465 research outputs found

    Topological stripelike coreless textures with inner incommensurability in two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet

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    For two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet we present an analysis of topological coreless excitations having a stripe form. These textures are characterized by singularities at boundaries. A detailed classification of the stripe textures results in a certain analogy with the coreless excitations in 3HeA^3He-A phase: Mermin-Ho and Anderson-Toulouse coreless vortices. The excitations of the last type may have a low bulk energy. The stripe textures may be observed as an occurrence of short-range incommensurate order in the antiferromagnetic environment

    Bose-Einstein condensation of semi-hard bosons in S=1 dimerized organic compound F2PNNNO

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    An analysis of the energy spectrum and the magnetization curve of two-dimensional organic antiferromagnet F2PNNNO with a spin-one dimerized structure shows that a behavior of the compound in an external magnetic field can be explained within a lattice boson model with an extended Pauli's exclusion principle, i.e. no more than two bosons per a dimer. The unusual magnetization curve observed experimentally in the compound reflects a sequence of phase transitions intrinsic for a lattice boson system with strong on-site and inter-site repulsions due to a tuning of magnon density by the applied magnetic field

    Duality and fluctuation relations for statistics of currents on cyclic graphs

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    We consider stochastic motion of a particle on a cyclic graph with arbitrarily periodic time dependent kinetic rates. We demonstrate duality relations for statistics of currents in this model and in its continuous version of a diffusion in one dimension. Our duality relations are valid beyond detailed balance constraints and lead to exact expressions that relate statistics of currents induced by dual driving protocols. We also show that previously known no-pumping theorems and some of the fluctuation relations, when they are applied to cyclic graphs or to one dimensional diffusion, are special consequences of our duality.Comment: 2 figure, 6 pages (In twocolumn). Accepted by JSTA

    Particle current in symmetric exclusion process with time-dependent hopping rates

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    In a recent study, (Jain et al 2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 190601), a symmetric exclusion process with time-dependent hopping rates was introduced. Using simulations and a perturbation theory, it was shown that if the hopping rates at two neighboring sites of a closed ring vary periodically in time and have a relative phase difference, there is a net DC current which decreases inversely with the system size. In this work, we simplify and generalize our earlier treatment. We study a model where hopping rates at all sites vary periodically in time, and show that for certain choices of relative phases, a DC current of order unity can be obtained. Our results are obtained using a perturbation theory in the amplitude of the time-dependent part of the hopping rate. We also present results obtained in a sudden approximation that assumes large modulation frequency.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    Edge Magnetoplasmons in Quantum Hall Line Junction Systems

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    A quantum Hall line junction system consists of a one-dimensional Luttinger liquid (LL) and two chiral channels that allow density waves incident upon and reflected by the LL to be measured separately. We demonstrate that interactions in a quantum Hall line junction system can be probed by studying edge magnetoplasmon absorption spectra and their polarization dependences. Strong interactions in the junction lead to collective modes that are isolated in either Luttinger liquid or contact subsystems.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. B Rapid Communicatio

    Theory of standing spin waves in finite-size chiral spin soliton lattice

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    We present a theory of standing spin wave (SSW) in a monoaxial chiral helimagnet. Motivated by experimental findings on the magnetic field-dependence of the resonance frequency in thin films of Cr{}Nb3_{3} S6{}_{6}[Goncalves et al., Phys. Rev. B95, 104415 (2017)], we examine the SSW over a chiral soliton lattice (CSL) excited by an ac magnetic field applied parallel and perpendicular to the chiral axis. For this purpose, we generalize Kittel-Pincus theories of the SSW in ferromagnetic thin films to the case of non-collinear helimagnet with the surface end spins which are softly pinned by an anisotropy field. Consequently, we found there appear two types of modes. One is a Pincus mode which is composed of a long-period Bloch wave and a short-period ripple originated from the periodic structure of the CSL. Another is a short-period Kittel ripple excited by space-periodic perturbation which exists only in the case where the ac field is applied perpendicular the chiral axis. We demonstrate that the existence of the Pincus mode and the Kittel ripple is consistent with experimentally found double resonance profile.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figure

    Comparison of Two Methods for Assaying Reducing Sugars in the Determination of Carbohydrase Activities

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    The Nelson-Somogyi (NS) and 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) assays for reducing sugars are widely used in measurements of carbohydrase activities against different polysaccharides. Using twelve commercial enzyme preparations, the comparison of the NS and DNS assays in determination of cellulase, β-glucanase, xylanase, and β-mannanase activities was carried out. When cellulase activities against CMC were measured, the DNS assay gave activity values, which were typically 40–50% higher than those obtained with the NS assay. In the analysis of the xylanase, β-mannanase, and β-glucanase activities, the overestimations by the DNS assay were much more pronounced (the observed differences in the activities were 3- to 13-fold). Reasons for preferential use of the NS assay for measuring activities of carbohydrases other than cellulases are discussed

    Geometric phase for non-Hermitian Hamiltonian evolution as anholonomy of a parallel transport along a curve

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    We develop a new interpretation of the geometric phase in evolution with a non-Hermitian real value Hamiltonian by relating it to the angle developed during the parallel transport along a closed curve by a unit vector triad in the 3D-Minkovsky space. We also show that this geometric phase is responsible for the anholonomy effects in stochastic processes considered in [N. A. Sinitsyn and I. Nemenman, EPL {\bf 77}, 58001 (2007)], and use it to derive the stochastic system response to periodic parameter variations.Comment: 10 pages 2 figure

    Generation of spin motive force in a soliton lattice

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    The generation of a spin motive force in a chiral helimagnet due to the action of two crossed magnetic fields is considered. The cases of pulsed and periodic magnetic fields directed along the helical axis under a perpendicular dc field are analyzed. It is shown that, in the case of a pulsed field, the spin motive force is related to dissipation, whereas in a periodic field, there is a reactive component that is not related to damping processes. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Stochastic pump effect and geometric phases in dissipative and stochastic systems

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    The success of Berry phases in quantum mechanics stimulated the study of similar phenomena in other areas of physics, including the theory of living cell locomotion and motion of patterns in nonlinear media. More recently, geometric phases have been applied to systems operating in a strongly stochastic environment, such as molecular motors. We discuss such geometric effects in purely classical dissipative stochastic systems and their role in the theory of the stochastic pump effect (SPE).Comment: Review. 35 pages. J. Phys. A: Math, Theor. (in press