11 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Fitrah is basic ability of growth and development of human who has born. There is fitrah in humans’s body who has not growth and get function, so Allah closes their hearth until they can not see the truth, then they misguided and do not want to accept Allah’s direction. But there is fitrah can grouth and get function, Allah gives every body physical, spiritual and nafs, therefore Allah keeps hearth and greeting full of faith and makes them as human kaffah, then they can give benefit to their environment. So, the role of guidance and Islam counseling services help everybody to develop human’s fitrah, empowering faith, mind and desire for learning the demand of Allah and His Messenger.Keywords:  Abstrak: Fitrah adalah kemampuan dasar dari pertumbuhan dan perkembangan manusia yang telah lahir. Terdapat fitrah dalam tubuh manusia yang belum tumbuh dan berfungsi, sehingga Allah menutup kediaman mereka sampai mereka tidak bisa melihat kebenaran, maka mereka sesat dan tidak mau menerima arahan Allah. Tapi ada fitrah bisa tumbuh dan berfungsi, Allah memberikan setiap tubuh fisik, spiritual dan nafsu, karena itu Allah membuat kediaman dan salam penuh iman dan membuat mereka sebagai manusia kaffah, maka mereka dapat memberikan manfaat bagi lingkungan mereka. Jadi, peran bimbingan dan Islam layanan konseling membantu semua orang untuk mengembangkan fitrah manusia, pemberdayaan iman, pikiran dan keinginan untuk belajar kebutuhan dari Allah dan Rasul-Nya.Kata Kunci: Fitrah and Counselin


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    This study aims to determine the nutrition of cassava tuber skin (KUUK) fermented with eco enzyme.  The method used in this study was using a Factorial Complete Randomized Design (RAL), which consisted of 3 treatments, namely P0 = Cassava tuber skin without fermentation; P1= Fermentation of eco enzyme 10 ml; P2 = Fermentation of eco enzyme 20 ml, and repeated as many as 5 repeats. The observed modifiers were changes in crude protein content, crude fiber, and crude fat. The results showed that fermentation of cassava tuber peel (KUUK) had a very noticeable effect (P< 0.05) on crude protein, crude fiber and crude fat. The conclusion of this study is that the best nutritional content is obtained in E2 treatment (fermented eco enzyme 20 ml) with crude fiber nutrient content of 6.960%, crude protein 7.538%, and crude fat 0.321%

    Urgensi konseling islam dalam pembinaan akhlak

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    Konseling adalah panduan tentang pengembangan pribadi holistik dalam upaya membina kepribadian manusia sesuai dengan nilai-nilai dalam masyarakat dan budaya dan norma agama. Semakin maju atau modern masyarakat semakin banyak bimbingan hidup yang harus dipenuhi dan kehidupan mental yang lebih kompleks, dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan bimbingan dan konseling Islam. Dalam proses pelaksanaan konseling Islam, tentu saja, mengarah ke peningkatan iman, ibadah dan cara hidup di dalam ridho Allah. Dengan bimbingan dan konseling memiliki makna penting untuk mengembangkan kepribadian manusia termasuk juga bejat. Konseling Islam diarahkan pada terwujudnya kehidupan yang sehat, dengan jiwa yang sehat akan mengembangkan itu karakter individu sendiri, karena kondisi sehat jiwa terletak pada pikiran yang terpimpin dan diterangi oleh cahaya ilahi, bahwa kehidupan berkembang dan dibimbing siswa dengan cara kehidupan yang penuh dengan ketaqwaan, itu akan berkembang menjadi orang yang bermoral. Untuk membina moral pribadi perlu beberapa konselor metode antara metode lain metode percakapan, Metode pembiasaan, metode Quran dan Nabi cerita, metode teladan dan sebagainya

    Urgensi konseling keluarga dalam menciptkan keluarga sakinah

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    Family counseling is an effort to aid granted to individual members of the family through the family system so that its potential to develop optimally as possible and the problem can be resolved, on the basis of willingness to help of all the members of the family based on the willingness and love of family. Of the few that read literatur found that in family counseling should implement the principles and the principles of counseling to overcome the problems or the crisis in the family. In coaching emphasis happy family there are five aspects of life that aspect of religious life in the family, family education, family health, a stable economy for families, as well as inter harmonious social relationships and families. The role of family counseling is as fasilitator to problems that occur in families and counselors provide guidance to all members of the family by doing habituation habituation daily behavior based on religious teachings in order to be a devoted family, positif, productive and self-reliant through the relation between the individual and the system families in order to create harmonious family

    Peranan bimbingan dan konseling dalam mengatasi masalah belajar siswa

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    Learning problem is an abstacle or abstacles faced by individuals in order to actieve the expected goals of lerning activities for each individuals, ar not always abte to take place fairly, sometimes smoothly, sometimes fast catching lessons. So the only people having problems learning such as : low lerning actievement, not a concentration in learning, there is now motivation to learn, poorhabits in learning and others. So to resolve the issue needs to handle the role of guidance counseling so that participants can follow the activities learn well and achieve optimal learning outcomes and develop a personality that leads to the formation of mature and independent attitude. In counseling there are several types of services provided by a guidance counselor to help students who have trouble learning the basic services that are psikisimprove skill and good study habits, motivate and increase the faith and devotion to Allah and aware of the obligation, either to him self and the environment in accordance with the rules of Islamic teachings

    Pendekatan kognitif (konseling rasional emotif) dalam proses konseling Islam

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    Cognitive approach is the way that use structure approach, active, and directive in shrot time to face much problems in personality of someone. This approach based on one state about condition, emotion, feeling, and action of someone and most of them based on how the feeling and reaction. In cognitive approach someones mind will give the description about sequence accurance in their awareness. Indication of different or deviate behaviour is very related with someones mind. Whereas, the goal of congnitive counseling in order to you can understand themselves and can see the skills in themselves to reach happy life. Congnitive approach teaches you to be realistic and counsellor avoid yourself from irrational and more educative directive with gives an explanation and debating an argument your problem to think rationally to reach independent personality and logic

    Keterkaitan konseling Islam dengan dakwah dalam meningkatkan komitmen beragama

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    Islam guidance with religios proselytizing is the proccess to give helping to someone for getting awareness as a human and caliph of Allah that responsible to the base of norm that source from Allah and our prophet to from prosperous life, suchas a physical, bodily and psychological spritual. So, we have a religious commitment in daily activities towards happiness in the world and the hereafter, with always hope Allah’s ridho. So, Islam guidance and religious proselytizing have a firm relation to increase religious commitment with mission and strategy, like amar makruf/good behaviour, nahi mun’kar/ bad behaviour, hikmah concept, and mauizhah hasanah/ good learning

    Upaya bimbingan konseling islam dalam mengatasi perilaku menyimpang

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    Deviant behavior of irregulaties of behaviour is any behavior that does not conform to the norms of the society. There are two properties of the deviations; namely positive and negative deviations. Negative deviations are behaviors that act towards social values are considered low adverse effects and interfere with the social system. There are some kinds of behavior irregularities, namely: idiot imbecile, and moron, psychoneurosis and sexual disorders. Islamic counseling efforts in addressing deviant behavior. It is done to help the individual become a normal human being in accordance with the values out lined by the religion of Islam to manifest itself in order to become complete human beings to achieve happiness in the world and the hereafter through approaches namely: Alhikmah (Al-wisdom), mauizatul hasanah and Mujadalah as well as the directive and nondirective approach to the counseling