37 research outputs found

    Неравенство и дискриминация инокультурных иммигрантов и их потомков в России и Западной Европе (по данным Европейского социального исследования)

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    An article is devoted to relations between non-european (predominantly Moslem) immigrants and main population of Russia and Western Europe. Analysis of data of international European Social Survey (with participation of Russian Federation) led to conclusion: in Russia discrimination is a problem only for the first generation of immigrants, but in Western Europe such a situation is actual for their children and grandchildren too.В статье рассматриваются отношения между иммигрантами из неевропейских (главным образом мусульманских) стран и коренным населением. На основе анализа данных международного Европейского социального исследования, в котором также принимает участие Россия, установлено, что в нашей стране дискриминации подвергаются только сами иммигранты, а в Западной Европе - также их дети и даже внуки

    Inequality and discrimination of immigrants belonging to non-European cultures and their descendants in Russia and Western Europe

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    An article is devoted to relations between non-european (predominantly Moslem) immigrants and main population of Russia and Western Europe. Analysis of data of international European Social Survey (with participation of Russian Federation) led to conclusion: in Russia discrimination is a problem only for the first generation of immigrants, but in Western Europe such a situation is actual for their children and grandchildren too

    Synthesis of Iron Oxide Magnetic Nanoparticles and Their Effect on Growth, Productivity, and Quality of Tomato

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    The influence of the structure, phase composition, textural and colloidal properties of magnetic iron oxides nanoparticles in the form of aqueous suspensions with a concentration of 0.001 and 0.01 mg/L on the growth, productivity of tomatoes and quality of its fruits after their foliar processing was shown. It was found that the maximum positive effect was observed during foliar treatment of tomato plants with aqueous suspensions of iron oxide samples with specific surface area (~52 and ~75 m2/g), two-level hierarchical structure, hydrodynamic diameters (~150 and ~180 nm) in stable aqueous suspensions (the absolute value of the ζ-potential is ≈ 30 mV)