights. Readmission characteristics. Sodium and severity. Simulated sunlight disinfects


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    Executive Summary: UNM drug repurposing. NM cases. Doctors Without Borders. SNAP benefits online. NM 7th highest unemployment. Virtual LemonAid tonight. New N98 masks. Healthcare supply chain challenge. EMS lack resources. Infection risk in healthcare workers. COVID-19 on medical education. Human disinfectant chambers. Evidence of seroconversion. Dangers of considering herd immunity. Wastewater-based surveillance. More youths infected. Reconstructing ship spread. Pharmacoepidemiologic analysis. Clinicopathologic characteristics. Cancer treatment impact. Reduced voluntary psychiatric admission in Italy. Operating room management. Humidifiers reduce transmission. Phone contact tracing ethics. Call for patient database. Immunity certification program. Guidelines on tracheostomy, IBD, nose bleeding, pituitary tumors, and hematopoietic stem cells transplantation, benefits of low-PEEP, and of molecular diagnostics. FDA authorizes at-home test. Cephid Xpert test. MRSA nasal swabs. NIH remdesivir+barictinib RCT. Corticosteroid caution. Arbidol active in vitro. ACE/ARB systematic review. In silico phytochemical and virus protease candidates. Potential zinc benefit. 31 new clinical trials. Glycemic control benefit. Psychological effects meta-analysis and survey. Disease course model. Liver injury. Environmental and health perspectives. Olfactory and gustatory dysfunction. Vitamin D. Disease map


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    Executive Summary: NM case counts. Navajo Nation documentary. Medicaid reimbursement increase. Excess NYC mortality. German R0\u3e1. Chile COVID-19 certificates. High female incidence in Quebec. Swab 3D printing. Evidence lacking school reopening. Cloth mask review. WHO 2nd wave warning. Higher mortality in minorities. Environmental transmission controls. Behavior change. Correctional environment guidelines. Wuhan hospital transformation. Maximizing GI training. Threat and conformity. Recommendations on managing COVID-19 (first Italian SARS patients), and obesity and metabolic syndrome. Guidelines for neurologists. Ethics of off-label drugs use. Abbott antibody test approval. CRISPR test FDA approval. Viral sample inactivation. HCQ+azithromycin no benefit. Public-Private partnership for clinical trials. Drug repurposing. Cancer patient considerations. 35 new COVID-19 trials. Hyperinflammatory shock in children. Symptom app


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    Executive Summary: NM cases. Navajo cases. NM remdesivir inaccessible. Infected prison staff. No early prison releases. Unemployment beats working. NM 97Mfoodbenefits.UNM97M food benefits. UNM 50M revenue loss. Meat packer testing. Fall school reopening planning. Gym/salon reopening plans. 91k absentee ballots. Santa Fe closes polling stations. NM oil/gas pollution oversight. Prisons vulnerable. WH rejects FEMA report. Schools plan reopening. Italian mafia concerns. UK overtakes Italy. Symptom tracker early warning. Ethanol for FFP2 masks. Counterfeit masks. Mask skin damage. Mutant coronavirus more contagious. Hospital contamination zones. Disease prevalence estimation. Successful control measures. Average contagious period. Genetic epidemiology. Managing healthcare resources. Exercise and fitness. Italian disease management Q&A. Practice guidelines on: bronchoscopy, sarcoidosis management, glycemic control, key laboratory tests, ACE/ARB Tx, neurosurgery, cardiac surgery. WHO: test old pneumonia samples. SW NM free testing. Diagnostic assays compared. Corticosteroid benefits. Beekeepers COVID-free? European vaccine US trials. Cytokine storm interventions. Lopinavir-ritonavir second chance. Melatonin potential Tx. 48 clinical trials. Placental infection. Cytokine severity markers. Male lungs worse. Sleep problems. IBD physician survey. Researcher career impact


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    Executive Summary: NM restrictions loosen. NM case count. Navajo Nation case count. 9 state parks open. Sunport revenue loss. Trump projects vaccine delivery. Wisconsin court case. Smokers quit. Ireland reopening. Danish schools open. Philippine typhoon evacuation. PPE-induced pressure injuries and facial dermatoses. U.S. mask stockpile. PPE for surgeons. Intubation time with aerosol box. Consumer spending with social restrictions. Suicide increase expected. Undetected virus homeless. Chinese infection control. 5% Spain infected. Sanitizing booth. Healthcare worker infection routes. Kawasaki disease France. CDC Kawaski guidance. Italian deaths characterized. CDC reopening school guidance. COVID-19 and epistemology. Monitoring misleading claims. UN mental health policy brief. CDC vaccination schedules. Guidelines on managing endoscopy units. COVID-19 lab testing (for lab professionals). Cancer surgery triage. Operating room practices. Orthodontic treatment. 3D printed NP swabs effective. Salt-water irrigation reduces duration. Corticosteroids ineffectual. Vaccines require biomanufacturing infrastructure. French pharm giant promises fair vaccine distribution. 26 new trials registered. LDH, lymphocytes and hs-CRP predict mortality. Fibrinogen higher in SARS. Insulin resistance. Glycemic monitoring. Hemostasis abnormalities. New phobia scale. OR global consensus. Inpatient cognitive assessments are challenging. Loud speech increases transmission. Monkeys present similarly. Human-to-dog transmission. Cat transmission


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    Executive Summary: NM Highlights: NM case count. Increased road travel. ABQ ART to resume. Film industry to reopen. US Highlights: Policy advocacy to end mass Incarceration. International Highlights: COVID-19 cases in Italy. Temperature checks at Canada airports. Economics, Workforce, Supply Chain, PPE: Epidemiology Highlights: Mask stability. Supply operations management. Masks going to transport companies. Digital tools for awareness. Customers like clean stores. Epidemiology: Michigan hospitalization risk factors. Ranking the risks of reopening. Pandemic growth rate scaling. Outbreak detection and contract tracing. Worldwide mortality report. Screening pregnant women. Social learning model for pandemics. Healthcare Policy Recommendations: Re-opening of sports centers. Minimize airborne transmission indoors. Open pathogen genomic analysis. South Korea’s response to pandemic. Practice Guidelines: The accumulating burden of non-COVID-19 illnesses. Caution on early intubation and mechanical ventilation in COVID-19. Recommendations on management of IBD, labor and delivery, spinal surgery (risk stratification), and home dialysis. Testing: Robust antibody response. Missed patients with low viral load. Drugs, Vaccines, Therapies, Clinical Trials: Observational study of ACEIs & ARBs. Benefit of lenzilumab. New COVID-19 trials. Other Science: Cardiac biomarkers and mortality. Telemedicine in neurology. High rates of VTE


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    Executive Summary: NM Highlights: NM governor’s press briefing. NM restaurants reopening. Navajo Nation updates. NM case count. CVS new testing sites. Mask Madness competition updates. Limited campus will return at UNM. US Highlights: CA becomes fourth state with 100,000 known infections. Model shows relationship between COVID-19 and crime. International Highlights: E.U. countries ban hydroxychloroquine. Will E.U. economic collapse create an historic centralized government? Economics, Workforce, Supply Chain, PPE: Mental health impact. Face mask itch. Remote postdoctoral fellowships. Epidemiology Highlights: Black vs. white hospitalization and mortality. African infection rates limited. Characteristics of COVID patients. Healthcare Policy Recommendations: South Korea focuses on a single metric: time from symptom onset to hospitalization/quarantine. Full flight travel ban effectiveness. The role of case managers during COVID-19 crisis. Only half of Americans are ready to get vaccinated once the vaccine becomes available: a survey. Practice Guidelines: Harvard authors’ recommendations on restarting essential surgery during COVID-19 pandemic. UNM Project ECHO response to COVID-19 (includes osteoporosis management recommendations). Five online COVID-19 treatment simulations. Testing: Validation of modified viral detection assays across multiple specimen types. Drugs, Vaccines, Therapies, Clinical Trials: Remdesivir 5 days vs. 10. Anti-platelet therapy. Virtual screenings. S-HCQ better than R-HCQ. Stem cell therapy. Tocilizumab not effective. HCQ and CQ safety issues. Lopinavir-ritonavir no benefit. 79 new trials. Other Science: Apolipoprotein E gene associated with severity. France cardiac arrests double. Lab tests that predict severity. ER inanimate surface contamination. Long-term SARS and MERS outcomes