4 research outputs found

    An interpretable framework for investigating the neighborhood effect in POI recommendation

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    Geographical characteristics have been proven to be effective in improving the quality of point-of-interest (POI) recommendation. However, existing works on POI recommendation focus on cost (time or money) of travel for a user. An important geographical aspect that has not been studied adequately is the neighborhood effect, which captures a user's POI visiting behavior based on the user's preference not only to a POI, but also to the POI's neighborhood. To provide an interpretable framework to fully study the neighborhood effect, first, we develop different sets of insightful features, representing different aspects of neighborhood effect. We employ a Yelp data set to evaluate how different aspects of the neighborhood effect affect a user's POI visiting behavior. Second, we propose a deep learning-based recommendation framework that exploits the neighborhood effect. Experimental results show that our approach is more effective than two state-of-the-art matrix factorization-based POI recommendation techniques. Interactive Intelligenc

    New foundations of ethical multiagent systems blue sky ideas track

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    Ethics is inherently a multiagent concern. However, research on AI ethics today is dominated by work on individual agents: (1) how an autonomous robot or car may harm or (differentially) benefit people in hypothetical situations (the so-called trolley problems) and (2) how a machine learning algorithm may produce biased decisions or recommendations. The societal framework is largely omitted. To develop new foundations for ethics in AI, we adopt a sociotechnical stance in which agents (as technical entities) help autonomous social entities or principals (people and organizations). This multiagent conception of a sociotechnical system (STS) captures how ethical concerns arise in the mutual interactions of multiple stakeholders. These foundations would enable us to realize ethical STSs that incorporate social and technical controls to respect stated ethical postures of the agents in the STSs. The envisioned foundations require new thinking, along two broad themes, on how to realize (1) an STS that reflects its stakeholders' values and (2) individual agents that function effectively in such an STS.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Interactive Intelligenc

    The uses of norms

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    This chapter presents a variety of applications of norms. These applications include governance in sociotechnical systems, data licensing and data collection, understanding software development teams, requirements engineering, assurance, natural resource allocation, wireless grids, autonomous vehicles, serious games, and virtual worlds.Infrastructures, Systems and ServicesTechnology, Policy and Managemen