54 research outputs found
Patohistološke promene i stepen sanacionih procesa u bubrezima brojlera tretiranih ohratoksinom A
A 42-day long trial was performed on a total of 48 Hybro broilers divided into four groups. After a 14 day pre-experimental period, the experimental groups were offered feed contaminated with 0.5, 1.0 or 1.5 ppm ochratoxin A, respectively. After that period all groups were normally fed a mixture without added OTA until the end of the trial. Kidney samples were taken after the period of using contaminated feed, as well as after withdrawal the contaminated feed and a 3 week resting period. Proximal tubules were predominantly affected, while glomerules were chiefly preserved. The cytoplasm of tubulocytes was microgranulated and the nuclei were masked. Vacuolization was noticed in a certain number of altered cells. Foci of acute tubular necrosis were noticed in a few tubules. In some cases weak hemorrhage could be seen in affected areas. In the kidney samples of the group offered contaminated feed followed by a 3 week resting period morphological alterations were expressed in the form of intracellular edema. Epithelial cells of proximal tubules were enlarged with opaque cytoplasm, which caused tubule lumen stenosis. Apoptotic bodies could be noticed between some tubulocytes. The obtained results suggest that kidney alterations induced by OTA could be restored only to a certain extent as well as that minimum three week resting period is necessary for this process.Ogled je izveden na 48 Hybro brojlera podeljenih u četiri grupe i trajao je 42 dana. Od 14 dana ogledne grupe su tokom 7 dana dobijale hranu koja je sadržala 0.5,1.0 ili 1.5 ppm OA. Uzorci bubrega za patohistološka ispitivanja uzeti su nakon završetka tretmana, a preostali brojleri su hranjeni i pojeni bez aplikacije toksina do 42. dana kada su uzorci bubrega ponovo uzeti. Patohistološkim ispitivanjem utvrđeno je da su pretežno proksimalni tubuli zahvaćeni promenama, dok su glomeruli uglavnom očuvani. Citoplazma tubulocita je sitnozrnasta, a jedra su maskirana. U pojedinim ćelijama uočena je vakuolizacija, dok su u manjem broju tubula uočeni fokusi akutne nekroze. U promenjenim zonama uočena su slaba krvavljenja. U uzorcima bubrega grupa hranjenih kontaminiranom, a zatim nekontaminiranom hranom promene su se ispoljile u vidu intracelularnog edema. Epitelne ćelije proksimalnih tubula su povećane sa zamućenom citoplazmom što je u pojedinim slučajevima izazvalo su'avanje lumena tubula. Apoptotična tela su uočena između pojedinih tubulocita. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da se promene u bubrezima izazvane OA mogu samo delom i u određenom stepenu restituisati, a da za je ove procese potreban period od najmanje tri nedelje
Uloga ishrane u etiopatogenezi zdravstvenih poremećaja krava u peripartalnom periodu
The goals of high producing dairy cow nutrition are to provide good health and condition of animals, normal 300-day long lactation, more lactation cycle during exploitation, maximal amount of milk yield with optimal chemical contents, as well as bringing healthy and vital veal once a year. Nutrients metabolism disturbances in dairy cows mostly expressed in periparturient period due to higher demands needed for fetus growth and development, as well as for requirements for lactation. Energy metabolism disorder in dairy cows mostly appeared as kethosis complicated with liver fatty acid accumulation that firstly caused fatty infiltration and later fatty degeneration of hepatocytes. Besides energy, in this period changes of mineral status are very common as consequences of higher mineral deposition in skeleton of fetus, and secretion via milk by beginning of the lactation. Mineral metabolism disorder in dairy cows, firstly calcium, mostly appeared as paresis and paralysis. Dairy cows peripartal metabolic disturbances are very dependent and caused among themselves commonly leading to mutual appearance. That’s why the meal for high producing dairy cow in periparturient period have to be optimal balanced not only according to amount of some nutrients, but their relationship, as well as their influences on metabolic pathways and homeostasis.Zadatak ishrane visokoproduktivnih krava muzara je da obezbedi, pre svega, dobro zdravlje i kondiciju životinje, normalnu laktaciju u trajanju od oko 300 dana, veći broj laktacija tokom eksploatacije, maksimalnu količinu mleka optimalnog hemijskog sastava i donošenje na svet zdravog i vitalnog teleta jednom godišnje. Poremećaj metabolizma hranljivih materija kod krava najčešće se ispoljava u peripartalnom periodu zbog povećanih potreba za rast i tazvoj fetusa, kao i zbog potreba za laktaciju. Poremećaj prometa energije kod krava najčešće se ispoljava u vidu ketoze, a komplikovana je činjenicom da u jetri nastaje nakupljanje masnih kiselina, pri čemu nastaje masna infiltracija, a potom i masna degeneracija hepatocita. Pored energije, u ovom periodu su veoma izražene promene statusa mineralnih materija kao posledica deponovanja u skelet ploda, a sa početkom laktacije izlučivanjem mlekom. Poremećaj prometa mineralnih materija, pre svega kalcijuma, najčešće se ispoljava u vidu pareza i paraliza. Postpartalni metabolički poremećaji kod muznih krava međusobno su veoma zavisni i uslovljeni, odnosno obično potenciraju međusobnu pojavu. Zato obrok za krave, posebno u peripartalnom periodu, mora da bude optimalno izbalansiran ne samo u pogledu sadržaja pojedinih hranljivih materija, nego i u pogledu njihovog međusobnog odnosa, kao i uticaja na metaboličke puteve i homeostatske mehanizme
Primena enzima u ishrani svinja
Development of biotechnology contributes to the appearance of natural alternatives that meet the high demands of the animal itself, the consumer lobby, new legislatives, and the movement for environment protection. In the area of alternative solutions, the most often mentioned are enzymes. The goals of using enzymes are enhancement of endogenous enzymes activity removing antinutrients from some feedstuffs, increasing energy and nutritive value due to increasing bioaviability of nutrients to resorption, as well as decreasing the output of indigestible nutrients in the environments. The innovative solutions and flexible alternatives of using enzymes are the choice option for gaining optimal performances and satisfactory health of intensively managed pigs. Besides those mentioned, this solution is based on natural mechanisms as a basis for the production of healthy and safe food for human nutrition. The use of enzymes in swine nutrition has to find its place primarily in the feed mill factory, but it has to be based on a high professional approach to choosing different kinds of enzymes related to target substrates.Razvoj biotehnologije doprineo je pojavi prirodnih alternativa koje ispunjavaju i zadovoljavaju visoko postavljene zahteve samog organizma potrošačkog lobija, novih zakonskih regulativa i pokreta za zaštitu životne sredine. U nizu alternativnih rešenja najčešće se pominju enzimi. Cilj dodavanja enzima je dopuna aktivnosti endogenih enzima svinja, otklanjanje antinutritivnih materija iz pojedinih hraniva (_-glukani, fitati), povećanje energetske i hranljive vrednost hraniva na osnovu veće dostupnosti pojedinih hranljivih materija za resorpciju, kao i smanjivanje izlučivanja neiskorišćenih hranljivih materija u spoljašnju sredinu. Primena enzima sa svojim inovativnim rešenjima i fleksibilnim alternativnima predstavlja mogućnost izbora postizanja optimalnih proizvodnih rezultata i zadovoljavajućeg zdravstvenog stanja u intezivnom uzgoju svinja koji se, u ovom slučaju, zasniva na prirodnim mehanizmima kao osnovi za proizvodnju zdrave i bezbedne hrane za ljude. Korišćenje enzima mora da nađe svoje mesto prvenstveno u pogonima za proizvodnju hrane za životinje, ali mora da se zasniva na visokom stručnom i profesionalnom pristupu pri izboru vrsta enzima u odnosu na ciljni supstrat
Uticaj produženog tretiranja ohratoksinom A na status proteina krvnog seruma brojlera
The 42 day long trial was performed on Hybro broilers divided into four groups. After a 14 day preexperimental period, the groups were offered feed contaminated by 0.5 ppm ochratoxin A (OA) for 0, 7, 14 or 21 days. Blood samples were taken after the period of toxin addition and the remaining birds from the control and experimental groups were normally fed with mash without added OA until the 42nd day of the trial, when blood samples were taken again. The total level of serum proteins was not changed during of prolonged treatment with OA, but a significant increase of albumin together with a decrease of the γ-globulin fraction were noted. A/G ratio suggested that globulins were the dominant protein fraction in blood serum samples obtained from all broilers included in this trail. The concentrations of α and β globulins in serum were within the physiological limits. It could be concluded that the low dietary OA level (0.5 ppm) had a possible cumulative, but not acute effect on blood serum protein status in broilers, dependent on the duration of exposure.Ogled je izveden na Hybro brojlerima podeljenim u četiri grupe a trajao je 42 dana. Nakon četrnaestodnevnog pripremnog periodaogledne grupe su hranjene hranom kontaminiranom ohratoksinom A u količini od 5 ppm u toku 7, 14 Hi 21 dan. Uzorci krvi za ispitivanje uzimani su nakon perioda ishrane kontaminiranom hranom a preostale jedinke hranjene su hranom bez dodatog toksina do kraja ogleda. Na kraju ogleda uzeti su uzorci krvi za ispitivanje od svih grupa. Korišćena količina OA u ispitivanom vremenu ekspozicije nema uticaj na koncentraciju ukupnih proteina. Uočeno je signifikantno povećanje albumina zajedno sa smanjenjem γ-globulina. Odnos AG ukazuje da su globulini dominantna frakcija proteina u svim ispitivanim uzorcima. Koncentracija α i β globulina u krvnom serumu kretala se u okvirima fizioloških granica. Može se zaključiti da prisustvo malih količina OA u hrani (5 ppm) poseduje moguće kumulativne ali ne i akutne efekte na proteine krvnog seruma brojlera koji zavise od vremena ekspozicije štetnom dejstvu
Mycotoxicoses in animals caused by secondary metabolites of molds
It is estimated that at least 25% of grain and other cereals are today contaminated with known mycotoxins, while a large number of them are probably contaminated with as yet unidentified mycotoxins. Mycotoxins produce mold mycea, and it is believed that over 220 species have this characteristic. A large number of different mycotoxins has been identified so far, of which only a small number are of medicinal, nutritive and economic significance (aflatoxins, ochratoxins, trichotecenes, zearalenon). The listed mycotoxins present secondary metabolites, primarily the species Aspergillus, Fusarium and Penicillinum. Mycotoxicoses pose a nutritive-medical, but also a diagnostic problem, because certain mycotoxins cause changes in a number of organs. Diseases caused by mycotoxins are not contagious, they are connected with food and/or specific feed, they are similar to avitaminoses, they are not treated with antibiotics or other medicines, and they do not cause an immunological response in the organism because they are of small molecular mass so that animals are permanently protected from their effects. The content of mycotoxins in food and/or feed in practical conditions more often causes the appearance of chronic mycotoxicoses, and the effects of smaller quantities over a longer time period are the same as of bigger quantities over a short period. The early or timely establishment of the presence of mycotoxins in food and the subsequent elimination of the contaminated food from use can aleviate the negative effects, but a certain time period is required for the elimination of the resorbed quantities of mycotoxins and the disappearance of the harmful effect. That is why constant and multilevel monitoring of sanitary hygiene of feed must be practiced in production conditions in order to secure a swift and efficient reaction, as currently the only manner for the successful prevention of the harmful effects of mycotoxins
Mikroelementi vezani za ugljene hidrate i proizvodne karakteristike brojlera hibrida Arbor acre
In order to investigate the influence of carbo-hydrate protected oligoelements in broiler food on their productivity and health status, a control grouped based experiment was conducted. A total of 120 one-day old broiler "Arbor Acres" chickens was used and divided in two groups during fattening period of 42 days. During the experiment, chickens were fed three complete mixtures with standard composition. First mixture was used during the first three weeks, second during days 21-35 and third during 35-42 day of experiment. Control group of chickens was fed mixtures containing oligoelements (Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn) in the form of sulphates while in mixtures for experimental group, 30% of inorganic oligoelements was substituted with carbo-hydrate protected oligoelements. Broilers fed mixtures containing inorganic forms of oligoelements and usual energetic level had average daily gain of 50.68 g with daily food consumption of 115.5 g and feed conversion of 2.28. Usage of mixtures with carbo-hydrate protected oligoelements resulted in significantly higher average daily gain (12,78 %), lower daily consumption (5.81 %) and better feed conversion rate (16.7 %).U cilju izučavanja uticaja mikroelemenata vezanih za ugljene - hidrate u smešama za ishranu brojlera, na proizvodne rezultate i zdravstveno stanje izveden je ogled ishrane po grupno kontrolnom sistemu. Za ogled je korišćeno ukupno 120 jednodnevnih brojlera Arbor Acres provinijence podeljenih u dve grupe. Ogled je trajao 42 dana a obe grupe pilića su tokom ogleda hranjene sa tri vrste potpunih smeša standardnog sirovinskog i hemijskog sastava. Prva smeša je korišćena od 1-21., druga od 21-35., a treća od 35-42. dana ogleda. Kontrolna grupa piladi je hranjena smešama u kojima su kao izvor mikroelemenata korišćene sulfatne soli Fe, Cu, Mn i Zn, a ogledna grupa smešama istog sirovinskog sastava u kojima je 30% sulfata zamenjeno mikroelementima vezanim za ugljene hidrate. Brojleri hranjeni smešama standardnog sirovinskog sastava sa sulfatnim solima kao izvorima mikroelemenata i uobičajene hranljive vrednosti postigli su prosečan dnevni prirast od 50.68 g pri dnevnoj konzumaciji hrane od 115.5 g i uz konverziju hrane od 2.28. Korišćenjem smeša sa organski vezanim mikroelementima postižu se značajno veći dnevni prirasti (za 12.78 %) pri nižoj konzumaciji (za 5.81 %) i uz bolju konverziju hrane za 16.7 %
Kontaminacija smeša za ishranu svinja i živine plesnima i mikotoksinima
During ten-year period (1995-2004), a total of 756 analyses of pig and poultry feed was performed. Standard methods were used for microbiological determination. Qualitative and quantitative analyze of mycotoxins was performed by TLC technique. Feed for young categories contained from 100 to 3,400,000 CFU/g of feed. In 35.71% of all samples the detected amount was above acceptable levels. Feed for adult categories contained from 800 to 8,000,000 CFU/g of feed. In only 7.54% of samples this amount was over the tolerable level. Species determination revealed great heterogeneity, with the most common findings of Penicillium spp. (28.38%), Aspregillus spp. (26.37%) Mucor spp. (24.67%), Fusarium spp. (11.33%) and Rhizopus spp. (9.22%). The amount and type of mycotoxin varied depending on the feed category as well as on year of detection, implicating a strong influence of climatic factors and average humidity of the specified year. In a total of 320 analyzed feeds for pigs and poultry the characteristic finding was a combined contamination with two or three mycotoxins. In 161 samples of feed for young animals the presence of AFB1, F-2 and OTA was detected in 36, 161 and 161 samples respectively, while in 33, 83 and 71 samples the detected amounts were above tolerable levels. In 159 samples of feed for adult animals the presence of AFB1, F-2 and OTA was detected in 32, 159 and 159 samples, respectively while in 31, 65 and 99 samples the detected amounts were above tolerable levels.Tokom desetogodišnjeg perioda (1995-2004) izvršeno je ukupno 756 analiza uzoraka stočne hrane namenjenih za ishranu živine i svinja. Za mikrobiološku analizu uzoraka korišćene su standardne metode, a kvalitativno i kvantitativno ispitivanje navedenih mikotoksina izvršeno je TLC metodom. Smeše za mlade životinje sadržale su od 100 do 3.400.000 plesni/gr, pri čemu je čak 35.71% ispitivanih uzoraka sadržalo nedozvoljen broj plesni. Smeše za odrasle životinje sadržale su od 800 do 8.000.000 plesni/gr, pri čemu je svega 7.54% ispitivanih uzoraka sadržalo nedozvoljen broj plesni. Vrste izolovanih rodova plesni pokazuju veliku heterogenost, a najčešće su detektovane Penicilium spp. (28.38%), Aspergillus spp. (26.37%), Mucor spp. (24.67%), Fusarium spp. (11.33%) i Rhisopus spp. (9.22%). Količina i vrsta mikotoksina varira u odnosu na vrstu smeše, kao i u odnosu na pojedine godine, što može da se dovede u direktnu vezu sa klimatskim faktorima, odnosno sa godišnjom vlažnošću. Ispitano je ukupno 320 smeša za ishranu svinja i živine, a karakteristično je da je velik broj smeša bio kontaminiran sa dva, odnosno tri mikotoksina. Od ukupno 161 uzorka hrane za mlade životinje prisustvo AFB1 F-2 i OTA utvrđeno je u 36, 161 i 161 uzorku, od čega je, istim redom, 33, 83 i 71 uzorak sadržao navedene mikotoksine iznad dozvoljene granice. Od ukupno 159 uzoraka hrane za odrasle životinje prisustvo AFB1, F-2 i OTA utvrđeno je u 32, 159 i 159 uzoraka, od čega je, istim redom, 31, 65 i 99 uzoraka sadržalo navedene mikotoksine iznad dozvoljene granice
Role of minerals in animal health disorders
All mineral matter, essential or non-essential, can have a significant influence on production results and the health of animals, if large quantities of them are present in a feed ration. A maximally tolerant content depends on the animal specie and category. Many factors, such as physiological status (growth, lactation, etc.), nutritive status, content and ratio of nutritive matter in the ration, duration of exposure, and the biological level of utilization of elements, also affect the maximally tolerant content of mineral matter in feed. The content of certain mineral matter in plant feed significantly depends on the soil factor, as well as the content and level of utilization of mineral matter from the soil. Mn, Se and Mo can be present in plant feed in such quantities as to induce toxicosis. Industrial contaminants, Cd, Pb or F, can contaminate plants, in particular their leaves, in quantities which lead to the appearance of clinical signs of conventional toxicosis. Moreover, natural water can contain large quantities of S, F, Na, Mg, or Fe, and certain mineral matter can get into water through industrial waste. In addition to the above, it is possible to cause unwanted effects through the frequent, but primarily unprofessional use of mineral additives, since it is extremely important, besides meeting the mineral requirements of each individual element, to secure a ratio among the mineral matter themselves as well as with other nutritive matter. Mineral matter present in food are in mutual interference, and these relations can be synergistic or antagonistic. The sufficiency of a large number of mineral matter has a negative effect on the utilization of other matter (conditional and/or border deficiency), while certain elements cause the clinical appearance of toxic effects. The accidental intake of large quantities of certain mineral matter is revealed as clinical signs of acute toxicosis, which is very different from chronic effects caused by the intake of increased quantities of mineral matter over a longer time period
Effect of high levels of organic selenium on glutation-peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity in blood plasma of broilers
An experiment lasting 45 days was performed on 125 Hybro broilers divided into five groups. All compounds for broiler feed mixes used in the experiment contained 0.15 mg Se/kg, in the form of sodium selenite. The control group (K-group) of broilers was fed mixes without added organic selenium, and the experimental groups with mixes to which selenium, in the form of selenized-yeast, was added in quantities of 2, 5, 10, or 15 mg/kg. Selenized yeast (ICN - Gaienika) was obtained from beer yeast and contained 1.51, or 1.45 mg/g total, or organically bound selenium. At the beginning of the fattening period, GSH-Px plasma activity in broilers of the K-group ranged around 16.55 μkat/L, while GSH-Px plasma activity in broilers of experimental groups was statistically significantly higher, but without any major differences among the individual groups (on the average 25.53fjkat/L). In the blood plasma of K-group, GSH-Px activity dropped already in the second week of life and was maintained at a relatively constant level (about 10 μkat/L) until the end of the experiment. The same phenomenon was observed in the experimental groups, but the trend of declining GSH-Px activity in blood plasma was more expressed, and, contrary to the control group, was expressed also in the later phases of the experiment. In the 3rd week of the fattening period, GSH-Px plasma activity in broilers of the control and experimental groups was relatively equal, and then the plasma activity of GSH-Px in broilers of the experimental groups decreased, but there were no major differences among the individual groups
Efikasnost mineralnog i organskog adsorbenta u ublažavanju štetnih efekata zearalenona na status proteina krvnog seruma prasadi
The influence of zearalenone on blood serum protein status and the feasibility of utilizing a modified clinoptilolite and esterified glucomannan to alleviate its harmful effects was examined in two trials, 31 and 29 days long, conducted on a total of 64 pigs (32 each) 60 days old, divided into four groups, each containing 8 pigs. Control groups (K) received noncontaminated feed, while experimental groups received feed supplemented with 3.84 mg/kg in the first trial and 5.12 mg/kg of zearalenone in the second trial. Pigs in the first experimental groups (O-I) were given feed with toxin only. Modified clinoptilolite in the amount of 0.2% and esterified glucomannan in the amount of 0.1% were introduced in contaminated feed of the second (O-II) and the third experimental groups (O-III) of both trials. With the use of contaminated feed, a declining trend of the A/G ratio was observed: decrease of albumin content and increase of globulin content on account of the α globulin fraction. A decrease of the γ globulin fraction was detected at the same time. Total protein concentration was also lower. The application of adsorbents successfully alleviated harmful effects of the F-2 toxin on the affected biochemical parameters in blood serum.Uticaj zearalenona na status proteina krvnog seruma prasadi i mogućnost upotrebe modifikovanog klinoptilolita i esterifikovanog glukomanana za ublažavanje njegovih štetnih efekata ispitivan je kroz dva ogleda, u trajanju od 31 i 29 dana, izvedena na ukupno 64 prasadi (32 u svakom ogledu), 60 dana starih, podeljenih u 4 grupe, po 8 jedinki. Kontrolne grupe (K) u oba ogleda hranjene su smešom bez zearalenona, dok su eksperimentalne grupe dobijale hranu koja je sadržavala 3,84 mg/kg u prvom, odnosno, 5,12 mg/kg zearalenona u drugom ogledu. Prasad prve eksperimentalne grupe oba ogleda dobijala je hranu samo sa toksinom. Istovremeno, modifikovani klinoptilolit u količini 0,2% dodat je u hranu za prasad obe druge eksperimentalne grupe (O-II), dok je u smeši obe treće eksperimentalne grupe (O-III) bio prisutan esterifikovani glukomanan u količini od 0,1%. Upotrebom kontaminirane hrane uočen je opadajući trend A/G odnosa: smanjenje sadržaja albumina i povećanje sadržaja globulina na račun α globulinske frakcije. Istovremeno je otkriveno smanjenje koncentracije ukupnih proteina i relativne zastupljenosti γ globulinske frakcije. Primena adsorbenata uspešno je ublažila štetne efekte F-2 toksina na poremećene biohemijske parametre krvnog seruma
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