795 research outputs found

    Role of Ligand Conformation on Nanoparticle-Protein Interactions

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    Engineered biomedical nanoparticles (NPs) administered via intravenous routes are prone to associate to serum proteins. The protein corona can mask the NP surface functionalization and hamper the delivery of the NP to its biological target. The design of corona-free NPs relies on our understanding of the chemical-physical features of the NP surface driving the interaction with serum proteins. Here, we address, by computational means, the interaction between human serum albumin (HSA) and a prototypical monolayer-protected Au nanoparticle. We show that both the chemical composition (charge, hydrophobicity) and the conformational preferences of the ligands decorating the NP surface affect the NP propensity to bind HSA

    A Martini coarse-grained model of the calcein fluorescent dye

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    Calcein leakage assays are a standard experimental set-up for probing the extent of damage induced by external agents on synthetic lipid vesicles. The fluorescence signal associated with calcein release from liposomes is the signature of vesicle disruption, transient pore formation or vesicle fusion. This type of assay is widely used to test the membrane disruptive effect of biological macromolecules, such as proteins, antimicrobial peptides and RNA and is also used on synthetic nanoparticles with a polymer, metal or oxide core. Little is known about the effect that calcein and other fluorescent dyes may have on the properties of lipid bilayers, potentially altering their structure and permeability. Here we develop a coarse-grained model of calcein that is compatible with the Martini force field for lipids. We validate the model by comparing its dimerization free energy, aggregation behavior at different concentrations and interaction with a 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) membrane to those obtained at atomistic resolution. Our coarse-grained description of calcein makes it suitable for the simulation of large calcein-filled liposomes and of their interactions with external agents, allowing for a direct comparison between simulations and experimental liposome leakage assays

    Pupillometry via smartphone for low-resource settings

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    The photopupillary reflex regulates the pupil reaction to changing light conditions. Being controlled by the autonomic nervous system, it is a proxy for brain trauma and for the conditions of patients in critical care. A prompt evaluation of brain traumas can save lives. With a simple penlight, skilled clinicians can do that, whereas less specialized ones have to resort to a digital pupilometer. However, many low-income countries lack both specialized clinicians and digital pupilometers. This paper presents the early results of our study aiming at designing, prototyping and validating an app for testing the photopupillary reflex via Android, following the European Medical Device Regulation and relevant standards. After a manual validation, the prototype underwent a technical validation against a commercial Infrared pupilometer. As a result, the proposed app performed as well as the manual measurements and better than the commercial solution, with lower errors, higher and significant correlations, and significantly better Bland-Altman plots for all the pupillometry-related measures. The design of this medical device was performed based on our expertise in low-resource settings. This kind of environments imposes more stringent design criteria due to contextual challenges, including the lack of specialized clinicians, funds, spare parts and consumables, poor maintenance, and harsh environmental conditions, which may hinder the safe operationalization of medical devices. This paper provides an overview of how these unique contextual characteristics are cascaded into the design of an app in order to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goal 3 of the World Health Organization: Good health and well-being

    Electronic Structure of CeFeAsO1-xFx (x=0, 0.11/x=0.12) compounds

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    We report an extensive study on the intrinsic bulk electronic structure of the high-temperature superconductor CeFeAsO0.89F0.11 and its parent compound CeFeAsO by soft and hard x-ray photoemission, x-ray absorption and soft-x-ray emission spectroscopies. The complementary surface/bulk probing depth, and the elemental and chemical sensitivity of these techniques allows resolving the intrinsic electronic structure of each element and correlating it with the local structure, which has been probed by extended-x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy. The measurements indicate a predominant 4f1 (i.e. Ce3+) initial state configuration for Cerium and an effective valence-band-to-4f charge-transfer screening of the core hole. The spectra also reveal the presence of a small Ce f0 initial state configuration, which we assign to the occurrence of an intermediate valence state. The data reveal a reasonably good agreement with the partial density of states as obtained in standard density functional calculations over a large energy range. Implications for the electronic structure of these materials are discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Orbital occupancies and the putative jeff = 1/2 groundstate in Ba2IrO4: a combined oxygen K edge XAS and RIXS study

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    The nature of the electronic groundstate of Ba2IrO4 has been addressed using soft X-ray absorption and inelastic scattering techniques in the vicinity of the oxygen K edge. From the polarization and angular dependence of XAS we deduce an approximately equal superposition of xy, yz and zx Ir4+ 5d orbitals. By combining the measured orbital occupancies, with the value of the spin-orbit coupling provided by RIXS, we estimate the crystal field splitting associated with the tetragonal distortion of the IrO6 octahedra to be small, \Delta=50(50) meV. We thus conclude definitively that Ba2IrO4 is a close realization of a spin-orbit Mott insulator with a jeff = 1/2 groundstate, thereby overcoming ambiguities in this assignment associated with the interpretation of X-ray resonant scattering experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Oct analysis in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis during fingolimod therapy: 2-year longitudinal retrospective study

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    Many studies have demonstrated the usefulness of some optical coherence tomography (OCT) parameters, like total macular volume (TMV) and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (RNFL-T), for monitoring patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). However, there are no real-world, long-term studies on patients with relapsing-remitting MS (RR-MS) treated with fingolimod. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to describe retinal changes associated with fingolimod therapy during a two-year follow-up while considering previous episodes of optic neuritis (ON). Patients diagnosed with RR-MS and treated with fingolimod (46 in total) underwent a two-year follow-up. Based on previous ON history, we identified 16 ON+ and 30 ON− patients. The ophthalmological evaluations, including visual field (VF) examination and OCT, were performed at a baseline at 3–6, 12 and 24 months to evaluate the progression rate for each parameter. When analyzing the whole sample, OCT showed no cases of macular edema. Instead, we observed a significant reduction rate in the central retinal thickness (CRT) (p<0.001), TMV (p < 0.001) and RNFL (p < 0.05). Moreover, we observed a significant difference in the progression rate between ON+ and ON− patients, relative to the VF and RNFL (p < 0.05) examinations. OCT highlighted a significant progression rate of retinal damage in MS patients despite fingolimod therapy, especially in MS ON+ patients

    ERCP in Total Situs Viscerum Inversus

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    A 69-year-old cholecystectomized female with known total situs viscerum inversus presented recurrent colicky pain in the left upper abdominal quadrant and jaundice. Laboratory parameters showed increased neutrophils and coniugated bilirubin of 5.53 mg/dl. US and MRCP confirmed total situs viscerum inversus and a dilatation of the intra- and extrahepatic ducts with a peripapillary 13 mm stone. ERCP, sphincterotomy and successful common bile duct stone extraction were performed in the conventional way. ERCP was carried out successfully despite situs inversus maintaining the patient in the prone position with the endoscopist on the right side of the table. Some authors have reported similar cases in whom ERCP was performed in other positions, while this report shows that an experienced endoscopist can achieve the same results in the conventional way as it is possible when anatomical changes, Billroth II or Roux-en-Y, or different positions of the patient, supine or on the left side, are present

    Bimagnon studies in cuprates with Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering at the O K edge. I - An assessment on La2CuO4 and a comparison with the excitation at Cu L3 and Cu K edges

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    We assess the capabilities of magnetic Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (RIXS) at the O KK edge in undoped cuprates by taking La_{2}CuO_{4} as a benchmark case, based on a series of RIXS measurements that we present here. By combining the experimental results with basic theory we point out the fingerprints of bimagnon in the O KK edge RIXS spectra. These are a dominant peak around 450 meV, the almost complete absence of dispersion both with π\pi and σ\sigma polarization and the almost constant intensity vs. the transferred momentum with σ\sigma polarization. This behavior is quite different from Cu L3L_3 edge RIXS giving a strongly dispersing bimagnon tending to zero at the center of the Brillouin zone. This is clearly shown by RIXS measurements at the Cu L3L_3 edge that we present. The Cu L3L_3 bimagnon spectra and those at Cu KK edge - both from the literature and from our data - however, have the same shape. These similarities and differences are understood in terms of different sampling of the bimagnon continuum. This panorama points out the unique possibilities offered by O KK RIXS in the study of magnetic excitations in cuprates near the center of the BZ
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