23,997 research outputs found

    High Energy Resummation of Drell-Yan Processes

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    We present a computation of the inclusive Drell-Yan production cross-section in perturbative QCD to all orders in the limit of high partonic centre-of-mass energy. We compare our results to the fixed order NLO and NNLO results in MSbar scheme, and provide predictions at NNNLO and beyond. Our expressions may be used to obtain fully resummed results for the inclusive cross-section.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures: version to be published in NP

    Bias Reduction of Long Memory Parameter Estimators via the Pre-filtered Sieve Bootstrap

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    This paper investigates the use of bootstrap-based bias correction of semi-parametric estimators of the long memory parameter in fractionally integrated processes. The re-sampling method involves the application of the sieve bootstrap to data pre-filtered by a preliminary semi-parametric estimate of the long memory parameter. Theoretical justification for using the bootstrap techniques to bias adjust log-periodogram and semi-parametric local Whittle estimators of the memory parameter is provided. Simulation evidence comparing the performance of the bootstrap bias correction with analytical bias correction techniques is also presented. The bootstrap method is shown to produce notable bias reductions, in particular when applied to an estimator for which analytical adjustments have already been used. The empirical coverage of confidence intervals based on the bias-adjusted estimators is very close to the nominal, for a reasonably large sample size, more so than for the comparable analytically adjusted estimators. The precision of inferences (as measured by interval length) is also greater when the bootstrap is used to bias correct rather than analytical adjustments.Comment: 38 page

    Higher-Order Improvements of the Sieve Bootstrap for Fractionally Integrated Processes

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    This paper investigates the accuracy of bootstrap-based inference in the case of long memory fractionally integrated processes. The re-sampling method is based on the semi-parametric sieve approach, whereby the dynamics in the process used to produce the bootstrap draws are captured by an autoregressive approximation. Application of the sieve method to data pre-filtered by a semi-parametric estimate of the long memory parameter is also explored. Higher-order improvements yielded by both forms of re-sampling are demonstrated using Edgeworth expansions for a broad class of statistics that includes first- and second-order moments, the discrete Fourier transform and regression coefficients. The methods are then applied to the problem of estimating the sampling distributions of the sample mean and of selected sample autocorrelation coefficients, in experimental settings. In the case of the sample mean, the pre-filtered version of the bootstrap is shown to avoid the distinct underestimation of the sampling variance of the mean which the raw sieve method demonstrates in finite samples, higher order accuracy of the latter notwithstanding. Pre-filtering also produces gains in terms of the accuracy with which the sampling distributions of the sample autocorrelations are reproduced, most notably in the part of the parameter space in which asymptotic normality does not obtain. Most importantly, the sieve bootstrap is shown to reproduce the (empirically infeasible) Edgeworth expansion of the sampling distribution of the autocorrelation coefficients, in the part of the parameter space in which the expansion is valid

    One-dimensional many-body entangled open quantum systems with tensor network methods

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    We present a collection of methods to simulate entangled dynamics of open quantum systems governed by the Lindblad equation with tensor network methods. Tensor network methods using matrix product states have been proven very useful to simulate many-body quantum systems and have driven many innovations in research. Since the matrix product state design is tailored for closed one-dimensional systems governed by the Schr\"odinger equation, the next step for many-body quantum dynamics is the simulation of open quantum systems. We review the three dominant approaches to the simulation of open quantum systems via the Lindblad master equation: quantum trajectories, matrix product density operators, and locally purified tensor networks. Selected examples guide possible applications of the methods and serve moreover as a benchmark between the techniques. These examples include the finite temperature states of the transverse quantum Ising model, the dynamics of an exciton traveling under the influence of spontaneous emission and dephasing, and a double-well potential simulated with the Bose-Hubbard model including dephasing. We analyze which approach is favorable leading to the conclusion that a complete set of all three methods is most beneficial, push- ing the limits of different scenarios. The convergence studies using analytical results for macroscopic variables and exact diagonalization methods as comparison, show, for example, that matrix product density operators are favorable for the exciton problem in our study. All three methods access the same library, i.e., the software package Open Source Matrix Product States, allowing us to have a meaningful comparison between the approaches based on the selected examples. For example, tensor operations are accessed from the same subroutines and with the same optimization eliminating one possible bias in a comparison of such numerical methods.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures. Small extension of time evolution section and moving quantum simulators to introduction in comparison to v

    Reconstructing Small Scale Lenses from the Cosmic Microwave Background Temperature Fluctuations

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    Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) lensing is a powerful probe of the matter distribution in the Universe. The standard quadratic estimator, which is typically used to measure the lensing signal, is known to be suboptimal for low-noise polarization data from next-generation experiments. In this paper we explain why the quadratic estimator will also be suboptimal for measuring lensing on very small scales, even for measurements in temperature where this estimator typically performs well. Though maximum likelihood methods could be implemented to improve performance, we explore a much simpler solution, revisiting a previously proposed method to measure lensing which involves a direct inversion of the background gradient. An important application of this simple formalism is the measurement of cluster masses with CMB lensing. We find that directly applying a gradient inversion matched filter to simulated lensed images of the CMB can tighten constraints on cluster masses compared to the quadratic estimator. While the difference is not relevant for existing surveys, for future surveys it can translate to significant improvements in mass calibration for distant clusters, where galaxy lensing calibration is ineffective due to the lack of enough resolved background galaxies. Improvements can be as large as ∼50%\sim 50\% for a cluster at z=2z = 2 and a next-generation CMB experiment with 1μ\muK-arcmin noise, and over an order of magnitude for lower noise levels. For future surveys, this simple matched-filter or gradient inversion method approaches the performance of maximum likelihood methods, at a fraction of the computational cost.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure
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