52 research outputs found

    Komorbidität der Verhaltensstörungen bei den Schülern

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    Fenomenologija poremećaja ponašanja pokazuje da postoji široka lepeza manifestacijskih oblika. Tako su neki učenici fizički ili verbalno agresivni, prkosni, nametljivi, nezainteresirani ili su pak povučeni, potišteni i sl. Najčešće se učenik ističe određenim ponašanjem koje je dominantno i čini najveći problem u radu s njim i u odnosima sa zajednicom. Međutim, često se uz to ponašanje očituju i određena druga ponašanja, koja su također uočljiva. Riječ je o komorbiditetu, odnosno o očitovanju više oblika poremećaja ponašanja istog učenika. Navedeni pojam preuzet je iz srodnih znanosti koje proučavaju utjecaj i posljedice tog fenomena. Proučavanje komorbiditeta oblika poremećaja ponašanja unutar pedagogije ima ulogu u izučavanju pedagoške trihotomije (fenomenologije, etiologije i pedagoške prevencije). Komorbiditet oblika poremećaja ponašanja posebice je važan sa stajališta provedbe specifičnih mjera pedagoške prevencije za određeni oblik/oblike ponašanja. Tako se često pod manifestiranim oblikom ponašanja krije cijela lepeza ostalih oblika koji podrazumijevaju određeni preventivni specifikum. Upravo izučavanje komorbiditeta oblika poremećaja ponašanja fenomenološki opisuje problem u cjelini, daje etiološki uvid te usmjerava pedagošku prevenciju na manifestacijske oblike ponašanja. Rezultati ovog rada idu u prilog tomu.Behaviour disorder phenomenology has established a wide range of manifest forms. Some students are, for instance, physically or verbally aggressive, spiteful, pushy, or indifferent or, on the other hand, they might become reserved, depressed, or alike. A problematic student most frequently stands out due to a dominant pattern of behaviour which makes working with that student particularly difficult and damages the student’s relations to the community. However, the dominant pattern of behaviour is often accompanied by other behaviour types, equally clearly displayed. The phenomenon is called comorbidity and refers to simultaneous manifestations of more behaviour disorders. The term originates from the related disciplines dealing with the influences and consequences of such phenomenon. The study of comorbidity of behaviour disorders within the framework of pedagogy is essential for the study of pedagogical trichotomy (phenomenology, etiology, and pedagogical prevention). Comorbidity of behaviour disorders is especially significant when it comes to implementing specific measures of pedagogical prevention relating to (a) particular disorder(s). The manifest behaviour pattern frequently screens a whole array of other behaviour types, demanding specific preventive measures. The study of comorbidity of behaviour disorders enables us to describe the whole of the problem phenomenologically, gives us an etiological insight into the problem and directs pedagogical prevention towards manifestations of behaviour patterns. The results of this paper corroborate that fact.Die Phänomenologie der Verhaltensstörungen weist darauf hin, dass es ein weites Spektrum deren manifestationsformen gibt. So sind z.B. einige Schüler physisch oder verbal agressiv, trotzig, aufdringlich, desinteressiert oder zurückgezogen, kleinmütig usw. Am häufigsten fällt der Schüler durch ein bestimmtes Verhalten auf, das dominant ist und das größte Problem in der Arbeit mit ihm und in seinen Beziehungen zu der Klassengemeinschaft darstellt. Oft werden dabei auch andere auffällige Verhaltensweisen manifestiert. Es handelt sich um die Komorbidität, d.h. Manifestation von mehreren Verhaltensstörungen bei demselben Schüler, Der genannte Begriff wurde aus verwandten Wissenschaften übernommen, die sich mit dem Einfluss und Folgen dieses Phänomens befassen. Im Rahmen der Erziehungswissenschaft spielt die Untersuchung von Komorbidität der Verhaltensstörungen eine grosse Rolle bei der Erforschung der pädagogischen Trichotomie (Phänomenologie, Ethiologie und pädagogische Vorbeugung). Die Komorbidität verschiedener Verhaltensstörungen ist besonders wichtig unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Anwendung verschiedener Massnahmen zur pädagogischen Prävention bestimmter Verhaltensweisen. So verbirgt sich hinter der manifestierten Verhaltensweise oft eine Reihe von anderen Verhaltensstörungen, die spezifische Präventionsmassnahmen erfordern. Eben durch die Erforschung der Komorbidität von Verhaltensstörungen wird das Problem phänomenologisch als Ganzes erfasst, eine ethiologische Einsicht ermöglicht sowie pädagogische Prävention auf die Manifestationsformen gelenkt. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit bestätigen das

    School – where one grows, learns and acquires social experience

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    Na ukupnom uzorku od 2661 učenika sedmih i osmih razreda Republike Hrvatske (15 županija) istražene su percepcije učenika o školi kao mjestu pozitivnog socijalnog okružja i interakcija. Kao dio Projekta konstruirana je skala socijalnog okružja i interakcija. Za potrebe ovog rada korišteno je 13 varijabli na pet stupanjskoj negativno polariziranoj ordinalnoj skali Likertova tipa. Iz rezultata One sample t testa potvrđeno je da učenici iz uzorka školu percipiraju kao mjesto pozitivnog socijalnog okružja i interakcija. Rezultatima kanoničkih diskriminacijskih analiza determinirane su kanoničke diskriminacijske funkcije koje čine varijable koje diskriminiraju ispitanike na zavisnim varijablama. Potvrđene su dobne razlike, odnosno razlike između učenika sedmih i osmih razreda s obzirom na percepciju škole kao mjesta pozitivnog socijalnog okružja i interakcija. Višu pozitivnu percepciju škole kao mjesta pozitivnog socijalnog okružja i interakcija imaju učenici niže kronološke dobi (7. razred) za razliku od svojih starijih kolega (učenici 8. razreda). Isto tako, učenice, za razliku od učenika, ulogu škole kao mjesta pozitivnog socijalnog okružja i interakcija doživljavaju na višoj razini.Students’ perceptions of school as a positive social environment and place of interactions were researched on a sample of 2661 seventh and eighth grade students in the Republic of Croatia (15 counties). The social environment and interactions scale was developed within the Project. For the purpose of this paper, 13 variables were used on a 5-scale negatively polarized Likert-type ordinal scale. The results obtained through One sample t-test confirm that students from the sample perceive school as a positive social environment and place of interactions. According to canonical discriminant analysis, the canonical discriminant functions were determined, revealing variables which discriminate participants on dependent variables. Age differences, i.e. differences between students in grade seven and eight were observed with respect to their perception of school as a positive social environment with positive interactions. A higher positive perception of school as a positive social environment and interactions is observed among younger students (7th graders) as opposed to their older friends (8th graders). Furthermore, female students, as opposed to male students perceive the role of school as a positive social environment and place of interactions at a higher level

    School – where one grows, learns and acquires social experience

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    Na ukupnom uzorku od 2661 učenika sedmih i osmih razreda Republike Hrvatske (15 županija) istražene su percepcije učenika o školi kao mjestu pozitivnog socijalnog okružja i interakcija. Kao dio Projekta konstruirana je skala socijalnog okružja i interakcija. Za potrebe ovog rada korišteno je 13 varijabli na pet stupanjskoj negativno polariziranoj ordinalnoj skali Likertova tipa. Iz rezultata One sample t testa potvrđeno je da učenici iz uzorka školu percipiraju kao mjesto pozitivnog socijalnog okružja i interakcija. Rezultatima kanoničkih diskriminacijskih analiza determinirane su kanoničke diskriminacijske funkcije koje čine varijable koje diskriminiraju ispitanike na zavisnim varijablama. Potvrđene su dobne razlike, odnosno razlike između učenika sedmih i osmih razreda s obzirom na percepciju škole kao mjesta pozitivnog socijalnog okružja i interakcija. Višu pozitivnu percepciju škole kao mjesta pozitivnog socijalnog okružja i interakcija imaju učenici niže kronološke dobi (7. razred) za razliku od svojih starijih kolega (učenici 8. razreda). Isto tako, učenice, za razliku od učenika, ulogu škole kao mjesta pozitivnog socijalnog okružja i interakcija doživljavaju na višoj razini.Students’ perceptions of school as a positive social environment and place of interactions were researched on a sample of 2661 seventh and eighth grade students in the Republic of Croatia (15 counties). The social environment and interactions scale was developed within the Project. For the purpose of this paper, 13 variables were used on a 5-scale negatively polarized Likert-type ordinal scale. The results obtained through One sample t-test confirm that students from the sample perceive school as a positive social environment and place of interactions. According to canonical discriminant analysis, the canonical discriminant functions were determined, revealing variables which discriminate participants on dependent variables. Age differences, i.e. differences between students in grade seven and eight were observed with respect to their perception of school as a positive social environment with positive interactions. A higher positive perception of school as a positive social environment and interactions is observed among younger students (7th graders) as opposed to their older friends (8th graders). Furthermore, female students, as opposed to male students perceive the role of school as a positive social environment and place of interactions at a higher level

    Alcuni dubbi circa l’applicazione dell’analisi fattoriale nel campo delle ricerche pedagogiche

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    Cilj je rada rasvijetliti neke dvojbe u primjeni faktorske analize, poput: razlika između faktorske analize i analize glavnih komponenata, odabir odgovarajuće veličine i omjera uzorka i broja varijabla, razlika između ortogonalnih i kosokutnih rotacija, odabir odgovarajućeg kriterija za zaustavljanje ekstrakcije faktora (Guttman-Kaiserov kriterij i Cattelov „scree test“), te odabir odgovarajuće matrice za interpretaciju faktora (matrica sklopa i matrica strukture). Navedene dvojbe u istraživanjima odgoja i obrazovanja (naglasak je na pedagogiji) potkrjepljenje su preglednim stajalištima i deskripcijama raznih autora te čitatelju pružaju samostalan zaključak o odabiru određenih interpretacija, odnosno stajališta, a sukladno ulaznim parametrima vlastitog istraživanja. Kompleksnost faktorske analize naglašava upitnost jednoznačnih stajališta, odnosno propitivanje odabira odgovarajućih statističkih parametara.The aim of this article is to clarify some doubts regarding the application of factor analysis. Some of these problems dealt with here are: the difference between factor analysis and principal component analysis, the selection of proper size and aspect ratio of the sample and the number of variables, the difference between the orthogonal and oblique rotation, the selection of the appropriate criteria for stopping the extraction of factors (Guttman-Kaiser criteria and Cattel screening test), and the selection of the appropriate matrix for the interpretation of factors (the pattern matrix and the structure matrix). These dilemmas in research education (emphasis on pedagogy) are extremely important and descriptions of various authors provide readers with an independent conclusion regarding the selection of a specific interpretation or point of view, in accordance with the input parameters of one’s own research. The complexity of factor analysis highlights questionability of unambiguous positions, that is, it highlights questioning the selection of appropriate statistical parameters.L’obiettivo del presente lavoro consiste nel fugare alcuni dubbi nell’applicazione dell’analisi fattoriale quali: la differenza tra l’analisi fattoriale e l’analisi delle componenti principali, della scelta della misura adatta e il rapporto tra il campione e il numero delle variabili, la differenza tra le rotazioni ortognali e quelle all’angolo acuto, la scelta del criterio adeguato nell’arresto dell’estrazione dei fattori (il criterio di Guttman Kaiser e lo screen test di Cattel), nonché la scelta della matrice adatta per l’interpretazione dei fattori (la matrice del complesso e la matrice della struttura). Le ambiguità appena elencate nelle ricerche pedagogiche vengono accompagnate dalla rassegna di teorije dei vari autori e al lettore viene data la possibilità di trarre le conclusioni in maniera del tutto autonoma (in base, cioè, ai parametri delle proprie ricerche) in merito alla scelta di determinate interpretazioni o posizioni. La complessità dell’analisi fattoriale accentua i limiti delle posizioni univoche e sottolinea la necessità della scelta di paramentri statistici adeguati

    Factorial designs Analysis of variance (ANOVA) in types sum of squares 1, 2, 3 (type one SS, type two SS, type three SS) in unbalanced designs – principle of marginality

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    Cilj je ovoga rada prikazati specifičnosti korištenja, ali i ograničenja faktorijalnih dizajna u kvantitativnim diferencijalnim nacrtima u području društvenih znanosti. Prikazane su specifičnosti dvosmjernih (two way) i višesmjernih (n-way) faktorijalnih dizajna u Analizi varijance (ANOVA) s obzirom na specifičnosti vrsta suma kvadrata (type one SS, type two SS, type three sum of squares). Testiran je nebalansiran model 2*4 dvosmjerne ANOVA-e s pomoću Tipa 3 sume kvadrata (type three SS) u kojem je izostao glavni učinak (main effect). Zbog principa marginalnosti s pomoću Tipa 3 sume kvadrata (type three SS) ne smiju se interpretirati glavni učinci, već se za glavne učinke nameće potreba partikularnog pristupa, jednosmjerne analize varijance (one way ANOVA) te dvosmjerne analize varijance (faktorijalni dizajn), ali ne s pomoću Tipa 3 sume kvadrata.The aim of this paper is to show the specifics of use, but also the limitations of factorial designs in quantitative differential designs in the field of social sciences. The specifics of two-way and multi-way (n-way) factorial designs in the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) are presented with regard to the specifics of the types of sum of squares (type one SS, type two SS, type three sum of squares). An unbalanced 2*4 two-way ANOVA model was tested using Type three sum of squares (type three SS) in which the main effect was absent. Due to the principle of marginality, the main effects cannot be interpreted using the Type 3 sum of squares (type three SS), but for the main effects the need for a particular approach, one-way ANOVA and two-way analysis of variance (factorial design) is imposed, but not with using Type 3 sum of squares

    Tretiranje učenika s ADHD poremećajem u redovitim osnovnim školama

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    The aim of this longitudinal research is to explore the way teachers treat students with diagnosed ADHD syndrome within the process of education. The research has been conducted on a sample of 45 students, medically diagnosed with ADHD and attending five elementary schools in the area of the city of Zagreb, in the school year 2008/2009, and 45 control group students from the same schools (ΣN=90). The null hypothesis, which assumes there is no statistically significant difference between the students diagnosed with ADHD and the rest of the students regarding the way they are treated by their teachers, has been verified on a 20 variable substrate on an ordinal scale, using the univariate (ANOVA) and multivariate approach to data analysis (discriminative analysis). With regard to certain variables of educational support provision, the gained results, showing the non-existence of differences between the samples indicate that teachers do not provide the ADHD students with suitable specific educational support, even though, given the pedagogical specificum of working with these students, such support is highly needed.Cilj ovog longitudinalnog istraživanja je istražiti kako učitelji unutar odgojnoobrazovnog procesa tretiraju učenike kojima je dijagnosticiran ADHD sindrom. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 45 učenika iz pet osnovnih škola grada Zagreba kojima je školske godine 2008./2009. medicinski dijagnosticiran ADHD, te 45 učenika kontrolne skupine iz istih škola (ΣN=90). Na supstratu od 20 varijabli na ordinalnoj skali univarijatnim (ANOVA) i multivarijatnim pristupom obrade podataka (diskriminativna analiza) verificirana je nul hipoteza kojom je pretpostavljeno da ne postoji statistički značajna razlika između učenika kojima je dijagnosticiran ADHD i ostalih učenika s obzirom na tretiranje od strane njihovih učitelja. S obzirom na određene varijable pružanja odgojno-obrazovne podrške dobiveni rezultat o nepostojanju razlika među uzorcima ukazuje da učitelji ne pružaju odgovarajuću specifičnu odgojnoobrazovnu podršku učenicima s ADHD-om, iako je s obzirom na pedagoški specifikum rada s dotičnim učenicima takva podrška izuzetno potrebna

    Mögliches Entwicklungsprogramm der sozialen Kompetenz der Schüler in der Primärbildung

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    Razvoj socijalne kompetencije učenika u primarnom obrazovanju je osnovna zadaća škole, a ne manje važna popratna pojava procesa odgoja i obrazovanja. U radu je opisana uloga i važnost razvoja socijalne kompetencije učenika u primarnom obrazovanju kao model obogaćenog okruženja koji potiče razvoj moždanih veza. Naglašava se da socijalna kompetencija korelira s kognitivnim razvojem djeteta, a ne kao izdvojeno područje razvoja (socijalnog). Kako u nas ne postoji jedinstveni model razvoja socijalne kompetencije učenika u primarnom obrazovanju, u radu je prikazan mogući program „Biti prijatelj”. Model je razrađen kroz sastavnice kvalitetne nastave: učenje u timu, iskustveno učenje, javno izlaganje, prosocijalno ponašanje, samokontrola i kvalitetna komunikacija. Navedena je lista realiziranih tema koje učenici popunjavaju i jedanput mjesečno javno izlažu pred razredom te o realiziranim aktivnostima vode diskusiju. Ta lista daje učitelju, roditeljima i učenicima povratnu informaciju o realiziranim aktivnostima čiji je zadatak razvoj socijalne kompetencije učenika. Model „Biti prijatelj” je prikaz mogućeg programa razvoja socijalne kompetencije pa njegove odrednice i specifičnosti mogu poslužiti u izradi novih (službenih) programa.The development of pupils’ social competence in primary education is a primary responsibility of the school and not a minor side-effect of the educational process. This paper describes the role and importance of developing pupils’ social competence in primary education as a model of enriched learning environment that stimulates the development of brain connections. It is emphasized that social competence is correlated with a child’s cognitive development, rather than being an isolated area of (social) development. Since there is no unique model for developing social competence of pupils in primary education in our country, the paper proposes one possible programme: „To Be a Friend”. This model has been elaborated through the components of quality teaching: team learning, experiential learning, public speaking, pro-social behaviour, self-control and quality communication. The paper states a list of topics the pupils use and present in front of the class once a month, commenting on the activities they have carried out. The list provides feedback for teachers, parents and pupils on the activities whose aim is to develop pupils’ social competence. The model called „To Be a Friend” is an account of a possible programme for the development of social competence, while its frame of reference and specificities may help in preparing new (official) programmes.Die Entwicklung der sozialen Kompetenz der Schüler in der Primärbildung ist die primäre Aufgabe der Schule, und nicht eine weniger wichtige Begleiterscheinung des Erziehungs – und Bildungsprozesses. In der Arbeit werden die Rolle und die Wichtigkeit der Entwicklung der sozialen Kompetenz der Schüler in der Primärbildung als Modell der bereicherten Umgebung beschrieben, welche die Entwicklung von Gehirnverbindungen fördert. Es wird betont, dass die soziale Kompetenz mit der kognitiven Entwicklung des Kindes korreliert, und nicht ein abgesondertes (soziales) Entwicklungsgebiet darstellt. Da es bei uns kein einheitliches Entwicklungsmodell der sozialen Kompetenz bei den Schülern in der Primärbildung gibt, wird in der Arbeit ein mögliches Programm unter dem Titel „Freund sein“ dargestellt. Das Modell wird durch Bestandteile des qualitätvollen Unterrichts ausgearbeitet: Teamlernen, Erfahrungslernen, öffentlicher Vortrag, prosoziales Verhalten, Selbstkontrolle und gute Kommunikation. Es wird ein Verzeichnis realisierter Themen angeführt, das von den Schülern ausgefüllt und einmal monatlich vor der Klasse öffentlich vorgetragen wird, wonach sie über realisierte Aktivitäten eine Diskussion führen. Die angegebene Themenliste bietet dem Lehrer, den Eltern und Schülern eine Rückinformation über realisierte Aktivitäten, deren Rolle die Entwicklung der sozialen Kompetenz der Schüler ist. Das Modell „Freund sein“ stellt ein mögliches Programm zur Entwicklung der sozialen Kompetenz so dass seine Merkmale und Besonderheiten bei der Ausarbeitung neuer (offizieller) Programme gebraucht werden können

    Distribution normality testing in the studies of education and upbringing

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    Testiranje normalnosti distribucije (uz homogenost varijance) neizostavan je parametar u istraživanjima odgoja i obrazovanja s obzirom na odabir određenih statističkih parametrijskih ili neparametrijskih testova za testiranje hipoteza. Međutim, neopravdano se izostavlja, što u konačnici može polučiti distorzirane rezultate (generalizacije). U radu su opisane statističke vrijednosti normalne distribucije te njezini modaliteti: spljoštenost (kurtosis) i simetričnost/asimetričnost (skewness). Isto tako, opisane su i druge teorijske distribucije koje se često susreću u istraživanjima odgoja i obrazovanja: Poisson, uniform, t-distribucija, hi-kvadrat i U distribucija. Također su elaborirani testovi za testiranje normalnosti distribucije: Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (K-S), Lilliefors test, Shapiro-Wilks test i Anderson-Darling Normality Test. Kao empirijska provjera statističke značajnosti vrijednosti parametrijske i neparametrijske statistike, uspoređene su vrijednosti statističke značajnosti ANOVE i njezina neparametrijskog pandana, Kruskal-Wallis testa. Parcijalno su naglašeni i opisani testovi normalizacije, odnosno transformacije vrijednosti s ciljem poboljšanja normalnosti distribucije. U inferencijalnoj statistici postoji teorem koji pridonosi izvođenju valjanih zaključaka primjenom parametrijske statistike i kad nije slučaj normalne distribucije: centralni granični teorem. Njegova uloga u istraživanjima odgoja i obrazovanja posebno je opisana.Distribution normality testing, including the homogeneity of variance, is an inevitable parameter in the studies of education and upbringing due to the choice of certain statistic parametric or non-parametric tests for hypotheses testing. However, it has been unjustifiably excluded which can eventually cause distorted results (generalizations). The work describes statistic values of normal distribution and its modalities: kurtosis and skewness. It also describes other theoretical distributions which are often seen in the studies of education and upbringing: Poisson, uniform, t-distribution, hi-square and U-distribution. The tests for distribution normality have been as well elaborated: Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (K-S), Lilliefors test, Shapiro-Wilks test Anderson-Darling Normality Test. As an empirical evaluation of statistically significant values of parametric and non-parametric statistics, the statistical values of ANOVA and its non-parametric double Kruskal-Wallis test have been compared. The normalization tests, i.e. the transformation values due to the improvement of distribution normality have been partially emphasized. There is a theorem in inferential statistics which contributes to making conclusions through the application of parametric statistics, even if normal distribution does not occur, i.e. the central border theorem. Its role in the study of education and upbringing has been specifically described

    Tretiranje učenika s ADHD poremećajem u redovitim osnovnim školama

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    The aim of this longitudinal research is to explore the way teachers treat students with diagnosed ADHD syndrome within the process of education. The research has been conducted on a sample of 45 students, medically diagnosed with ADHD and attending five elementary schools in the area of the city of Zagreb, in the school year 2008/2009, and 45 control group students from the same schools (ΣN=90). The null hypothesis, which assumes there is no statistically significant difference between the students diagnosed with ADHD and the rest of the students regarding the way they are treated by their teachers, has been verified on a 20 variable substrate on an ordinal scale, using the univariate (ANOVA) and multivariate approach to data analysis (discriminative analysis). With regard to certain variables of educational support provision, the gained results, showing the non-existence of differences between the samples indicate that teachers do not provide the ADHD students with suitable specific educational support, even though, given the pedagogical specificum of working with these students, such support is highly needed.Cilj ovog longitudinalnog istraživanja je istražiti kako učitelji unutar odgojnoobrazovnog procesa tretiraju učenike kojima je dijagnosticiran ADHD sindrom. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 45 učenika iz pet osnovnih škola grada Zagreba kojima je školske godine 2008./2009. medicinski dijagnosticiran ADHD, te 45 učenika kontrolne skupine iz istih škola (ΣN=90). Na supstratu od 20 varijabli na ordinalnoj skali univarijatnim (ANOVA) i multivarijatnim pristupom obrade podataka (diskriminativna analiza) verificirana je nul hipoteza kojom je pretpostavljeno da ne postoji statistički značajna razlika između učenika kojima je dijagnosticiran ADHD i ostalih učenika s obzirom na tretiranje od strane njihovih učitelja. S obzirom na određene varijable pružanja odgojno-obrazovne podrške dobiveni rezultat o nepostojanju razlika među uzorcima ukazuje da učitelji ne pružaju odgovarajuću specifičnu odgojnoobrazovnu podršku učenicima s ADHD-om, iako je s obzirom na pedagoški specifikum rada s dotičnim učenicima takva podrška izuzetno potrebna


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    To be a teacher in the times of today is a great challenge. In order to respond to the needs of modern society, lifelong learning and mastery of numerous competences are expected of the teacher in various fields of work, wherein cooperation with parents is one of the extremely important areas. The goal of the research was to gain insight into self-assessment of competence of students at the Faculty of Teachers Education for future cooperation with parents. The research was implemented during October, 2020, on the sample of 416 students in their first, third and fifth year at the Faculty of Teacher Education of the University of Zagreb (Croatia). It is a futurological research for whose needs a questionnaire was designed with 26 manifest variables on an ordinal, five-degree Likert-type scale. From the manifest set of variables of competence for future cooperation with parents, three composite variables were formed: general cooperation competence, competence for cooperation directed to teaching efficacy, and competence for cooperation directed to communication with parents. The results show that the total student self-assessment of competences for future cooperation with parents is relatively positive, and the existence of statistically significant differences in all three composite variables. Faculties educating future teachers should introduce obligatory courses which would sensitise and capacitate them for future cooperation with parents