17 research outputs found

    Navier-Stokes analysis and experimental data comparison of compressible flow within ducts

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    Many aircraft employ ducts with centerline curvature or changing cross-sectional shape to join the engine with inlet and exhaust components. S-ducts convey air to the engine compressor from the intake and often decelerate the flow to achieve an acceptable Mach number at the engine compressor by increasing the cross-sectional area downstream. Circular-to-rectangular transition ducts are used on aircraft with rectangular exhaust nozzles to connect the engine and nozzle. To achieve maximum engine performance, the ducts should minimize flow total pressure loss and total pressure distortion at the duct exit. Changes in the curvature of the duct centerline or the duct cross-sectional shape give rise to streamline curvature which causes cross stream pressure gradients. Secondary flows can be caused by deflection of the transverse vorticity component of the boundary layer. This vortex tilting results in counter-rotating vortices. Additionally, the adverse streamwise pressure gradient caused by increasing cross-sectional area can lead to flow separation. Vortex pairs have been observed in the exit planes of both duct types. These vortices are due to secondary flows induced by pressure gradients resulting from streamline curvature. Regions of low total pressure are produced when the vortices convect boundary layer fluid into the main flow. The purpose of the present study is to predict the measured flow field in a diffusing S-duct and a circular-to-rectangular transition duct with a full Navier-Stokes computer program, PARC3D, and to compare the numerical predictions with new detailed experimental measurements. The work was undertaken to extend previous studies and to provide additional CFD validation data needed to help model flows with strong secondary flow and boundary layer separation. The S-duct computation extends the study of Smith et al, and Harloff et al, which concluded that the computation might be improved by using a finer grid and more advanced turbulence models. The present study compares results for both the Baldwin-Lomas and k-epsilon turbulence models and is conducted with a refined grid. For the transition duct, two inlet conditions were considered, the first with straight flow and the second with swirling flow. The first case permits examination of the effects of the geometric transition on the flow field, while the second case includes the rotational flow effect characteristic of a gas turbine engine

    Three-dimensional Navier-Stokes analysis and redesign of an imbedded bellmouth nozzle in a turbine cascade inlet section

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    Verification of proposed turbopump blading performance will involve evaluation of candidate blades in cascade test facilities. It is necessary to be able to predict the flow fields within these cascades for the results to be applicable to actual engine environments. This work presents the results of a study to predict the flow field for the NASA Lewis Transonic Turbine Blade Cascade Facility, which is similar to those used to evaluate rocket propulsion turbines. A pitchwise nonuniform total pressure distribution was observed at the blade row leading edge plane. A CFD analysis was used to show that the cause of the flow nonuniformity was a pair of vortices that originated in an embedded bellmouth inlet. Further CFD analysis was used to verify that a redesigned inlet section resulted in a flow with acceptable uniformity. A computational analysis was chosen because physical accessibility to the inlet section was limited, and because a computational approach also allows one to examine design changes cheaper and more quickly than an experimental approach would. The PARC code, a general purpose, three-dimensional, Navier-Stokes code with multiblock solution capability, was chosen for the present study. Results are presented detailing the computational requirements needed to accurately predict flows of this nature. Calculations of the original geometry showed total pressure loss regions consistent in strength and in location to experimental measurements. An examination of the results shows that the distortions are caused by a pair of vortices that originate as a result of the interaction of the flow with the imbedded bellmouth. Computations were performed for an inlet geometry which eliminated the imbedded bellmouth by bridging the region between it and the upstream wall. This analysis indicated that eliminating the imbedded bellmouth eliminates the troublesome pair of vortices, resulting in a flow with much greater pitchwise uniformity

    Three-dimensional Navier-Stokes analysis and redesign of an imbedded bellmouth nozzle in a turbine cascade inlet section

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    Experimental measurements in the inlet of a transonic turbine blade cascade showed unacceptable pitchwise flow non-uniformity. A three-dimensional, Navier-Stokes computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis of the imbedded bellmouth inlet in the facility was performed to identify and eliminate the source of the flow non-uniformity. The blockage and acceleration effects of the blades were accounted for by specifying a periodic static pressure exit condition interpolated from a separate three-dimensional Navier-Stokes CFD solution of flow around a single blade in an infinite cascade. Calculations of the original inlet geometry showed total pressure loss regions consistent in strength and location to experimental measurements. The results indicate that the distortions were caused by a pair of streamwise vortices that originated as a result of the interaction of the flow with the imbedded bellmouth. Computations were performed for an inlet geometry which eliminated the imbedded bellmouth by bridging the region between it and the upstream wall. This analysis indicated that eliminating the imbedded bellmouth nozzle also eliminates the pair of vortices, resulting in a flow with much greater pitchwise uniformity. Measurements taken with an installed redesigned inlet verify that the flow non-uniformity has indeed been eliminated

    PARC code : theory and usage /

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    "Funding Numbers PE-65807F.""Final Report for Period July 1, 1985--June 30, 1989.""December 1989."Includes bibliographical references (pages 70-71).Mode of access: Internet