5 research outputs found

    Pelanggaran Prinsip Kerjasama dalam Novel 5 Cm Karya Donny Dhirgantoro

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    This study discusses the violation of the principles of cooperation, and the implications contained in the novel 5 cm Donny Dhirgantoro work. This study aimed to describe violations of the principle of cooperation and implications maxim maxim violation in a novel 5 cm Donny Dhirgantoro work. This research is helpful in a practical, theoretical, and educative. The theory used in this research one theory Jacob L. Mey (in Rahardi, 2005: 49) pragmatics is the science which studies language USAge conditions of human language that basically is determined by the context and background of the language that embodies it. Furthermore, there is also a theory of Karl Buhler (in Ullmann, 2007: 15) points out three aspects of language from the perspective of the speaker, the speech act is a symptom (symptom), which is a hint or indication about what is or what is going on in his mind, from the point viewing audience, the speech act is a signal (signal) that call or order him to do something acts and from the point of communication itself speech act is a symbol (symbol), which is a sign indicating anything intended by the speaker to be delivered and wrong one important thing in a pragmatic interpretation of the conversation, the concept of linking meaning and context of the conversation is the concept of speech acts (speech acts), a concept developed by Austin (in Nurgiyantoro, 2013: 425). This study is a qualitative research and descriptive method. Techniques used in data collection in this study is engineering documentation and technical notes. Data that has been found by reading and then analyzed by several stages, which collects sentences, selecting, classifying, implies a violation of maxims, and make conclusions. Data breach the principle of cooperation found comes from the novel is used as a reference in the study. The amount of the overall data in the study of ninety-three data. Sixty-four data breach maxim of quantity, quality maxim of six data breach, fifteen data breach maxim of relevance, and eight data breach maxim way or execution. The object of this study is the word which violations of the principle of cooperation. The results of this study as a contribution for further research regarding the violation of the principle of cooperation

    Water Condition of Salo River Based on Physical-Chemical Parameters

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    Salo River is one of the Kampar River's tributaries. Several activities conducted along the river produced pollutant that affects the water quality of the river in general. A research aims to understand the water condition in the Salo River based on physical-chemical parameters was conducted from April to May 2015. There were three stations (St1, St2 and St3) and water samples were taken once/week for a 4 weeks period. Water quality parameters measured were current speed, depths, temperature, transparency, turbidity, pH, DO , CO2, BOD5, nitrate and phosphate content. Results shown that the current speed was 17.5-38 cm/second, depths 29-36.3 cm, temperature 28-28.5 ºC, turbidity 3.34-5.36 FTU, pH 5, DO 6.89- 8.23 mg/L, CO2 7.99-8.99 mg/L, BOD5 2.39-7.29 mg/L, nitrate : 0.0275-0.0555 mg/L, and phosphate 0.0375-0.0525 mg/L. Nitrate and phosphate concentration indicate that the Salo River is in oligotrophic condition

    Teknik Aplikasi Benzilaminopurin Dan Pemeliharaan Jumlah Umbel Per Tanaman Untuk Meningkatkan Produksi Dan Mutu Benih Botani Bawang Merah (True Shallot Seed) Di Dataran Tinggi

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    Pembungaan dan pembentukan biji merupakan kendala dalam produksi benih true shallot seed (TSS) di Indonesia. Aplikasi benzilaminopurin (BAP) dan boron dapat meningkatkan pembungaan, viabilitas serbuk sari maupun produksi, dan mutu benih TSS. Teknik aplikasi BAP yang efisien belum diketahui, sementara jumlah umbel dalam satu tanaman diduga dapat menyebabkan terjadinya persaingan dalam pembentukan kapsul dan biji. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mendapatkan teknik pemberian BAP dan pemeliharaan jumlah umbel yang efisien dalam meningkatkan produksi dan mutu benih TSS di dataran tinggi. Penelitian dilaksanakan di dataran tinggi Lembang (1.250 m dpl.), pada bulan Maret sampai dengan September 2013 menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok faktorial dengan tiga ulangan. Faktor pertama yaitu aplikasi BAP 37,5 ppm melalui (1) teknik penyiraman BAP tiga kali, (2) kombinasi teknik aplikasi BAP dengan perendaman + penyiraman dua kali, dan (3) teknik perendaman umbi bibit sebelum tanam, sedangkan faktor kedua yaitu pemeliharaan jumlah umbel per tanaman dengan perlakuan (1) pemeliharaan semua umbel, (2) pemeliharaan tiga umbel pada bunga ke-1 sampai dengan ke-3, (3) pada bunga ke-2 sampai dengan ke-4, dan (4) pada bunga ke-3 sampai dengan ke-5. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teknik aplikasi BAP melalui perendaman saja dan perendaman + penyiraman dua kali umur 1 dan 3 minggu setelah tanam (MST) menghasilkan produksi kapsul dan produksi TSS lebih efisien daripada teknik penyiraman tiga kali pada umur 1, 3, dan 5 MST. Teknik aplikasi BAP melalui perendaman + penyiraman dua kali umur 3 dan 5 MST 30% lebih efisien dan 60% lebih efektif dalam memproduksi TSS daripada teknik penyiraman tiga kali pada umur 1, 3, dan 5 MST. Namun daya berkecambah pada teknik perendaman + penyiraman lebih rendah daripada penyiraman tiga kali maupun perendaman saja. Pemeliharaan tiga umbel ke-1 sampai dengan ke-3 menghasilkan produksi dan mutu setara dengan pemeliharaan semua umbel. Implikasi penelitian ini adalah teknik produksi TSS yang efisien di dataran tinggi akan mudah dikembangkan oleh pengguna (petani/penangkar benih)