95 research outputs found

    Go-With-The-Winner: Client-Side Server Selection for Content Delivery

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    Content delivery networks deliver much of the web and video content in the world by deploying a large distributed network of servers. We model and analyze a simple paradigm for client-side server selection that is commonly used in practice where each user independently measures the performance of a set of candidate servers and selects the one that performs the best. For web (resp., video) delivery, we propose and analyze a simple algorithm where each user randomly chooses two or more candidate servers and selects the server that provided the best hit rate (resp., bit rate). We prove that the algorithm converges quickly to an optimal state where all users receive the best hit rate (resp., bit rate), with high probability. We also show that if each user chose just one random server instead of two, some users receive a hit rate (resp., bit rate) that tends to zero. We simulate our algorithm and evaluate its performance with varying choices of parameters, system load, and content popularity.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, published in IFIP Networking 201

    Adaptive TTL-Based Caching for Content Delivery

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    Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) deliver a majority of the user-requested content on the Internet, including web pages, videos, and software downloads. A CDN server caches and serves the content requested by users. Designing caching algorithms that automatically adapt to the heterogeneity, burstiness, and non-stationary nature of real-world content requests is a major challenge and is the focus of our work. While there is much work on caching algorithms for stationary request traffic, the work on non-stationary request traffic is very limited. Consequently, most prior models are inaccurate for production CDN traffic that is non-stationary. We propose two TTL-based caching algorithms and provide provable guarantees for content request traffic that is bursty and non-stationary. The first algorithm called d-TTL dynamically adapts a TTL parameter using a stochastic approximation approach. Given a feasible target hit rate, we show that the hit rate of d-TTL converges to its target value for a general class of bursty traffic that allows Markov dependence over time and non-stationary arrivals. The second algorithm called f-TTL uses two caches, each with its own TTL. The first-level cache adaptively filters out non-stationary traffic, while the second-level cache stores frequently-accessed stationary traffic. Given feasible targets for both the hit rate and the expected cache size, f-TTL asymptotically achieves both targets. We implement d-TTL and f-TTL and evaluate both algorithms using an extensive nine-day trace consisting of 500 million requests from a production CDN server. We show that both d-TTL and f-TTL converge to their hit rate targets with an error of about 1.3%. But, f-TTL requires a significantly smaller cache size than d-TTL to achieve the same hit rate, since it effectively filters out the non-stationary traffic for rarely-accessed objects

    Algorithms for Constructing Overlay Networks For Live Streaming

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    We present a polynomial time approximation algorithm for constructing an overlay multicast network for streaming live media events over the Internet. The class of overlay networks constructed by our algorithm include networks used by Akamai Technologies to deliver live media events to a global audience with high fidelity. We construct networks consisting of three stages of nodes. The nodes in the first stage are the entry points that act as sources for the live streams. Each source forwards each of its streams to one or more nodes in the second stage that are called reflectors. A reflector can split an incoming stream into multiple identical outgoing streams, which are then sent on to nodes in the third and final stage that act as sinks and are located in edge networks near end-users. As the packets in a stream travel from one stage to the next, some of them may be lost. A sink combines the packets from multiple instances of the same stream (by reordering packets and discarding duplicates) to form a single instance of the stream with minimal loss. Our primary contribution is an algorithm that constructs an overlay network that provably satisfies capacity and reliability constraints to within a constant factor of optimal, and minimizes cost to within a logarithmic factor of optimal. Further in the common case where only the transmission costs are minimized, we show that our algorithm produces a solution that has cost within a factor of 2 of optimal. We also implement our algorithm and evaluate it on realistic traces derived from Akamai's live streaming network. Our empirical results show that our algorithm can be used to efficiently construct large-scale overlay networks in practice with near-optimal cost

    Optimizing MapReduce for Highly Distributed Environments

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    MapReduce, the popular programming paradigm for large-scale data processing, has traditionally been deployed over tightly-coupled clusters where the data is already locally available. The assumption that the data and compute resources are available in a single central location, however, no longer holds for many emerging applications in commercial, scientific and social networking domains, where the data is generated in a geographically distributed manner. Further, the computational resources needed for carrying out the data analysis may be distributed across multiple data centers or community resources such as Grids. In this paper, we develop a modeling framework to capture MapReduce execution in a highly distributed environment comprising distributed data sources and distributed computational resources. This framework is flexible enough to capture several design choices and performance optimizations for MapReduce execution. We propose a model-driven optimization that has two key features: (i) it is end-to-end as opposed to myopic optimizations that may only make locally optimal but globally suboptimal decisions, and (ii) it can control multiple MapReduce phases to achieve low runtime, as opposed to single-phase optimizations that may control only individual phases. Our model results show that our optimization can provide nearly 82% and 64% reduction in execution time over myopic and single-phase optimizations, respectively. We have modified Hadoop to implement our model outputs, and using three different MapReduce applications over an 8-node emulated PlanetLab testbed, we show that our optimized Hadoop execution plan achieves 31-41% reduction in runtime over a vanilla Hadoop execution. Our model-driven optimization also provides several insights into the choice of techniques and execution parameters based on application and platform characteristics

    BOLA360: Near-optimal View and Bitrate Adaptation for 360-degree Video Streaming

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    Recent advances in omnidirectional cameras and AR/VR headsets have spurred the adoption of 360-degree videos that are widely believed to be the future of online video streaming. 360-degree videos allow users to wear a head-mounted display (HMD) and experience the video as if they are physically present in the scene. Streaming high-quality 360-degree videos at scale is an unsolved problem that is more challenging than traditional (2D) video delivery. The data rate required to stream 360-degree videos is an order of magnitude more than traditional videos. Further, the penalty for rebuffering events where the video freezes or displays a blank screen is more severe as it may cause cybersickness. We propose an online adaptive bitrate (ABR) algorithm for 360-degree videos called BOLA360 that runs inside the client's video player and orchestrates the download of video segments from the server so as to maximize the quality-of-experience (QoE) of the user. BOLA360 conserves bandwidth by downloading only those video segments that are likely to fall within the field-of-view (FOV) of the user. In addition, BOLA360 continually adapts the bitrate of the downloaded video segments so as to enable a smooth playback without rebuffering. We prove that BOLA360 is near-optimal with respect to an optimal offline algorithm that maximizes QoE. Further, we evaluate BOLA360 on a wide range of network and user head movement profiles and show that it provides 13.6%13.6\% to 372.5%372.5\% more QoE than state-of-the-art algorithms. While ABR algorithms for traditional (2D) videos have been well-studied over the last decade, our work is the first ABR algorithm for 360-degree videos with both theoretical and empirical guarantees on its performance.Comment: 25 page

    Energy-Aware Load Balancing in Content Delivery Networks

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    Internet-scale distributed systems such as content delivery networks (CDNs) operate hundreds of thousands of servers deployed in thousands of data center locations around the globe. Since the energy costs of operating such a large IT infrastructure are a significant fraction of the total operating costs, we argue for redesigning CDNs to incorporate energy optimizations as a first-order principle. We propose techniques to turn off CDN servers during periods of low load while seeking to balance three key design goals: maximize energy reduction, minimize the impact on client-perceived service availability (SLAs), and limit the frequency of on-off server transitions to reduce wear-and-tear and its impact on hardware reliability. We propose an optimal offline algorithm and an online algorithm to extract energy savings both at the level of local load balancing within a data center and global load balancing across data centers. We evaluate our algorithms using real production workload traces from a large commercial CDN. Our results show that it is possible to reduce the energy consumption of a CDN by more than 55% while ensuring a high level of availability that meets customer SLA requirements and incurring an average of one on-off transition per server per day. Further, we show that keeping even 10% of the servers as hot spares helps absorb load spikes due to global flash crowds with little impact on availability SLAs. Finally, we show that redistributing load across proximal data centers can enhance service availability significantly, but has only a modest impact on energy savings

    An empirical study of memory sharing in virtual machines

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    Content-based page sharing is a technique often used in virtualized environments to reduce server memory requirements. Many systems have been proposed to capture the benefits of page sharing. However, there have been few analyses of page sharing in general, both considering its real-world utility and typical sources of sharing potential. We provide insight into this issue through an exploration and analysis of memory traces captured from real user machines and controlled virtual machines. First, we observe that absolute sharing levels (excluding zero pages) generally remain under 15%, contrasting with prior work that has often reported savings of 30% or more. Second, we find that sharing within individual machines often accounts for nearly all (\u3e90%) of the sharing potential within a set of machines, with inter-machine sharing contributing only a small amount. Moreover, even small differences between machines significantly reduce what little inter-machine sharing might otherwise be possible. Third, we find that OS features like address space layout randomization can further diminish sharing potential. These findings both temper expectations of real-world sharing gains and suggest that sharing efforts may be equally effective if employed within the operating system of a single machine, rather than exclusively targeting groups of virtual machines
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