229 research outputs found

    Non-perturbative quark mass renormalization

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    We show that the renormalization factor relating the renormalization group invariant quark masses to the bare quark masses computed in lattice QCD can be determined non-perturbatively. The calculation is based on an extension of a finite-size technique previously employed to compute the running coupling in quenched QCD. As a by-product we obtain the Λ\Lambda--parameter in this theory with completely controlled errors.Comment: Talk given at LATTICE '97, 6 pages, Latex source, 7 eps figures, needs epsfi

    Non-perturbative determination of the axial current normalization constant in O(a) improved lattice QCD

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    A finite-size technique is employed to compute the normalization constant ZAZ_A of the isovector axial current in lattice QCD. The calculation is carried out in the quenched approximation for values of the bare gauge coupling g0g_0 ranging from 0 to 1. In the lattice action and the lattice expression for the axial current we include the counterterms required for O(a) improvement, with non-perturbatively determined coefficients. With little additional work the normalization constant ZVZ_V of the improved isospin current is also obtained

    A precise determination of the charm quark's mass in quenched QCD

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    We present a lattice determination of the charm quark's mass, using the mass of the D_s meson as experimental input. All errors are under control with the exception of the quenched approximation. Setting the scale with F_K=160 MeV, our final result for the renormalization group invariant (RGI) quark mass is M_c = 1.654(45) GeV, which translates to m_c(m_c) =1.301(34) GeV for the running mass in the MSbar scheme. A 6 percent increase of the RGI quark mass is observed when the scale is set by the nucleon mass. This is a typical quenched scale ambiguity, which is reduced to about 3 percent for m_c(m_c), and to 4 percent for the mass ratio M_c/M_s. In contrast, the mass splitting m(Dstar_s)-m(D_s) changes from 117(11) MeV to 94(11) MeV, which is significantly smaller than the experimental value of 144 MeV.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figure

    The Λ\Lambda-parameter in 3-flavour QCD and αs(mZ)\alpha_s(m_Z) by the ALPHA collaboration

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    We present results by the ALPHA collaboration for the Λ\Lambda-parameter in 3-flavour QCD and the strong coupling constant at the electroweak scale, αs(mZ)\alpha_s(m_Z), in terms of hadronic quantities computed on the CLS gauge configurations. The first part of this proceedings contribution contains a review of published material \cite{Brida:2016flw,DallaBrida:2016kgh} and yields the Λ\Lambda-parameter in units of a low energy scale, 1/Lhad1/L_{\rm had}. We then discuss how to determine this scale in physical units from experimental data for the pion and kaon decay constants. We obtain ΛMS(3)=332(14)\Lambda_{\overline{\rm MS}}^{(3)} = 332(14) MeV which translates to αs(MZ)=0.1179(10)(2)\alpha_s(M_Z)=0.1179(10)(2) using perturbation theory to match between 3-, 4- and 5-flavour QCD.Comment: 21 pages. Collects contributions of A. Ramos, S. Sint and R. Sommer to the 34th annual International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory; LaTeX input encoding problem fixe

    The North Wyke Farm Platform: Quality Control System (Data version 3; released on 01-12-2018)

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    The North Wyke Farm Platform (NWFP) was established in 2010 to study and improve grassland livestock production at the farm-scale. The NWFP uses a combination of environmental sensors, routine field and lab-based measurements, and detailed management records to monitor livestock and crop production, emissions to water, emissions to air, soil health, and biodiversity. The rich NWFP datasets help researchers to evaluate the effectiveness of different grassland (and arable) farming systems, which in turn, contributes to the development of sustainable, resilient and net zero land management strategies. This document serves as a user guide to the quality control (QC) system of the water run-off, water chemistry, soil moisture and meteorological data produced at a 15-minute temporal resolution on the North Wyke Farm Platform (NWFP). The guide gives limits and thresholds for the instrumentation, and the QC flags applied to each data point. Also included are information on the QC process for the latest data version and changes since the previous version. This document is associated with other dedicated user guides that detail the collection of other dataset types produced on the NWFP

    The North Wyke Farm Platform: Field Survey Data

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    The North Wyke Farm Platform (NWFP) was established in 2010 to study and improve grassland livestock production at the farm-scale. The NWFP uses a combination of environmental sensors, routine field and lab-based measurements, and detailed management records to monitor livestock and crop production, emissions to water, emissions to air, soil health, and biodiversity. The rich NWFP datasets help researchers to evaluate the effectiveness of different grassland (and arable) farming systems, which in turn, contributes to the development of sustainable, resilient and net zero land management strategies. This document serves as a user guide to the sub-catchment high-resolution (within-field) and low-resolution (field-level) surveys collected on the NWFP. Most surveys are site-wide across all the NWFP fields, while some are specific to a given triplet or small group of NWFP catchments. Low resolution surveys are site wide and are carried out quarterly and routinely as a management tool. This document is associated with other dedicated user guides that detail the design, establishment and development of the NWFP, field events, and the quality control process of datasets

    The North Wyke Farm Platform: Design, Establishment and Development

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    The North Wyke Farm Platform (NWFP) was established in 2010 to study and improve grassland livestock production at the farm-scale. The NWFP uses a combination of environmental sensors, routine field and lab-based measurements, and detailed management records to monitor livestock and crop production, emissions to water, emissions to air, soil health, and biodiversity. The rich NWFP datasets help researchers to evaluate the effectiveness of different grassland (and arable) farming systems, which in turn, contributes to the development of sustainable, resilient and net zero land management strategies. This document serves as a user guide to the open datasets. It describes the site characteristics and gives details of the phases involved in the design, establishment, and ongoing development changes to the NWFP. This document is associated with other dedicated user guides that detail the collection, and quality control processing of all the datasets produced on the NWFP

    Tackling unintended consequences of grazing livestock farming: Multi-scale assessment of co-benefits and trade-offs for water pollution mitigation scenarios

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    A farm-to-landscape scale modelling framework combining regulating services and life cycle assessment mid-point impacts for air and water was used to explore the co-benefits and trade-offs of alternative management futures for grazing livestock farms. Two intervention scenarios were compared: one using on-farm interventions typically recommended following visual farm audits (visually-based) and the other using mechanistical understanding of nutrient and sediment losses to water (mechanistically-based). At farm scale, reductions in business-as-usual emissions to water of total phosphorus (TP) and sediment, using both the visually-based and mechanistically-based scenarios, were 20% and >35% for sediment. Key co-benefits at farm scale included reductions in nitrous oxide emissions and improvements in physical soil quality, whereas an increase in ammonia emissions was the principal trade-off. At landscape scale, simulated reductions in business-as-usual losses were <3% for both pollutants for both scenarios. The visually-based and mechanistically-based scenarios narrowed the gaps between current and modern background sediment loads by 6% and 11%, respectively. The latter scenario also improved the reduction of GWP100 relative to business-as-usual by 4%, in comparison to 1% for the former. However, with the predicted increase of ammonia emissions, both eutrophication potential and acidification potential increased (e.g., by 7% and 14% for the mechanistically-based scenario). The discrepancy of on-farm intervention efficacy across spatial scales generated by non-agricultural water pollutant sources is a key challenge for addressing water quality problems at landscape scale

    A non-perturbative determination of Z_V and b_V for O(a) improved quenched and unquenched Wilson fermions

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    By considering the local vector current between nucleon states and imposing charge conservation we determine, for O(a)O(a) improved Wilson fermions, its renormalisation constant and quark mass improvement coefficient. The computation is performed for both quenched and two flavour unquenched fermions.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, Lattice(2002)(improve

    Perturbative Renormalization Factors of Bilinear Quark Operators for Improved Gluon and Quark Actions in Lattice QCD

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    We calculate one-loop renormalization factors of bilinear quark operators for gluon action including six-link loops and O(a)O(a)-improved quark action in the limit of massless quark. We find that finite parts of one-loop coefficients of renormalization factors diminish monotonically as either of the coefficients c1c_1 or c2+c3c_2+c_3 of the six-link terms are decreased below zero. Detailed numerical results are given, for general values of the clover coefficient, for the tree-level improved gluon action in the Symanzik approach (c1=1/12,c2=c3=0)(c_1=-1/12, c_2=c_3=0) and for the choices suggested by Wilson (c1=0.252,c2=0,c3=0.17)(c_1=-0.252, c_2=0, c_3=-0.17) and by Iwasaki (c1=0.331,c2=c3=0(c_1=-0.331, c_2=c_3=0 and c1=0.27,c2+c3=0.04)c_1=-0.27, c_2+c_3=-0.04) from renormalization-group analyses. Compared with the case of the standard plaquette gluon action, finite parts of one-loop coefficients are reduced by 10--20% for the Symanzik action, and approximately by a factor two for the renormalization-group improved gluon actions.Comment: 19 pages, REVTeX, with 3 epsf figure