1,496 research outputs found

    Escape of mass in zero-range processes with random rates

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    We consider zero-range processes in Zd{\mathbb{Z}}^d with site dependent jump rates. The rate for a particle jump from site xx to yy in Zd{\mathbb{Z}}^d is given by λxg(k)p(yx)\lambda_xg(k)p(y-x), where p()p(\cdot) is a probability in Zd{\mathbb{Z}}^d, g(k)g(k) is a bounded nondecreasing function of the number kk of particles in xx and λ={λx}\lambda =\{\lambda_x\} is a collection of i.i.d. random variables with values in (c,1](c,1], for some c>0c>0. For almost every realization of the environment λ\lambda the zero-range process has product invariant measures {νλ,v:0vc}\{{\nu_{\lambda, v}}:0\le v\le c\} parametrized by vv, the average total jump rate from any given site. The density of a measure, defined by the asymptotic average number of particles per site, is an increasing function of vv. There exists a product invariant measure νλ,c{\nu _{\lambda, c}}, with maximal density. Let μ\mu be a probability measure concentrating mass on configurations whose number of particles at site xx grows less than exponentially with x\|x\|. Denoting by Sλ(t)S_{\lambda}(t) the semigroup of the process, we prove that all weak limits of {μSλ(t),t0}\{\mu S_{\lambda}(t),t\ge 0\} as tt\to \infty are dominated, in the natural partial order, by νλ,c{\nu_{\lambda, c}}. In particular, if μ\mu dominates νλ,c{\nu _{\lambda, c}}, then μSλ(t)\mu S_{\lambda}(t) converges to νλ,c{\nu_{\lambda, c}}. The result is particularly striking when the maximal density is finite and the initial measure has a density above the maximal.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/074921707000000300 in the IMS Lecture Notes Monograph Series (http://www.imstat.org/publications/lecnotes.htm) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    A note on weak convergence results for uniform infinite causal triangulations

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    We discuss uniform infinite causal triangulations and equivalence to the size biased branching process measure - the critical Galton-Watson branching process distribution conditioned on non-extinction. Using known results from the theory of branching processes, this relation is used to prove weak convergence of the joint length-area process of a uniform infinite causal triangulations to a limiting diffusion. The diffusion equation enables us to determine the physical Hamiltonian and Green's function from the Feynman-Kac procedure, providing us with a mathematical rigorous proof of certain scaling limits of causal dynamical triangulations.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figure

    Dental utilisation by young adults before and after subsidisation reform in Finland

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    Dental care was never fully integrated into the welfare state in Finland, but in 1986 it was decided to improve access to both publicly and privately provided dental care by reducing the price paid by patients. Since this would have been rather expensive to do for the whole population, it was decided to introduce it gradually, starting with the young adult population (those under 21 already had free publicly provided dental care). The so-called “Subsidisation Reform” (SR) was based on the assumption that the seeking of care would increase, as would the amount of care actually provided, and this increase would be spread across both the public and the private sectors. This study investigates the short-term effects of this reform. The seeking of care did increase, but the amount of care actually provided decreased and the changes were not evenly spread between the two sectors. The reasons for these changes are explored, and some of the inherent difficulties in evaluating health care reforms are set out, since they are likely to be of wider significance than this particular reform in Finland.reform, dental care

    Alien Registration- Sisko, Michael (Portland, Cumberland County)

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    Alien Registration- Sisko, Michael (Portland, Cumberland County)

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    Material Alteration and Cognitive Activity in Aristotle\u27s De Anima

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    In this paper, I would like to sketch my account of the relation between cognitive activity and material alteration within Aristotle\u27s psychological theory. I will begin by suggesting a new framework through which to view the important issues (§2). I will then show that on Aristotle\u27s account material alteration is required both for any episode of perception in animals taken generally (§3) and for any episode of thought in human beings (§4). Finally, I will examine Aristotle\u27s rationale for supposing that material alteration is required for human thought (§5)

    Priorities for Kosovo\u27s cultural-artistic associations, including minority groups : development challenges of cultural sector for minority groups and direction for encouraging of improving their work, subsidies and needs--financing the arts & cutlure [presentation given on February 29, 2012]:

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    This capstone project explored the direction and measures needed for solving the problem of the sustainable development of Cultural Artistic Associations1 (CAAs) in Kosovo. It gives particular emphasis to the ethnic minority groups. Safeguarding, promotion and maintenance of cultural diversity as a part of the Intangible Cultural Heritage2 (ICH) are an essential condition for the sustainable development of Kosovo. These are for the benefit of the present and future generations and for a tolerant society, but at present insufficient resources are provided. There are three main stages of research in this Capstone Project. (1) The first stage was a collection of documents from the Kosovo Government, related to cultural-artistic activities and their financing. (2) The second stage was an empirical assessment of financing the arts and culture. (3) The third stage was the execution of interviews and questionnaire. The results obtained came from the different CAAs and artists from various communities living in Kosovo

    Tapahtuman tavoitteiden toteutuminen - Varhaiskasvatuksen tulevaisuus -seminaari

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    Tämä opinnäytetyö on tutkimus julkishallinnon seminaarin tavoitteiden toteutumisesta. Työn alku koostuu teoriaosuudesta, jossa avataan työn keskeiset käsitteet: tapahtuma, seminaari ja tapahtuman tavoitteet. Näiden keskeisten käsitteiden lisäksi avataan myös lyhyesti aihetta kokoussuunnittelu, joka liittyy vahvasti tapahtuman tavoitteiden asettamiseen. Selkeiden tavoitteiden asettaminen tapahtumille on huomattu vaikuttavan tapahtumien vaikuttavuuteen ja sitä kautta organisaatioiden ja yhteisöjen toimintaan. Tämä työ keskittyy julkishallinnon seminaarin tavoitteiden toteutumisen tutkimiseen, mutta tuloksia on sovellettu myös jossain määrin tapahtumiin yleensä. Tutkimuksen kohteena oli Varhaiskasvatuksen tulevaisuus- seminaari, joka järjestettiin 27.9.2017 Helsingin Säätytalolla. Työn tulokset perustuvat seminaarin järjestäjätahoille tehtyyn laadulliseen verkkokyselyyn. Kysely toteutettiin Webropol –kyselylomakkeella ja lähetettiin yhteensä 15 henkilölle. Kyselyyn vastasi 7 henkilöä. Tutkimustulokset osiossa kerrotaan ja esitetään kysymyskohtaisesti kyselyn tulokset ja pohdintaosiossa tutkimuksen tuloksia verrataan alussa esitettyyn teoriaan. Työn lopussa pohditaan tavoitteiden asettamisen tärkeyttä ja miten organisaatio tai yhteisö hyötyy niistä

    My Gender is Lesbian : Community Building and the Endurance of the Lesbian in Queer Times

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    During 2016, the same year news of lesbian bar closures hit mainstream media, a small cluster of Tumblr users began to discuss a new gender and sexual identity, nonbinary lesbian, to describe those who identify both as nonbinary and as lesbian. Nonbinary lesbians stand at the crossroads of modern and postmodern identity constructs, engaging in contradictions and ambiguities for the sake of authentic self-expression. What does this demonstrate about the evolution of lesbian identity, particularly as lesbian bars continue to close around the United States? This dissertation explores this question by comparing and contrasting the discursive practices and strategies of nonbinary lesbians on Tumblr with those of women who once converged at The Country, a women’s bar that closed during the early 1980s in Lexington, Kentucky. How are community boundaries delineated in material lesbian space versus digital lesbian space? What discursive strategies are relied upon to legitimate lesbian identity? In order to answer these questions, this dissertation engages in computer-mediated discourse analysis of over 1,600 Tumblr posts made to the nonbinary lesbian tag from 2016-2020, and places those posts in conversation with the oral history accounts of 14 women who used to frequent The Country. Overall, this dissertation particularly focuses on themes of desire, safety, authenticity, and validity. Ultimately, this dissertation concludes that nonbinary lesbian identity represents a lesbian post-gender that allows individuals to express specificity of desire in spaces that emphasize queer ambiguity

    Alien Registration- Sisko, Michael (Portland, Cumberland County)

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