12 research outputs found

    Causes and frequency of tocophobia — own experiences

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      Objectives: The phenomenon of tocophobia (pathological fear of labor) has not been fully explored. Currently, there are no diagnostic criteria that would enable its detection or make it recognizable as a disease entity. The aim of study was to determine the degree of anxiety/tocophobia as well as to learn about and analyze the causes of this phenomenon in Polish pregnant women. Material and methods: The prospective study included 120 pregnant women in the third trimester of gestation from February to May 2016. The study was performed with the use of a standardized and revised version of the Labor Anxi­ety Questionnaire (KLP II) designed by Putyński and Paciorek (1997) as well as a proprietary interview questionnaire and structured data documentation form. Results: In 6.7% of the subjects, the level of labor anxiety was very high (> 18 in KLP II). It was the highest in women over 30 years of age (Pearson’s chi squared test = 0.00422; p < 0.05). It has been shown that successive childbirths have an im­pact on the degree of anxiety (p = 0.04217).The highest level of anxiety was noted in primiparous women. In 85% of the subjects, anxiety was caused by fear of labor pain. 56.7% of the tested women did not use any professional help in the preparation for childbirth and motherhood. Conclusions: Primiparas and women over 30 years of age experience very high levels of fear significantly more frequently. The lack of proper preparation for childbirth determines the occurrence of tocophobia. Ante-natal classes and prenatal education based on standards of obstetric care should be promoted in order to reduce or eliminate fear of natural labor

    Amyloidoza łańcuchów lekkich immunoglobulin z punktu widzenia kardiologa

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    Light-chain amyloidosis (amyloidosis AL) is diagnosed in approx. 70% of patients with cardiac amyloidosis. This type of amyloidosis has the worst prognosis, especially if the diagnosis is made in advanced stages. The majority of patients are referred to a cardiologist, but unfortunately only every fifth of them has the proper diagnosis. Therefore, strategies promoting early diagnosis are important. One of them is the measurement of serum free light chains concentration in every patient with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. The acknowledgement of free light chains (FLCs) cardiotoxicity rendered the picture of AL amyloidosis from infiltrative cardiomyopathy into a toxic one. Best improvement in regard to heart failure is achieved upon hematological treatment resulting in decrease of FLCs concentration. Therefore, cardiological treatment is rather a supportive therapy. The role of cardiologist is the rapid diagnosis of the disease and referral of the patient to the hematologist. The standard heart failure treatment encompassing use of beta-blockers and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors aggravates orthostatic hypotension and congestion. Instead, up-to-date hematological treatment improves the prognosis of AL amyloidosis markedly, as long as early diagnosis is made.Amyloidozę łańcuchów lekkich (amyloidozę AL) rozpoznaje się u około 70% pacjentów z amyloidozą serca. Ta postać choroby wiąże się z najgorszym rokowaniem, szczególnie jeśli wykrywa się ją na zaawansowanym etapie. Kardiolog jest najczęściej odwiedzanym specjalistą przez pacjentów z amyloidozą AL. Niestety tylko u co piątego pacjenta jest stawiana właściwa diagnoza. Dlatego ważne jest, aby promować działania umożliwiające wczesne stwierdzenie choroby. Należy do nich oznaczanie wolnych łańcuchów lekkich (FLC) w surowicy u pacjentów z niewydolnością sercaz zachowaną frakcją wyrzutową. Wykazanie kardiotoksycznej roli FLC zmieniło postrzeganie amyloidozy AL jako choroby polegającej wyłącznie na pozakomórkowym gromadzeniu się nieprawidłowych złogów białkowych. Największą poprawę funkcji serca uzyskuje się, obniżając stężenie FLC w surowicy poprzez leczenie cytoredukcyjne. Leczenie kardiologiczne ma znaczenie uzupełniające. Rola kardiologa sprowadza się do jak najszybszego rozpoznania choroby i przekazania pacjenta do hematologa. Standardowa farmakoterapia niewydolności serca, obejmująca beta-adrenolityki i inhibitory konwertazy angiotensyny, u pacjentów z amyloidozą wywołuje nasilenie hipotensji ortostatycznej i objawów zastoinowych. Natomiast dzięki nowoczesnemu leczeniu cytoredukcyjnemu i antyamyloidowemu istotnie poprawiły się wyniki leczenia, pod warunkiem wczesnego rozpoznania amyloidozy AL

    Pregnancy-related cardiac non-elective hospitalizations and pregnancy outcomes. A tertiary referral cardiac center experience

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    Background: Pregnant women with cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and their offspring are at higher risk of morbidity and mortality.Aims: To provide data on pregnancy outcomes among women with different types of CVD requiring non-elective cardiac hospitalization in a tertiary referral cardiac center.Methods: We identified all records of non-elective hospitalizations of pregnant women hospitalized between January 2009 through March 2018, at our institution — a tertiary referral cardiac center. The incidence and types of cardiac complications during pregnancy, as well as the pregnancy and offspring outcomes, were determined.Results: One hundred and sixty-one out of 328 pregnancy-related hospitalizations in 140 pregnancies were non-elective. Cardiac complications occurred in 62 (44%) pregnancies, with the most frequent being episodes of arrhythmia (22.1% pregnancies), followed by heart failure exacerbations (6.4% pregnancies). Maternal mortality reached 2.1% and affected only women with primary cardiomyopathies (CMP). Offspring mortality was 2.8%. Newborns of mothers with cardiac complications had significantly lower Apgar scores and gestational age at delivery, compared to mothers without cardiac complications.Conclusions: In our series mortality and morbidity among pregnant women with CVD hospitalizations were high. An unfavorable maternal outcome mainly affected women with CMP. Offspring of mothers with cardiovascular complications are prone to have a lower gestational age and Apgar score

    Titin Truncating Variants in Dilated Cardiomyopathy – Prevalence and Genotype-Phenotype Correlations

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    <div><p><i>TTN</i> gene truncating variants are common in dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), although data on their clinical significance is still limited. We sought to examine the frequency of truncating variants in <i>TTN</i> in patients with DCM, including familial DCM (FDCM), and to look for genotype-phenotype correlations. Clinical cardiovascular data, family histories and blood samples were collected from 72 DCM probands, mean age of 34 years, 45.8% FDCM. DNA samples were examined by next generation sequencing (NGS) with a focus on the <i>TTN</i> gene. Truncating mutations were followed up by segregation study among family members. We identified 16 <i>TTN</i> truncating variants (<i>TTN</i> trunc) in 17 probands (23.6% of all cases, 30.3% of FDCM, 17.9% of sporadic DCM). During mean 63 months from diagnosis, there was no difference in adverse cardiac events between probands with and without TTN truncating mutations. Among relatives 29 mutation carriers were identified, nine were definitely affected (31%), eight probably affected (27.6%) one possibly affected (3.4%) and eleven were not affected (37.9%). When relatives with all affected statuses were combined, disease penetrance was still incomplete (62.1%) even after exclusion of unaffected relatives under 40 (82%) and was higher in males versus females. In all mutation carriers, during follow-up, 17.4% had major adverse cardiac events, and prognosis was significantly worse in men than in women. In conclusion, <i>TTN</i> truncating variants were observed in nearly one fourth of young DCM patient population, in vast majority without conduction system disease. Incomplete penetrance suggests possible influence of other genetic and/or environmental factors on the course of cardiotitinopathy. Counseling should take into account sex and incomplete penetrance.</p></div