895 research outputs found

    Znaczenie kliniczne badań nad aromatazą

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    Aromatase is a member of the cytochrome P450 superfamily that catalyzes the conversion of androgens (C19), namely testosterone and androstenedione, into oestrogens (C18), oestradiol, and oestrone, respectively. The enzyme is active in various tissues in both females and males, thus oestrogens are produced not only in gonads but also in extra-gonadal localizations such as brain, adipose tissue, breast, skin, and bone. Aromatase gene CYP19A1 located on chromosome 15 comprises nine coding exons and a number of alternative non-coding first exons that regulate tissue-specific expression. Studies on local regulation of aromatase expression and activity are important for understanding processes such as growth of oestrogen-dependent breast cancer. Rare clinical conditions of aromatase deficiency and excess have revealed some new and unexpected oestrogen functions in metabolism and bone health in both women and men. They were further studied using transgenic animal models such as aromatase knockout mice (ArKO) or (AROM+) mice overexpressing human aromatase. Research on aromatase was important for its practical outcome as it contributed to the development of aromatase inhibitors (AIs), an effective and safe group of drugs for the first-line endocrine therapy of breast cancer. Further studies are needed to establish AIs application in other oestrogen-dependent conditions, to overcome the resistance in breast cancer patients, and to develop tissue-specific selective inhibitors. (Pol J Endocrinol 2010; 61 (1): 126–134)Aromataza jest enzymem należącym do rodziny cytochromu P450. Katalizuje reakcję hydroksylacji prowadzącą do powstania estrogenów: estradiolu i estronu z androgenowych substratów, odpowiednio: testosteronu i androstendionu. Aktywność enzymu i produkcję estrogenów wykazano w różnych tkankach zarówno u kobiet, jak i u mężczyzn. Poza gonadami aromataza jest aktywna na przykład w mózgu, tkance tłuszczowej, gruczole piersiowym, skórze i kościach. Gen aromatazy CYP19A1, zlokalizowany na chromosomie 15, składa się z dziewięciu kodujących egzonów i alternatywnych niekodujących pierwszych egzonów, których swoista tkankowo transkrypcja reguluje ekspresję genu. Poznanie mechanizmów regulujących lokalną ekspresję i aktywność aromatazy przyczynia się między innymi do lepszego zrozumienia procesów istotnych dla rozwoju estrogenozależnego raka piersi. Opisy klinicznych przypadków niedoboru i nadmiaru aromatazy oraz analiza fenotypu myszy transgenicznych pozbawionych aromatazy (ArKO) lub z jej nadekspresją (AROM+) ujawniły dotychczas nieznane i często zaskakujące funkcje estrogenów u obu płci. Badania podstawowe nad aromatazą znalazły swoje praktyczne zastosowanie w pracach nad inhibitorami aromatazy. Stanowią one obecnie pierwszoplanowe leczenie hormonalne raka piersi kobiet po menopauzie, w przypadku obecności receptorów estrogenowych w komórkach guza. Potrzebne są dalsze badania nad zastosowaniem inhibitorów aromatazy w innych schorzeniach zależnych od estrogenów, nad przeciwdziałaniem rozwojowi oporności powstającej w trakcie terapii oraz opracowaniem selektywnych inhibitorów swoistych tkankowo. (Endokrynol Pol 2010; 61 (1): 126-134

    Aromatase Is a Direct Target of FOXL2: C134W in Granulosa Cell Tumors via a Single Highly Conserved Binding Site in the Ovarian Specific Promoter

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    BACKGROUND: Granulosa cell tumors (GCT) of the ovary often express aromatase and synthesize estrogen, which in turn may influence their progression. Recently a specific point mutation (C134W) in the FOXL2 protein was identified in >94% of adult-type GCT and it is likely to contribute to their development. A number of genes are known to be regulated by FOXL2, including aromatase/CYP19A1, but it is unclear which are direct targets and whether the C134W mutation alters their regulation. Recently, it has been reported that FOXL2 forms a complex with steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1) which is a known regulator of aromatase in granulosa cells. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this work, the human GCT-derived cell lines KGN and COV434 were heterozygous and wildtype for the FOXL2:C134W mutation, respectively. KGN had abundant FOXL2 mRNA expression but it was not expressed in COV434. Expression of exogenous FOXL2:C134W in COV434 cells induced higher expression of a luciferase reporter for the ovarian specific aromatase promoter, promoter II (PII) (-516bp) than expression of wildtype FOXL2, but did not alter induction of a similar reporter for the steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR) promoter (-1300bp). Co-immunoprecipitation confirmed that FOXL2 bound SF-1 and that it also bound its homologue, liver receptor homologue 1 (LRH-1), however, the C134W mutation did not alter these interactions or induce a selective binding of the proteins. A highly conserved putative binding site for FOXL2 was identified in PII. FOXL2 was demonstrated to bind the site by electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA) and site-directed mutagenesis of this element blocked its differential induction by wildtype FOXL2 and FOXL2:C134W. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These findings suggest that aromatase is a direct target of FOXL2:C134W in adult-type GCT via a single distinctive and highly conserved binding site in PII and therefore provide insight into the pathogenic mechanism of this mutation

    Breast cancer prognosis predicted by nuclear receptor-coregulator networks

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    Although molecular signatures based on transcript expression in breast cancer samples have provided new insights into breast cancer classification and prognosis, there are acknowledged limitations in current signatures. To provide rational, pathway-based signatures of disrupted physiology in cancer tissues that may be relevant to prognosis, this study has directly quantitated changed gene expression, between normal breast and cancer tissue, as a basis for signature development. The nuclear receptor (NR) family of transcription factors, and their coregulators, are fundamental regulators of every aspect of metazoan life, and were rigorously quantified in normal breast tissues and ERα positive and ERα negative breast cancers. Coregulator expression was highly correlated with that of selected NR in normal breast, particularly from postmenopausal women. These associations were markedly decreased in breast cancer, and the expression of the majority of coregulators was down-regulated in cancer tissues compared with normal. While in cancer the loss of NR-coregulator associations observed in normal breast was common, a small number of NR (Rev-ERBβ, GR, NOR1, LRH-1 and PGR) acquired new associations with coregulators in cancer tissues. Elevated expression of these NR in cancers was associated with poorer outcome in large clinical cohorts, as well as suggesting the activation of ERα -related, but ERα-independent, pathways in ERα negative cancers. In addition, the combined expression of small numbers of NR and coregulators in breast cancer was identified as a signature predicting outcome in ERα negative breast cancer patients, not linked to proliferation and with predictive power superior to existing signatures containing many more genes. These findings highlight the power of predictive signatures derived from the quantitative determination of altered gene expression between normal breast and breast cancers. Taken together, the findings of this study identify networks of NR-coregulator associations active in normal breast but disrupted in breast cancer, and moreover provide evidence that signatures based on NR networks disrupted in cancer can provide important prognostic information in breast cancer patients

    Aromatase expression is increased in BRCA1 mutation carriers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Until recently, the molecular mechanisms explaining increased incidence of ovarian and breast cancers in carriers of <it>BRCA1 </it>gene mutations had not been clearly understood. Of significance is the finding that BRCA1 negatively regulates aromatase expression <it>in vitro</it>. Our objective was to characterise aromatase gene <it>(CYP19A1) </it>and its promoter expression in breast adipose and ovarian tissue in <it>BRCA1 </it>mutation carriers and unaffected controls.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We measured aromatase transcripts, total and promoter-specific (PII, PI.3, PI.4) in prophylactic oophorectomy or mastectomy, therapeutic mastectomy, ovarian and breast tissue from unaffected women.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We demonstrate that the lack of functional BRCA1 protein correlates to higher aromatase levels in 85% of <it>BRCA1 </it>mutation carriers. This increase is mediated by aberrant transcriptional regulation of aromatase; in breast adipose by increases in promoter II/I.3 and I.4-specific transcripts; and in the ovary with elevation in promoter I.3 and II-specific transcripts.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Understanding the link between BRCA1 and aromatase is significant in terms of understanding why carcinogenesis is restricted to estrogen-producing tissues in <it>BRCA1 </it>mutation carriers.</p

    Genetic association of CDC2 with cerebrospinal fluid tau in Alzheimer's disease

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    We have recently reported that a polymorphism in the cell division cycle (CDC2) gene, designated Ex6 + 7I/D, is associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD). The CDC2 gene is located on chromosome 10q21.1 close to the marker D10S1225 linked to AD. Active cdc2 accumulates in neurons containing neurofibrillary tangles (NFT), a process that can precede the formation of NFT. Therefore, CDC2 is a promising candidate susceptibility gene for AD. We investigated the possible effects of the CDC2 polymorphism on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers in AD patients. CDC2 genotypes were evaluated in relation to CSF protein levels of total tau, phospho-tau and beta-amyloid (1-42) in AD patients and control individuals, and in relation to the amount of senile plaques and NFT in the frontal cortex and in the hippocampus in patients with autopsy-proven AD and controls. The CDC2 Ex6 + 7I allele was associated with a gene dose-dependent increase of CSF total tau levels (F-2,F- 626 = 7.0, p = 0.001) and the homozygous CDC2Ex6 +7II genotype was significantly more frequent among AD patients compared to controls (p = 0.006, OR = 1.57, 95% CI 1.13-2.17). Our results provide further evidence for an involvement of cdc2 in the pathogenesis of AD. Copyright (C) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel

    A somatic-mutational process recurrently duplicates germline susceptibility loci and tissue-specific super-enhancers in breast cancers

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    Somatic rearrangements contribute to the mutagenized landscape of cancer genomes. Here, we systematically interrogated rearrangements in 560 breast cancers by using a piecewise constant fitting approach. We identified 33 hotspots of large (>100 kb) tandem duplications, a mutational signature associated with homologous-recombination-repair deficiency. Notably, these tandem-duplication hotspots were enriched in breast cancer germline susceptibility loci (odds ratio (OR) = 4.28) and breast-specific 'super-enhancer' regulatory elements (OR = 3.54). These hotspots may b

    A somatic-mutational process recurrently duplicates germline susceptibility loci and tissue-specific super-enhancers in breast cancers

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    Somatic rearrangements contribute to the mutagenized landscape of cancer genomes. Here, we systematically interrogated rearrangements in 560 breast cancers by using a piecewise constant fitting approach. We identified 33 hotspots of large (>100 kb) tandem duplications, a mutational signature associated with homologous-recombination-repair deficiency. Notably, these tandem-duplication hotspots were enriched in breast cancer germline susceptibility loci (odds ratio (OR) = 4.28) and breast-specific 'super-enhancer' regulatory elements (OR = 3.54). These hotspots may be sites of selective susceptibility to double-strand-break damage due to high transcriptional activity or, through incrementally increasing copy number, may be sites of secondary selective pressure. The transcriptomic consequences ranged from strong individual oncogene effects to weak but quantifiable multigene expression effects. We thus present a somatic-rearrangement mutational process affecting coding sequences and noncoding regulatory elements and contributing a continuum of driver consequences, from modest to strong effects, thereby supporting a polygenic model of cancer development.DG is supported by the EU-FP7-SUPPRESSTEM project. SN-Z is funded by a Wellcome Trust Intermediate Fellowship (WT100183MA) and is a Wellcome Beit Fellow. For more information, please visit the publisher's website

    An NF-κB and Slug Regulatory Loop Active in Early Vertebrate Mesoderm

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    BACKGROUND: In both Drosophila and the mouse, the zinc finger transcription factor Snail is required for mesoderm formation; its vertebrate paralog Slug (Snai2) appears to be required for neural crest formation in the chick and the clawed frog Xenopus laevis. Both Slug and Snail act to induce epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) and to suppress apoptosis. METHODOLOGY & PRINCIPLE FINDINGS: Morpholino-based loss of function studies indicate that Slug is required for the normal expression of both mesodermal and neural crest markers in X. laevis. Both phenotypes are rescued by injection of RNA encoding the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-xL; Bcl-xL's effects are dependent upon IκB kinase-mediated activation of the bipartite transcription factor NF-κB. NF-κB, in turn, directly up-regulates levels of Slug and Snail RNAs. Slug indirectly up-regulates levels of RNAs encoding the NF-κB subunit proteins RelA, Rel2, and Rel3, and directly down-regulates levels of the pro-apopotic Caspase-9 RNA. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These studies reveal a Slug/Snail–NF-κB regulatory circuit, analogous to that present in the early Drosophila embryo, active during mesodermal formation in Xenopus. This is a regulatory interaction of significance both in development and in the course of inflammatory and metastatic disease