14 research outputs found


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    The god of this research mere: (1) to determine the factors on consumer attributes that influence consumer behavior, ( 2) to determine the relationship of prices with consumer attributes, distribution with consumer attributes, promotion with consumer attributes in influencing consumer decision behavior. This research was conducted using survey method. The study site selected by purposive sampling,while accidentally tecniquewas used to  of sample. The results are: (1) the multiple regression analysis are shared that consumer characteristics simultaneously have no significant effect. However partially all factors have a significant effect on consumer behavior. (2) Based on pearson Correlation showed, price and promotion factors had no significant relationships with consumer attributes, while there was significant relationship wbetween distribution factor and consumer in influencing buying onion decision


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    This research was conducted in Leuntou Village, Raimanuk sub District, District Belu. The research aimed to know the revenue and knowing the factors that affect the production of corn farming. Data was collected by interviews with 76 respondents using questionnaires. Tabulated and analyzed used the Cobb-Douglass production function model. The results showed that the total average income per hectare of corn farming was Rp. 10.212.331.58 with an average revenue per hectare was Rp. 13.363.486.84 and average total cost per hectare was Rp. from the results of regression function Cobb-Douglass, determination coefficients (R2) was 0.997. Test results of F (test diversity) obtained that factors production, selling price, labor, land area influenting corn production. While the results of the test t (partial test) obtained that factors which influenced corn farming were selling price (X1), production (X2), and pesticides (X6). Labor (X3), seed (X4), pesticides (X5), labor (X7) has no effect on corn production


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    This research was conducted on August 2019 in Tuatuka Subdistrict, East Kupang District, Kupang Regency. Tuatuka sub-district was purposively chosen as the site of research because the Tuatuka sub-district is one of the areas in the East Kupang district since it has significant amount of eggplants.In a population-based study, farmers in the Tuatuka district in the east of the Kupang district of the Kupang district are working on eggplants with a total of 53 people, so that the sample is taken using a census method in which all members of the population are research samples. The research results showed that farmers in Tuatuka sub-district, East Kupang District, Kupang Regency, performed the farm management fairly well by performing agricultural activities that included management functions, namely, agricultural planning the amount of labor, machinery to be applied or equipment, the selection of seeds and the use of pesticides and a place for marketing the production. Organize, when organizing the farmers, group the work to be done and share the tasks with each family member. Implementation, the implementation involves planting, waiting and harvesting. Monitoring, monitoring by farmers, namely monitoring of selling prices and income from pest and aubergine production in Tuatuka village, East Kupang district, Kupang regency, in a planting season Rp is 2.880.667.75


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini telah dilakukan pada CV. GS Organik di Desa Penfui Timur, Kecamatan Kupang Tengah, Kabupaten Kupang pada bulan November – desember 2019 dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh markting mix terhadap keputusan pembelian pada CV. GS Organik di Kabupaten Kupang. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer yang bersumber dari kuisioner  yang disebarkan kepada 75 responden. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan regresi linear berganda, uji t, uji F dan koefisien determinasi. Hasil  penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel produk dan promosi secara parsial mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap variabel keputusan membeli sayur organic pada CV GS Oraganik, sementaravariabel harga dan tempat secara parsial tidak mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap. Kata Kunci: produk, harga, tempat, promosi, bauran pemasaran dan keputusan membeli.     ABSTRACT This research has been carried out at CV. GS Organik I the village of East Penfui. Kupang Tengah District, Kupang Regency in November to December 2019 with the aim to determine the effect of markting mix on purchasing decisions on the CV. GS Organic in Kupang Regency. This study uses primary data sourced from questionnaires distributed to 75 respondents. The data obtained were analyzed using multiple linear regression, t test, F test and the coefficient of determination      The results showed that the product and promotion variables partially have a significant influence on the buying decision variable because it has a value of t arithmetic > t table so that Ho is rejected and accept Ha. While the price and place variables partially do not have a significant effect.. Keywords:  product, price, place, promotion, marketing mix and purchase decision


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    The research has been done in BUMDes Bersama Bangkit Mandiri in Nita Sub Districk Sikka Regency. Is aimed at recognizing financial performance from the liquidity, the solvability and the rentability of BUMDes Bersama Bangkit Mandiri in 2017-2019. The writer determine the location of the research deliberately (purposive sampling). The writer considerete from all BUMDes in Sikka Regency BUMDes Bersama Bangkit Mandiri is catagorizeed as the BUMDes was expended fit the potential of the vilage. BUMDes Bersama Bangkit Mandiri is establish in 2017. The writer use current ratio, total debt to total asset ratio and return on asset to calculate liquiditas, solvabilitas and rentabilitas of BUMDes Bersama Bangkit Mandiri in 2017until 2019. The result of the research show BUMDes Bersama Bangkit Mandiri gets liqudity value as 5.088%, 2.559 % and 2.265% in 2017- 2019. Based on the resalt above BUMDes Bersama Bangkit Mandiri categorized as liqudity and grow up well. The writer analyze BUMDes Bersama Bangkit Mandiri get solvability value as 3,34%, 14,79% and 15,04% in 2017-2019. The writer conclude that BUMDes Bersama Bangkit Mandiri categorized as solvabel and grow up well. Meanwhile, the writer found that BUMDes Bersama Bangkit Mandiri gets rentability value as 1,94%, 1,52% and 1,74% in 2017-2019. Based on the data the writer conclude that ability to make a profit is categorized bellow established standart

    Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi produksi kopi arabika

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    Coffee has become the foundation of the economy of the community, including in Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara. In running their farms, farmers find a problem, namely low production. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship and influence of Arabica coffee production factors. The sample in this study amounted to 83 farmers. The research data uses primary and secondary data. The data analysis method uses correlation analysis (Bivariate Correlation) and the Cobb Douglas production function model. The results showed that the factors that have a relationship with Arabica coffee farming production are fertilizer, seeds, labor, land area, and household size. In contrast, factors that have no relationship with production are education level, farming experience, and farmer's age. The factors that affect the production of Arabica coffee farming are seeds, land area, and household size. In contrast, factors that did not affect production were fertilizer, education level, labor, farming experience, and ag

    Analisis Finansial Agribisnis Jagung Pada Zona Agroekologi IIIay di Timor Barat

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    This research has been conducted in the Oenesu Village, Tesabela Village, Bolok Village of West Kupang Sub District and Oesusu Village, Takari Sub District of Kupang District of East Nusa Tenggara Province. The research starting in May-June 2016, with the aim to determine: (1) profitable of corn farming, and (2) financially feasible of corn farming. The method used in this research is survey method. Location research done intentionally (purposive sampling). Types of data collected are primary data obtained from interviews with respondents based on the questionnaire, while secondary data obtained from the institution concerned. To find the first goal, the data were analyzed using analysis of farming. The second purpose were analyzed by financial analysis tools through the calculation criteria NPV, Net- B/C, and Gross B/C. The results showed that: (1) the corn farming in research region are profitable, and (2) the investment on corn farming there are feasible to continued, because the financial analysed conducted with a positively NPV, is  Rp 4.653.799,07, the value of Net B/C of 1, and Gross B/C of 1,23 or more than 1


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    Objectives of this research are to understand the characteristic of community food development program, farmer is attitudes toward community food development program the relationship be- tween farmers’s social factors and the attitudes towards community food development program in Noelbaki Village, Center Kupang Subdistrict of Kupang Regency.Data collection method which is used in this research is a survey method. Selections of the respondents from the rise farmer pop- ulation which are grouped in 7 (seven) farmer groups with the number of 286 people so that the size of sample in this study is amounted of 73 people. The tecknigue to determine the number of the sample is simple random sampling. The results of research indicate that the PUPM rogramif viewed from the purpose, target, in- dicators of success and problems and the follow-up then this program has given the benefits for farmers in Noelbaki Village Center Kupang Subdistrict of Kupang Regency. The other results of the study also showed that farmer’s attitude toward PUPM program is in aggre category (72,95) and social factors namely formal education, non formal education, rationality level and experience of farmers have significant relationship with the farmers atitude to the program PUPM, while the social factor related to farmer’s age has no significant relationship PUPM program in Noelbaki Village Center Kupang Subdistrict of Kupang Regency


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    This research has been conducted in West Kupang Sub-district Kupang Regency. The purpose of this research were : 1). To know the channel marketing of peanut, (2). To know the more efficient of peanut marketing cost in Kuanheum Village West Kupang Sub-district of Kupang Regency.This research conducted with purposive sampling method in research location detemination, sub-district which selected was West Kupang Sub-district and  village which selected was Kuanheum Village. Second steps was determine saple of farmernamely all peanut farmer and who the person shold peanut. The number of respondent was determined based on Slovin formulas (Levis, 2013) from the amount of population then obtained 78 respondents. And then marketing institution determination using snowball sampling. Kinds of data which collected were primary and secondary data. Data wereanalized as deskriptive and quantitative by using marketing Margin, Farmer Share and Marketing Efficiency. Fromthe study result shows that (1) there were two marketing channels in study region namely : Farmer – Retailer – Consumer and Farmer – Collecting Trader – Inter-Island Trader. On First channel own Total marketing cost of Rp. 889/kg, Marketing margin as big as Rp. 2.466/Kg, Farmer Share 0,89% and Marketing Efficiency as big as 3,79%. On Second total maketing cost as big as Rp. 654/Kg, Margin margin as big as Rp. 5.671/Kg, Farmer Share 0,59% and Marketing Efficiency as big as 4,67%. So,the more Efficiency Marketing was First channel because it own highest Farmer Share tertinggi and the lowest Marketing Efficiency.   Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kecamatan Kupang Barat Kabupaten Kupang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1). Untuk mengetahui saluran-saluran pemasaran kacang tanah (2). Mengetahui biaya pemasaran kacang tanah yang lebih efisien di Desa Kuanheum Kecamatan Kupang Barat Kabupaten Kupang. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan metode purposive sampling (secara sengaja) dalam menentukan lokasi penelitian, kecamatan yang dipilih adalah Kecamatan Kupang Barat dan desa yang dipilih adalah Desa Kuanheum. Tahap kedua adalah menentukan petani sampel yaitu seluruh petani kacang tanah dan yang menjualnya. Jumlah petani responden ditentukan berdasarkan rumus Slovin (dalam Levis, 2013) dari jumlah populasi yang ada maka diperoleh 78 responden. Selanjutnya untuk menentukan lembaga pemasaran menggunakan metode snowball sampling. Jenis data yang dikumpulkan terdiri dari data primer dan sekunder. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dan kuantitatif dengan mengunakan Margin pemasaran, Farmer Share dan Efisiensi Pemasaran. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa (1) terdapat dua saluran pemasaran didaerah penelitian yaitu: Petani-Pengecer-Konsumen dan Petani-Pedagang Pengumpul-Pedagang Antar Pulau. Pada saluran I  memiliki total biaya pemasran Rp. 889/kg, Margin pemasaran Rp. 2.466/Kg, Farmer Share 0,89% dan Efisiensi Pemasaran 3,79%. Pada saluran II total biaya pemasarannya Rp. 654/Kg, Margin Pemasarannya Rp. 5.671/Kg, Farmer Share 0,59% dan Efisiensi Pemasaran sebesar 4,67%. Jadi saluran pemasaran yang lebih Efisien adalah saluran I karena memiliki nilai Farmer Share tertinggi dan nilai Efisiensi pemasaran terendah


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    Chili is a national superior holticulture commodity needed by society in daily life. Tesbatan Village and Ponain Village are the center producer of cayenne pepper in Amarasi Sub District of Kupang Regency. The main problems are price fluctuation and the amount of price received by produser farmers and paid by consumens. This is caused by the number of farmers who cultivate cayenne pepper plants so that at the time of marketing uill occur a huge price difference at the level of marketing instituations that distribute the commodity. The purpose of this research are to know marketing channel of cayenne pepper, amount of cost, profit, marketing margin of cayenne pepper and level of marketing efficiency at each marketing channel located in Amarasi sub-ditric, Kupang Regency. The basic method of research is the method of description analysis and its implementation by survey technique. Sample of this research are farmer counted 46 farmers and sampling method is done in the purposive sampling and the respondent’s traders were determined by means of a snowball sampling. The data used are primery data and secondary data. The method of data analisys used is by directly approach. Research’s result show that marketing of cayenne pepper at Amarasi Subdistrict of Kupang Regency, there are two types of marketing channels namely 1st channnel : Farmers Producers – Village Collectors – Refailers – And Consumers while 2nd channel : Farmers Producer – Retailers – And Consumers. Marketing of cayenne pepper at Amarasi Subdistrict of Kupang Regency, farmer share on marketing 1st channel of 58,3 % and farmer share on marketing 2nd channel of 43,7 %. Overall marketing of cayanne papper at Amarasi Subdistrict belong to efficient category seen from value and marketing cost that exist in every channel.   Cabai merupakan komoditas holtikultura unggulan nasional yang dibutuhkan masyarakat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Desa Tesbatan dan Desa Ponain adalah sentra penghasil cabai rawit di Kecamatan Amarasi, Kabupaten kupang. Permasalahan utama adalah fluktuasi harga dan besarnya harga yang diterima petani produsen serta dibayarkan konsumen. Hal ini disebabkan oleh banyaknya petani yang mengusahakan tanaman cabai rawit sehingga pada saat melakukan pemasaran akan terjadi selisih harga yang sangat besar di tingkat lembaga pemasaran yang menyalurkan komoditas cabai rawit tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui saluran pemasaran cabai rawit, besar biaya, keuntungan, marjin pemasaran cabai rawit dan tingkat efisiensi pemasaran  pada masing-masing saluran pemasaran, yang bertempat di kecamatan amarasi, kabupaten kupang. Metode dasar penelitian adalah metode analisis deskripsi dan pelaksanaannya dengan teknik survei. Sampel responden adalah petani berjumlah 46 orang dengan metode pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara sengaja (purposive sampling), dan pedagang yang dijadikan responden diambil dengan cara bola salju (snowball sampling). Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder.  Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah dengan cara pendekatan secara langsung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemasaran Cabai Rawit di Kecamatan Amarasi, Kabupaten Kupang terdapat dua jenis saluran pemasaran yaitu saluran 1 : petani produsen – pengecer – konsumen akhir sedangkan  saluran 2 petani produsen – pengumpul Desa – pengecer – konsumen akhir.  Pemasaran Cabai Rawit di Kecamatan Amarasi Kabupaten Kupang, farmer’s share yang diperoleh pada saluran 1 sebesar 58,3% dan farmer’s share pada saluran pemasaran 2 sebesar 43,7%. Secara keseluruhan pemasaran cabai rawit di Kecamatan Amarasi tergolong dalam kategori efisien yang dilihat dari nilai dan biaya-biaya pemasaran yang ada pada setiap saluran