8 research outputs found

    Survei Dan Pemetaan Unsur Hara N, P, K, Dan Ph Tanah Pada Lahan Sawah Tadah Hujan Di Desa Durian Kecamatan Pantai Labu

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    The objective of this research are to survey and to map the nutrients which is nitrogen (N),phosphate (P), and potassium (K) and the soil pH of rain fed lowland in Desa Durian KecamatanPantai Labu. The soil analysis was conducted in Research and Technology Laboratory inAgricultural Faculty of North Sumatra University on July – November 2013. The researchconducted the survey grid method semi-detailed lavel with 1 sample each 250 meter observationdensity. For the nutrient the researcher used Khejdhal method for soil total nitrogen, Extraction HCl25% for soil Potential phosphate, extraction 1 N NH4OAc pH 7 for soil potassium exchange, forsoil pH the researcher used electrometric method, and the result will be interpreted on nutrientstatus map. The result showed that total nitrogen is classified into two status, low nitrogen (582,048Ha) and medium nitrogen (167,952 Ha). Potential phosphate is classified into very low status (750Ha). And potassium exchange is classified into three status, medium potassium (137,202 Ha), highpotassium (515,303 Ha) and very high potassium (97,495 Ha). Soil pH classified into aciditytendency

    Survey Dan Pemetaan Status Hara-P Di Kecamatan Kabanjahe Kabupaten Karo

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    The research of survey and mapping nutriens status of P2O5 at Kabanjahe sub-district, regensi Karo, aims to determine the spread of the availability of P2O5 in agricultural areas for plants. The survey was conducted using a free grid survey methode with with density 6.25 ha each of the grid and analysis of P2O5 content of 25% HCl extract. Analysis of the levels of P2O5 done in the laboratory of Research and Technology of the North Sumatra University, Medan. The results showed that the P2O5 classified into 5 criteria such as; very low 18.74 ha, 10 ha Low, Medium 70 ha, 140 ha of high and very high 343.75 ha. From the results obtained by laboratory analysis of soil samples with the highest P2O5 content is 2,376 % and lowest content is 0,016 %

    Evaluasi Sifat Kimia Tanah Inceptisol Pada Kebun Inti Tanaman Gambir (Uncaria Gambir Roxb.) Di Kecamatan Salak Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat

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    Evaluation of Inceptisol soil chemical in Gambir Core Garden in the Sub district of Salak Pakpak Bharat District has been conducted from March 2013 to June 2013. This study aimed to evaluate the soil chemical (pH, N, P, K, CEC, Organic Carbon, Exchangable Aluminuim) based on land position on the Gambir Core Garden of Pakpak Bharat District. The method used in this research is descriptive method by conducting surveys and soil sampling based land position on the top of the hill, hillside and part of the valley. The results show the value of N and Organic Carbon are tends to rise in the valley compared to the top of the hill and the hillside. As for the value of CEC and Exchangable Aluminium are tend to rise on the hillside compared to to the top of the hill and the valley, while the value of pH, P and K are relatively same

    Pengujian Media Tanam Kompos Dan Residu Sampah Rumah Tangga Terhadap Basa Tukar, Ktk, Kb Dan Produksi Tanaman Sawi (Brassica Juncea L. Czern) Di Lahan Pekarangan Kec. Sunggal

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    The Study to evaluate the effect compost of household waste as growing media and the residual ofhousehold waste pit on the availability of KTK, KB and the production of mustard (Brassica junceaL. Czern) corp in yard. This research was conducted in the compost yard in Desa Sei SemayangKecamatan Sunggal Kabupaten Deli Serdang and in the laboratory of Agricultural Faculty ofUniversity of North Sumatra. The design of this research were non-factorial random design which isconsisting of 9 treatments with 3 replications. The treatment are M1 (100% soil), M2 (75% soil +25% compost), M3 (50% soil + 50% compost), M4 (25% soil + 75% compost), M5 (75% soil +25% residues of the household waste pit), M6 (50% soil + 50% residues of the household wastepit), M7 (25% soil + 75% residues of the household waste pit), M8 (50% compost+ 50% residues ofthe household waste pit), M9 (100% residues of the household waste pit). The result is that researchas household waste compost and residues of the household waste pit and the combination of both,very significantly increased the K-dd, Base Saturation of the soil as well as the production of thewet weight mustard plant and not significant to Ca, Mg and Na contensts

    Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan Untuk Tanaman Kopi Arabika (Coffea Arabica L Var Kartika Ateng ) Di Kecamatan Muara Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara

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    This research aims to evaluate the land suitability of coffea (Coffea arabica L.) in Muara Subdistrict of North Tapanuli Utara. This research use survey method From the results of the overlay from the map of soil types, map of topography, and climate, retrieved 3 (three) units of land use map. SPL 1 has a land area of 796 hectares, SPL 2 has a land area of 243 hectares, and SPL 3 has a land area of 619 hectares.With the Matching method, then retrieved the land suitability class actual and potensial class for coffea (Coffea arabica L.) on each of the SPL. At SPL 1 and SPL 2 are actual land suitability class S3 (wa,nr) while the potential land suitability class is S3 (wa) and at SPL 3 is actual land suitability class S3 (wa,nr,eh) while the potential land suitability class is S3 (wa). Potention of land for Arabic coffea in Muara Subdistrict is 1658 Ha

    Pemberian Zeolit Dan Pupuk Kalium Untuk Meningkatkan Ketersediaan Hara K Dan Pertumbuhan Kedelai Di Entisol

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    The Application of Zeolite and Potassium Fertilizer to Increase The Avaibility of PotassiumNutrient and Soy Growth in Entisols. Suvervised by Hamidah Hanum and Gantar Sitanggang.Theobjective of this research were: 1) determined of zeolite dosage that improved the soil chemistryproperties, 2) determinated zeolite and potassium fertilizer dosage that effected the avaibility ofpotassium and the soy growth in Entisols. The research consisted of two experiment, the first onewas the experiment of zeolite incubation, and second one was the experiment of zeolit andpotasium fertilizer. The design experiment of the first research was completely randomized designand the second one was block randomized design- factorial. The result showed that in the firstexperiment, zeolite wich incubation until 7.5 ton/hectare incerease CEC significanly, but didn\u27teffect the soil pH and K-exchangable. Besed the second experiment, it was know that theinteraction effect of zeolit and potasium fertilizer aplication increased potassium nutrient the plant,which the best treatment was zeolite aplication 5 ton/ hectare and potasium fertilizer 150 kg/hectare

    Aplikasi Pupuk Sp-36 Dan Pupuk Kandang Ayamterhadap Ketersediaan Dan Serapan Fosfor Serta Pertumbuhan Tanaman Jagung Pada Ultisol Kwala Bekala

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    The objective of this study about the application of SP - 36 fertilizer and chicken manure onphosphorus availability and uptake and growth of maize on Ultisols taken from Kwala Bekala. Theresearch was conducted in the screen house and Chemical and Soil Fertility Laboratory , Faculty ofAgriculture , University of North Sumatra . This study used randomized block designed whichconsist of 2 factors and 3 replications . The first factor is SP - 36 which consists of 4 levels : 1 . P0 (0 ) , 2 . P1 ( 50 ) , P2 ( 100 ) , P3 ( 150 ) and the second factor is chicken manure : 1 . A0 ( 0 ), 2 . A1( 25 ) , 3 . A2 ( 50 ) , 4 . A3 ( 75 ) . The results showed SP - 36 fertilizer application indicatedsignifican increased soil pH , P-plant uptake , plant height, dry weight and dry root plant, decreasedAl -exchangeable. Application of chicken manure significantly increased soil pH , soil C-organic, P- available soil , P-plant uptake , plant height , dry weight and dry root plant, and decreased Al -exchangeable . Interaction of SP - 36 fertilizer application and chicken manure significantlyincreased the root dry plant