4 research outputs found

    Respon Pertumbuhan Bibit Induk Jamur Tiram Putih (Pleurotus Ostreatus) Pada Lima Media Biji Sorgum

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    Growth Response Of Pleurotus Ostreatus Parent Seed At Five Different Sorghum Medium. The research was conducted in Biotechnology Laboratory of Kupang State Agricultural Polytechnic in one month, December 2008. The research was aimed to know the growth response of Pleurotus ostreatus parent seed at five different sorghum medium.This research used sorghum seed as mycelium of Pleurotus ostreatus growth medium. The variables that used to measure were mycelium growth time and mycelium of Pleurotus ostreatus scattered which measured from the beginning of mycelium scattered. The result shown that the fastest growth and scattered of Pleurotus ostreatus mycelium was Sikun sorghum and the lowest growth and scattered of Pleurotus ostreatus mycelium was Pisan sorghum

    Minuman Probiotik Dari Beberapa Jenis Kulit Buah Pisang Dengan Variasi Inokulum Lactobacillus Casei

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    Probiotic beverages were made from banana peels that inoculated bacteri Lactobacillus casei. The aims of this research was to study effect of kind of banana peels and concentration of inculant on quality of beverage. This research used completely random design, with combination of two factors that were kinds of banana peels (keprok, susu and ambon) and concentration of inoculant (4%, 5%, 6%, 7%, and 8% in milk media) in three times. Protein and calsium content were measured as well as acidity (pH). Sensoric method was used for determining organoleptic properties (flavour, color, texture, taste). Data was analyzed using ANOVA, followed LSD test in 0,05 level. Result showed probiotic beverage from”susu” peel that inoculated Lactobacillus casei concentration 8% (K2S5

    Isolasi Dan Seleksi Jamur Dan Bakteri Endofit Dari Tanaman Mimba, Beluntas Dan Gandarusa Sebagai Penghasil Fungistatik Dan Bakteriostatik Scabies

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    Isolation and Selection of Endophytic Fungi and Bacteria from Mimba, Beluntas and Gandarusa used for Fungi Static and Bacteria Static Scabies. This research aim to get endophytic microbes from mimba, beluntas and gandarusa to produced bacteria static and fungi static to heal sufferer animal scabies. Microbes isolated from three kinds of plants was classified based on colony and cells shape. This research placed in Biotechnology Laboratory from June-November 2008 using Completely Randomized Design. There were three treatments of plant types and 3 repeats for each isolate. The result that there were two kinds of endophytic bacteria from mimba, one kind of endophytic fungi from beluntas and one kind of endophytic bacteria from gandarusa. Endophytic bacteria isolated from mimba leaf (MDB2) had a best potential to be fungi static for scabies