639 research outputs found

    Lung adenocarcinoma with giant cyst formation showing a variety of histologic patterns: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Lung cancer with large cyst formation is relatively rare. This is a case report of a patient with lung cystic adenocarcinoma with multiple histologic patterns. This type of lung adenocarcinoma is believed to be the first reported case in English language medical literature.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 60-year-old Japanese woman was admitted to hospital complaining of dyspnea and died of respiratory failure. She had been suffering from lung cancer with pleural effusion for five years. Autopsy analysis revealed lung adenocarcinoma with large cyst formation showing a variety of histologic patterns.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Autopsy analysis of this atypical case of lung cancer may provide insight and lead to a better understanding of the heterogeneity and clonal expansion of lung adenocarcinoma.</p

    Recent advances on information transmission and storage assisted by noise

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    The interplay between nonlinear dynamic systems and noise has proved to be of great relevance in several application areas. In this presentation, we focus on the areas of information transmission and storage. We review some recent results on information transmission through nonlinear channels assisted by noise. We also present recent proposals of memory devices in which noise plays an essential role. Finally, we discuss new results on the influence of noise in memristors.Comment: To be published in "Theory and Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics: Model and Design of Complex Systems", Proceedings of ICAND 2012 (Springer, 2014

    Presynaptic partner selection during retinal circuit reassembly varies with timing of neuronal regeneration in vivo

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    Whether neurons can restore their original connectivity patterns during circuit repair is unclear. Taking advantage of the regenerative capacity of zebrafish retina, we show here the remarkable specificity by which surviving neurons reassemble their connectivity upon regeneration of their major input. H3 horizontal cells (HCs) normally avoid red and green cones, and prefer ultraviolet over blue cones. Upon ablation of the major (ultraviolet) input, H3 HCs do not immediately increase connectivity with other cone types. Instead, H3 dendrites retract and re-extend to contact new ultraviolet cones. But, if regeneration is delayed or absent, blue-cone synaptogenesis increases and ectopic synapses are made with red and green cones. Thus, cues directing synapse specificity can be maintained following input loss, but only within a limited time period. Further, we postulate that signals from the major input that shape the H3 HC's wiring pattern during development persist to restrict miswiring after damage

    Perceived efficacy of herbal remedies by users accessing primary healthcare in Trinidad

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    BACKGROUND: The increasing global popularity of herbal remedies requires further investigation to determine the probable factors driving this burgeoning phenomenon. We propose that the users' perception of efficacy is an important factor and assessed the perceived efficacy of herbal remedies by users accessing primary health facilities throughout Trinidad. Additionally, we determined how these users rated herbal remedies compared to conventional allopathic medicines as being less, equally or more efficacious. METHODS: A descriptive cross-sectional study was undertaken at 16 randomly selected primary healthcare facilities throughout Trinidad during June-August 2005. A de novo, pilot-tested questionnaire was interviewer-administered to confirmed herbal users (previous or current). Stepwise multiple regression analysis was done to determine the influence of predictor variables on perceived efficacy and comparative efficacy with conventional medicines. RESULTS: 265 herbal users entered the study and cited over 100 herbs for the promotion of health/wellness and the management of specific health concerns. Garlic was the most popular herb (in 48.3% of the sample) and was used for the common cold, cough, fever, as 'blood cleansers' and carminatives. It was also used in 20% of hypertension patients. 230 users (86.8%) indicated that herbs were efficacious and perceived that they had equal or greater efficacy than conventional allopathic medicines. Gender, ethnicity, income and years of formal education did not influence patients' perception of herb efficacy; however, age did (p = 0.036). Concomitant use of herbs and allopathic medicines was relatively high at 30%; and most users did not inform their attending physician. CONCLUSION: Most users perceived that herbs were efficacious, and in some instances, more efficacious than conventional medicines. We suggest that this perception may be a major contributing factor influencing the sustained and increasing popularity of herbs. Evidence-based research in the form of randomized controlled clinical trials should direct the proper use of herbs to validate (or otherwise) efficacy and determine safety. In the Caribbean, most indigenous herbs are not well investigated and this points to the urgent need for biomedical investigations to assess the safety profile and efficacy of our popular medicinal herbs

    Frequency of complementary and alternative medicine utilization in hypertensive patients attending an urban tertiary care centre in Nigeria

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To study the frequency and pattern of use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in patients with essential hypertension attending a tertiary hypertension clinic.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Two hundred and twenty-five consecutive hypertensive patients attending the hypertension clinic of the Lagos University Teaching Hospital over a 3-month period were interviewed. Socio-demographic data, duration of hypertension, clinic attendance, current blood pressure, and compliance to conventional medications was documented. CAM utilization was explored using both structured and open-ended questions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were 90 (40%) male and 135 (60%) female patients with mean age ± SD overall was 55.1 ± 12.4 years. 88 (39.1%) of the respondents used CAM. Herbal products were the most commonly used CAM type. Amongst the CAM users, the most common herbal product used was garlic (69.3%). Others were native herbs (25%), ginger (23.9%), bitter leaf (<it>Vernonia amygdalina</it>) (9.1%), and aloe vera (4.5%). 2.5% used spiritual therapy. There was no difference in the clinical characteristics, socio-economic status, and blood pressure control of CAM users and non-users. Patients who utilized CAM had higher BMI compared with those who did not, but the difference was not statistically significant (mean BMI ± SD of 29.1 ± 5.6 vs 27.1 ± 5.9 kg/m<sup>2</sup>; P = 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A significant proportion of hypertensive patients attending our tertiary facility and receiving conventional treatment also use CAM therapies. Clinicians need to be aware of this practice, understand the rationale for this health-seeking behaviour, proactively enquire about their use, and counsel patients regarding the potential of some of the therapies for adverse reactions and drug interactions.</p

    Control of Dendritic Morphogenesis by Trio in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Abl tyrosine kinase and its effectors among the Rho family of GTPases each act to control dendritic morphogenesis in Drosophila. It has not been established, however, which of the many GTPase regulators in the cell link these signaling molecules in the dendrite. In axons, the bifunctional guanine exchange factor, Trio, is an essential link between the Abl tyrosine kinase signaling pathway and Rho GTPases, particularly Rac, allowing these systems to act coordinately to control actin organization. In dendritic morphogenesis, however, Abl and Rac have contrary rather than reinforcing effects, raising the question of whether Trio is involved, and if so, whether it acts through Rac, Rho or both. We now find that Trio is expressed in sensory neurons of the Drosophila embryo and regulates their dendritic arborization. trio mutants display a reduction in dendritic branching and increase in average branch length, whereas over-expression of trio has the opposite effect. We further show that it is the Rac GEF domain of Trio, and not its Rho GEF domain that is primarily responsible for the dendritic function of Trio. Thus, Trio shapes the complexity of dendritic arbors and does so in a way that mimics the effects of its target, Rac

    Synergistic effect of stromelysin-1 (matrix metalloproteinase-3) promoter (-1171 5A->6A) polymorphism in oral submucous fibrosis and head and neck lesions

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are enzymes that degrade all the components of extra cellular matrix and collagen. Various types of MMPs are known to be expressed and activated in patients with oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF) as well as head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). The purpose of this study was to asses the association of the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) adenosine insertion/deletion polymorphism (-1171 5A->6A) in the MMP-3 promoter region in these lesions.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>MMP-3 SNP was genotyped by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis in a case control study consisting of 362 participants; 101 cases of OSMF, 135 of HNSCC and 126 controls, compared for age, sex and habits. ROC distribution was plotted to assess the contributions of genetic variation in MMP-3 genotypes with relation to age.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Analysis of MMP 3 (-1171 5A->6A) polymorphism revealed the frequency of 5A allele in OSMF, HNSCC and controls to be 0.15, 0.13 and 0.07, respectively. A significant difference was found in 5A genotype frequency between OSMF (5A genotype frequency = 0.15, p = 0.01, OR = 2.26, 95% CI = 1.22-4.20) and in controls (5A genotype frequency 0.07) as well as HNSCC (5A genotype frequency 0.13, p = 0.03,95%CI = 1.06-3.51) and controls (5A genotype frequency = 0.07) In this study, 5A genotype had greater than two fold risk for developing OSMF (OR = 2.26) and nearly the same in case of HNSCC (OR = 1.94) as compared to controls. In patients with OSMF as well as HNSCC, the ROC analysis between the MMP-3 genotype and age, 6A/6A allele was found to be significant in patients both over and under 45 years of age; while the 5A/5A carrier alleles showed an association only in patients less than 45 years of age.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study concluded that the expression of MMP-3 genotype associated with the 5A alleles, it may have an important role in the susceptibility of the patients to develop OSMF and HNSCC.</p

    Bio-nanotechnology application in wastewater treatment

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    The nanoparticles have received high interest in the field of medicine and water purification, however, the nanomaterials produced by chemical and physical methods are considered hazardous, expensive, and leave behind harmful substances to the environment. This chapter aimed to focus on green-synthesized nanoparticles and their medical applications. Moreover, the chapter highlighted the applicability of the metallic nanoparticles (MNPs) in the inactivation of microbial cells due to their high surface and small particle size. Modifying nanomaterials produced by green-methods is safe, inexpensive, and easy. Therefore, the control and modification of nanoparticles and their properties were also discussed

    Empowering the people: Development of an HIV peer education model for low literacy rural communities in India

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Despite ample evidence that HIV has entered the general population, most HIV awareness programs in India continue to neglect rural areas. Low HIV awareness and high stigma, fueled by low literacy, seasonal migration, gender inequity, spatial dispersion, and cultural taboos pose extra challenges to implement much-needed HIV education programs in rural areas. This paper describes a peer education model developed to educate and empower low-literacy communities in the rural district of Perambalur (Tamil Nadu, India).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>From January to December 2005, six non-governmental organizations (NGO's) with good community rapport collaborated to build and pilot-test an HIV peer education model for rural communities. The program used participatory methods to train 20 NGO field staff (Outreach Workers), 102 women's self-help group (SHG) leaders, and 52 barbers to become peer educators. Cartoon-based educational materials were developed for low-literacy populations to convey simple, comprehensive messages on HIV transmission, prevention, support and care. In addition, street theatre cultural programs highlighted issues related to HIV and stigma in the community.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The program is estimated to have reached over 30 000 villagers in the district through 2051 interactive HIV awareness programs and one-on-one communication. Outreach workers (OWs) and peer educators distributed approximately 62 000 educational materials and 69 000 condoms, and also referred approximately 2844 people for services including voluntary counselling and testing (VCT), care and support for HIV, and diagnosis and treatment of sexually-transmitted infections (STI). At least 118 individuals were newly diagnosed as persons living with HIV (PLHIV); 129 PLHIV were referred to the Government Hospital for Thoracic Medicine (in Tambaram) for extra medical support. Focus group discussions indicate that the program was well received in the communities, led to improved health awareness, and also provided the peer educators with increased social status.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Using established networks (such as community-based organizations already working on empowerment of women) and training women's SHG leaders and barbers as peer educators is an effective and culturally appropriate way to disseminate comprehensive information on HIV/AIDS to low-literacy communities. Similar models for reaching and empowering vulnerable populations should be expanded to other rural areas.</p