39 research outputs found

    A Joint Graph and Image Convolution Network for Automatic Brain Tumor Segmentation

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    We present a joint graph convolution-image convolution neural network as our submission to the Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) 2021 challenge. We model each brain as a graph composed of distinct image regions, which is initially segmented by a graph neural network (GNN). Subsequently, the tumorous volume identified by the GNN is further refined by a simple (voxel) convolutional neural network (CNN), which produces the final segmentation. This approach captures both global brain feature interactions via the graphical representation and local image details through the use of convolutional filters. We find that the GNN component by itself can effectively identify and segment the brain tumors. The addition of the CNN further improves the median performance of the model by 2 percent across all metrics evaluated. On the validation set, our joint GNN-CNN model achieves mean Dice scores of 0.89, 0.81, 0.73 and mean Hausdorff distances (95th percentile) of 6.8, 12.6, 28.2mm on the whole tumor, core tumor, and enhancing tumor, respectively.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, submitted to BrainLes Workshop (MICCAI 2021) as part of BraTS2021 challeng

    One-Versus-Others Attention: Scalable Multimodal Integration

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    Multimodal learning models have become increasingly important as they surpass single-modality approaches on diverse tasks ranging from question-answering to autonomous driving. Despite the importance of multimodal learning, existing efforts focus on NLP applications, where the number of modalities is typically less than four (audio, video, text, images). However, data inputs in other domains, such as the medical field, may include X-rays, PET scans, MRIs, genetic screening, clinical notes, and more, creating a need for both efficient and accurate information fusion. Many state-of-the-art models rely on pairwise cross-modal attention, which does not scale well for applications with more than three modalities. For nn modalities, computing attention will result in (n2)n \choose 2 operations, potentially requiring considerable amounts of computational resources. To address this, we propose a new domain-neutral attention mechanism, One-Versus-Others (OvO) attention, that scales linearly with the number of modalities and requires only nn attention operations, thus offering a significant reduction in computational complexity compared to existing cross-modal attention algorithms. Using three diverse real-world datasets as well as an additional simulation experiment, we show that our method improves performance compared to popular fusion techniques while decreasing computation costs

    Jointly Embedding Multiple Single-Cell Omics Measurements

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    Many single-cell sequencing technologies are now available, but it is still difficult to apply multiple sequencing technologies to the same single cell. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised manifold alignment algorithm, MMD-MA, for integrating multiple measurements carried out on disjoint aliquots of a given population of cells. Effectively, MMD-MA performs an in silico co-assay by embedding cells measured in different ways into a learned latent space. In the MMD-MA algorithm, single-cell data points from multiple domains are aligned by optimizing an objective function with three components: (1) a maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) term to encourage the differently measured points to have similar distributions in the latent space, (2) a distortion term to preserve the structure of the data between the input space and the latent space, and (3) a penalty term to avoid collapse to a trivial solution. Notably, MMD-MA does not require any correspondence information across data modalities, either between the cells or between the features. Furthermore, MMD-MA\u27s weak distributional requirements for the domains to be aligned allow the algorithm to integrate heterogeneous types of single cell measures, such as gene expression, DNA accessibility, chromatin organization, methylation, and imaging data. We demonstrate the utility of MMD-MA in simulation experiments and using a real data set involving single-cell gene expression and methylation data