163 research outputs found

    Quasi-film commercials. Analysis of selected car manufacturer campaigns

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    When seeking original forms of expression, contemporary commercials often reach for the achievements of film making. That is reflected in references to the conventions of certain film genres, and the references to particular films. The goal of the article was to present selected examples of the relationships between commercials and film, which can be found in car manufacturer advertising campaigns (Toyota, BMW, and Mercedes-Benz). The analysis of the gathered study material enabled me to identify two forms of quasi-film commercials: a TV spot and a short film


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    The aim of the paper was to evaluate the effect of the cow age group and lactation stage on the count of somatic cells in cow milk. The analysis was made based on the breeding documentation of 11359 test yields from cows representing twelve herds in the Kujawy and Pomorze Province. All the animals researched calved for the first time in 2001. The numerical data were verified statistically with the analysis of variance following GLM procedure, considering the effect of the herd, father, sampling month, cow groups (primiparas, multiparas), lactation stage at which the sample was taken. The effect of these factors on basic milking yield and the content of somatic cells were mostly highly significant. It was observed that depending on the milk use length in cows during lactation, the content of somatic cells in milk increased, and the yield of milk, fat and protein decreased

    The Condition of Polish Autobiographical Documentaries – More Similar to a Reality Show?

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    The autobiographical documentary has a number of elements which resemble those of a reality show. Such documentaries can be considered to be young directors’ responses to this TV genre and its celebration of voyeurism. The purpose of this article is to outline the similarities and differences between these two genres. The article consists of four parts: the first discusses the essence of the autobiographical documentary, the second focuses on the reality show, the third analyses the movie Moje dwadzieścia okrążeń by Łukasz Konopa, and the fourth is a summary of the considerations made in the text.Zadanie „Stworzenie anglojęzycznych wersji wydawanych publikacji” finansowane w ramach umowy nr 948/P-DUN/2016 ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę

    Taksony rodzaju Pediastrum Meyen występujące w stawach Łodzi i okolicy

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    The study contains the descriptions of 14 taxons of the genus Pediastrum occurring in the Łódź City and its vicinities. Observations were conducted using a light and an electron scanning microscope, paying particular attention to the sculpture of the cell wall of the investigated algae.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Photoresponsive antibiotics and cytotoxic agents:On the use of light for the advancement of medicine and the knowledge of living organisms

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    Cancer and the appearance of drug resistant bacteria are two of the major health problems of modern day society. The causes of cancer are numerous and not fully understood, making prevention difficult and treatments harsh as they cause many side effects. The rise in the drug resistances of bacteria is better understood, but as hard to combat as it is induced, in part, by the daily uncontrolled release of active antibiotics in nature by humans. Many ways are currently being investigated to better understand and combat these problems. A method which provides an answer to both of these is presented in this thesis. Herein, we present our work towards creating new types of drugs, which possesses either all the potency of modern anticancer drugs or of antibiotic drugs, but who additionally contain a light driven trigger that would allow us to control with the uttermost precision when and where this drug is active. This minute control, only made possible by the development of lasers, would allow us to only activate the drug where it is most needed, thereby lowering the side effect of cancer therapy or ensuring no active drug escapes into the environment, halting the uncontrolled growth of bacterial resistance. In addition, we take advantage of our knowledge of these new compounds to develop variations that could be used as probes to investigate the effect of oxidative stress on the human body, which has been shown to be potentially related to many diseases

    Barriers and enablers of the idea generation process within a technically minded team: a case study of MCL Industries.

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    This dissertation is a consultancy project for MCL Industries which is a British SME operating in a B2B market. They are manufacturing and supplying industrial composites for the utility, technology and infrastructure markets. The aim of the dissertation is to identify barriers and enablers to the innovation process within the R&D team. The aim is achieved via a case study research investigating employees’ experiences of day-to-day work environment. First step of the research is a revision of academic knowledge about the idea generation, creativity and the relationship between organisational management and creativity. Next, the practical research is conducted using participant observation and semi-structured interviews. According to the findings R&D team’s innovatory behaviour is hindered by a lack of structure within the company and the team itself, poor communication, stress on resources and lack of organisational support. Also, the study shows that MCL Industries isn’t using any ideation techniques that could significantly improve the quality of the generated ideas. The study concludes with recommendations that address MCL’s problem with innovation

    Impact of successive lactation, year, season of calving and test milking on cows’ milk performance of the Polish Holstein-Friesian Black-and-White breed

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    The research was conducted based on 8895 test milkings of 463 milk cows calving first time in 2003 and reared in the Pomorze and Kujawy region. The aim of the present study was to analyse the influence of selected factors on the milk performance and its chemical composition. A statistical influence of a herd, season and year of calving, a season of test milking, lactation on milk performance traits was analysed using a multiple variance analysis. The milk performance, its chemical composition and quality altered considerably depending on the season of calving, season of test milking and successive lactation. The highest percentage amount of milk and its components was obtained from cows calving in spring months. In turn, the highest content of fat, protein, lactose and dry matter occurred in the samples collected from the cows calving in the summer milking period. The highest amounts of milk were collected in the summer period, and the lowest – in the winter period (these dissimilarities proved highly significant). The highest amount of calculated FCM and ECM, fat (kg) and lactose was collected from cows in their first lactation, whereas the lowest from those in their fourth lactation

    Initial research into the green algae (Chlorophyta) in the ponds of Załęczański Landscape Park

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    This study contains results of the taxonomic analysis of green algae from the ponds of the Załęczański Landscape Park. Application of the Thumarek’s eutrophy coefficient enabled to mark off oligotrophical and eutrophical ponds on the researched area.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Trends Of Changes In The Polish Industry Innovativeness (Against The Background Of Leading World Economies)

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    Tendencies concerning innovativeness changes in selected sectors of the Polish economy were identified in the paper. The trends were depicted against the background of the USA, Japan and the EU-15 and they comprised: public and business financing of the R&D area with reference to GDP, R&D expenditure per capita, and venture capital funds supporting innovations commercialization.  The observed correlation between the financing level of the R&D area and the innovativeness level of the US economy made the basis for the analysis conducted. The analysis concentrated on trends occurring in the Polish economy in the context of industry innovativeness, in particular processing industry, including the sector of investment goods.  Conclusions resulting from the analysis of innovation commercialization processes with venture capital funds were presented. Countermeasures which were taken in Poland to prevent the marginalization of financing the R&D area were demonstrated as well