371 research outputs found

    The Paradox of Dynamic Corporate Identity

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    Dynamic Corporate Identity has brought the new perspective of designing a brand identity. Dynamic Corpo- rate identity is a system that applying the latest technology to create a flexible logo as the result the logo will constantly can change in color, pattern or shape. It is believed as the new way to create a living brand. However the new approach may not suitable for several types of businesses or identities. This research aimed to understand; what improvement that dynamic identity could do to make brand more alive. By collecting qualitative data, and some relevant literature this study has found that there is a paradox in dynamic identity system. Keywords Corporate Identity, Dyanmic Identity, Logo Desig


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    Resistance to antibiotics is increasing to alarmingly high levels. As antibiotics are less effective, more infections are becoming more complex and often impossible to treat. Numerous antibiotics discovered in marine organisms show that the marine environment, which accounts for over half of the world's biodiversity, is a massive source for novel antibiotics and that this resource must be explored to identify next-generation antibiotics. This research aimed to predict antibacterial activity in marine compounds using a computational approach to reduce the cost and time of finding marine organisms, extracting, and testing numerous unknown marine compounds' bioactivities. We used a simple unsupervised learning approach to predict the biological activity of marine compounds using agglomerative hierarchical clustering. We mixed antibiotic drug data in DrugBank Database and chemical compound data from marine organisms in literature to compile our dataset. We applied five linkage methods in our dataset and compared the best method by assessing internal validation measurement. We found that the Ward with squared dissimilarity matrix is the best method in the dataset, and ten compounds from 73 compounds of the marine compound are determined as potential marine compounds which have antibacterial activity

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Pembangkit Argumen Menggunakan Metode Saintifik Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Kognitif Dan Keterampilan Berargumentasi Siswa

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    The purposes of this study were to determine the difference between the generate-an-argument instructional model using scientific method and without scientific method in improving student\u27s cognitive abilities and argumentation skills, and to determine the correlation between the argumentation skills and the cognitive abilities in the generate-an-argument instructional model using scientific method class. The study was conducted using a quasi-experimental with randomized control group pretest-posttest design. The population were all of students in X MIA grades on one of the senior high schools in Pemalang district. There were two samples that chosen at random cluster sampling. The results showed that there was an improving of student\u27s cognitive abilities and argumentation skills in two classes. But, in the experiment\u27s class there was more significantly improvement student\u27s cognitive abilities and argumentation skills than in control class. In addition, there was a strong and significant correlation between argumentation skills and cognitive abilities of students having lesson implementing the generate-an-argument instructional model using scientific method

    Implementasi Budaya 5 R sebagai Budaya Kerja di Pktn

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    Budaya Kerja 5R di Pusat Kemitraan Teknologi Nuklir dicetuskan oleh Kepala Pusat Kemitraan Teknologi Nuklir tahun 2005 dengan komitmen 5R ditandatangani oleh pejabat eselon II dan para pejabat eselon III di PKTN sebagai adopsi dari budaya kerja 5S dari negara Jepang Implementasi Gerakan Pelaksanaan 5R (GP-5R) di lingkungan PKTN harus terus digalakan dan di benahi, terus disosialisasikan dan terus dibina keteladanannya dari top manajemen. Upaya untuk tetap melaksanakan kegiatan 5R PKTN membentuk tim 5R yang memiliki tugas membuat perencanaan dan pengawasan pelaksanaan penerapan GP 5R untuk setiap tahapan dan langkah pelaksanaan 5R di lingkungan pusat Kemitraan Teknologi Nuklir. Hingga akhir 2012 PKTN telah melaksanakan implementasi R1 (Ringkas) dan R2 (Rapi) dan penilaian tertinggi adalah 3,625 dengan top skor 5,00. Kata kunci : budaya kerja, budaya 5R 5R Corporate Work Culture at the Centre for Partnership in Nuclear Technology initiated by the Head of Center for Partnership in Nuclear Technology in 2005 with a commitment signed by 5R echelon II and III in PKTN as the adoption of 5S workplace culture from Japan. Implementation of 5S Implementation Movement (GP-5S) in the PKTN should continue to (implement) digalakan and fix, continue to be socialized and had been building his example of top management. Efforts to continue to perform activities of 5S 5S PKTN formed a team that has made ​​the task of planning and monitoring implementation of the 5S movement for all stages and steps to implement 5S in the center of Nuclear Technology Partnership. Until the end of 2012 PKTN has undertaken the implementation of R1 (Concise) and R2 (Neat) and the highest rating is 3.625 with a top score of 5.00

    Penerapan Akuntansi Investasi Jangka Panjang pada Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Sleman Tahun Anggaran 2016

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses bisnis terkait implementasi akuntansi investasi Pemerintah Kabupaten Sleman. Mulai dari perolehan investasi, pengakuan investasi, pengukuran investasi, dan metode untuk menilai investasi. Selain itu juga terkait akuntansi atas hasil investasinya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam proses implementasi akuntansi investasi Pemerintah Kabupaten Sleman secara umum sudah sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan Perundang-undangan namun dalam pengungkapannya masih terdapat hal-hal yang belum dijelaskan secara rinc
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