9 research outputs found

    A quantitative structure-activity relationship for the acute toxicity of some epoxy compounds to the guppy

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    The 14 day LC50 values of various epoxy compounds to the guppy (Poecilia reticulata) were determined, and investigated through the construction of a quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR). Both hydrophobicity and alkylating potency of the compounds are found to be necessary parameters for the satisfactory description of the LC50 data. The findings of the present study are compared to results published for halogenated alkylating agents (Hermens, 1985), some of which are considerably more toxic than predicted on the basis of the QSAR established for the epoxy compounds

    Effect-Directed Assessment of the Bioaccumulation Potential and Chemical Nature of Ah Receptor Agonists in Crude and Refined Oils

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    Recent studies have indicated that in addition to narcosis certain chemicals in crude oils and refined petroleum products may induce specific modes of action, such as aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) agonism. The risks these toxic compounds pose to organisms depend on internal exposure levels, as driven by the chemicals’ bioaccumulation potential. Information on this potential however is lacking, as the chemicals’ identity mostly is unknown. This study showed that AhR agonists bioaccumulate from oil-spiked sediments into aquatic worms and persist in the worms for at least several weeks. Chemical fractionations of eight pure oils into saturates, aromatics, resins, and asphaltenes (SARA), followed by effect-directed analyses using in vitro reporter gene assays revealed that the agonists predominantly are aromatic and resin-like chemicals. Some of the compounds were easily metabolized in vitro, while others were resistant to biotransformation. HPLC-assisted hydrophobicity profiling subsequently indicated that the AhR-active chemicals had a high to extremely high bioaccumulation potential, considering their estimated logKow values of 4 to >10. Most of the AhR agonism, however, was assigned to compounds with logKow of 5–8. These compounds were present mainly in the mid to high boiling point fractions of the oils (C14–C32 alkane range), which are usually not being considered (the most) toxic in current risk assessment. The fractionations further revealed considerable oil and fraction-dependent antagonism in pure oils and SARA fractions. The results of this study clearly demonstrate that crude oils and refined petroleum products contain numerous compounds that can activate the AhR and which because of their likely persistence and extremely high bioaccumulation potential could be potential PBT (persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic) or vPvB (very persistent and very bioaccumulative) substance candidates. Many chemicals were identified by GC-MS, but the responsible individual compounds could not be exactly identified in the complex mixtures of thousands of compounds. Because this obstructs a classical PBT risk assessment, our results advocate an adapted risk assessment approach for complex mixtures in which low concentrations of very potent compounds are responsible for mixture effects

    Ecotoxicological effects of activated carbon addition to sediments.

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    Activated carbon (AC) addition is a recently developed technique for the remediation of sediments and soils contaminated with hydrophobic organic chemicals. Laboratory and field experiments have demonstrated that the addition of 3-4% of AC can reduce aqueous concentrations and the bioaccumulation potential of contaminants. However, one aspect of the technique that has hardly received any attention is the possible occurrence of secondary, eco(toxico)logical effects, i.e., effects of AC addition on the health, behavior, and habitat quality of local organisms. In the present study, several ecotoxicological effects were investigated in AC-water and AC-enriched (0-25%) sediment systems. It was demonstrated that (i) powdered activated carbons can be toxic to aquatic invertebrates (Lumbriculus variegatus, Daphnia magna, and Corophium volutator) based on different mechanisms and preferably should be washed prior to application; (ii) Asellus aquaticus and Corophium volutator may physically avoid AC-enriched sediments; (iii) exposure of Lumbriculus variegatus to AC-enriched sediments lead to a time and dose-dependent reduction in the worms' lipid content, which was most probably caused by the observation that (iv) worm egestion rates decreased drastically upon AC addition, indicating that the presence of AC disturbed feeding behavior; and (v) there were no obvious effects on the microbiological community structure. All in all, these results suggest potential ecotoxicological effects of powdered AC addition and stress the need for a detailed further investigation of secondary effects of the technique, prior to any large-scale field application

    Quantitative structure-activity relationships for the toxicity and bioconcentration factor of nitrobenzene derivatives towards the guppy (Poecilia reticulata)

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    The acute toxicity and bioconcentration factor of a series of nitrobenzene derivatives was determined for the guppy. Toxicity is found to be determined by both hydrophobicity (expressed by the octanol/water partition coefficient) and rate of reduction of the nitro group (expressed by either electrochemical halfwave reduction potential or Hammett σ values). The acute toxicity of mononitro compounds can be adequately described by hydrophobicity, and their bioconcentration factor is found to be approximately equal to the octanol/water partition coefficient. The dinitro compounds that are likely to be most easily reduced are found to have substantially lower bioconcentration factors than expected, accompanied by a marked increase in toxicity. Electrochemical reduction potentials are found to be a better descriptor of toxicity than Hammett σ− values. Nitroanilines do not fit the QSARs established for nitrobenzene derivatives. These compounds are probably to be considered aniline derivatives

    Bioconcentration and acute toxicity of polycyclic musks in two benthic organisms (Chironomus riparius and Lumbriculus variegatus)

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    In the current study, the bioconcentration behavior and acute toxicity of two polycyclic musks, Tonalide® 7-acetyl-1,1,3,4,4,6,-hexamethyl-1,2,3,4,-tetrahydronaphthalene (AHTN) and Galaxolide® 1,3,4,6,7,8-hexahydro-4,6,6,7,8,8-hexa-methyl-cyclopenta[γ]-2- benzopyran (HHCB), were studied in two benthic organisms. Polycyclic musks are frequently used fragrances, and they have been detected in different compartments of the environment. The aim of this study was to fill some empirical data gaps for AHTN and HHCB for benthic organisms. Results show that differences exist between both organisms. Chironomus riparius exhibited bioconcentration factors (BCFs) for AHTN and HHCB substantially lower than predicted for nontransformed organics. The BCFs for both chemicals increased after coexposure of the organism to the cytochrome P450 inhibitor piperonyl butoxide. Thus, the low BCF values were the result of rapid biotransformation of AHTN and HHCB in the midge larvae. Bioconcentration kinetics indicated that both chemicals induced their own cytochrome P450-mediated metabolism. Acute toxicity of AHTN to midge larvae was reduced compared to predicted baseline toxicity and was similar for HHCB. Bioconcentration of AHTN and HHCB in the worm (Lumbriculus variegatus) is in agreement with predictions based on the octanol-water partition coefficients of these chemicals. Acute toxicity was found to be similar to predicted values for baseline toxicity. Summarizing, for AHTN and HHCB, acute toxicity and bioconcentration behavior in L. variegatus was in accordance with predicted data for nontransformed organics. In C. riparius, bioconcentration as well as toxicity were reduced

    Solid phase extraction to predict bioavailability and accumulation of organic micropollutants in terrestrial organisms after exposure to a field-contaminated soil.

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    The risk posed by soil contaminants strongly depends on their bioavailability. In this study, a partition-based sampling method was applied as a tool to estimate bioavailability in soil. The accumulation of organic micropollutants was measured in two earthworm species (Eisenia andrei and Aporrectodea caliginosa) and in 30-μm poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS)-coated solid-phase micro extraction (SPME) fibers after exposure to two field-contaminated soils. Within 10 days, steady state in earthworms was reached, and within 20 days in the SPME fibers. Steady-state concentrations in both earthworm species were linearly related to concentrations in fibers over a 10 000-fold range of concentrations. Measured concentrations in earthworms were compared to levels calculated via equilibrium partitioning theory and total concentrations of contaminants in soil. In addition, freely dissolved concentrations of contaminants in pore water, derived from SPME measurements, were used to calculate concentrations in earthworms. Measured concentrations in earthworms were close to estimated concentrations from the SPME fiber measurements. Freely dissolved concentrations of contaminants in pore water, derived from SPME measurements, were used to calculate bioconcentration factors (BCF) in earthworms. A plot of log BCFs against the octanol-water partition coefficient (log Kow) was linear up to a log Kow of 8. These results show that measuring concentrations of hydrophobic chemicals in a PDMS-coated fiber represents a simple tool to estimate internal concentrations of chemicals in biota exposed to soil