27 research outputs found

    Densitas tulang mandibula pengguna obat anti hipertensi calcium channel blocker (CCB) melalui radiograf panoramik

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    Objectives: The purpose of this research was to describe radiographic density of mandibular bone in calcium channel blocker anti-hypertensive drug users. Bone density in the mandible is assessed from the trabecular. Panoramic radiograph is a routine examination that is often done in dentistry that can be used to assess changes in quality in the form of changes in bone density in users of anti-hypertensive calcium channel blockers Material and Methods: This research is a descriptive study of 21 panoramic radiographs of calcium channel blocker anti-hypertensive drug users aged 40-75 years. Panoramic radiograph archive density checks in the distal region of the foramen mentale and the mandibular angular region using software image j, with the final result was the percentage between bone and marrow. Results: This research showed the average radiographic density in male using calcium channel blocker antihypertensive drugs was 18.81% and the average radiographic density in female was 20.92%. Conclusion: Based on the results of the study found that the average radiographic density of female patients taking antihypertensive drugs calcium channel blockers was higher than male

    Analisis ketebalan kortikal, ukuran sudut dan kepadatan trabekula tulang mandibula prajurit dan non prajurit ditinjau dari radiograf panoramik

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    Objectives: To analyze the cortical thickness, angular size and density of the mandibular bone trabeculae of soldiers and non-soldiers in terms of panoramic radiographs Material and Methods: This study is a comparative analytical descriptive study. The sample used was 65 panoramic radiographic data from soldiers and non-soldiers carried out at LADOKGI TNI AL R E Martadinata Jakarta. Results: Significant differences (p-value <0.05) in the calculation of the MCW value (Mandibular Cortical Width) of male soldiers compared to non-male soldiers (p-value 0.047) and FD FM (Fractal Dimension region superior foramen mentale) values 40-58 years compared to non-soldiers aged 40-58 years (p-value 0.027). Conclusion: There are differences in the size of the cortical thickness of the foramen mentale region (MCW) of the male group and in the value of the superior region of the mandibular foramen mentale (FD) region of the 40-58 years age group between soldiers and non-soldiers in terms of panoramic radiographs.   &nbsp

    Estimasi usia prajurit TNI AL berdasarkan Tooth Coronal Index pada digital radiograf panoramik

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    Objectives: The purpose was to determine the estimated chronological age difference between Indonesian Navy soldiers (TNI-AL) and dental age based on the Tooth Coronal Index on panoramic digital radiographs, which are used as antemortem data for the purposes of identifying Indonesian Navy soldiers if they have an accident while on duty or on the battlefield where only tooth remains. Material and Methods: The method used was a cross-sectional observational survey with the sampling technique using purposive sampling. This study used 86 digital panoramic radiographs of Indonesian Navy soldiers who were assigned abroad from 2015-2017 at the Dental Radiology Installation of Ladokgi TNI AL R.E. Martadinata. The teeth measured were mandibular first molars with the Tooth Coronal Index (TCI) method, which is a method of estimating age based on secondary dentin deposition and tooth pulp size on dental radiographs. Results: The results of the chronological age difference with the dental age of Indonesian Navy soldiers using the Tooth Coronal Index (TCI) method on a panoramic digital radiograph performed on mandibular first molars were an average of 6.3 years. Conclusion: The dental age of Navy soldier is higher than chronological age

    Analisis lesi endo-perio di periapikal melalui radiografi

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    Objectives: Endodontic lesions and periodontal lesions that appear together in the same tooth are called endo-perio lesions. This study is aimed to explain further on radiography characteristics of endo-perio lesions. Case Report: Case 1, A 21-year-old male patient came to RSGM with a lower left lower back pain complaint. The tooth was once cursed 1 year ago. In the radiographic picture there is a large radiolucent lesion on the alveolar bone around the distal root. Case 2, A 25-year-old female patient came to the Installation of Dental Conservation Specialist RSGM FKG Padjadjaran University complained that the lower left molar was sore and swollen gums had been 3 days. The tooth has been treated by a dentist in another city, but the treatment is not completed. Patients have taken the drug of mefenamic acid and amoxicillin each one grain. Conclusion: Periapical radiography is one of diagnostic imaging tools to help establish a more accurate diagnosis of endo-perio lesions. &nbsp

    The value of Mental Index (MI) and Gonial Index (GI) in hypertension patients on its correlation with serum calcium and cortisol level

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    Objective: This research was aimed to analyze the mandibular cortical width based on a mental index (MI) and gonial Index (GI) in hypertension patients correlated with serum calcium and cortisol levels. Materials and Methods: This study was an analytic-observational study with 31 hypertension patients aged 41-79. All of the patients have checked their serum calcium and cortisol level. The panoramic radiograph was taken and analyzed using Image-J Fiji software. The mandibular cortical width was then measured with Mental Index (MI) and Gonial Index (GI) and correlated with the serum calcium and cortisol level. Results: The data obtained from examining serum calcium and cortisol levels and the measurement of Mental Index (MI) and Gonial Index (GI) showed varying results but tended towards normal values. The results of the correlation test between mental index and gonial index with cortisol and serum calcium showed no correlation with p>0.05. Conclusion: There was no correlation between serum calcium and cortisol level in the value of MI and GI in hypertension patients

    Comparison of panoramic mandibular cortical bone quality indexes in amlodipine users and healthy individuals

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    Hypertension and osteoporosis are believed to be linked to to each other. Previous studies have suggested that the imbalance of calcium metabolism in hypertensive condition and the use of calcium channel blockers such as amlodipine may lower the density and quality of bone. Panoramic radiography has been widely used as a reliable tool in assessing bone quality. One indicator of bone quality in panoramic radiograph is the macrostructure evaluation of mandibular cortical bone by using various indexes such as mandibular cortical index (MCI) and antegonial index (AI). This research aimed to compare the bone quality of hypertensive patients with amlodipine and healthy individuals using MCI and AI. In this study we used sixty panoramic radiographs of hypertensive patients with amlodipine and healthy individuals, thirty for each group, with various aspects of demography. The MCI analysis was done by dividing the mandibular cortical shape into three different qualitative categories and the AI analysis was done quantitatively by measuring the width of mandibular cortical bone in antegonial region using ImageJ software. There were statistically significant differences in the results between the two groups in terms of both AI (p = 0.000) and MCI (p = 0.001) in which hypertensive group had lower score. Based on this research, there were differences of mandibular bone quality of hypertensive patients with amlodipine and healthy individuals, particularly in its macrostructure


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    Background: Oral condition is one of substantial factors in general health. Good oral health will determine dental fitness or readiness in military troops. Oral diseases affecting soldiers may have negative impacts in readiness on deployment or fight and contributes to lowering morale among personnel. At the recruitment stage, the prevalence of periodontal disease is low and controlled before the commencement of the training. As a matter of fact, periodontal health was not considered to be maintained and found to be worsening through the course of time. In the end, many of soldiers were found to suffer from periodontal diseases. Method : This review article aims to discuss several factors in military way of life related to oral condition.Result : Lack of oral hygiene practices, stress, deficiency of nutritious food, and smoking among military personnel may contribute to the prevalence of periodontal disease. Several attempts should be incorporated in military life to reduce the negative impacts of these factors on oral health.Conclusion: Periodontal therapy should be provided early in the military careers and repeated at intervals specific to the needs of each personnel. Several risk factors contributing to the development and severity of periodontal disease should be assessed and overcome to arrest the progression of the disease

    Temuan Keratocyst Odontogenic Tumor besar pada maksila pada pemeriksaan CBCT

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    Objectives: The aim of this case report is to describe radiographic characteristic of keratocyst odontogenic tumor (KCOT) in maxilla using CBCT. Case Report: A 20 year-old women patient was referred to the Oral Maxillofacial Radiology Department of Padjadjaran University with the  chief complaint of swelling, painless in the anterior of the upper jaw. In this presented case, we used cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) to find out the margin of the cortical extension, and diameter of the lesion. The CBCT examination shows radiolucent, well-defined lesion in 12-14 region with displacement of 12. The size of the lesion is about 20x15x19mm extended posterior-superiorly near to nasal cavity and it shows less degree of bone expansion. Based on radiographic and clinical examination, the diagnosis was keratocyst odontogenic tumor (KCOT). Conclusion: KCOT has some radiographic characteristic distinguishable with another odontogenic lesion. Therefore, CBCT examination is recommended for the diagnosis of odontogenic keratocyst and proper surgical planning. &nbsp

    A large radiolucent lesion with impacted teeth: was it an ameloblastoma or a dentigerous cyst? a case report

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    Objectives: This case report aims to describe a large radiolucent lesion associated with an impacted tooth from CBCT radiographs. Case Report: A 19-year-old woman was referred to have a CBCT examination in the dentomaxillofacial radiology unit in Dental Hospital Universitas Padjadjaran with swelling on the palatal side of the face and a lump on the gum at the upper right unerupted canine and premolar. The CBCT examination results showed impacted teeth 13 and 14 with a large radiolucent lesion with a well-defined and corticated border surrounding teeth 13 and 14, expanding into the maxillary sinus and nasal cavity.  Oral hygiene was in good condition. The facial profile looked asymmetrical. Conclusion: Based on the CBCT result in terms of location and radiographic feature, this extensive radiolucent lesion led to a suspect radiodiagnosis of the ameloblastoma. Histology examinations are required to establish a definitive diagnosis. A cyst wall lined with odontogenic squamous epithelium was confirmed in the histology result examination