5 research outputs found

    Extensive Evaluation of Transformer-based Architectures for Adverse Drug Events Extraction

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    Adverse Event (ADE) extraction is one of the core tasks in digital pharmacovigilance, especially when applied to informal texts. This task has been addressed by the Natural Language Processing community using large pre-trained language models, such as BERT. Despite the great number of Transformer-based architectures used in the literature, it is unclear which of them has better performances and why. Therefore, in this paper we perform an extensive evaluation and analysis of 19 Transformer-based models for ADE extraction on informal texts. We compare the performance of all the considered models on two datasets with increasing levels of informality (forums posts and tweets). We also combine the purely Transformer-based models with two commonly-used additional processing layers (CRF and LSTM), and analyze their effect on the models performance. Furthermore, we use a well-established feature importance technique (SHAP) to correlate the performance of the models with a set of features that describe them: model category (AutoEncoding, AutoRegressive, Text-to-Text), pretraining domain, training from scratch, and model size in number of parameters. At the end of our analyses, we identify a list of take-home messages that can be derived from the experimental data

    AILAB-Udine@SMM4H 22: Limits of Transformers and BERT Ensembles

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    This paper describes the models developed by the AILAB-Udine team for the SMM4H 22 Shared Task. We explored the limits of Transformer based models on text classification, entity extraction and entity normalization, tackling Tasks 1, 2, 5, 6 and 10. The main take-aways we got from participating in different tasks are: the overwhelming positive effects of combining different architectures when using ensemble learning, and the great potential of generative models for term normalization.Comment: Shared Task, SMM4H, Transformer

    Neural-Symbolic Temporal Decision Trees for Multivariate Time Series Classification

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    Multivariate time series classification is a widely known problem, and its applications are ubiquitous. Due to their strong generalization capability, neural networks have been proven to be very powerful for the task, but their applicability is often limited by their intrinsic black-box nature. Recently, temporal decision trees have been shown to be a serious alternative to neural networks for the same task in terms of classification performances, while attaining higher levels of transparency and interpretability. In this work, we propose an initial approach to neural-symbolic temporal decision trees, that is, an hybrid method that leverages on both the ability of neural networks of capturing temporal patterns and the flexibility of temporal decision trees of taking decisions on intervals based on (possibly, externally computed) temporal features. While based on a proof-of-concept implementation, in our experiments on public datasets, neural-symbolic temporal decision trees show promising results

    Monitoring User Opinions and Side Effects on COVID-19 Vaccines in the Twittersphere: Infodemiology Study of Tweets

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    Background: In the current phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are witnessing the most massive vaccine rollout in human history. Like any other drug, vaccines may cause unexpected side effects, which need to be investigated in a timely manner to minimize harm in the population. If not properly dealt with, side effects may also impact public trust in the vaccination campaigns carried out by national governments. Objective: Monitoring social media for the early identification of side effects, and understanding the public opinion on the vaccines are of paramount importance to ensure a successful and harmless rollout. The objective of this study was to create a web portal to monitor the opinion of social media users on COVID-19 vaccines, which can offer a tool for journalists, scientists, and users alike to visualize how the general public is reacting to the vaccination campaign. Methods: We developed a tool to analyze the public opinion on COVID-19 vaccines from Twitter, exploiting, among other techniques, a state-of-the-art system for the identification of adverse drug events on social media; natural language processing models for sentiment analysis; statistical tools; and open-source databases to visualize the trending hashtags, news articles, and their factuality. All modules of the system are displayed through an open web portal. Results: A set of 650,000 tweets was collected and analyzed in an ongoing process that was initiated in December 2020. The results of the analysis are made public on a web portal (updated daily), together with the processing tools and data. The data provide insights on public opinion about the vaccines and its change over time. For example, users show a high tendency to only share news from reliable sources when discussing COVID-19 vaccines (98% of the shared URLs). The general sentiment of Twitter users toward the vaccines is negative/neutral; however, the system is able to record fluctuations in the attitude toward specific vaccines in correspondence with specific events (eg, news about new outbreaks). The data also show how news coverage had a high impact on the set of discussed topics. To further investigate this point, we performed a more in-depth analysis of the data regarding the AstraZeneca vaccine. We observed how media coverage of blood clot-related side effects suddenly shifted the topic of public discussions regarding both the AstraZeneca and other vaccines. This became particularly evident when visualizing the most frequently discussed symptoms for the vaccines and comparing them month by month. Conclusions: We present a tool connected with a web portal to monitor and display some key aspects of the public's reaction to COVID-19 vaccines. The system also provides an overview of the opinions of the Twittersphere through graphic representations, offering a tool for the extraction of suspected adverse events from tweets with a deep learning model

    AILABUD at the NTCIR-17 MedNLP-SC Task: Monolingual vs Multilingual Fine-tuning for ADE Classification

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    The AILAB team participated in the Social Media subtask of the NTCIR-17 MedNLP-SC Task. This paper reports our approach to solving the problem and discusses the official results. The presented model performs binary classification of the tweets and, given an UMLS term, determines whether it is present as an ADE in the tweet. Due to this design, it does not need an intermediate ADE extraction step, and it can be extended to new UMLS terms currently not present in the text. The base model used in the experiments is multilingual SapBERT, which was fine-tuned in a monolingual and multilingual setting. The best results were achieved by training the model on multilingual data