6 research outputs found

    Low-Cost Tap Water Purification System (Loco Device)

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    This study is focusing on the safe and clean water which is the essential element in our life. Safe and readily available water is important for public health, whether it is used for drinking, domestic use and many more. Improved water supply and sanitation, and better management of water resources can boost countries’ economic growth and can contribute greatly to poverty reduction. In the market nowadays, there are various types and brands of water purification devices that could eliminate all the germs and bacteria in the water. Unfortunately, all the well-known brands are too expensive. It can cost up to thousands of ringgits excluded the maintenance and replacement works. Thus, it becomes a burden for low and middle-income families to have an assurance to consume a safe and clean water. Therefore, LOCO device is a low-cost tap water purification system is built to help these families to have the same quality of water with other famous brands of water purification devices. LOCO device is a modification of an existing water filter that can be found in the market. With this production of LOCO device, it could help these families to have a safe and clean water for a cheaper price especially for those who live in the rural area

    Study On The Optimum Roof Type With 30° Roof Angle To Enhance Natural Ventilation And Air Circulation Of A Passive Design

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    One of the major problems in modern housing design is overheating. Occupants suffer higher indoor temperatures due to a lack of natural ventilation. This issue arises because of poor passive design. A good passive design promotes natural ventilation and provides better indoor air temperatures without reliance on mechanical cooling systems. The roofing system plays an important role in a house’s design. Since the roof contributes to 70% of the total heat gain, it is important to investigate its design to reduce the impact of overheating. It has been found that many roofs lack a ventilation system in the top part of the house. These openings in the roof provide areas for trapped hot air to exit into the environment. The openings also enhance natural ventilation and allow for effective air circulation inside the house. The optimum roof is designed to tackle this matter by reducing the overheating inside the house, especially during the hottest hours of the day. The hot air exits based on the differences in air density and due to prevailing wind. In this study, the optimum roof was tested on a small-scale model and verified by simulation using computational fluid dynamic (CFD) software, namely ANSYS 18.0. From the data obtained, it was proven that the opening in the roof reduced the indoor temperature. In conclusion, the optimum roof could improve the passive design and help to reduce overheating inside a house

    The Impact Of Road Pavement On Urban Heat Island (UHI) Phenomenon

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    An urban heat island (UHI) is a climatic phenomenon caused by modifications to the climate due to changes in the form and composition of the land surface and atmosphere. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of road pavement types for mitigating or intensifying UHI. This study was conducted in the Kota Samarahan area. Since Kota Samarahan is classified as a suburban area, it is still a developing district. Hence, there is still an opportunity for proper planning, such as choosing the most suitable type of pavement, before this area becomes a UHI. Data was collected by studying four types of pavements (asphalt, concrete, permeable, and industrialised building system (IBS) StormPav) in terms of their characteristics, performance, and maintenance costs. Additionally, their surface temperatures were investigated using ThermaCam and then plotted against the surrounding air temperature. Interview sessions were also conducted with the personnel of Jabatan Kerja Raya to obtain valuable information for this research. As a result, this study found that the construction of asphalt pavement can produce numerous potential impacts on the environment, which further contribute to air pollution and the UHI effect. Concrete, permeable, and IBS StormPav pavements retained less heat compared to asphalt, and can be implement to mitigate the UHI phenomenon. Furthermore, the implementation of green walls, cool roofs, vegetation and trees, and altering the properties and construction of asphalt pavement can help in mitigating this phenomenon

    Impak Nasional : Program Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat (PSH) Tidak Formal di Malaysia

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    Merujuk kepada Pelan Strategik Pengajian Tinggi Negara (PSPTN), pembudayaan pembelajaran sepanjang hayat (PSH) merupakan Teras ke-6 bagi membolehkan individu memperolehi kemahiran baharu dan meningkatkan kemahiran sedia ada, serta dalam proses tersebut memperolehi manfaat sosioekonomi. Dalam aspek ini, peningkatan dalam kompetensi pekerja dijangka membolehkan Malaysia beralih daripada sektor pembuatan elektronik dan barangan perkilangan, ke sektor pembuatan barangan berasaskan pengetahuan intensif (knowledge-intensiJied goods). Kemajuan ke arah ekonomi berasaskan pengetahuan dalam era ICT, akan merealisasikan impian Malaysia untuk menjadi sebuah negara maju pada tahun 2020. Sehubungan dengan itu, kerajaan telah meningkatkan pelaburan dalam program PSH melalui pelbagai agensi kerajaan untuk membudayakan PSH dalam' kalangan rakyat Malaysia. Namun begitu, maklumat mengenai kerelevanan program PSH dalam latihan semula (reskilling) dan peningkatan kemahiran (upskilling) bagi peserta, hanya dapat diperolehi daripada maklum balas yang diberikan oleh peserta pada hari terakhir program PSH. Hasil maklum balas tersebut merupakan jangkaan peserta tentang kerelevanan kemahiran dan pengetahuan yang dipelajari. Buat masa ini, pola penyertaan dalam program PSH belum dikaji dan maklumat ini penting untuk mengenal pasti kesedaran awam dan ekuiti dalam peluang untuk menyertai program PSH (Strategi 2 PSPTN)

    A Comparative Study of Levelized Cost of Electricity Between Photovoltaic and Concentrated Solar Powered Power Plants in Malaysia

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    Renewable Energy (RE) is crucial in energy generation towards a more sustainable and low-carbon approach. One of the well-known sources of RE is the sun through solar energy harvesting. Equatorial region like Malaysia seems to be at the very best advantage for generating energy from solar since that it receives sufficient solar radiation for the purpose. Photovoltaic (PV) and concentrated Solar Power (CSP) technology are the current technology in harvesting solar energy to generate power. However, referring to the Malaysian context today it seems that solar PV is the only technology practiced as one of the RE technologies that are eligible for tariff payment. The purpose of this study is to investigate the future prospect on current solar technologies which are PV and CSP by determining Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) and land usage comparison to determining the cost comparative between solar technologies for future sustainable energy generation. The result is very positive as CSP has the advantage to be the future sustainable energy generation in Malaysia although there are some setbacks at the moment. Collaboration between all parties such as researchers, industry players as well as support from the government will aligned CSP on the right direction upcoming years to come