4 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Besar Butir Terhadap Sifat Mekanis Cuzn70/30 Setelah Mengalami Deformasi Melalui Canai Dingin

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    The research was conducted because of the many industries that use CuZn 70/30 as a raw material in industrialization. CuZn 70/30 was studied to obtain the strong mechanical properties of brass. Research CuZn 70/30 was evaluated using a process of heating of about 6150 ± 50C and then held for 90 minutes. The next process is the process of cold rolling by using a variety of reduction and then tested by using a Vickers hardness testing, tensile testing, observation of the microstructure. The result of this research is a fine microstructure (below 10 μm), hardness (HV 211.67). Tensile test also conducted to get how much resistance CuZn 70/30 to resist the pull. The cold rolling process causing the decrease the mechanical properties and also increase the plastic properties of the brass

    Pengaruh Kecepatan Dan Temperatur Uji Tarik Terhadap Sifat Mekanik Baja S48c

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    Influence of Strain Rate and Temperature of Hot Tension Testing on Mechanical Properties of Medium Carbon Steel S48C. The characterization of S48C by hot tension testing was done to understanding the influence of temperature and strain rate for S48C flow stress, that close relationship with its forge ability. The hot tension testing was performed on temperatures and strain rates variation (T 850, 900, 950 0C and έ 0,01;1 s-1). The result of hot tension testing showed that increasing temperature decreases ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and flow stress of S48C. The higher decreasing of UTS is on 950 0C about 85% from room temperature condition, while the higher decreasing of flow stress has occurred on 950 0C about 31 % compare to conditions of temperature 850 0C, strain 0,23 & strain rate (έ)1 second-1 and about 27% compare to the same conditions but έ= 0,01 second-1 . For increasing strain rate from 0,01 to 1second-1 on the temperature range (850-950 0C) increases UTS about 33 - 50 % and flow stress about 46-53%

    Pengaruh Proses Rolling Terhadap Struktur Mikro Dan Sifat Mekanis Pada Kuningan Setelah Diproses Ecap

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    Brass material widely used in industry because it has the advantage of being a metal that resists corrosion, has high ductility, good toughness and easy on the form. This study was conducted to determine the effect of rolling process on mechanical properties and microstructure of metal brass after ECAP process on brass (CuZn) 70/30. The initial step is to make the specimens with a diameter of 10 mm and height 80 mm has been done annealing 600 ° C with a hold time of 90 minutes. Then a ECAP 3-pass process and cold rolling process. To determine the mechanical properties of tensile test specimens and hardness test) and metallographic observations to determine the microstructure. The results after the execution of the research note that the specimen after passing through annealing process, ECAP and rolling have a higher hardness. Prior to treatment the specimen hardness value is 78 VHN and after treatment to 252 VHN hardness value. Metallographic observations of known properties of brass increasingly refined microstructure and grain boundary between micro become increasingly tight