5,781 research outputs found

    Developing efficient web-based GIS applications

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    There is an increase in the number of web-based GIS applications over the recent years. This paper describes different mapping technologies, database standards, and web application development standards that are relevant to the development of web-based GIS applications. Different mapping technologies for displaying geo-referenced data are available and can be used in different situations. This paper also explains why Oracle is the system of choice for geospatial applications that need to handle large amounts of data. Wireframing and design patterns have been shown to be useful in making GIS web applications efficient, scalable and usable, and should be an important part of every web-based GIS application. A range of different development technologies are available, and their use in different operating environments has been discussed here in some detail

    Collaborative Mapping of London Using Google Maps: The LondonProfiler

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    This paper begins by reviewing the ways in which the innovation of Google Maps has transformed our ability to reference and view geographically referenced data. We describe the ways in which the GMap Creator tool developed under the ESRC National Centre for E Social Science programme enables users to ‘mashup’ thematic choropleth maps using the Google API. We illustrate the application of GMap Creator using the example of www.londonprofiler.org, which makes it possible to view a range of health, education and other socioeconomic datasets against a backcloth of Google Maps data. Our conclusions address the ways in which Google Map mashups developed using GMap Creator facilitate online exploratory cartographic visualisation in a range of areas of policy concern

    A statistical model for the intrinsically broad superconducting to normal transition in quasi-two-dimensional crystalline organic metals

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    Although quasi-two-dimensional organic superconductors such as κ\kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2_2Cu(NCS)2_2 seem to be very clean systems, with apparent quasiparticle mean-free paths of several thousand \AA, the superconducting transition is intrinsically broad (e.g 1\sim 1 K wide for Tc10T_c \approx 10 K). We propose that this is due to the extreme anisotropy of these materials, which greatly exacerbates the statistical effects of spatial variations in the potential experienced by the quasiparticles. Using a statistical model, we are able to account for the experimental observations. A parameter xˉ\bar{x}, which characterises the spatial potential variations, may be derived from Shubnikov-de Haas oscillation experiments. Using this value, we are able to predict a transition width which is in good agreement with that observed in MHz penetration-depth measurements on the same sample.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Condens. Matte

    Hawking radiation, Unruh radiation and the equivalence principle

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    We compare the response function of an Unruh-DeWitt detector for different space-times and different vacua and show that there is a {\it detailed} violation of the equivalence principle. In particular comparing the response of an accelerating detector to a detector at rest in a Schwarzschild space-time we find that both detectors register thermal radiation, but for a given, equivalent acceleration the fixed detector in the Schwarzschild space-time measures a higher temperature. This allows one to locally distinguish the two cases. As one approaches the horizon the two temperatures have the same limit so that the equivalence principle is restored at the horizon.Comment: 9 pages. Added references and added discussion. To be published in PR

    Inflation with a graceful exit and entrance driven by Hawking radiation

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    We present a model for cosmological inflation which has a natural "turn on" and a natural "turn off" mechanism. In our model inflation is driven by the Hawking-like radiation that occurs in Friedman-Robertson-Walker (FRW) space-time. This Hawking-like radiation results in an effective negative pressure "fluid" which leads to a rapid period of expansion in the very early Universe. As the Universe expands the FRW Hawking temperature decreases and the inflationary expansion turns off and makes a natural transition to the power law expansion of a radiation dominated universe. The "turn on" mechanism is more speculative, but is based on the common hypothesis that in a quantum theory of gravity at very high temperatures/high densities Hawking radiation will stop. Applying this speculation to the very early Universe implies that the Hawking-like radiation of the FRW space-time will be turned off and therefore the inflation driven by this radiation will turn off.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures revtex, matches PRD published versio

    Glueball Spin

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    The spin of a glueball is usually taken as coming from the spin (and possibly the orbital angular momentum) of its constituent gluons. In light of the difficulties in accounting for the spin of the proton from its constituent quarks, the spin of glueballs is reexamined. The starting point is the fundamental QCD field angular momentum operator written in terms of the chromoelectric and chromomagnetic fields. First, we look at the restrictions placed on the structure of glueballs from the requirement that the QCD field angular momentum operator should satisfy the standard commutation relationships. This can be compared to the electromagnetic charge/monopole system, where the quantization of the field angular momentum places restrictions (i.e. the Dirac condition) on the system. Second, we look at the expectation value of this operator under some simplifying assumptions.Comment: 11 pages, 0 figures; added references and some discussio

    The C Terminus of Ku80 activates the DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit

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    Ku is a heterodimeric protein with double-stranded DNA end-binding activity that operates in the process of nonhomologous end joining. Ku is thought to target the DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) complex to the DNA and, when DNA bound, can interact and activate the DNA-PK catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs). We have carried out a 3′ deletion analysis of Ku80, the larger subunit of Ku, and shown that the C-terminal 178 amino acid residues are dispensable for DNA end-binding activity but are required for efficient interaction of Ku with DNA-PKcs. Cells expressing Ku80 proteins that lack the terminal 178 residues have low DNA-PK activity, are radiation sensitive, and can recombine the signal junctions but not the coding junctions during V(D)J recombination. These cells have therefore acquired the phenotype of mouse SCID cells despite expressing DNA-PKcs protein, suggesting that an interaction between DNA-PKcs and Ku, involving the C-terminal region of Ku80, is required for DNA double-strand break rejoining and coding but not signal joint formation. To gain further insight into important domains in Ku80, we report a point mutational change in Ku80 in the defective xrs-2 cell line. This residue is conserved among species and lies outside of the previously reported Ku70-Ku80 interaction domain. The mutational change nonetheless abrogates the Ku70-Ku80 interaction and DNA end-binding activity

    Inadequacies in the conventional treatment of the radiation field of moving sources

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    There is a fundamental difference between the classical expression for the retarded electromagnetic potential and the corresponding retarded solution of the wave equation that governs the electromagnetic field. While the boundary contribution to the retarded solution for the {\em potential} can always be rendered equal to zero by means of a gauge transformation that preserves the Lorenz condition, the boundary contribution to the retarded solution of the wave equation governing the {\em field} may be neglected only if it diminishes with distance faster than the contribution of the source density in the far zone. In the case of a source whose distribution pattern both rotates and travels faster than light {\em in vacuo}, as realized in recent experiments, the boundary term in the retarded solution governing the field is by a factor of the order of R1/2R^{1/2} {\em larger} than the source term of this solution in the limit that the distance RR of the boundary from the source tends to infinity. This result is consistent with the prediction of the retarded potential that part of the radiation field generated by a rotating superluminal source decays as R1/2R^{-1/2}, instead of R1R^{-1}, a prediction that is confirmed experimentally. More importantly, it pinpoints the reason why an argument based on a solution of the wave equation governing the field in which the boundary term is neglected (such as appears in the published literature) misses the nonspherical decay of the field

    Opening of DNA double strands by helicases. Active versus passive opening

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    Helicase opening of double-stranded nucleic acids may be "active" (the helicase directly destabilizes the dsNA to promote opening) or "passive" (the helicase binds ssNA available due to a thermal fluctuation which opens part of the dsNA). We describe helicase opening of dsNA, based on helicases which bind single NA strands and move towards the double-stranded region, using a discrete ``hopping'' model. The interaction between the helicase and the junction where the double strand opens is characterized by an interaction potential. The form of the potential determines whether the opening is active or passive. We calculate the rate of passive opening for the helicase PcrA, and show that the rate increases when the opening is active. Finally, we examine how to choose the interaction potential to optimize the rate of strand separation. One important result is our finding that active opening can increase the unwinding rate by 7 fold compared to passive opening.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Comparison of the Fermi-surface topologies of kappa-(BEDT-TTF)_2 Cu(NCS)_2 and its deuterated analogue

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    We have measured details of the quasi one-dimensional Fermi-surface sections in the organic superconductor kappa-(BEDT-TTF)_2 Cu(NCS)_2 and its deuterated analogue using angle-dependent millimetre-wave techniques. There are significant differences in the corrugations of the Fermi surfaces in the deuterated and undeuterated salts. We suggest that this is important in understanding the inverse isotope effect, where the superconducting transition temperature rises on deuteration. The data support models for superconductivity which invoke electron-electron interactions depending on the topological properties of the Fermi surface