4 research outputs found

    Seleksi Klon-Klon Bawang Merah (Allium Cepa Var.Aggregatum) Adaftif di Lahan Gambut

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    The limitation of productive land causes agricultural extensification to lead to marginal lands. Peatland is one of the selected marginal land species, because it is relatively more rare inhabitants, so the possibility of land use conflict is relatively small. The study aimed to select the clones of shallot from high yield on peatland. Selection of clones of shallot located in peatland Kampung Koreng Bangkirai, District of Syah Bangau, Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan in April -June 2016. Materials used are 20 clones of the crosses and 7 (seven) varieties of parents Sembrani, Kramat 1, Tiron, Maja cipanas, Kramat 2, Bali rubber and Manjung. Each clone / variety was planted on one plot of experiment with the size of 1 x 6 m2 plot with a spacing of shallot about 15 x 20 cm so that there are 164 plants / plots. At 14 HST obtained the lowest number of live plants per plot of clone number 19 (42 plants / 25,60%) and highest of clone number 18 (157 crop / 95,73%). The average number of tillers from 20 tested clones ranged from 1-7 tillers, with the highest number of productive tillers in clone 1 and the lowest number of tillers on clones 20, ie 7.08 and 1.42, respectively. Of the 20 selected clones, selected 5 clones that have number of tubers per hill more than 50 grams of clones numbered 1, 2, 16, 17 and 18. Keywords: Shallot, clones, peatland

    Evaluasi Paket Teknologi Produksi Benih TSS Bawang Merah Varietas Bima Brebes di Dataran Tinggi (Evaluation of the Packages TSS Seed Production Technology of Bima Brebes Varieties in the Highland)

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    Penggunaan biji botani bawang merah atau true seed of shallot (TSS) diyakini dapat memecahkan kendala ketersediaan benih bawang merah di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian adalah menentukan paket teknologi produksi benih TSS yang menghasilkan pembungaan dan produksi biji yang lebih tinggi. Penelitian teknologi produksi TSS dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Margahayu, Lembang dengan ketinggian tempat 1.250 m dpl. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan petak berpasangan dengan dua perlakuan paket teknologi dan diulang lima kali. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan A (aplikasi pukan kuda 10 ton/ha dan ayam 5 ton/ha, SP-36 250 kg/ha, NPK 600 kg/ha aplikasi 10 kali (seminggu sekali), aplikasi BAP dan  boron) menghasilkan pembungaan dan produksi biji/TSS yang lebih tinggi daripada paket B (pukan kuda 20 ton/ha, NPK 600 kg/ha dengan dua kali aplikasi, dan aplikasi GA3). Implikasi penelitian menunjukkan bahwa inovasi teknologi produksi TSS yang sedang dikembangkan saat ini sangat layak untuk memproduksi benih TSS yang bermutu tinggi.KeywordsBiji botani bawang merah; BAP; Boron; GA3; PemupukanAbstractThe use of true seed of shallots (TSS) is believed to solve the constraints of the availability of shallot seeds in Indonesia. The research objective was to compare the two packages TSS seed production technology that produces higher flowering and seed production. Research on TSS production technology was carried out at Margahayu Experimental Garden, Lembang with an altitude of 1,250 m above sea level. Research used a paired plot design with two treatments of technology package and five replicates. The results showed that treatment A (horse manure 10 ton/ha + chicken manure 5 ton/ha + SP-36 250 kg/ha + NPK 600 kg/ha application 10 times + BAP 37,5 ppm + boron 3 kg/ha) produce better flowering and seed production/higher TSS than package B (horse manure at a rate of 20 ton/ha, NPK 600 kg/ha with two times application and the use of GA3). The implication of this research showed the TSS production technology innovation that is being developed today is very feasible to produce high quality TSS in support shallot seed

    Growth and yield of shallots (

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    The availability of qualified and sustainable seeds is one of the determinants of the success of shallot farming. One of the constraints factor in the supply of shallot seeds is the short storage period that is about 2-3 months. This study aims to determine the effect of varieties and seed storage period on growth and yield shallots. This research was conducted at Indonesian Vegetables Research Institute, Lembang, West Java, Indonesia. The study was designed using split plot design with four replications. The main plot was seed storage period for four months, five months and six months after harvest and the subplot was varieties, consisting of seven varieties that have been released, namely Bima Brebes, Katumi, Kuning, Pikatan, Trisula, Pancasona and Mentes. The results showed that the yield of wet bulbs per hectare of five-months-storage period bulb seeds was significantly higher than six months storage period for the varieties of Bima Brebes, Katumi, Kuning, Pikatan, Pancasona and Mentes. Five-months-storage period of shallot bulb seeds can still be used as a source of seeds for the varieties of Bima Brebes, Katumi, Kuning, Pikatan, Pancasona and Mentes


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    The development of off season shallots is still low, this is constrained by the availability of adaptive seeds and appropriate cultivation techniques. The main objective of this study was to obtain adaptive, high-yielding shallot (Allium cepa var Aggregatum L.) in the off season in dry acid soil, Lampung. This research was conducted from February to May 2019 at the IP2TP Garden, Lampung Agricultural Technology Study Center, Natar, Bandar Lampung. This study was conducted using a completely randomized block design with five replications. The treatments consisted of five new purple varieties (VUB) of shallots registered by the Agricultural Research and Development Agency, including Violetta 1 Agrihorti (V1), Violetta 2 Agrihorti (V2), Violetta 3 Agrihorti (V3), Sembrani (V4) and Maja Cipanas ( V5). Observation parameters included growth components (plant height and number of tillers) and yield components (productivity) and shallot quality test (tuber diameter, number of tubers per 100g, percentage of rotten tuber, percentage of moldy tubers, shallot tuber color index, moisture content and tuber hardness index). The results showed that the red onion variety Violetta 3 Agrihorti was adaptive in the rainy season on dry acid soil because it had the best yield and physical quality compared to other varieties because it had the highest productiviy (12,89 ton/ha), the largest tuber diameter (2,2 cm), the lowest percentage of rotten tubers (6.24%) and the lowest percentage of moldy tubers (4.95%), redder tuber color, and lower hardness value or harder texture.Pengembangan bawang merah off season masih rendah,hal ini terkendala dengan ketersediaan benih yang adaftif dan teknik budidaya yang tepat. Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan bawang merah (Allium cepa var Aggregatum L.) yang adaftif, berproduksi tinggi sesuai dengan preferensi konsumen pada musim hujan (off season)  di lahan kering masam, Lampung. Penelitian ini dilakukan dari bulan Februari sampai dengan Mei 2019 di Kebun IP2TP Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Lampung, Natar, Bandar Lampung. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok lengkap dengan lima ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri dari lima varietas unggu baru (VUB) bawang merah yang telah didaftar oleh Badan Litbang Pertanian antara lain Violetta 1 Agrihorti (V1), Violetta 2 Agrihorti (V2), Violetta 3 Agrihorti (V3), Sembrani (V4) dan Maja Cipanas (V5). Parameter pengamatan mencakup komponen pertumbuhan (tinggi tanaman dan jumlah anakan) dan komponen hasil (diameter umbi, jumlah umbi dan bobot kering eskip per Ha, bobot basah per rumpun, per plot dan per Ha) dan uji kualitas bawang merah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bawang merah varietas Violetta 3 Agrihorti adaftif pada musim hujan di Lahan kering masam karena mempunyai daya hasil dan mutu fisik yang terbaik dibandingkan dengan varietas lainnya karena mempunyai produksi ekskip per Ha tertinggi, diameter umbi yang paling besar, persentase umbi busuk dan persentase umbi berjamur yang paling rendah, warna umbi yang lebih merah, dan nilai kekerasan yang lebih rendah (tekstur lebih keras)