3 research outputs found

    Diet composition of freshwater crab, Potamon koolooense Rathbun, 1904 from hillstream of Uttarakhand

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    The present study was carried out to study the diet composition of freshwater crab, P. koolooense in hillstream Khoh of Uttarakhand during November, 2013 to October, 2014. Total 105 crab samples were used for the study, 35 male and 47 female were found with food in their stomach while rest of the 23 had empty stomachs. The carapace length (CL) ranged from 12mm to 49mm, carapace width (CW) from 15mm to 59mm and total weight (TW) from 2.08g to 60.12g. Stomach content analysis of the animal showed that the diet of the animal composed of animal matter, plant matter, algae, fungi, debris and unidentified materials. Animal matter ranged from (3.27-11.93%), plant matter (4.37-14.44%), algae (1.73-6.15%), fungi (0.17-1.43%), debris (28.18-40.47%) and unidentified materials (36.46-50.05%) in males while in the female animal matter ranged from (3.09-12.34%), plant matter (4.45-12.73%), algae (1.03-7.61%), fungi (0.02-3.34%), debris (23.18-43.34%) and unidentified (30.31-51.04%). Unidentified materials recorded maximum and fungi recorded minimum in both the sexes of Potamon koolooense. A significant difference was observed at p<0.05 between food groups- algae and unidentified matter in both sexes. This is the first report, to key out and quantifies the dietary items and feeding habits of crab in Uttarakhand which would be helpful in interpreting the ecological niche of the animal in mountain stream communities

    Quantitative osteological study of a bottom feeder hillstream cyprinoid fish Crossocheilus latius latius (Hamilton- Buchanan)

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    The quantitative osteological study has been conducted on a Hillstream bottom feeder fish Crossocheilus latius latius. C. latius latius is a common hillstream fish of Snowfed Rivers of Alaknanda. The bones have been taken from different sized fishes ranged from 13 to 27 Cm in length and 39 to 132 gm in weight. The correlation is applied between Body Weight and the Weight of different disarticulated bones of C. latius latius. The correlation (r) is highly significant among the different parameter of body in relation to osteology which ranged from r = 0.952; P<0.1 to r = 0.999; P< 0.1


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    Objective: To study the antibacterial activity using haemolymph from a freshwater crab species of genus Maydelliathelphusa against respiratory tract pathogens.Methods: 3 ml of haemolymph was collected from the live animal with a fine sterile syringe and tested for antibacterial assay by the well diffusion method. Different quantities viz. 10μl, 20μl and 30μl of haemolymph were loaded in agar plates having bacterial strains and kept for incubation at 37 °C for 24 h to test the development of bacteria. Further, the efficacy of haemolymph against bacteria was compared with antibiotic erythromycin, used as positive control.Results: The results reported the strong inhibitory action of the haemolymph against the pathogens in the present study. The lowest zone of inhibition was observed against Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) and the highest zone of inhibition was observed against Streptococcus pneumoniae (S. pneumoniae). Erythromycin, as a positive control and Di-Methyl Sulfoxide (DMSO), as a negative control were used to check the sensitivity of pathogens. The minimum inhibition concentration (MIC) of the haemolymph for the studied bacteria was ranged between 6.25 mg/ml and 12.5 mg/ml. Maximum inhibition % (151.12) and minimum inhibition % (12.87) of haemolymph was calculated for S. pneumoniae and K. pneumoniae respectively during the study.Conclusion: Study concluded that the haemolymph has a good antibacterial activity as it suppresses the growth of the bacteria completely at very low concentrations.Keywords: Freshwater Crab, Haemolymph, Antibacterial activity, Respiratory tract pathogens