628 research outputs found

    Il transito del diritto penale di fonte europea dalla "vecchia" alla "nuova" Unione post-Lisbona.Considerazioni a partire dalla nuova direttiva in materia di inquinamento cagionato da navi

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    L\u2019adozione della Direttiva 2009/123/CE relativa all\u2019introduzione di sanzioni penali per l\u2019inquinamento provocato da navi, oltre a rappresentare l\u2019ultimo atto della complessa opera interpretativa compiuta dalla giurisprudenza europea sulla questione del riparto di competenze in materia penale tra il terzo pilastro dell\u2019Unione ed i pilastri comunitari, fornisce altres\uec l\u2019occasione per un\u2019analisi delle prospettive del diritto penale di fonte europea, nel momento del transito dell\u2019Europa dal vecchio al nuovo assetto istituzionale, dopo la riforma dei Trattati attuata a Lisbona. In specie, tale direttiva offre lo spunto sia per valutare il \u201cdestino\u201d cui saranno soggetti gli atti normativi a contenuto penale adottati dall\u2019Europa prima della riforma, sia per analizzare le prospettive del diritto penale di fonte europea, sotto il profilo della conformit\ue0 dello stesso ai principi fondamentali tanto dei diritti penali nazionali, quanto dello stesso ordinamento comunitario. Su tale versante, le nuove disposizioni istituzionali sembrano concedere significativi spazi di azione per una corretta attuazione del principio di sussidiariet\ue0 penale e per un rafforzamento della legalit\ue0 penale in sede europea. Appare invece pi\uf9 problematica la questione dell\u2019osservanza del principio di coerenza, divenuta di importanza cruciale a seguito dell\u2019attribuzione all\u2019Unione del potere di stabilire non soltanto i requisiti minimi costitutivi degli illeciti penali, ma anche la species ed il quantum delle correlative sanzioni


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    Purpose: Surgery represents a main and often the only treatment in patients with testicular Malignant Germ Cell Tumors (MGCT). We analyzed the compliance to surgical guidelines and the results in a series of patients with testicular MGCT -/+ retroperitoneal node involvement, without distant metastases. Method: 42 patients, observed in 15 Centers were enrolled in the Italian Cooperative Study on MGCT (January2004–December2010). 14/42 were younger than 2 y. of age, 28/42 between 13–18 y. Treatment was delivered according to COG-Staging-System: St.I patients (complete excision with inguinal orchifunicolectomy+decrease of markers, +hemiscrotectomy if scrotal involvement) did not receive further treatment; St.II patients (scrotal involvement after hemiscrotectomy and/or retroperitoneal node (RPN) enlargement:2 cm) had RPN Dissection if residuals were suspected after PEBx3or4. Results: St.I: 26 patients. 3/26 had a scrotal approach due to suspected testicular torsion: 1/3 underwent hemiscrotectomy, 2 did not receive further therapy after decrease of alphaFP, due to patient’s or physician’s decision respectively. 3/26 were successfully treated for RPN relapse, occurred at 3,6,9 months after adequate surgery (2 adolescents, 1 infant). St.II: in 4 patients CTwas delivered due to slight enlargement of RPN (+persistent alphaFP in 1). St.III: 12 patients received CT and RPND (bilateral in 1). Histology was negative in 11/12. All patients are alive without disease, 39 in 1stCR, 3 in 2ndCR (f.u 9–86 m.:med.48). 1 St.1 patient suffered from postoperative scrotal hematoma. Among patients younger than 2 y, 10/14 had a pure YST, 12/14 had St.I disease; among those between 13–18 y, 27/28 had a mixed histology, 14/28 were St.II or St.III. In 3 adolescents a testicular prosthesis was positioned during primary operation. Conclusion: Outcome was excellent. Regional relapses, observed only in St.I patients, were cured. Surgical guidelines were followed in 40/42 cases. Scrotal approach did not worsen the outcome of patients who did not receive further treatment

    Water as a solvent of election for obtaining oleuropein-rich extracts from olive (Olea europaea) leaves

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    Leaves from Olea europaea represent one of the main by-products of the olive oil industry, containing a plethora of bioactive compounds with several promising activities for human health. An organic solvent-free extraction method was developed for the recovery of olive leaf phenols, which obtained an extract containing oleuropein in high amounts. A comparison of various extraction media is reported, together with the total phenolic content, DPPH (2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) content, ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity), and polyphenol oxidase activity of the corresponding extracts. The polyphenol profiles and content of the most representative extracts have also been studied. Extraction solvent and temperature significantly influenced the phenolic content and antioxidant activity of the extracts, with hot water representing the solvent of election for the extraction of bioactive compounds from this matrix. All the extracts obtained showed reasonably high total phenol content (TPC) and good DPPH radical scavenging activity; among them, the water extract is characterized by desirable traits and could be used for many industrial applications and human consumption

    Kawasaki disease recurrence in the COVID-19 era: a systematic review of the literature

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    Kawasaki disease (KD) is a vasculitis of unknown origin of small and medium caliber blood vessels, especially involving coronary arteries and is the leading cause of acquired heart disease in childhood in developed countries. Although rarely, it can recur: most recurrences occur within 2 years of the initial episode. No data are available on incidence of recurrent KD in Europe and multiple recurrences are rarely seen. We reviewed the medical literature on Kawasaki disease recurrence and reported a new case of Kawasaki disease recurrence in a child with SARS-CoV-2 infection. We believe that in our case SARS Cov2 acted as a trigger capable to determine, in a genetically susceptible individual, a second recurrence of the disease. In the Covid-19 era we affirm the importance for Kawasaki disease to be tested for SARS Cov2 infection

    A case of Brucella endocarditis in association with subclavian artery thrombosis

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    Brucellosis is a common zoonosis, endemic in Mediterranean countries, and caused by bacteria of Brucella genus. Brucellosis is a systemic infection and the clinical presentation varies widely from asymptomatic and mild to severe disease. Cardiovascular complications are extremely rare. We present a case of arterial thrombosis in a previously healthy young patient with Brucella endocarditis. Careful attention must be paid to any sign or symptom of thrombosis in patients affected by brucellosis, regardless of the presence of endocarditis and cardiovascular risk factors. PMID:22844622[PubMed] PMCID:PMC3400327Free PMC Articl

    Disseminated tuberculosis in a patient treated with a JAK2 selective inhibitor: a case report

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    Background Primary myelofibrosis is a myeloproliferative disorder characterized by bone marrow fibrosis, abnormal cytokine expression, splenomegaly and anemia. The activation of JAK2 and the increased levels of circulating proinflammatory cytokines seem to play an important role in the pathogenesis of myelofibrosis. Novel therapeutic agents targeting JAKs have been developed for the treatment of myeloproliferative disorders. Ruxolitinib (INCB018424) is the most recent among them. Case presentation To our knowledge, there is no evidence from clinical trials of an increased risk of tuberculosis during treatment with JAK inhibitors. Here we describe the first case of tuberculosis in a patient treated with Ruxolitinib, a male with a 12-year history of chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis admitted to our Institute because of fever, night sweats, weight loss and an enlarging mass in the left inguinal area for two months. Conclusion Treatment with Ruxolitinib may have triggered the reactivation of latent tuberculosis because of an inhibition of Th1 response. Our case highlights the importance of an accurate screening for latent tuberculosis before starting an anti-JAK 2 treatmen