11 research outputs found

    <i>E</i>. <i>coli</i> biofilm formation.

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    Biofilm-forming capacity in 21 E. coli isolates incubated for 24 h and 72 h at three different temperatures (37, 24 and 10°C). The classification is based on the parameters described by Stepanović et al. [62], where ODf is the final optical density of the isolates, and ODn is the negative control optical density. ODn = 0.064 and 0.086 in isolates incubated for 24 h and 0.086 in isolates incubated for 72 h, respecti-vely. The isolates were classified into non-biofilm-forming (NF) when ODf ≤ ODn, weak biofilm-forming (ODn (PDF)</p

    <i>Salmonella</i> spp. results of the antibiogram.

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    Results of the Salmonella spp. isolate antibiogram by disk diffusion, antimicrobial resistance gene detection of Salmonella spp. isolate, and point of isolation point at swine slaughterhouse A located in the Federal District of Brazil.</p

    Raw gel image of Fig 1 - PCR confirmation of <i>Salmonella</i> Typhi.

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    Row 1) 100-bp marker (Invitrogen®), row 2) negative control, row 3) positive control for Salmonella spp., 204-bp fragment (ompC primer), row 4) 204-bp fragment (ompC primer) for Salmonella spp., and 738-bp fragment (viaB primer) for Typhi serotype. Visualization on a 2% agarose gel stained with 0.5 μg/mL ethidium bromide in an ultraviolet transilluminator (Major Science®). (PDF)</p

    <i>Salmonella</i> Typhi.

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    PCR confirmation of S. Typhi isolated from slaughterhouse A located in the Federal District of Brazil. 1) 100-bp marker (Invitrogen®), 2) negative control, 3) positive control for Salmonella spp., 204-bp fragment (ompC primer), 4) 204-bp fragment (ompC primer) for Salmonella spp. and 738-bp fragment (viaB primer) for Typhi serotype. Visualization on a 2% agarose gel stained with 0.5 μg/mL ethidium bromide in an ultraviolet transilluminator (Major Science®).</p