15 research outputs found

    A Study on the Application of Building Information Modeling on Carbon Dioxide Emission Evaluation during Interior Remodeling

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    [[abstract]]全球二氧化碳濃度持續攀升以致極端氣候日益明顯,各國紛紛制定相關減碳 策略並據以推行,而在各項產業的碳排放量中以營建相關產業所占比例為最高, 因此其減碳政策不可忽視。室內裝修工程為台灣最常態且普遍之營建相關工程, 其選材以及施工過程中若選擇之構法、工法不佳,可能會造成整體生命週期之碳 排放量大幅增加,相關工程之排碳量評估及減碳已為未來勢在必行之重要趨勢, 但目前仍缺乏一套有效可供掌握室內裝修工程之碳排放量之支援工具。 至今台灣已有不少營建相關碳排放計算與資料數據庫之建立,但多集中於建 材,較少探討工程施工方面,而且碳排放評估方式目前以丈量二維圖面取得相關 尺寸再套入公式計算,此方式簡易但工作效率不佳且容易發生計算錯誤之問題。 而近年營建產業掀起BIM風潮,提倡BIM建築資訊模型的物件導向之參數式設計, 能即時進行模型變更與估算數量,相關建築資訊建置,提升設計作業與數量估價 效率。 故本研究以室內裝修工程為探討對象,並針對施工階段進行其碳排放量之計 算,而本研究運用建築資訊模型物件導向之特性與建築資料庫等特點,將建築 3D 模型與施工相關資訊、建材碳排量數據結合於軟體內,其以成本估價之概念進而 探討出可計算碳排放之方法。經實際案例套用驗證以及更換建材之替代方案試驗, 結果能有效檢討施工碳排放量與減碳之決策分析,此外,本研究提出之方法除可 以計算施工階段之碳排放量,還可顯示各施工部位之相關資訊以及施工階段的呈 現。因此在未來方向可供針對不同建築階段進行碳排放量檢討之參考。[[abstract]]The density of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing. Many nations have taken note of climate change and adopted strategies to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The amount of CO2 which is emitted by the construction-related industries accounts for the highest among all other industries. Hence, it shall take an international effort to cut down CO2 emissions. This study aims at the CO2 emission generated in the process of interior decoration whose material selection and working process may significantly affect the amount of CO2 generated in the life cycle. The assessment of CO2 emission and measures to reduce the emission are urgent issues in the interior decoration industry. However, at the present moment, there is no effective supportive tool to control the CO2 emission in the construction process of interior decoration. So far, a number of calculation formulae and data of construction-related CO2 emissions have been established. But most of them are dealing with construction materials instead of construction process. Furthermore, the CO2 emission assessment adopts figures from two-dimensional drawings, which is simple in terms of calculation yet apt to be miscalculated. The Building Information Modeling (BIM), a new approach, emerges in the construction industries in recent years. In the object-oriented BIM, the parametric design can spontaneously calculate at any change made to the model, by which all related building information is adjusted and stored. BIM significantly improves the efficiency of designing process and calculation of related figures. This study focuses on the interior decoration and investigates its CO2 emission calculation in the construction process. In this thesis, the characteristics of the object-oriented BIM and its construction data will be researched. The 3D model and construction information will be incorporated with the CO2 emissions of construction materials in the software application to discuss a feasible approach to calculate CO2 emissions based on the concept of cost evaluation. In the research, actual cases will be examined and tested with proposed alternative materials. With the results, CO2 emissions in the construction process will be discussed and CO2 reduction decisions be analyzed. In addition to the calculation of CO2 emission, the proposed approach in the study can show related information in each construction part and in each construction phase, as well as provide information for reviewing CO2 emissions in various building phases

    Comparison of Adverse Events of Different Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Tissue Acquisition Methods: A Single-Center Retrospective Analysis

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    The efficacy of new generation endoscopic ultrasound-guided biopsy needles has been promising in recent years. Yet, comparing these needles’ diagnostic yield and safety to conventional needles is not well-known. Our study aims to compare the adverse events of endoscopic ultrasound-guided tissue acquisition (EUS-TA) with different types of needles, including FNA needles, FNB needles with a Franseen tip and FNB needles with a reverse bevel. Furthermore, we will analyze the risk factors, including tumor vascularity, different needle types, and the underlying disease, which may impact the safety of the procedures. From May 2014 to December 2021, 192 consecutive EUS-TAs were performed on pancreatic and peripancreatic lesions in our hospital using different types of FNA and FNB needles. We retrospectively reviewed the data and identified the risk factors for EUS-TA-related complications. As a result, the hypervascular tumor is a significant risk factor for adverse events in our multivariate analysis, with an odds ratio of 4.96 (95% CI 1.33–18.47), while liver cirrhosis is one of the risk factors for adverse events during EUS-TA, with an odds ratio of 5.3 (95% CI 1.1–25.6). However, the risk of adverse events did not increase using Franseen-tip needles, compared to conventional FNA or FNB needles with a reverse bevel. In conclusion, we must be more cautious in patients with liver cirrhosis and hypervascular tumors, such as pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors, when performing EUS-guided tissue acquisition

    Radiation Exposure among Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Single-Medical-Center Retrospective Analysis in Taiwan

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    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic and relapsing disease that can be complicated by abscesses, fistulas, or strictures of the damaged bowel. Endoscopy or imaging studies are required to diagnose and monitor the treatment response or complications of the disease. Due to the low incidence of the disease in Taiwan, the pattern of radiation exposure from medical imaging has not been well studied previously. This retrospective study aimed to evaluate the pattern of radiation exposure in 134 Taiwanese IBD patients (45 CD and 89 UC) diagnosed and followed at Changhua Christian Hospital from January 2010 to December 2020. We reviewed the patient demographic data and radiation-containing image studies performed during the follow-up. The cumulative effective dose (CED) was calculated for each patient. During a median follow-up of 4 years, the median CED was higher for patients with CD (median CED 21.2, IQR 12.1–32.8) compared to patients with UC (median CED 2.1, IQR 0–5.6) (p p = 0.110). In conclusion, our study found a higher radiation exposure among CD patients compared to patients with UC, representing the complicated nature of the disease. Therefore, increasing the use of radiation-free medical imaging such as intestinal ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging should be advocated in daily practice to decrease the risk of excessive radiation exposure in these patients

    Long-Term Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Profile and Seroclearance Following Antiviral Treatment: A Single-Center, Real-World Cohort Study

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    Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) seroclearance, an indicator of recovery from hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, is uncommon in long-term nucleos(t)ide analog (NUC) therapy. We compared the incidence of HBsAg seroclearance in patients with and without NUC discontinuation to identify predictors of HBsAg seroclearance. This retrospective study enrolled adult patients with a chronic HBV infection followed for ≥12 months after NUC discontinuation (finite group) and those treated with NUCs for >3 years (non-finite group). Demographic, clinical, and laboratory data were analyzed. The study cohort included 978 patients, including 509 and 469 patients in the finite and non-finite groups, respectively. Cumulative HBsAg seroclearance incidence was significantly higher in the finite group than in the non-finite group (p = 0.006). The 5- and 10-year cumulative HBsAg seroclearance incidence were 6.6% and 18.9% in the finite group and 3% and 14.6% in the non-finite group, respectively. The likelihood of HBsAg seroclearance was higher in those with end of treatment (EOT) HBsAg levels of p = 0.941). In conclusion, higher HBsAg seroclearance incidence in patients receiving finite therapy, and the increased likelihood of HBsAg seroclearance in those with EOT HBsAg levels of <100 IU/mL and in those without CR should be considered during decision-making of treatment options

    Autophagy is involved in assisting the replication of Bamboo mosaic virus in Nicotiana benthamiana

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    Autophagy plays a critical role in plants under biotic stress, including the response to pathogen infection. We investigated whether autophagy-related genes (ATGs) are involved in infection with Bamboo mosaic virus (BaMV), a single-stranded positive-sense RNA virus. Initially, we observed that BaMV infection in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves upregulated the expression of ATGs but did not trigger cell death. The induction of ATGs, which possibly triggers autophagy, increased rather than diminished BaMV accumulation in the leaves, as revealed by gene knockdown and transient expression experiments. Furthermore, the inhibitor 3-methyladenine blocked autophagosome formation and the autophagy inducer rapamycin, which negatively and positively affected BaMV accumulation, respectively. Pull-down experiments with an antibody against orange fluorescent protein (OFP)-NbATG8f, an autophagosome marker protein, showed that both plus- and minus-sense BaMV RNAs could associate with NbATG8f. Confocal microscopy revealed that ATG8f-enriched vesicles possibly derived from chloroplasts contained both the BaMV viral RNA and its replicase. Thus, BaMV infection may induce the expression of ATGs possibly via autophagy to selectively engulf a portion of viral RNA-containing chloroplast. Virus-induced vesicles enriched with ATG8f could provide an alternative site for viral RNA replication or a shelter from the host silencing mechanism

    Forrest Classification for Bleeding Peptic Ulcer: A New Look at the Old Endoscopic Classification

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    The management of peptic ulcer bleeding is clinically challenging. For decades, the Forrest classification has been used for risk stratification for nonvariceal ulcer bleeding. The perception and interpretation of the Forrest classification vary among different endoscopists. The relationship between the bleeder and ulcer images and the different stages of the Forrest classification has not been studied yet. Endoscopic still images of 276 patients with peptic ulcer bleeding for the past 3 years were retrieved and reviewed. The intra-rater agreement and inter-rater agreement were compared. The obtained endoscopic images were manually drawn to delineate the extent of the ulcer and bleeding area. The areas of the region of interest were compared between the different stages of the Forrest classification. A total of 276 images were first classified by two experienced tutor endoscopists. The images were reviewed by six other endoscopists. A good intra-rater correlation was observed (0.92–0.98). A good inter-rater correlation was observed among the different levels of experience (0.639–0.859). The correlation was higher among tutor and junior endoscopists than among experienced endoscopists. Low-risk Forrest IIC and III lesions show distinct patterns compared to high-risk Forrest I, IIA, or IIB lesions. We found good agreement of the Forrest classification among different endoscopists in a single institution. This is the first study to quantitively analyze the obtained and explain the distinct patterns of bleeding ulcers from endoscopy images

    Evaluation of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in patients with inflammatory bowel disease using controlled attenuation parameter technology: A Taiwanese retrospective cohort study.

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    Background/purposeAn increased prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is observed in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in Western countries. Both intestinal inflammation and metabolic factors contribute to the pathogenesis of IBD-associated NAFLD. The burden of NAFLD is not clear in the Asian population. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of NAFLD and liver fibrosis in a cohort of Taiwanese patients with IBD.MethodsFrom January to December 2019, patients with IBD who underwent ultrasound examination were enrolled. Hepatic steatosis and fibrosis were measured with liver stiffness measurement (LSM) and controlled attenuation parameter (CAP) using FibroScan. Patients with a history of excessive alcohol or recent steroid use were excluded. Univariate and multivariate analysis were performed.ResultsA total of 81 consecutive patients were enrolled and included in the analysis (45 with ulcerative colitis, 36 with Crohn's disease). The median age was 42 years old. The patients were classified in terms of body mass index as normal weight (54.3%), underweight (11.1%), overweight (28.4%), and obese (6.2%). The mean CAP increased to 162.22 dB/m in the underweight group, 210.86 dB/m in the normal weight group, 260.7 dB/m in the overweight group, and 274.0 dB/m in the obese group. NAFLD was observed in 29.6% of the patients, 1.2% of which had significant fibrosis. Increased body mass index (odds ratio [OR] 1.33, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.1-1.62) and older age at IBD diagnosis (OR: 1.05, 95% CI 1-1.11) was found to be associated with the presence of NAFLD.ConclusionIn this study, the prevalence of NAFLD was lower (29.6%) in IBD patients than in the Western population. Higher BMI and older age were associated with NAFLD in our study

    Machine-Learning Algorithm for Predicting Fatty Liver Disease in a Taiwanese Population

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    The rising incidence of fatty liver disease (FLD) poses a health challenge, and is expected to be the leading global cause of liver-related morbidity and mortality in the near future. Early case identification is crucial for disease intervention. A retrospective cross-sectional study was performed on 31,930 Taiwanese subjects (25,544 training and 6386 testing sets) who had received health check-ups and abdominal ultrasounds in Changhua Christian Hospital from January 2009 to January 2019. Clinical and laboratory factors were included for analysis by different machine-learning algorithms. In addition, the performance of the machine-learning algorithms was compared with that of the fatty liver index (FLI). Totally, 6658/25,544 (26.1%) and 1647/6386 (25.8%) subjects had moderate-to-severe liver disease in the training and testing sets, respectively. Five machine-learning models were examined and demonstrated exemplary performance in predicting FLD. Among these models, the xgBoost model revealed the highest area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUROC) (0.882), accuracy (0.833), F1 score (0.829), sensitivity (0.833), and specificity (0.683) compared with those of neural network, logistic regression, random forest, and support vector machine-learning models. The xgBoost, neural network, and logistic regression models had a significantly higher AUROC than that of FLI. Body mass index was the most important feature to predict FLD according to the feature ranking scores. The xgBoost model had the best overall prediction ability for diagnosing FLD in our study. Machine-learning algorithms provide considerable benefits for screening candidates with FLD

    Strategy for the Micro-Elimination of Hepatitis C among Patients with Diabetes Mellitus—A Hospital-Based Experience

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection can induce insulin resistance, and patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) have a higher prevalence of HCV infection. Patient outcomes improve after HCV eradication in DM patients. However, HCV micro-elimination targeting this population has not been approached. Little is known about using electronic alert systems for HCV screening among patients with DM in a hospital-based setting. We implemented an electronic reminder system for HCV antibody screening and RNA testing in outpatient departments among patients with DM. The screening rates and treatment rates at different departments before and after system implementation were compared. The results indicated that the total HCV screening rate increased from 49.3% (9505/19,272) to 78.2% (15,073/19,272), and the HCV-RNA testing rate increased from 73.4% to 94.2%. The anti-HCV antibody seropositive rate was 5.7%, and the HCV viremia rate was 62.7% in our patient population. The rate of positive anti-HCV antibodies and HCV viremia increased with patient age. This study demonstrates the feasibility and usefulness of an electronic alert system for HCV screening and treatment among DM patients in a hospital-based setting

    A Nomogram for Predicting Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Cooperative Surgery during the Endoscopic Resection of Subepithelial Tumors of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract

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    Background: Considering the widespread use of esophagogastroduodenoscopy, the prevalence of upper gastrointestinal (GI) subepithelial tumors (SET) increases. For relatively safer removal of upper GI SETs, endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) has been developed as an alternative to surgery. This study aimed to analyze the outcome of endoscopic resection for SETs and develop a prediction model for the need for laparoscopic and endoscopic cooperative surgery (LECS) during the procedure. Method: We retrospectively analyzed 123 patients who underwent endoscopic resection for upper GI SETs between January 2012 and December 2020 at our institution. Intraoperatively, they underwent ESD or submucosal tunneling endoscopic resection (STER). Results: ESD and STER were performed in 107 and 16 patients, respectively. The median age was 55 years, and the average tumor size was 1.5 cm. En bloc resection was achieved in 114 patients (92.7%). The median follow-up duration was 242 days without recurrence. Perforation occurred in 47 patients (38.2%), and 30 patients (24.4%) underwent LECS. Most perforations occurred in the fundus. Through multivariable analysis, we built a nomogram that can predict LECS requirement according to tumor location, size, patient age, and sex. The prediction model exhibited good discrimination ability, with an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.893. Conclusions: Endoscopic resection is a noninvasive procedure for small upper-GI SETs. Most perforations can be successfully managed endoscopically. The prediction model for LECS requirement is useful in treatment planning