6 research outputs found

    HER4 expression in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer is associated with decreased sensitivity to tamoxifen treatment and reduced overall survival of postmenopausal women

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    Abstract Background The sensitivity of estrogen receptor-positive breast cancers to tamoxifen treatment varies considerably, and the molecular mechanisms affecting the response rates are manifold. The human epidermal growth factor receptor-related receptor HER2 is known to trigger intracellular signaling cascades that modulate the activity of coregulators of the estrogen receptor which, in turn, reduces the cell sensitivity to tamoxifen treatment. However, the impact of HER2-related receptor tyrosine kinases HER1, HER3, and, in particular, HER4 on endocrine treatment is largely unknown. Methods Here, we retrospectively evaluated the importance of HER4 expression on the outcome of tamoxifen- and aromatase inhibitor-treated estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer patients (n = 258). In addition, we experimentally analyzed the efficiency of tamoxifen treatment as a function of HER4 co-expression in vitro. Results We found a significantly improved survival in tamoxifen-treated postmenopausal breast cancer patients in the absence of HER4 compared with those with pronounced HER4 expression. In accordance with this finding, the sensitivity to tamoxifen treatment of estrogen and HER4 receptor-positive ZR-75-1 breast cancer cells can be significantly enhanced by HER4 knockdown. Conclusion We suggest an HER4/estrogen receptor interaction that impedes tamoxifen binding to the estrogen receptor and reduces treatment efficiency. Whether the sensitivity to tamoxifen treatment can be enhanced by anti-HER4 targeting needs to be prospectively evaluated

    The prognostic value of Her4 receptor isoform expression in triple-negative and Her2 positive breast cancer patients

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    Background Not only four but rather seven different humane pidermal growth factor receptor related (Her) receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) have been described to be expressed in a variety of normal and neoplastic tissues: Her1, Her2, Her3, and additionally four Her4 isoforms have been identified. A differential expression of Her4 isoforms does not, however, play any role in either the molecular diagnostics or treatment decision for breast cancer patients. The prognostic and predictive impact of Her4 expression in breast cancer is basically unclear. Methods We quantified the Her4 variants JM-a/CYT1, JM-a/CYT2, JM-b/CYT1, and JM-b/CYT2 by isoform-specific polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) in (i) triple-negative, (ii) Her2 positive breast cancer tissues and (iii) in benign breast tissues. Results In all three tissue collectives we never found the JM-b/CYT1 or the JM-b/CYT2 isoform expressed. In contrast, the two JM-a/CYT1 and JM-a/CYT2 isoforms were always simultaneously expressed but at different ratios. We identified a positive prognostic impact on overall survival (OS) in triple-negative and event-free survival (EFS) in Her2 positive patients. This finding is independent of the absolute JM-a/CYT1 to JM-a/CYT2 expression ratio. In Her2 positive patients, Her4 expression only has a favorable effect in estrogen-receptor (ER)-positive but not in ER-negative individuals. Conclusion In summary, JM-a/CYT1 and JM-a/CYT2 but not JM-b isoforms of the Her4 receptor are simultaneously expressed in both triple-negative and Her2 positive breast cancer tissues. Although different expression ratios of the two JM-a isoforms did not reveal any additional information, Her4 expression basically indicates a prolonged EFS and OFS. An extended expression analysis that takes all Her receptor homologs, including the Her4 isoforms, into account might render more precisely the molecular diagnostics required for the development of optimized targeted therapies

    The inhibition of tyrosine kinase receptor signalling in leiomyosarcoma cells using the small molecule kinase inhibitor PTK787/ZK222584 (Vatalanib®)

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    Leiomyosarcomas remain challenging tumors to manage and novel therapy strategies besides radiation and conventional chemotherapy are needed. Targeting angiogenesis by inhibition of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) of the tumor vasculature with small molecules is a promising new therapy. It has been shown recently that these receptors are not only expressed on tumor endothelium but also on tumor cells themselves. Thus, we investigated the expression of members of the VEGF receptor (VEGFR) family and corresponding growth factors in leiomyosarcoma tissue specimens and in the leiomyosarcoma cell lines SK-LMS-1 and SK-UT-1. We evaluated the influence of the VEGFR inhibitor PTK787/ZK222584 (PTK787) on cell growth, migration, apoptosis and phosphorylation of intracellular signalling molecules. In human leiomyosarcoma tissue specimens VEGFR-1/-2 and platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR-β) were strongly expressed. Both leiomyosarcoma cell lines expressed VEGFR-1/-3 and PDGFR-β but VEGFR-2 protein expression was positive only in SK-UT-1. SK-LMS-1 and SK-UT-1 cells secreted high and low amounts of VEGF-A, respectively, whereas PDGF-BB secretion was similar in both cell lines. Application of PTK787 led to partial inhibition of PDGF-BB-activated AKT/p90RSK and ERK1/2 signalling pathways. In contrast, protein phosphorylation was not affected by PTK787 in VEGF-A-treated cells. PTK787 turned out to inhibit cell migration even though no effects were observed upon stimulation with VEGF-A or PDGF-BB. In line, cell growth in leiomyosarcoma cell lines remained unchanged upon PTK787 treatment alone and with subsequent VEGF-A- or PDGF-BB-stimulation. However, VEGF-A, but not PDGF-BB-treated cells showed increased cell death upon PTK787 treatment. VEGFR family members are expressed in leiomyosarcomas in vivo and in vitro. Upon receptor stimulation, PTK787 is able to inhibit subsequent phosphorylation events and influences cell survival but not metabolic activity and migration. Thus, the inhibitor is possibly an additional option in the treatment of leiomyosarcomas