87 research outputs found

    A Modified Source Impact Ionisation MOSFET (MS I-MOS) for Low Power and Fast Switching Digital Applications

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    This paper presents a two-dimensional (2D) modified source n-p-n impact ionisation MOSFET, called MS IMOS, to suppress the short channel effects and increase the oncurrent (ION) to off-current (IOFF) ratio. The proposed device is an n-p-n I-MOS on silicon on insulator (SOI), upon which a source engineering is performed. The proposed device inherits the characteristics of bipolar I-MOS, with the advantage of reduced floating body effect and the increased ION to IOFF ratio, it exhibits a lower operating voltage than that of earlier I-MOS structures. The reliability issues related to hot carrier injection in the gate oxide has also been addressed effectively in the proposed structure due to lower operating voltage

    Auto-video Tracking System: Performance Evaluation

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    Automatic target tracking systems are employed in a wide variety of missions and tracking environment such as fire control, guidance, navigation, passive range estimation, and automatic target discrimination. The tracker performance depends upon target size, contrast,  speed, and signal-to-noise ratio. The evaluation of a tracker system involves lengthy field trials and measurements. In the present article, a method for quick evaluation of tracker system and working out selection criteria for different tracking algorithm for various target and background combinations have been suggested. Performance measures such as aiming point error, durationof successful tracking, number of tracking losses, indication of confidence, and system reaction time have been used to evaluate the performance of a tracking system.Defence Science Journal, 2008, 58(4), pp.565-572, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.58.167

    Estimation of genetic parameters of first lactation 305-day and monthly test-day milk yields in Karan Fries cattle

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    The present investigation was carried out using first lactation 16,184 monthly test-day milk yields (MTDMYs) records of 1,583 Karan Fries cattle that calved from 1983 to 2012 sired by 130 bulls maintained at ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal. Mixed model analysis was carried out by least-squares maximum likelihood programme to study the effects of genetic and non-genetic factors on first lactation 305-day milk yield (FL305DMY) and MTDMYs record of Karan Fries cattle. The highest and lowest MTDMYs were observed in TD-2 (12.95 kg) and TD-10 (9.72 kg), respectively. The average FL305DMY was 3123 kg. The effect of season of calving was found to be highly significant on all the MTDMYs while non-significant effect was observed on FL305DMY. Period of calving had non-significant effect on most of the MTDMYs and on FL305DMY, whereas; the effect of age at first calving was highly significant on majority of the MTDMYs and on FL305DMY. The heritability estimates for FL305DMY was 0.35±0.07 and for MTDMYs it ranged from 0.11 (TD-11) to 0.34 (TD-6). The genetic and phenotypic correlations among MTDMYs and with FL305DMY were found to be highly significant. The estimates of phenotypic and genetic correlations among all the MTDMYs ranged from 0.15 (TD-1 and TD-11) to 0.83 (TD- 8 and TD-9) and 0.29 (TD-1 and TD-10) to 0.99 (TD-2 and TD-3), respectively. High phenotypic and genetic correlations of TD-3 (0.69 and 0.91) and TD–4 (0.65 and 0.99) with FL305DMY indicated that these key test-day yields could be used for the early and accurate selection of animals resulting in faster genetic gain

    Comparison of heritability estimates of first lactation traits by different methods in Phule Triveni cattle

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    The first lactation records of 493 Phule Triveni cows sired by 55 sires on production traits viz. FL300DMY, FLL, FDP and reproduction traits like AFC, FCI and FSP were collected/generated from RCDP on cattle, MPKV, Rahuri. The effect of season of calving was found significant on FL300DMY and nonsignificant on FLTMY, FLL, FDP, AFC, FCI and FSP. The effect of period of calving had highly significant effect on all the first lactation traits except FSP. The effect of age groups on FLL was found significant and nonsignificant on rest of the first lactation traits. On AFC the effect of season of birth was found nonsignificant and the period of birth had highly significant effect. The heritability estimates of FLTMY by LSML, ST-SM and ST-AM were 0.35±0.16, 0.15±0.11 and 0.18±0.07; for FL300DMY0.32±0.15, 0.23±0.12 and 0.29±0.07; for FLL 0.07±0.11,0.02±0.04 and 0.06±0.02; for FDP0.22±0.13,0.18±0.14 and 0.30±0.10; for AFC0.48±0.19, 0.07±0.08 and 0.36±0.06 ; for FCI 0.28±0.17,0.05±0.06 and 0.04±0.03; for FSP 0.25±0.17, 0.06±0.03 and 0.17±0.02, respectively. The heritability estimates of first lactation traits from single-trait animal model (ST-AM) were found more accurate and less biased than corresponding single- trait sire model (ST-SM) and LSML

    Heritability estimates of first lactation 300-day milk yield under single versus multi-trait animal models in Phule Triveni cattle

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    First lactation records of 493 Phule Triveni cows sired by 55 bulls on production traits, viz. first lactation 300- day or less milk yield (FL300DMY), first lactation length (FLL), first dry period (FDP) and reproduction traits like age at first calving (AFC), first calving interval (FCI) and first service period (FSP) were used to compare the heritability estimates of FL300DMY under single-trait animal model (ST-AM) versus multi-trait animal models (MT-AM) in Phule Triveni cattle. Under two-trait models, the heritability estimate was found to be highest in FL300DMY-AFC combination as 0.34 ± 0.14. Under three-trait models, the heritability estimate was highest (0.33 ± 0.14) in FL300DMY- AFC- FDP combination. Under four-trait models, the highest estimate of heritability (0.53 ± 0.12) was in FL300DMY-FLL-AFC-FCI combination. Comparison of heritability estimates of FL300DMY from different models revealed that the estimates were varying from single to multiple traits in different combinations. The lowest residual variance (190566) and highest heritability (0.53 ± 0.12) of four-trait combination FL300DMY- FLL-AFC-FCI indicated that this four-trait combination should be used for selection of Phule Triveni cows

    Comparison of four different lactation curve models for prediction of weekly test day milk yields in Murrah buffalos

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    The present investigation was carried out using data on 39,059 weekly test day milk yield (WTDMY) records during first lactation of 961 Murrah buffaloes calved during 1977–2012 maintained in an organized farm at the Institute. The least squares means of the WTDMY ranged from 2.50±0.09 kg to 7.81±0.09 kg. The relative efficiency of 4 lactation curve models via gamma-type function (GF), exponential function (EF), mixed log function (MLF) and polynomial regression function (PRF) were compared. PRF described the highest coefficient of determination (99.30%) and with least value (0.02 kg) of root mean squares error (RMSE), whereas, least coefficient of determination (88.50%) was observed in EF having maximum (0.08 kg) RMSE value suggesting PRF the best mathematical model for prediction of WTDMYs in Murrah buffaloes

    Comparative assessment of sire evaluation by univariate and bivariate animal model for estimation of breeding values of first lactation traits in HF cross cattle

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    The aim of the present investigation was to study the superiority of bivariate over univariate sire evaluation. Data were collected on 1,988 first parity Karan Fries cows, spread over 31 years. The (co) variance components estimated by using average information restricted maximum likelihood (AIREML) were fitted into univariate and bivariate animal models for prediction of breeding values. Low heritability estimates were obtained for fertility traits ranging from 0.02 (FDPR) to 0.19 (AFC) indicating lesser role of additive gene action in fertility of dairy cattle. Comparative analysis revealed that the breeding values estimated using bivariate animal model had lower error variance and greater range in comparison to univariate animal models. The mean sire breeding values for production traits estimated by bivariate analysis ranged from 3055.50 to 3063.15 kg and were higher compared to the mean sire breeding values estimated by univariate animal model. The inclusion of fertility traits along with production traits improved the differentiating ability of bivariate animal model with respect to the production performance

    Murine craniofacial development requires Hdac3-mediated repression of Msx gene expression

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    AbstractCraniofacial development is characterized by reciprocal interactions between neural crest cells and neighboring cell populations of ectodermal, endodermal and mesodermal origin. Various genetic pathways play critical roles in coordinating the development of cranial structures by modulating the growth, survival and differentiation of neural crest cells. However, the regulation of these pathways, particularly at the epigenomic level, remains poorly understood. Using murine genetics, we show that neural crest cells exhibit a requirement for the class I histone deacetylase Hdac3 during craniofacial development. Mice in which Hdac3 has been conditionally deleted in neural crest demonstrate fully penetrant craniofacial abnormalities, including microcephaly, cleft secondary palate and dental hypoplasia. Consistent with these abnormalities, we observe dysregulation of cell cycle genes and increased apoptosis in neural crest structures in mutant embryos. Known regulators of cell cycle progression and apoptosis in neural crest, including Msx1, Msx2 and Bmp4, are upregulated in Hdac3-deficient cranial mesenchyme. These results suggest that Hdac3 serves as a critical regulator of craniofacial morphogenesis, in part by repressing core apoptotic pathways in cranial neural crest cells

    Distinct Compartments of the Proepicardial Organ Give Rise to Coronary Vascular Endothelial Cells

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    SummaryThe proepicardial organ is an important transient structure that contributes cells to various cardiac lineages. However, its contribution to the coronary endothelium has been disputed, with conflicting data arising in chick and mouse. Here we resolve this conflict by identifying two proepicardial markers, Scleraxis (Scx) and Semaphorin3D (Sema3D), that genetically delineate heretofore uncharacterized proepicardial subcompartments. In contrast to previously fate-mapped Tbx18/WT-1-expressing cells that give rise to vascular smooth muscle, Scx- and Sema3D-expressing proepicardial cells give rise to coronary vascular endothelium both in vivo and in vitro. Furthermore, Sema3D+ and Scx+ proepicardial cells contribute to the early sinus venosus and cardiac endocardium, respectively, two tissues linked to vascular endothelial formation at later stages. Taken together, our studies demonstrate that the proepicardial organ is a molecularly compartmentalized structure, reconciling prior chick and mouse data and providing a more complete understanding of the progenitor populations that establish the coronary vascular endothelium