67 research outputs found

    Carrot sowing by mechanic and pneumatic seed drills

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    Korištenjem preciznih sijačica i sjetvom kalibriranog sjemena postiže se željeni sklop biljaka po jedinici površine. Brzina kretanja sijačice ima utjecaj na pravilan raspored sjemena u redu. Povećanjem brzine kretanja sijačica, dolazi do povećanja razmaka sjemena u redu. Za sjetvu mrkve mogu se koristiti mehaničke i pneumatske sijačice. Mehaničke sijačice pogodne su samo za sjetvu kalibriranog sjemena. Usklađenost dimenzija i oblika sjemena sa promjerom otvora na sijaćoj ploči mora osiguravati pravilno popunjavanje istih.The wanted average number of plants per unit area is achieved by using precise seed drills and sowing calibrated seed. The speed of the seed drill affects the regular distribution of seeds in a row. By increasing the speed of the drill, there appears the increasing of the space between the seeds in a row. Mechanic and pneumatic seed drills can be used for carrot sowing. Mechanic seed drills are suitable only for sowing calibrated seed. The dimension and shape of the seed must be in such accordance with the diameter of the opening on the sowing plate to ensure their regular filling

    Tractor cabin as a factor of reliable protection against harmful substances

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    U radu su istaknute tehničke mjere zaštite korisnika od opasnih tvari pri aplikaciji pesticida u poljoprivredi. Prema novom Zakonu o homologaciji traktora u zemljama Europske unije, definirane su četiri kategorije kabina traktora s različitim stupnjevima zaštite korisnika od opasnih tvari. Prema analizi starih i novih traktora u EU tijekom primjene prskalica i orošivača nužno je koristiti i propisanu osobnu zaštitnu opremu. Međutim, još uvijek se događa da korisnici (traktoristi) u praksi tijekom pripreme i tretiranja zaštitnih sredstava ne koriste odgovarajuću osobnu zaštitnu opremu (posebno za respiratorne organe).Technical measures of user protection from harmful substances during the application of pesticides in agriculture are emphasized in this paper. According to the new Act on type-approval of tractors in the countries of the European Union, four categories of tractor cabins with different degrees of user protection from harmful substances are defined. According to the analysis of the old and new tractors in the EU, it is also necessary to use the proscribed personal protective equipment while using sprinklers and sprayers. However, it still happens in practice that users (tractor operators) do not use proper personal protective equipment (especially for the respiratory organs) during the preparation and treatment of protection means

    Sadržaj karcinogenih PAU na zrnima kukuruza i energetska učinkovitost sušenja različitim izvorima energije

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    A modern and intensive cattle breeding involves the use of good quality food, which has to be in accordance with the basic nutritional requirements and health standards to protect human health. Corn is one of the most important components of fodder mixtures and it is subjected to drying in kilns of different designs. The kilns use various energy sources and it is possible to contaminate corn grain with carcinogenic PAHs generated by fuel combustion. The aim of this study is to determine the presence of carcinogenic PAHs on the grain after drying in a direct-fired kiln plant in case when light oil and ground gas were used. The research results point to a regular presence of carcinogenic PAHs in case when both types of fuel were used, but their values are not significant in terms of the adsorbed amount and therefore they cause no significant risk. Ground gas has a considerably more favourable energy efficiency level compared to light oil.Suvremeno i intenzivno stočarstvo uključuje korištenje kvalitetne hrane, koja mora biti u skladu sa osnovnim hranidbenim potrebama i zdravstvenim standardima zaštite ljudskog zdravlja. Kukuruz je jedna od najvažnijih komponenti u krmnim smjesama, a podvrgnut je sušenju u pećima različitih konstrukcija. Sušare koristite različite izvore energije pa je moguće zagađenje kukuruza s kancerogenim PAU (policikličkim aromatskim ugljikovodikom) generiranim kod izgaranja goriva. Cilj ovog rada je utvrditi prisutnost kancerogenih PAU na zrnu nakon sušenja u postrojenjima s izravnim izgaranjem u slučaju kada se koristi lako ulje i zemni plina. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na redovitu prisutnost kancerogenih PAU u slučaju kada su korištene obje vrste goriva, ali njihova vrijednost nije značajna u smislu adsorbirane količine i zato ne uzrokuju značajan rizik. Zemni plina je znatno povoljnije razine energetske učinkovitosti u odnosu na lako ulje

    Machines for cane shoots disposal in vineyards

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    U radu su prikazani suvremeni strojevi i alati (škare) za kontinuiranu i diskontinuiranu rezidbu rozgve u vinogradu. Sve do nedavna zbrinjavanje orezane rozgve predstavljao je mukotrpan fizički posao koji je na velikim površinama trajao mjesecima, te se sakupljena masa spaljivala neposredno uz vinograde. Prema tome, pored strojeva za rezidbu, ukazana je mogućnost iskorištenja orezane i usitnjene mase za izradu briketa kao vrlo vrijednog energetskog goriva namijenjenog za grijanje stambenih i proizvodnih objekata (staklenika, plastenika i dr.). Istraživanjem je potvrđeno da oko 2.5 kg briketa energetski može zamjeniti jednu litru značajno skupljeg loživog ulja.The paper presents modern machines and tools (shears) for continuous and discontinuous cane pruning in a vineyard. Disposal of pruned cane represented a hard work which used to take months up to recently and the collected mass was burned nearby the vineyards. Therefore, except for pruning machines, a possibility has appeared to use pruned and chopped mass to make briquettes as highly valuable energy fuel for heating housing and production- buildings (hothouses and polythene greenhouses). The research has confirmed that about 2.5 kg of briquettes can replace 1 l of significantly more expensive heating oil in terms of energy

    Mechanical harvesting of pumpkin seeds

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    U tehnologiji proizvodnje sjemenki bundeve namijenjene preradi u ulje jedan od ključnih problema je strojno ubiranje, odnosno gubici sjemenki. Tijekom strojnog ubiranja gubici sjemenki pri obodnoj brzini odjeljivačkog bubnja od 1,57 m/s (optimalno podešen stroj) su iznosili kod Gleissdorf-a 4,4%, Slovenske 5,2% te kod Obične sjemenke s ljuskom 7,8%. Veći prosječni gubici kod Obične sjemenke s ljuskom uvjetovani su građom sjemenke te čvršćom vezom sjemenke i placente ploda.One of the key problems in production technology of pumpkin seed for oil production is mechanized harvesting and losses of seed during mechanical harvesting. The losses of pumpkin seed during mechanical harvesting at peripheral velocity of 1.57 m/s (optimally adjusted machine) were 4.4% for Gleisdorf species, 5.2% for Slovenska species and 7.8% for pumpkin with husk. The higher average losses of pumpkin seed with husk were caused by tight connection of seed and pumpkin fruit

    Problems of mechanical harvesting of lavender

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    S obzirom na intenzivnije podizanje plantaža lavande zadnjih godina, ne samo u priobalnom, nego i u kontinentalnom području, nužno je procese kod sadnje, održavanje plantaže te ubiranje cvjetova u potpunosti mehanizirati. Samo tako možemo određene radnje obaviti na vrijeme i kvalitetno i što je najvažnije, biti konkurentan cijenom ubranog cvijeta, a kasnije i lavandinog ulja. U radu je istaknuta problematika strojnog ubiranje cvijeta lavande, ovisno o veličine plantaže lavande. Primjena suvremenih strojeva za ubiranje cvijeta lavande omogućuje velike učinke u berbi na većim plantažama, minimalne gubitke i hlapljenje eteričnih ulja do trenutka prerade cvjetova u destilerijama, što izravno utječe na kvalitetu i količinu dobivenog ulja.Considering the fact that lavender plantations have been set up more frequently in the last years, not only in coastal areas, but in continental areas as well, it is necessary to mechanize completely planting processes, plantation maintaining and flower picking. It is the only way to do some actions in time and in terms of quality, and what is the most important – to be competitive in price of the picked flowers and later of the lavender oil as well. This paper points out problems of mechanical harvesting of lavender, depending on the plantation size. Applying modern machines for picking lavender flowers largely affects picking on bigger plantations, minimum losses and evaporation of essential oils until the time of processing flowers in distilleries, which directly affects the quantity and quality of obtained oil

    Economy of Pumpkin Seed Production at Different Soil Tillage Systems

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    U radu je s ekonomskog stajališta ocijenjena primjena različitih sustava obrade tla u proizvodnji sjemenki bundeva. Testirana su četiri sustava obrade u proizvodnji bundeve austrijske sorte Gleissdorf. Sustavi obrade su bili: 1. Konvencionalni sustav (plug, tanjurača i kombinirano oruđe), 2. Konzervacijski sustav (rotodrljača), 3. Nulti sustav (no-till sijačica) i 4. Reducirani sustav (plug, kombinirano oruđe). Svi ispitivani sustavi su značajno iznad granice ekonomičnosti proizvodnje. Najbolji odnosi prihoda i troškova u proizvodnji sjemenki bundeve postignuti su pri sustavu konvencionalne (A) i reducirane obrade (D) a zatim slijede nulta (C) i konzervacijska (B) obrada.This paper evaluates application of different soil tillage systems in pumpkin seed production from economic aspect. Four different soil tillage systems were tested in pumpkin seed production, pumpkin variety was Gleissdorf, Austrian origin. Tested systems were: 1. Conventional (plough, discharrow, combined seed-bed implement), 2. Conservation (rotary harrow), 3. No-till (no-till planter), 4. Reduced (plough, combined seed-bed implement). All tested systems are significantly above the limit of economy of production. The best relations between incomes and expenses were achieved at the conventional (A) and reduced tillage (D), after that no-till (C) and conventional (B) tillage

    Power optimization of radial-fan sprayers

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    Mjerenjem zakretnog momenta i broja okretaja na priključnom vratilu traktora, kod pogona dvije izvedbe orošivača s radijalnim ventilatorom, izračunata je potrebna snaga za sam pogon stroja kod različitih stupnjeva prijenosa pogona ventilatora. Kod starije je generacije orošivača (A) utvrđeno da je u drugoj brzini vrtnje ventilatora potrebno 68 kW zagonske snage na priključnom vratilu traktora, dok je kod normalnog rada potrebna snaga od 54,9 kW. Potrebna se snaga može smanjiti primjenom nižeg stupnja prijenosa – 1 brzine na 31,4 kW ili primjenom orošivača (B) koji ima noviju generaciju radijalnog ventilatora. Kod tog orošivača, u prvoj brzini ventilatora prosječna potrebna snaga iznosi 24,5 kW, a u drugoj brzini ventilatora 31,8 kW. Korisnik može, izborom optimalnog režima rada ili primjenom novije generacije orošivača, smanjiti potrebnu snagu te time i utrošak energije. Istaknuto doprinosi značajnim ekonomskim uštedama u trajnima nasadima u smislu utroška energije te pozitivno djeluje na okolinu zbog manje emisije ugljičnog dioksida (CO2).We have calculated the power necessary to operate sprayer fans at different gears by measuring torque and revolutions per minute on the PTO shaft of tractor during the operation of two different versions of radialfan sprayers. We have established that the older generation of sprayers (A) with the fan operating in second speed requires the power input of 68 kW on the PTO shaft of tractor, while the required power in normal operation amounts to 54.9 kW. The required power can either be reduced to 31.4 kW by using a lower gear of the first speed or it can be reduced by using a new generation of sprayers (B) that use radial fans of more recent generation. On average, the first fan speed of such sprayers requires the power of 24.5 kW, while the second fan speed of such sprayers requires the power of 31.8 kW. The user can reduce due required power and thus energy consumption by selecting the optimal operating mode or by using the new generation of sprayers. This not only contributes to significant economic savings related to energy consumption in permanent crop production, but at the same time positively effects the environment because it decreases the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2)

    Problems of mechanical harvesting of lavender

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    S obzirom na intenzivnije podizanje plantaža lavande zadnjih godina, ne samo u priobalnom, nego i u kontinentalnom području, nužno je procese kod sadnje, održavanje plantaže te ubiranje cvjetova u potpunosti mehanizirati. Samo tako možemo određene radnje obaviti na vrijeme i kvalitetno i što je najvažnije, biti konkurentan cijenom ubranog cvijeta, a kasnije i lavandinog ulja. U radu je istaknuta problematika strojnog ubiranje cvijeta lavande, ovisno o veličine plantaže lavande. Primjena suvremenih strojeva za ubiranje cvijeta lavande omogućuje velike učinke u berbi na većim plantažama, minimalne gubitke i hlapljenje eteričnih ulja do trenutka prerade cvjetova u destilerijama, što izravno utječe na kvalitetu i količinu dobivenog ulja.Considering the fact that lavender plantations have been set up more frequently in the last years, not only in coastal areas, but in continental areas as well, it is necessary to mechanize completely planting processes, plantation maintaining and flower picking. It is the only way to do some actions in time and in terms of quality, and what is the most important – to be competitive in price of the picked flowers and later of the lavender oil as well. This paper points out problems of mechanical harvesting of lavender, depending on the plantation size. Applying modern machines for picking lavender flowers largely affects picking on bigger plantations, minimum losses and evaporation of essential oils until the time of processing flowers in distilleries, which directly affects the quantity and quality of obtained oil