6,672 research outputs found

    Frequency-Tunable Josephson Junction Resonator for Quantum Computing

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    We have fabricated and measured a high-Q Josephson junction resonator with a tunable resonance frequency. A dc magnetic flux allows the resonance frequency to be changed by over 10 %. Weak coupling to the environment allows a quality factor of ∼\thicksim7000 when on average less than one photon is stored in the resonator. At large photon numbers, the nonlinearity of the Josephson junction creates two stable oscillation states. This resonator can be used as a tool for investigating the quality of Josephson junctions in qubits below the single photon limit, and can be used as a microwave qubit readout at high photon numbers.Comment: 3 pages, 5 figure

    How should discrepancy be assessed in perfectionism research? A psychometric analysis and proposed refinement of the Almost Perfect Scale–Revised

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    Research on perfectionism with the Almost Perfect Scale-Revised (APS-R) distinguishes adaptive perfectionists versus maladaptive perfectionists based primarily on their responses to the 12-item unidimensional APS-R discrepancy subscale, which assesses the sense of falling short of standards. People described as adaptive perfectionists have high standards but low levels of discrepancy (i.e., relatively close to attaining these standards). Maladaptive perfectionists have perfectionistic high standards and high levels of discrepancy. In the current work, we re-examine the psychometric properties of the APS-R discrepancy subscale and illustrate that this supposedly unidimensional discrepancy measure may actually consists of more than one factor. Psychometric analyses of data from student and community samples distinguished a pure fiveitem discrepancy factor and a second four-item factor measuring dissatisfaction. The five-item factor is recommended as a brief measure of discrepancy from perfection and the four-item factor is recommended as a measure of dissatisfaction with being imperfect. Overall, our results confirm past suggestions that most people with maladaptive perfectionism are characterized jointly by chronic dissatisfaction as well as a sense of being discrepant due to having fallen short of expectations. These findings are discussed in terms of their implications for the assessment of perfectionism, as well as the implications for research and practice

    Driver Drowsiness Immediately before Crashes – A Comparative Investigation of EEG Pattern Recognition

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    Periodogram and other spectral power estimation methods are established in quantitative EEG analysis. Their outcome in case of drowsy subjects fulfilling a sustained attention task is difficult to interpret. Two novel kind of EEG analysis based on pattern recognition were proposed recently, namely the microsleep (MS) and the alpha burst (AB) pattern recognition. We compare both methods by applying them to the same experimental data and relating their output variables to two independent variables of driver drowsiness. The latter was an objective lane tracking performance variable and the first was a subjective variable of self-experienced sleepiness. Results offer remarkable differences between both EEG analysis methodologies. The expected increase with time since sleep as well as with time on task, which also exhibited in both independent variables, was not identified after applying AB recognition. The EEG immediately before fatigue related crashes contained both patterns. MS patterns were remarkably more frequent before crashes; almost every crash (98.5 %) was preceded by MS patterns, whereas less than 64 % of all crashes had AB patterns within a 10 sec pre-crash interval

    Measurement crosstalk between two phase qubits coupled by a coplanar waveguide

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    We analyze the measurement crosstalk between two flux-biased phase qubits coupled by a resonant coplanar waveguide cavity. After the first qubit is measured, the superconducting phase can undergo damped oscillations resulting in an a.c. voltage that produces a frequency chirped noise signal whose frequency crosses that of the cavity. We show experimentally that the coplanar waveguide cavity acts as a bandpass filter that can significantly reduce the crosstalk signal seen by the second qubit when its frequency is far from the cavity's resonant frequency. We present a simple classical description of the qubit behavior that agrees well with the experimental data. These results suggest that measurement crosstalk between superconducting phase qubits can be reduced by use of linear or possibly nonlinear resonant cavities as coupling elements.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Can Frequency Domain Heart Rate Measures Detect Impaired Driver Performance?

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    An overnight driving simulation scenario with partial sleep deprivation was utilized to induce driver performance impairment. Heart rate (HR) was recorded over the entire experiment; frequency domain HR measures were derived and correlated to variation of lane deviation (VLD), a driving performance measure, and to the driver\u27s state, which was estimated by the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS). The aim of this study is to evaluate whether frequency domain heart rate measures can be used to detect impaired driver performance as well as reduced driver state. We generalize the concept of the conventional frequency domain HR measures – namely the very-low frequency (VLF), low frequency (LF) band and high frequency (HF) band – into finer-grained frequency bands of 0.02 Hz width. These newly defined frequency bands show a more detailed correlation to driving performance and to driver sleepiness state, taking subjectspecific differences into account

    Effects of female mating status and age on fecundity, longevity and sex ratio in Trichogramma minutum (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae)

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    Effects of female mating status and age of Trichogramma minutum Riley on its fecundity, longevity and offspring sex ratio were detennined in the laboratory, using eggs of the variegated cutworm as hosts. Although the mating status of female T. minutum did not affect their total fecundity significantly (P > 0.05), mated and unmated females showed different allocations of progeny. Mated females deposited significantly more eggs (P < 0.05) than those unmated on the first day of exposure to hosts. On subsequent days, however, unmated females parasitized significantly more hosts (P < 0.05) than those mated. Mated females laid 82.4% of their total fecundity on the first day of oviposition, whereas unmated females laid 58.3%. The number of eggs parasitized by both groups of females decreased significantly (P < 0.05) with parasitoid age. Unmated females lived longer (P < 0.05) than their mated counterparts. No significant differences (P> 0.05) in clutch size (the number of parasitoid offspring produced per parasitized host) and emergence rate were found between the offspring of mated and unmated female parasitoids. The sex ratio of the offspring of mated females changed significantly (P < 0.05) with maternal age: younger females produced a higher proportion of daughters than did older parasitoids. Unmated females produced male offspring only

    Circuit QED scheme for realization of the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model

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    We propose a scheme in which the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model is realized within a circuit QED system. An array of N superconducting qubits interacts with a driven cavity mode. In the dispersive regime, the cavity mode is adiabatically eliminated generating an effective model for the qubits alone. The characteristic long-range order of the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model is here mediated by the cavity field. For a closed qubit system, the inherent second order phase transition of the qubits is reflected in the intensity of the output cavity field. In the broken symmetry phase, the many-body ground state is highly entangled. Relaxation of the qubits is analyzed within a mean-field treatment. The second order phase transition is lost, while new bistable regimes occur.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure
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