13 research outputs found

    Diversity and Abundance of Echinoderms in Pancuran Beach, Lembeh Island

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    Echinodermata are found quite commonly in the tidal areas of Lembeh Island but their diversity and abundance have not been well documented. The purpose of this study was to determine the types of Echinoderms and their abundance at Pancuran Beach, Lembeh Island, Bitung City. Samples were taken at two stations using the Lincoln-Smith Transect method 2 x 50 m which was stretched perpendicular to the beach with three replications. Samples were identified in situ and the number of individuals of each species was noted. The results showed that in Pancuran Beach there were 18 species of phylum Echinodermata; with details of 7 species from the Asteroidea class, 5 species of Echinoidea, 4 species of Ophiuroidea, 2 species of Holothuroidea. The results of the analysis using the diversity index show that the diversity of Echinodermata at both stations is in the medium category, characterized by the value of H' = 2.06 for station I and H'= 2.35 for station II.  At station 1, the type of Ophiocoma erinaceus has the highest density of 15 ind/100m2 and a relative abundance of 23.68%. At station II Echinothrix diadema has the highest abundance of 12 ind/100m2 with a relative abundance of 17.14%. Common species found in both stations are Diadema setosum, Echinometra mathaei, Echinothrix diadema, Holothuria atra, Ophiocoma erinaceus, and Ophiocoma scolopendrina. Keywords: Lembeh Island, Diversity, Abundance, Echinoderms Abstrak Echinodermata ditemukan cukup umum di daerah pasang surut Pulau Lembeh namun keanekaragaman dan kelimpahannya belum sepenuhnya didokumentasikan dengan baik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis Echinodermata dan kelimpahannya di Pantai Pancuran, Pulau Lembeh Kota Bitung. Sampel diambil pada dua stasiun dengan menggunakan metode Lincoln-Smith Transect 2 x 50 m yang dibentangkan tegak lurus ke arah pantai dengan tiga replikasi. Sampel diidentifikasi secara insitu dan jumlah individu tiap spesies dicatat. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa di Pantai Pancuran terdapat 18 spesies filum Echinodermata; dengan rincian 7 spesies dari kelas Asteroidea, 5 spesies Echinoidea, 4 spesies Ophiuroidea, 2 spesies Holothuroidea. Hasil analisa menggunakan indeks keanekaragaman menunjukkan bahwa diversitas Echinodermata pada kedua stasiun dalam kategori sedang, ditandai dengan nilai H' = 2,06 untuk stasiun I dan H'= 2,35 untuk stasiun II.  Pada stasiun 1, jenis Ophiocoma erinaceus paling tinggi densitasnya yakni 15 ind/100m2 dan kelimpahan relatif 23,68%, Pada stasiun II Echinothrix diadema memiliki kelimpahan tertinggi yakni 12 ind/100m2 dengan kelimpahan relatif 17,14%. Jenis yang umum terdapat pada kedua stasiun adalah Diadema setosum, Echinometra mathaei, Echinothrix diadema, Holothuria atra, Ophiocoma erinaceus, dan Ophiocoma scolopendrina. Kata kunci: Pulau Lembeh, Keanekaragaman, Kelimpahan, Echinodermata


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    Indonesia has abundant biological resources that produce many potential bioactive compounds that are useful for pharmaceuticals and other materials, one of which is antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances that can prevent or slow down cell damage caused by free radicals. This study aims to analyze how strong the antioxidant activity is in the body of asteroidea (Linckia laevigata) taken in Tongkaina waters, Bunaken District, Manado City. And this study found that the inhibition value of the ethanolic extract of Linckia laevigata had strong antioxidant activity where the extract increased and the concentration was 10 mg/L with an average value of 67,3 %, a concentration of 15 mg/L  of 67,8 %, a concentration of 20 mg/L of 68,8 % and the highest concentration of 25 mg/L getting an average value of 69 %. The increace in the percentage of inhibition and the ethanolic extract of Linckia laevigata, showed that the concentration of the extract contributed greatly to the ability of the extract to reduce free radicals. In this study, the DPPH test was carried out by observing the decrease in absorbance wavelength of 517 nm using UV-Vis spectrophotometer,where the decrease in absorbance value as a result and a decrease in color intensity. While vitamin C as a comparison has a greater yield and sample extract of Linckia laevigata which proves that the antioxidant content and the sample has a fairly stable result.Keywords: Bioaktif compounds, Linckia laevigata, Antioxidant, Vitamin


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    Seagrasses are flowering plants (Angiosperms) that are fully adapted to aquatic environments. Seagrasses are capable of living in salt water; even though it is immersed in salty water, it still functionsnormally. The function and role of seagrasses depend on the number of leaf blades, leaf length, leafwidth, and total biomass, all of which are highly determined by local conditions. This research wasconducted in Southeast Minahasa Regency in Pantai Borgo Village, Belang District and Beach Villageof Basaan I, Ratatotok District. This study aims to measure the morphometrics and meristics of seagrassspecies Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii and Syringodium isoetifolium. Sampling of seagrasswas carried out using the cruising survey method, as many as 10 individuals for each species at eachstudy location, samples were taken using a knife and washed and put into plastic samples. Thenmeasured using a caliper ruler. The results obtained from the three seagrass species Enhalusacoroides, Thalassia hemprichii and Syringodium isoetifolium are different in morphometric and meristicsizes of the three seagrasses which are larger in Basaan I Beach compared to those in Borgo Beach.This is because in Borgo Beach there are many human activities that greatly affect the activity ofmorphometric and meristic sizes which in turn also affect the growth of seagrass. This difference isthought to be due to the high activity of the people who live around Borgo beach in the form of householdwaste disposal and fishing activities, namely the intensity of boat traffic and boat moorings, while onPasir Panjang Beach, Basan I Village is far from residential areas and is a tourist area that is not yetvery touristy. Stout is known by many people so it is still in good condition and maintained. Measurementof environmental parameters of the waters of Borgo Village Beach and Basaan I Village Beach are stillin optimum conditions for seagrass plants and development. Keywords: Seagrass, Morphometrics, Meristic, Borgo Village, Basaan I VillageABSTRAK Lamun adalah tumbuhan berbunga (Angiospermae) yang secara penuh beradaptasi pada lingkungan perairan. Lamun mampu hidup di air asin; meski terbenam dalam air asin lamun tetapberfungsi normal. Fungsi dan peranan lamun, bergantung pada jumlah helaian daun, panjang daun,lebar daun, serta biomassa total, yang kesemuanya itu sangat ditentukan kondisi setempat. Penelitianini dilakukan di Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara di Pantai Desa Borgo Kecamatan Belang dan PantaiDesa Basaan I Kecamatan Ratatotok. Penelitin ini bertujuan untuk mengukur morfometrik dan meristiklamun jenis Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii dan Syringodium isoetifolium. Pengambilansampel lamun dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode survei jelajah, sebanyak 10 individu untukmasing-masing jenis di setiap lokasi penelitian, sampel diambil dengan mengunakan pisau dicuci dandimasukkan kedalam plastik sampel. Kemudian diukur dengan menggunakan mistar kaliper. Hasil yangdiperoleh dari ketiga lamun jenis Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii dan Syringodium isoetifoliumadalah berbeda ukuran morfomertik dan meristik dari ketiga lamun tersebut lebih besar yang berada diPantai Basaan I dibandingkan dengan yang ada di Pantai Borgo. Hal ini di karenakan di Pantai Borgobanyak terjadi aktivitas manusia yang sangat mempegaruhi aktivitas ukuran morfometrik dan meristik yang akhirnya juga berpengaruh pada pertumbuhan lamun. Perbedaan ini diduga karena tingginyaaktifitas penduduk yang bermukim disekitar pantai Borgo berupa pembuangan limbah rumah tanggaserta aktivitas kegiatan perikanan yaitu intensitas lalu lalang perahu serta tempat tambatan perahu,sedangkan di Pantai pasir panjang Desa Basan I jauh dari pemukiman warga dan merupakan daerahwisata yang belum terlalu bayak diketahui oleh banyak orang sehingga masih memiliki kondisi yangbaik dan terjaga. Pengukuran parameter lingkungan perairan Pantai Desa Borgo dan Pantai DesaBasaan I masih dalam kondisi yang optimum bagi tumbuhan dan perkembangan lamun. Kata Kunci: Lamun, Morfometrik, Meristik, Desa Borgo, Desa Basaan


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    Decapod is one of the subphylum of Arthropod which is the most dominant animal group in the waters. Various types of decapoda commonly known such as crabs, shrimp, and crabs. This research was conducted with the aim of determining the type of decapod in coastal waters of Tongkaina Village, Manado City, determining the abundance of decapods in these waters and measuring data on water quality (temperature, salinity, pH) at several observation stations. The results of the study obtained the type of decapod in the coastal waters of Tongkaina Village, Manado City. A total of 15 species were distributed in 9 different families namely Ocypodidae, Grapsidae, Portunidae, Sesarmidae, Pilumnidae, Xanthidae, Calappidae, Majidae, and Penaeidae. Of the types of crabs and shrimp found in each type of living habitat. the highest numbers were 97 individual indicated Uca lacteal, then followed by Thalamita crenata with 32 individuals, and the lowest was Penaeus kerathuruswith 2 individuals Keywords: Tongkaina, Decapoda, identification, abundance Inventory Decapoda in The Marine Waters of Tongkaina Village, Manado CityDekapoda merupakan salah satu subfilum dari Arthropoda yang merupakan kelompok hewan paling dominan di perairan. Berbagai jenis decapoda yang umum dikenal seperti kepiting, udang, dan rajungan.. Penelitian ini berujuan menentukan jenis dekapoda di perairan pantai Kelurahan Tongkaian, Kota Manado, menentukan kelimpahan dekapoda yang ada di perairan tersebut dan mengukur data tentang kualitas air (suhu, salinitas, pH) pada beberapa stasiun pengamatan. Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan jenis dekapoda di perairan pantai Kelurahan Tongkaina, Kota Manado. Sebanyak 15 spesies yang terdistribusi pada 9 famili berbeda yaitu Ocypodidae, Grapsidae, Portunidae, Sesarmidae, Pilumnidae, Xanthidae, Calappidae, Majidae, dan Penaeidae. Dari jenis kepiting dan udang yang ditemukan pada masing-masing tipe habitat hidup. spesies tertinggi yaitu 97 ditunjukkan Uca lacteal, kemudian diikuti oleh Thalamita crenata dengan 32 individu, dan spesies yang paling terendah yaitu Penaeus kerathurus dengan 2 jumlah individu.Kata kunci : Tongkaina, Dekapoda, identifikasi, kelimpaha

    Identification of Coraline Algae In Meras Waters Bunaken District

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    Marine algae are part of marine organisms, especially plants, and are included in lower plants that do not have different skeletal structures such as roots, stems, and leaves. Although it looks different, algae is actually just a form of the thallus. Coralline algae belong to the Rhodophyta Division, Class Florideophycidae, Order Corallinales. Coralline algae are divided into two parts based on their shape (morphology), namely non-geniculate and geniculate. This study aims to identify the types of coralline algae that are crustose (non-geniculate) and branched (geniculate) found in Meras, Bunaken District and can explain the morphology of coralline algae in diffuse non-geniculate and geniculate forms. This research was conducted in Meras, Bunaken District by means of SCUBA diving at a depth of 3 – 7 meters, and samples were taken using the cruising survey method. After that, the samples were brought ashore for the next identification process. The results of the research that has been conducted on samples of coralline algae obtained in Meras, Bunaken District are that there are 2 types of non-geniculate, namely Peyssonnelia caulifera and Peyssonnelia Orientalis, and 1 species of geniculate, namely Tricleocarpa fragilis identified.Keywords: Identification, Coralline Algae, MerasAbstrakAlga laut adalah bagian dari organisme laut khususnya tumbuhan dan termasuk dalam tumbuhan tingkat rendah yang tidak mempunyai perbedaan susunan kerangka seperti akar, batang dan daun. Walaupun terlihat memiliki perbedaan, sebenarnya alga hanya merupakan bentuk talus belaka. Alga koralin tergolong kedalam Divisi Rhodophyta, Kelas Florideophycidae, Ordo Corallinales. Alga koralin terbagi menjadi dua bagian berdasarkan bentuknya (morfologi), yaitu non geniculate (tidak bercabang) dan geniculate (bercabang). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk dapat mengidentifikasi jenis alga koralin bentuk tidak bercabang (non geniculate) dan bentuk bercabang (geniculate) yang terdapat di Perairan Meras, Kecamatan Bunaken serta dapat menjelaskan morfologi alga koralin bentuk tidak bercabang (non geniculate) dan bentuk bercabang (geniculate). Penelitian ini dilakukan di Perairan Meras Kecamatan Bunaken dengan cara SCUBA diving pada kedalaman 3 – 7 meter dan sampel diambil menggunakan metode survey jelajah. Setelah itu sampel dibawa ke darat untuk proses identifikasi selanjutnya. Hasil dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan pada sampel alga koralin yang didapat di Perairan Meras, Kecamatan Bunaken adalah terdapat 2 jenis spesies alga koralin bentuk tidak bercabang (non geniculate) yaitu Peyssonnelia caulifera dan Peyssonnelia orientalis serta 1 jenis spesies alga koralin bentuk bercabang (geniculate) yaitu Tricleocarpa fragilis yang berhasil teridentifikasi.Kata Kunci: Identifikasi, Alga Koralin, Mera

    Status of Coral Reefs in The Waters of Tidung Island Kepulauan Seribu DKI Jakarta Province Based on Underwater Photo Transect Analysis

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    Tidung Island is one of the islands as well as a village located in the district of South Kepulauan Seribu. The purpose of this research is to measure the environmental parameters of the waters, provide information on the condition of coral reefs, and know the form of coral growth that dominates Tidung Island. Data retrieval is done using UPT (Underwater Photo Transect) method at a depth of 5 meters at three different stations. For the processing of data that has been taken, the photo results in the form of coral cover are entered into Coral point count with excel extensions (CPCe) 4.1 application and analyzed. The results of the analysis will be stored on the storage device, then the results will be ready to be opened in Excel format. The results of this research show that the environmental parameters of the waters include, including temperature, degree of acidity, and salinity, have a range of values that are still suitable for the growth and development of corals, however, the brightness level in these waters is relatively low. The condition of coral reefs in stations 1 and 3 are in the category of damage, with hard coral cover values of 24.67% and 11.00%, while at station 2 coral reef conditions are in the good category with a hard coral cover value of 56.27%. Based on the assessment, obtained an average value of the percentage of hard corals by 30.65%, this indicates that the condition of coral reefs in Tidung Island is in the moderate category. The low percentage of hard corals is caused by the high component of dead corals with algae and rubble. Based on the results of this research, a known form of coral growth that dominates the waters of Tidung Island is foliose coral.Keywords: Domination; CPCe; Tidung Island; Coral Reef; UPT.AbstrakPulau Tidung merupakan salah satu pulau sekaligus kelurahan yang terletak di wilayah Kecamatan Kepulauan Seribu Selatan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengukur parameter lingkungan perairan, menyediakan data informasi kondisi terumbu karang, dan mengetahui bentuk pertumbuhan karang yang mendominasi di Pulau Tidung. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode UPT (Underwater Photo Transect) atau Transek Foto Bawah Air pada kedalaman 5 meter di tiga stasiun berbeda. Untuk pengolahan data yang sudah diambil, hasil foto berupa tutupan karang di input ke dalam aplikasi Coral point count with excel extensions (CPCe) 4.1 dan dianalisis. Hasil analisis akan tersimpan di perangkat penyimpanan, yang kemudian hasilnya akan siap untuk dibuka dalam format Excel. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa parameter lingkungan perairan meliputi, suhu, derajat keasaman, dan salinitas, memiliki kisaran nilai yang masih sesuai untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan karang, namun tingkat kecerahan pada perairan ini relatif rendah. Kondisi terumbu karang pada stasiun 1 dan 3 berada pada kategori buruk dengan nilai tutupan karang keras sebesar 24,67% dan 11,00%, sedangkan pada stasiun 2 kondisi terumbu karang berada pada kategori baik dengan nilai tutupan karang keras sebesar 56,27%. Berdasarkan penilaian tersebut, diperoleh nilai rata-rata persentase karang keras sebesar 30,65%, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kondisi terumbu karang di Pulau Tidung berada pada kategori sedang. Rendahnya persentase karang keras disebabkan tingginya komponen karang mati oleh algae dan patahan karang. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini diketahui bentuk pertumbuhan karang yang mendominasi perairan Pulau Tidung adalah coral foliose.Kata kunci: Dominasi; CPCe; Pulau Tidung; Terumbu Karang; UP

    Study of Seagrass Beds Condition Nearby Waters in Mokupa Village, Tombariri District, Minahasa Regency

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    The existence of seagrass beds in a shallow water environment has an important ecological role for the organisms that depend on this ecosystem. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the types of seagrass and the condition of the seagrass beds in the waters near Mokupa Village, where the beach is between Mokupa Resort and Lotus Resort Manado. The method used is a quadrant transect (vertically to the shoreline), the coordinates point 1°24'53" N 124°42'22" E is transect 1, 1°24'54" N 124°42'22" E is transect 2,  and 1°24'56.7" N 124°42'23.5" E is transect 3. In this study, 5 species of seagrass were found, namely: Syringodium isoetifolium, Cymodocea rotundata, Thalassia hemprichii, Enhalus acoroides, and Halophila ovalis. Cymodocea rotundata had the highest average seagrass cover per species, 15.349%, and Enhalus acoroides had the lowest average seagrass cover, 0.053%. The condition of the seagrass beds at the study site was included in the unhealthy category with a seagrass cover of 31.432%. Keywords: Mokupa Waters, Seagrass conditions, Cover, Seagrass bed Abstrak Keberadaan padang lamun di lingkungan perairan dangkal memiliki peranan ekologis yang penting bagi organisme yang bergantung dalam ekosistem ini. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis lamun dan kondisi padang lamun di perairan sekitar Desa Mokupa, dimana pantai berada di antara Mokupa Resort dan Lotus Resort Manado. Penelitian ini mengikuti Pedoman Status Padang Lamun KEPMEN LH 200/2004. Metode yang digunakan yaitu transek kuadran (tegak lurus garis pantai), dengan titik koordinat Transek 1 1°24'53" N 124°42'22" E, Transek 2 1°24'54" N 124°42'22" E, Transek 3 1°24'56.7" N 124°42'23.5" E. Pada penelitian ini ditemukan 5 jenis lamun yaitu: Syringodium isoetifolium, Cymodocea rotundata, Thalassia hemprichii, Enhalus acoroides dan Halophila ovalis. Cymodocea rotundata memiliki rata-rata penutupan lamun per jenis tertinggi yaitu 15,349%, dan Enhalus acoroides memiliki rata-rata penutupan lamun terendah yaitu 0,053%. Kondisi padang lamun di lokasi penelitian termasuk dalam kategori kurang sehat dengan penutupan lamun sebesar 31,432%. Kata kunci: Perairan Mokupa, Kondisi lamun, Penutupan, Padang lamu


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    Sponge organisms produce bioactive compounds that are toxic as a means of self-defense. The compound is known to have the potential as an antibacterial and anti-UV which can absorb sunlight with the potential to be used as a material for making sunscreen. The purpose of this study was to obtain antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria and anti-UV activity from crude extracts and sponges fractions. The antibacterial test done by agar diffusion method (Kirby and Bauer diffusion disc) and the crude extract and the active fraction of antibacterial compounds were tested in a UV spectrophotometer to see its anti-UV activity. As a result, 4 species of sponges were extracted and partitioned into water fractions, methanol fractions, and n-hexane fractions. All samples were tested for antibacterial activity and the results showed antibacterial activity against S. aureus by Plakortis sp. in crude extract (9 mm) and water fraction (8.6 mm), Agelas sp. in crude extract (7 mm) and in E. coli bacteria shown by Plakortis sp. in crude extract (12.6 mm) and water fraction (9 mm), Liosina sp. in the water fraction (7.6 mm), Haliclona sp. in the water fraction (8 mm) and Agelassp. in crude extract (10.3 mm). Crude extracts and water fractions were tested using a UV spectrophotometer for anti-UV testing, the results showed that crude extract and all the water fractions of four species sponge could absorb UV-B (λ 290-320 nm) and UV-A (λ 320-400 nm).Keywords: sponges, antibacterial, partition, anti-U


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the species of red algae in Kalasey waters and also to determine their diversity, density, dominance, and distribution patterns. The research was conducted in November in the Kalasey Minahasa waters of North Sulawesi.This study used the quadrant transect method, in taking the sample the transect was drawn along 100m from the coastline towards the sea 3 times then the quadrants were placed on the side of the transect, each quadrant 10m apart was placed 10 times. From the use of this method, 5 species of red algae were obtained. Based on the results of data analysis, it showed that the diversity index was moderate with a value of 1.57 for the entire transect. The density index obtained from the results of data analysis with an overall transect value of 10.43. The distribution pattern index has a random distribution pattern with an overall transect value of 0.01. The overall dominance index of the transect is 1.21. The dominating species with the highest number of individuals was found in Gracilaria arcuata and the lowest number of individuals was found in Galaxaura fastigiata. The Kalasey waters area has a temperature of 33°C, a salinity of 30%o, and the degree of pH similarity obtained is 7. Based on the results of these parameters, the Kalasey waters are classified as good for the life of various types of algae.Keywords: Types of Red Algae, Kalasey WatersABSTRAKTujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui spesies alga merah yang ada di perairan Kalasey dan juga untuk mengetahui Keanekaragaman, Kepadatan, Dominansi, dan Pola Penyebarannya. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan November di Perairan Kalasey Minahasa Sulawesi Utara. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode transek kuadran, pada pengambilan sampel transek ditarik sepanjang 100m dari garis pantai mengarah ke laut sebanyak 3 kali lalu kuadran diletakkan disisi Transek, setiap kuadran berjarak 10m diletakkan sebanyak 10 kali. Dari penggunaan metode tersebut diperoleh 5 spesies alga merah berdasarkan hasil dari analisis data menunjukkan bahwa indeks keanekaragaman sedang dengan nilai dari keseluruhan transek sebesar 1,57. Indeks kepadatan yang diperoleh dari hasil analisis data dengan nilai keseluruhan transek sebesar 10,43. Indeks pola penyebaran terdapat pola penyebaran acak dengan nilai keseluruhan transek sebesar 0,01. Indeks dominansi keseluruhan transek sebesar 1,21. Spesies yang mendominansi dengan jumlah individu tertinggi terdapat pada Gracilaria arcuata dan jumlah individu terendah terdapat pada Galaxaura fastigiata. Wilayah perairan Kalasey memiliki suhu 33°C, salinitas 30%o, dan derajat kesamaan pH yang diperoleh yaitu 7. Berdasarkan hasil parameter tersebut perairan Kalasey tergolong baik untuk kehidupan berbagai jenis alga.Kata kunci : Jenis Alga Merah, Perairan Kalase