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    This research aims at investigating the responses of immunoglobulin G and immunoglobulin M as the effects of breathing exercise. This is an experimental study using the pretest – posttest group design. The samples involved in this study were 10 people. This research study was conducted in 6 weeks with the frequency of three times a week. The breathing exercise consisted of 10 movements. The laboratory examination was conducted using the ELISA (Enzyme Linked Imunsorbent Assay) method. Blood samples of the participants were taken from cubital vein ± 5cc. The results of the first and second measurements on immunoglobulin M show that the levels of immunoglobulin increased by 4,7mg/dl, while on the second and third measurements on immunoglobulin M, the levels of immunoglobulin M decreased by 7,4mg/dl. On the first and second measurements, the levels of immunoglobulin G increased by 41,86mg/dl, while on second and third measurements, it increased by 79,02mg/dl. On the first and third measurement, the result shows that the levels of immunoglobulin G increased by 102,88mg/dl. The results of t-test on immunoglobulin G and immunoglobulin M on pre-and posttest show that there were significant differences. The increase of the levels of immunoglobulin was caused by physiological adaptation on immunoglobulin. The adaptation was in the form of chances from immunoglobulin M into immunoglobulin G mediated by gamma chain. The process is called Gen Switching which can be defined as the changes of one kind of immunoglobulin to another kind of immunoglobulin, for example the change of immunoglobulin M into immunoglobulin G which is mediated by gamma chain, and the change of immunoglobulin M into IgA mediated by alpha chain. Usually, immunoglobulin M will experience gen switching around day 14. By the increase of the levels of immunoglobulin G, it can be concluded that the body immunity increases as well. Thus, breathing exercise can be used as an exercise model to increase body immunity under the condition of proportional and programmed one. Keywords: response, immunoglobulin, breathing exercis


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menghasilkan instrumen tes fisik pencak silat remaja kategori tanding, (2) menghasilkan software pengolah hasil tes fisik pencak silat remaja kategori tanding, dan (3) mengetahui validitas, reliabilitas dan norma tes fisik pencak silat remaja kategori tanding. Penelitian pengembangan ini mengacu langkah yang dikembangkan oleh Borg & Gall yang di kelompokkan menjadi 6 prosedur yaitu: (1) pengumpulan informasi, (2) menganalisis hasil informasi, (3) pengembangan produk awal, (4) validasi ahli dan revisi I, (5) uji coba produk dan revisi II, dan (6) pembuatan produk akhir dan implementasi. Uji coba produk terbagi atas uji coba skala kecil melibatkan 9 pelatih perguruan kota yogyakarta dan uji sekala besar melibatkan 20 pelatih pencak silat (Pelatih Nasional wilayah DIY, Pelatih Pengda DIY dan Pelatih PORDA Kabupaten Bantul, Sleman, Kulon Progo, Kota Yogyakarta dan Gunung Kidul). Uji efektifitas melibatkan 6 pelatih dan 88 atlet pencak silat DIY (PPLP, POPNAS, PAB), PAB Sleman, Atlet POSPEDA Bantul dan Sleman. Analisis data untuk validitas dan reliabilitas instrumen menggunakan perhitungan pearson correlation, sedangkan uji efektifitas dari penggunaan software menggunakan uji paired sample t-test, dioperasikan melalui SPSS 16. Hasil penelitian berupa buku tes fisik dan aplikasi software pencak silat remaja kategori tanding dengan item tes fisik terdiri dari 8 item tes yaitu: (1) fleksibilitas (sit and reach), (2) kecepatan (sprint 30 meter), (3) kekuatan lengan (push up 30 detik), (4) kekuatan tungkai (wall sit test), (5) kelincahan (side step), (6) power tungkai (standing broad jump), (7) daya tahan anaerobik (sprint 300 meter), dan (8) daya tahan aerobik (multy fitness test). Tes dinyatakan valid dan reliabel dengan p < 0,05. Kefektifan instrumen dilihat dari persentase penilaian pelatih dalam kategori baik dan sangat baik. Sedangkan software dinyatakan efektif dengan p < 0,05. Kata kunci: software, tes pengukuran, kondisi fisik, remaja, pencak sila