844 research outputs found

    Estate accounting as a public policy tool and its application in the Ottoman Empire in the 17th century.

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    Este estudio pretende informar sobre la contabilidad sucesoria en el Imperio Otomano, presentando una muestra originaria del siglo XVII. En el Imperio Otomano, la contabilidad sucesoria y la liquidación de herencias servía para mantener el orden social, asegurando la pervivencia de las deudas cuando una de las partes fallecía, así como el debido pago a terceros con derecho a bienes pertenecientes al patrimonio objeto de la herencia. The objective of this study is to give information about estate accounting in the Ottoman Empire and present a sample from the 17th century. In the Ottoman Empire estate accounting and settlement served to maintain social order by ensuring the continuation of debt-credit relationship even when one of the parties died and also by ensuring the rightful discharge of estates between those with rights to the estate.Imperio Otomano, historia de la contabilidad, siglo XVII, contabilidad sucesoria. Ottoman Empire, accounting history, 17th century, estate accounting.

    Public Housing Units vs. Housing Vouchers: Accessibility, Local Public Goods, and Welfare

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    A perennial debate worldwide over housing aid policy focuses on whether the government should provide housing vouchers or subsidized public housing units. To complement the empirically- dominated literature, this paper builds a general equilibrium model that merges urban land use (monocentric city) and Tiebout frameworks. In our model, public housing units or housing vouchers are rationed and some lower-income people have to compete with those with higher incomes in the private rental market. We discuss how location of public housing units is an essential policy variable in addition to the numbers and sizes of units, and argue why housing vouchers may be preferable to public housing.Conditional CAPM

    Teaching for Critical Thinking: Helping College Students Develop the Skills and Dispositions of a Critical Thinker / Eleştirel Düşüncenin Öğretilmesi

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    Robert E. Young’ın, misafir editörlüğünü de yaptığı “Yeni Öğrenme ve Öğretme Teknikleri” (New Directions for Teaching and Learning) adlı dergide yayınlanan, Eleştirel Düşüncenin Desteklenmesi (Fostering Critical Thinking, 1980) başlıklı yazısını yayınlamasının üzerinden 20 yıl geçti; yine James E. Stice’ın, aynı dergide yayınlanan, Eleştirel Düşünce ve Problem Çözme Yeteneklerinin Geliştirilmesi (Developing Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Abilities, 1987) başlığını taşıyan yazısıyla aynı işi yüklenmesinin üzerinden de 13 yıl geçti. Bu iki öncü yazar ile birlikte bu yayınlarda makaleleri yayınlanan diğer yazarlar 1980’lerin başlarında ve ortalarında bizleri yeni bir istikamete yönelttiler. Fakat üçüncü milenyumun başlarında olduğumuz şu günlerde, nasıl düşünmeleri gerektiği hususunda öğrencilere yardım etme gayretlerimiz acaba ne durumda? Young ve Stice, bizim için belirledikleri hedeflere ulaşma konusunda ilerleme kaydettiğimizi öğrenecek olsalar mutlu olurlar; ancak bu konuda önümüzde hâlâ uzun bir yol olduğunu öğrenecek olsalar buna da şaşırmazlardı

    The Uniqueness of Islamic Culture

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    Abstract This paper examines the main reasons behind why Islamic culture is different than other cultures. In the introduction part of the paper, the usage area of the words culture and civilization were tackled. In the first part of the paper, an evaluation of the uniqueness of Islamic culture was made and examples about this were given. In the second part of the paper, evaluations about how Islamic culture has struggled with modernization and secularization and how it has shaped itself as a result of this were made. In the third part of the paper, the situation in which Islamic civilization has regressed against the Western civilization causing emerging arguments and the current situation in Islamic civilization have been addressed by making evaluations on culture and civilization. In the final part, evaluations on thesis this paper has used were made

    Estate accounting as a public policy tool and its application in the Ottoman Empire in the 17th century

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    In the Ottoman Empire under specific conditions estate settlements and distribution entered the domain of the legal system. These conditions can be summarized as any of the below: -The deceased owes money to the state, -The deceased has no inheritors, -There is a dispute between the inheritors, -When there are children who must be legally protected. The objective of this study is to give information about estate accounting in the Ottoman Empire and present a sample from the 17th century. In the Ottoman Empire estate accounting and settlement served to maintain social order by ensuring the continuation of debt-credit relationship even when one of the parties died and also by ensuring the rightful discharge of estates between those with rights to the estate.En el Imperio Otomano, bajo ciertas circunstancias, la herencia y adjudicación de los patrimo nios eran objeto de atención legal. Tal hecho se producía siempre que se daba una de las siguientes circunstancias: -El difunto debía dinero al estado. -El difunto no tenía herederos. -Existían discrepancias entre los herederos. -Había menores que debían ser protegidos legalmente. Este estudio pretende informar sobre la contabilidad sucesoria en el Imperio Otomano, presentando una muestra originaria del siglo XVII. En el Imperio Otomano, la contabilidad sucesoria y la liquidación de herencias servía para mantener el orden social, asegurando la pervivencia de las deudas cuando una de las partes fallecía, así como el debido pago a terceros con derecho a bienes pertenecientes al patrimonio objeto de la herencia. &nbsp

    The Effect of Subcutaneous Teriparatide Treatment on Mobility, Back Pain, and Patient Satisfaction in Patients with Vertebral Osteoporotic Fractures: A Cross-Sectional Study with 36-Month Follow-up

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    Aim:Although the effectiveness of teriparatide on bone mineral density (BMD), fracture risk, and back pain in severe osteoporosis is known, no comprehensive study has been conducted in the Turkish population regarding its impact on mobility and patient satisfaction. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of teriparatide treatment on mobility, back pain, and patient satisfaction in patients with osteoporotic vertebral fractures, as well as its side effects in midterm follow-up.Methods:The study was designed as a retrospective, cross-sectional study. Between February 2018 and April 2023, 50 consecutive patients (mean age 69.9±9.0 years; range, 53 to 94 years) who were diagnosed with vertebral fractures due to severe osteoporosis and had received 20 μg/day subcutaneous teriparatide (median, 18 months) were included in the study. The patients were evaluated using BMD measurements, blood tests, radiological imaging, a visual pain score (VAS-pain), mobility assessments [Functional Ambulation Classification (FAC)], and patient satisfaction levels at baseline, 6th, and 18th months.Results:At 6 and 18 months, a significant decrease in VAS-pain and a significant increase in BMD and FAC were observed (p<0.001 for all values). The improvement observed at 6 months continued to increase until the 18th month. 96% of the patients reported being satisfied or very satisfied with the treatment. The treatment of three patients (6%) was discontinued because of side effects in the 15th month of treatment. After the completion of teriparatide treatment, two patients developed clinical vertebral fractures during follow-up. No life-threatening side effects or laboratory abnormalities were observed in any patient.Conclusion:Teriparatide treatment in severe osteoporotic vertebral fractures with back pain has shown a dramatic reduction in pain and significant improvement in ambulation levels, providing high patient satisfaction with reasonable side effects

    The geological and petrological properties of volcanic rocks in Çanakkale-Çan area in the northwest Anatolia and investigation of evolution of volcanism

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    İnceleme alanı KB Anadolu&rsquo;da, &Ccedil;anakkale-&Ccedil;an arasında KB Anadolu&rsquo;nun metamorfik temel kaya&ccedil;ları, magmatik ve &ccedil;&ouml;kel kaya&ccedil;ların bir arada bulunduğu bir b&ouml;lge konumundadır. B&ouml;lgedeki istifin temelini &Uuml;st Kretase-Alt Paleosen yaşlı &Ccedil;amlıca metamorfikleri oluşturmaktadır. İnceleme alanında &Uuml;st Eosen-Alt Oligosenden itibaren kalkalkalen karakterli yaygın bir magmatik faaliyet Dededağ volkaniklerinin andezitik ve riyolitik karakterli lav ve bunların piroklastikleri ile başlayıp andezit, riyolit lav akıntılarıyla devam etmektedir. Dededağ formasyonu kalkalkalen ve metaluminus &ouml;zellik g&ouml;stermekte ve volkanik yay bileşeni ve t&uuml;ketilen levha sınırı alanında yer almaktadır. Alt-Orta Miyosen, andezitik ve bazaltik kaya&ccedil;lardan oluşan Kirazlı volkanikleri ve &Ccedil;amyayla pl&uuml;tonu ile temsil edilir. Kirazlı formasyonun da yay bileşeni ve t&uuml;ketilen levha sınırı volkanik kaya&ccedil;ları alanında yer aldığı g&ouml;r&uuml;l&uuml;r. &Ccedil;amyayla pl&uuml;tonu sığ sokulumlu olup granit, granodiyorit, kuvars diyorit bileşimlidir. &Ccedil;amyayla Pl&uuml;tonu &ccedil;evresinde aktinolit hornfels ve kuvars-alkali feldspat hornfels fasiyesin de kontak metamorfizma zonu gelişmiştir. Pl&uuml;tonik kaya&ccedil;lar kalkalkalen nitelikte olup, metaluminus &ouml;zelliği g&ouml;stermektedir. Ana ve iz elementlerin kullanıldığı diyagramların değerlendirilmesi sonucunda &Ccedil;amyayla pl&uuml;tonunun yitim zonu bileşeni i&ccedil;erdiği belirlenmiştir. &Uuml;st Miyosen&rsquo;de Caferler trakibazaltı gelişmiştir. Bu birim kırık zonları boyunca yerleşmiştir. &Uuml;st Miyosen d&ouml;nemine kadarki s&uuml;re&ccedil;te gelişmiş olan magmatizma, Ege b&ouml;lgesinin magmatizmasıyla uyumlu ve onun bir par&ccedil;asını temsil ettiği kalkalkalen nitelikli, &uuml;st mantodan gelişen, kabukta kirlenen bu magmatizmadır. Dalma-batma k&ouml;kenli olduğu ortaya konulmuştur. B&ouml;lgede Ge&ccedil; Miyosen&rsquo;den itibaren başlayan yeni tektonik rejim altında ise yeni bir magmatizmanın oluştuğu ve o d&ouml;nemde de rift tipi bazaltların geliştiği belirlenmiştir.&nbsp;Anahtar Kelimeler: KB Anadolu, volkanik kaya&ccedil;lar, pl&uuml;ton.The study area between &Ccedil;anakkale and &Ccedil;an is located in Northwest Anatolia where metamorphic, igneous and sedimentary rocks all together crop out. The &Ccedil;amlıca Metamorphics, form the basement. In the study area, magmatic activity began during late Eocene-Early Oligocene period and produced andesitic lavas and pyroclastic rocks (Dededağ volcanic). It was followed by andesitic and basaltic andesitic during the Early Miocene period (Kirazlı volcanic). Partly contemporaneously with the developments of these volcanic associations granitic intrusive rocks were emplaced to the subvolcanic depths (&Ccedil;amyayla Pluton). A contact metamorphic aureole formed around the pluton displaying actinolite-hornfels mineral assemblage. During the late Miocene the tectonic regime charged; a N-S extension began. The present E-W trending grabens began to developed. Basaltic lavas were erupted (Caferler Basalt) along the graben-bounding faults. The early phases of volcanic products were generated. In the upper mantle and geochemically enriched by the crustal components during its ascent. These volcanic rocks are similar to the subduction-induced lavas. In upper Miocene the Caferler trahy-basalts developed and located along the fracture zone. Magmatism, calc-alkaline characteristics, developed from upper-mantle and contaminated by crust is originated from subduction zone. The study area, its location in Biga peninsula, located in the North of Sakarya continent and Ezine zone which are Turkey&rsquo;s tectonic units. Sakarya continent along E-W, covered by Intra-Pontid zone in the North and Izmir-Ankara ofiyolit zone formed as a result of collision of Sakarya continent and Torid-Anatolid platform after Neo-Tethys ocean closed. There have been numerous studies related to geological events during Cretase-Oligocene in the NW Anatolia. As a result of these studies, it is known that Neo-Tethys ocean start to subducted towards North and closed, in the Cretase. N-S collision developed in the region continued between Upper Cretase and Miocene and continental crust shortened and thickened. In the study area Dededağ formation, investigated as lower volcanic unit, continued Upper Eocene-Oligocene. After Upper Eocene the region became terrestrial environment. Granitic intrusions associated with thickened and shortened continental crust located. In the study area &Ccedil;amyayla pluton which formed with upper part of Dededağ volcanic as one inside the other, intruse into the Akpınar metamorphic rocks and cause contact metamorphism. Dededağ volcanic rocks resemble geochemical characteristics with &Ccedil;amyayla pluton, showed calc-alkalen metaluminus features. However, two fresh ryholite samples, plotted into the peraluminus region, suggest that Lower Eocene-Upper Oligocene age volcanism&rsquo;s later stage may have been contaminated by the continental crust. The data obtained from major and trace elements diagrams showed volcanic arc and consumed continental border. Kirazlı formation lied uncomfortable on the Dededağ formation form middle volcanic units. Lower-Middle Miocene age Kirazlı formation represents middle-basic characteristics. In the Dededağ volcanic Ta/Th-Ta diagram, it is seen that AFC could be important where as in the Kirazlı volcanic assimilation with volcanic crystallization could be important. Volcanism developed until late Eocene after Paleotectonics units collision and became unit (Late Cretase-Middle Eocene) in the Aegean subduction zone. During subduction, it moved to south and volcanic side also moved along with it. The study area, represent the subduction zone associated magmatism aged between late Oligocene-Early Miocene. In the study area upper volcanic units outcropped during Late Miocene. The unit made of ryholite lava and pyroclastics developed one inside the other with &Ccedil;an formation. During upper Miocene the volcanism changed its characteristics due to N-S extension regime causing thinning the continental litospher and alkaline volcanism developed. Starting with late Miocene West Anatolia-Aegean continental crust which are shortened-thickened started to collapse and graben formed. During this time, volcanism originated in the subduction zone left their place to volcanism originated in the north-south extension system. This volcanism is alkalen in character and basalt is widespread. Caferler basalt is different from the other basaltic rocks in the study area and contains large and group olivine. Caferler basalts represent basaltic-traciandesitic, tracibasalt characteristics. &nbsp;Keywords: NW Anatolia, volcanic rocks, pluton

    Dorper sheep utilizing feed resources efficiently: a Mediterranean case study

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    ABSTRACT -The aim of the study was to determine the effect varying feeding systems would have on meat quality and production. The study looked at 45 Dorper lambs which were subjected to three different feeding protocols representing three alternate production systems: extensive grazing system (Group G), an intensive feedlot system being fed concentrate + alfalfa hay (Group C), and a semi-intensive production system comprising grazing + concentrate (Group GC). The lambs were slaughtered 62 days after weaning at approximately four months of age and meat quality factors such as pH, colour, shear force, cooking and water loss, as well as carcass characteristics; back fat thickness, muscle depth, muscle width, and muscle area were measured instrumentally on the longissimus dorsi muscle. A new measuring index was used to assess feed cost against weight gain to determine performance for profitability. In calculating cost kg -1 live weight gain, the extensive grass-fed production was significantly lower, approximately 70% less than the intensive feedlot system. Very little significant effect on meat quality was seen among the three systems. Slaughter weight had a significant effect on hot carcass weight, cold carcass weight, and drip loss. The lean carcass trait of the Dorper breed was a major positive attribute, but minor benefits gained in meat quality with the feedlot production system did not justify the substantial additional cost of production. Dorper sheep can be considered efficient feed converters on pasture, and thus a suitable breed for lamb meat production in countries like Turkey, where feed costs are the main contributor to farm outgoing

    A Low Cost Shading Analyzer and Site Evaluator Design to Determine Solar Power System Installation Area

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    Shading analyzer systems are necessary for selecting the most suitable installation site to sustain enough solar power. Afterwards, changes in solar data throughout the year must be evaluated along with the identification of obstructions surrounding the installation site in order to analyze shading effects on productivity of the solar power system. In this study, the shading analysis tools are introduced briefly, and a new and different device is developed and explained to analyze shading effect of the environmental obstruction on the site on which the solar power system will be established. Thus, exposure duration of the PV panels to the sunlight can be measured effectively. The device is explained with an application on the installation area selected as a pilot site, Denizli, in Turkey

    Public housing units vs. housing vouchers: accessibility, local public goods, and welfare

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    We develop a general equilibrium model of residential choice and study the effects of two housing aid policies, public housing units and housing vouchers. Land is differentiated by both residential accessibility and local public goods, and the provision levels of local public goods are determined by property tax revenues and neighborhood compositions. Households differ in their incomes and preferences for local public goods. Housing aid policies are financed by general income taxes. We discuss how the location of public housing units is a fundamental policy variable, in addition to the numbers and sizes of units, and argue that vouchers not only cause less distortion for social welfare compared to public housing, but may also improve overall welfare