197 research outputs found

    Spatial Statistical Analysis of the Traffic Accidents

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    26,000 people died on the roads of Europe in 2015, which is 5 500 less than in 2010. However, compared to the situation in 2014, no improvement could be experienced in this field at European Union level. Moreover, it was stated that 644 people died and 5575 suffered serious injuries as a result of road accidents on HU road network in 2015.The objective of this study is to analyse the spatial clusters of traffic accidents on the secondary Hungarian road network in line with the No. 2008/96/EC Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council. Spatial statistical methods were used to analyse the statistical distribution of the traffic accidents. The investigated network was the sections of the secondary road network, while the investigated time horizon was between 2010-2012

    Evaluation of Stated Preference Surveys with Statistical Methods

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    In this paper, the author investigated the stated preference survey in transport modelling. The research was conducted to ensure that the best fractional orthogonal design of stated preference paired comparison survey would not increase the error or uncertainty in transport-related decision modelling. The research was conducted based on artificial Monte Carlo simulated respondents, and the results were assessed with standard mathematical-statistical tools. Although the assessment should have resulted in 0% errors, according to our 2,000 sample, a minor 5% of errors occurred. The problem to be investigated in this paper is that the best-designed survey could have some errors

    Transport of Pollutants around a High Building: Integrated Magnetic, Mineralogical and Geochemical Study

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    We studied the degree and distribution of traffic induced pollution at a 40 m high building at the side of a major road in Budapest by making magnetic, mineralogical and geochemical analysis on settled dust samples collected at different levels and at the front and back sides of the building. We observed strong seasonal dependence of the amounts of anthropogenic pollutants, which were highest during summer. This season was also characterized by strong vertical variation of the amounts of dust, of the magnetic susceptibilities (reflecting best the traffic induced pollution) and of the concentrations of Pb. All these have maximum values at 9 m, on both sides of the building. The pattern of the distribution does not correspond to what is predicted by an air flow model published for high buildings with similar morphology and wind conditions

    Dwell Time Analysis and Priority Granting for Bus Service in Budapest

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    Public transport has always been a structuring factor in urban development and form. Buses, which are one of the essential public services, do not require expensive infrastructure, can be introduced quickly and run as frequently as necessary to meet the demand. Budapest is known by the diversity of its transportation modes and their high frequency, nevertheless, it still faces traffic congestion issues. Thus, the priority granting for the buses is essential to minimize the travel time delays.This research analysis investigates the bus service's situation on the chosen corridor based on personal data collection in peak-hours at the bus stops and on-board using GPS tracker. This research aims to study the dwelling bus’s impact on car delays and targets to optimize the situation by implementing bus priority. The iterative models coded with Octave calculates the vehicles’ delays function of the arrival time and dwelling time of the bus and analyses all scenarios depending on the time the bus is ready to leave the stop and adjusting it by either holding the bus at bus stops or allowing an immediate departure with speed adjustment or green light extension. The objective of the proposed priority model is not only to minimize the bus delays, but also the average vehicle delays on the different branches of the intersection. The prioritization system takes into consideration the non-violation of the maximum holding time, maximum green time extension and maximum red time in the intersection’s branches where the bus stop exists

    Long Term, Pre, and Post Impacts of SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic on Road Traffic Crashes in the Case of Budapest, Hungary

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    SARS-CoV-2 is a pandemic that affects road traffic flaw and crashes globally. This study attempted to compare the situation of road traffic crashes in the city of Budapest before and after the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic to better understand its long-term percussive effects. The study considers 12208 road traffic crashes that registered between 20 May 2018 – 31 December 2021. The rate and severity of road traffic crashes during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic examined by using a percentage frequency distribution and a severity index. This study depicted that most crashes reported during the normal daytime between15:01-18:00 (peak hour). The study indicated that during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic the road traffic crashes were reduced by 20.15%. A rear-end collision was one of the most common type of catastrophes highly registered. Road users, particularly drivers, heavily endorsed crashes. Even though the proportion of road traffic crashes caused by alcohol consumption was modest (6%), the rate of alcohol consumption and its concentration increased slightly during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. At the same time the number of crashes caused by high-speed traffic maneuvers reduced. Improper interpretation of road traffic signs, road pavement condition and failure to respect proper sight distance were influential reasons of road traffic crashes among the top. Meanwhile, the distributional impact of careless driving in the aftermath of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic causes a shift in rank. Therefore, this study proved that during SARS-CoV-2 pandemics road traffic crashes reduced, the rate and concentration of alcohol consumption increased, and careless driving was encouraged

    Social Perception of Autonomous Vehicles

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    The technology of autonomous vehicles is gaining more and more emphasis these days. In the near future the technological developments will make it possible for vehicles to travel on the roads without human intervention. However, downstream users have differing views on this new mode of transport. The aim of our research was to explore the opinions of different social generation groups and traffic groups about fully autonomous self-driving (SAE Level 5). In our research, we conducted an online self-report questionnaire survey. The questionnaire was completed by 223 people. The results were analyzed from several perspectives. The results showed that opinions and expectations in the field of autonomous vehicles differed by generation group, gender and primary mode of transport

    Crash Prediction Models and Methodological Issues

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    The conducted literature review aimed to provide an overall perspective on the significant findings of past research works related to vehicle crashes and prediction models. The literature review also provided information concerning past road safety research methodology and viable statistical analysis and computing tools. Though the selection of a specific model hinges on the objective of the research and nature of the response, when compared to statistical modeling techniques, Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), which can model complex nonlinear relationships among dependent and independent parameters, have been witnessed to be very powerful

    Konjunktúraelemzés és prognosztizálás = Analysis and forecasting of business cycles

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    A kutatás eredményeként megjelent 2 tanulmány nemzetközi szaklapban (Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability és World Futures), 8 tanulmány hazai szaklapokban (pl. Statisztikai Szemlében, Bőr- és Cipőtechnika - Piacban, Hitelintézeti Szemlében, Fejlesztés és Finanszírozásban stb.), ebből egy angol nyelven is, 6 nemzetközi konferencián (ezekből egy a Praesens Verlag gondozásában jelent meg.) és 11 hazai konferencián elhangzott előadás is publikálásra került. Megjelenés alatt van 4 tanulmány. A konjunktúrakutatás területén Excel parancsfájlokat dolgoztunk ki, amelyek többek között 9 lineáris és lineárisra transzformálható trendfüggvény esetében végzi el a számításokat. Lehetőség van a szezonkomponens és a ciklusok kimutatására is. Ezen kívül 12 lineárisra vissza nem vezethető, többségében logisztikus trendfüggvény parancsfájlját is kidolgoztuk. Az iterációs eljárás lehetővé teszi a legjobb közelítést adó trendfüggvények meghatározását. Három nagyobb témakör került feldolgozásra: 1. Évszázados trendek rövid és a hosszú ciklusok alakulása az USA-ban, Magyarországon és a világgazdaságban. 2. A sztochasztikus módszerek felhasználása a konjunktúrakutatás területén témakörben elért eredmények összefoglalása. 3. Hosszútávú prognózisok a fenntartható fejlődés területén. Kiss Tibor kutatási eredményei. | As a result of the research 6 studies have been published in international learned journals (Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability and World Futures), 8 studies have been issued in domestic learned journals (e.g. in Statistical Review, Leather and Shoe Technique - Market, Credit Institution Review, Development and Finance etc.), one of them also in English, 6 on an international conference (one of them published by Praesens Verlag), and 11 lectures have read on an home conference also published, and 4 studies are forthcoming. In the area of conjuncture research Excel batch files were developed for the calculation 9 trend function which are linear and can be transformable to linear functions. Decomposition of seasonal and cyclical components is also possible

    Sorption properties of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in soils with smectitic clay mineralogy

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    Preliminary results on the Co, Sr and Cs sorption properties of the analcime-containing rock type of the Boda Siltstone Formation

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    Abstract The search for nuclear waste deposits have been focusing on formations containing large amounts of clay minerals, as they potentially possess significant isolation capacity due to their radionuclide sorption ability. In this study the immobilization processes for Co, Sr and Cs ions on the recently described analcime-containing rock type of the Boda Siltstone Formation were investigated by batch sorption experiments. Our data suggest a high radionuclide immobilization capacity for this rock formation in the following order: Sr > Co > Cs. The dominant immobilization processes were found to be ion exchange and precipitation for Co and Sr, and chemisorption for Cs. The necessity of further sorption analyses on the studied rock formation is also raised
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